• Breaking News

    Monday, December 30, 2019

    7 Days To Die Our DF impenetrable trader post base. 4 walls thick with Blade traps and electric fences with guard NPCs.

    7 Days To Die Our DF impenetrable trader post base. 4 walls thick with Blade traps and electric fences with guard NPCs.

    Our DF impenetrable trader post base. 4 walls thick with Blade traps and electric fences with guard NPCs.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:56 PM PST

    Nitrogen Darkness Falls random world gen + 10 mods added and compo-pack modified. Orange is new random towns. Runs perfectly and stable on a online server hosted by bluefang. I had a lot of fun just to configuring everything! A lot of new storages, weapons, decorations stuff and animal trap.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:05 AM PST

    Does anybody recommend building on these massive square hills? How do the zombies attack it?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:30 AM PST

    A question for “no horde night” players

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:51 PM PST

    Since you don't have to budget time to prep for horde night, how much have your overall objectives changed? What are your goals?I'd also love to know if you have increased wandering hordes or Zombies, I'm looking into tweaking that setting as well.

    submitted by /u/tpsince93
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    Are there any non-cheesy base builds that are viable for horde nights in A18?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:01 PM PST

    I've tried playing A18 for a bit, and have seemed to notice that base building is a real big pain in the ass, or it is for me anyway.

    I keep my eye on a couple youtube channels, and I'll see new base designs come out from them, but they're all really cheesy/annoying builds.

    I like to play on a couple difficulty settings above default, and like to play on perma-death, so I normally dont make it to days in the 30s.

    I want to play the game, but at the same time I also want to do perma-death, and not play on normal or easy. I also don't want to do some cheesy build. I want to be able to build a base I can live in and defend, and the game seems like it makes it either extremely difficult to do so, or near impossible.

    I hate that I can't predict the AI enough, and that spike traps take so many resources considering how little they actually do on horde nights.

    I've seen people comment on how removing the blood moon hordes has made their games much more enjoyable, but for me the main reason I like this game so much is the constant pressure of impending doom on your base. I just wish base building wasn't so fucking annoying.

    submitted by /u/Naughtsopro
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    Hows this for a bloodmoon, just fires instead of zombies. Australian bushfires are getting more out of control

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:41 PM PST

    Soon to be pc player from xbox

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:42 AM PST

    So ive watched alot of gameplay of alpha 18 but im looking to know as much as info as possible. What is a good portion of differences in the pc alpha 18 compared to console alpha 15?

    submitted by /u/zanb1995
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    Removing horde night

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:17 AM PST

    Is there a pre-made mod that removes the 7-day horde and increases wondering hordes and zombie spawns?

    submitted by /u/e3kb0m63r
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    How close to you can zombies spawn, and does light level matter?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:10 AM PST

    I'm trying to figure out how to make a base that zombies won't spawn in. I laid down my claim block (in the past I always just scrapped it, but you can't anymore) and built a flagstone wall all around my claim. Then I started to build a little base inside of my wall. But when horde night came, while I was up on one wall, zombies spawned inside my wall on the other side of my base :-/. Needless to say this defeated the purpose of the walls. So I'm trying to figure out how close to me they will spawn, and if the light levels matter at all.

    submitted by /u/digital_wino
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    Any console updates???

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:19 PM PST

    Suppose this has been asked alot, I've just joined thread and wondered if anyone knows if theres going to be any further development for the console version

    submitted by /u/OneEliteRogue
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    Horde Nights are probably crazy in Australia.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:44 AM PST

    Disappearing Bike and scooter when placing on ground

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:48 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Logged in today and placed my bike on the ground and it immediately disappeared.. I also placed my newly crafted scooter on the ground and it also disappeared! What's the deal!? Is this a known bug?

    submitted by /u/gleneston
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    Steam Controller?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:03 PM PST

    Anyone playing 7 Days to Die with the Steam Controller? If so, what configuration do you use?

    submitted by /u/BamaKaPow
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    Observation: pre Alpha 18 there were more random hordes

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:07 PM PST

    5 buddies and myself have a Random Gen going in A18.2 on day 7. Zero random hordes have come through.

    I have a solo random gen un A18.2 on day 25 and I've had 1 random horde.

    Has anyone else noticed this?

    submitted by /u/JackDalgren
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    Equip flashlight on bike & weapons?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:07 PM PST

    How do I attach a flashlight to my bicycle or my weapons? I played a few versions back and recall being able to do this.

    I see there is a mod for helmets, but don't see a way to attach to bicycle or weapons.

    submitted by /u/Sbrockway
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    Pole defenses

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:26 PM PST

    Are they a good defense? I'm tired of building a killing corridor I've done if like 6 times now

    submitted by /u/iron_toby
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    One shot headshots for a18?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 07:18 AM PST

    are there any mods that make the zombies die with one headshot and make the body shots do little to no damage? i found a few but doesn't look like any work with a18. i downloaded a 100% headshot multiples increase modlet but it didn't change anything.

    is it still possible to change the xml files to achieve this? if so, how would i do that?

    submitted by /u/undeadmemes
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    A18 Fun Help!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:10 PM PST

    Started playing co-op and have only made it to day 14. I am still excited to play, but my partner is done and bored. Says there isn't much left to do. They usually like to explore and loot and I feel like we've barely done that.

    Does anyone have any tips on what we can do? Or any mods that might spruce it up?

    submitted by /u/MissMiaulin
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    Modded Monday - December 30, 2019

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:05 AM PST

    Looking for advice or help on where to start with modding for 7 Days to Die? Are you having trouble finding a particular mod, or opinions of what mod to play next?

    Post below with what you're having trouble with or what you're looking for!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Just Pew

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:45 PM PST

    Is there a new xbox update?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:09 PM PST

    Just came across some people streaming on mixer. Is there a new xbox update or is it only for pc? I know of the troubles in the past with the game/developers. Just hoping for a new update as I love the game.

    submitted by /u/slammerbar
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    Texture bug when placing diamond blocks, asphalt in particular. Assumes texture of block placed underneath it in all circumstances? PC

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:17 AM PST

    Title. On Alpha 18.b25, or whatever is before the current patch. When I place a diamond shaped block, mainly asphalt that I am concerned with, it assumes the texture of whatever diamond block is underneath it. Example, a hole in the desert plugged with asphalt looks like...desert. A hole in wasteland plugged with asphalt it looks like destroyed stone. Destroyed stone placed in forest looks like forest. This is a list of things I have done to try and trouble shoot:

    1.) Tried in a new save.

    2.) Tried in different biomes.

    3.) Tried different chunks.

    4.) Tried logging out then back in after placing.

    5.) Tried damaging the block then repairing it.

    6.) Tried placing a block near it.

    7.) Tried going way far away (different chunk) and then coming back.

    8.) As above but logged out before returning.

    9.) Can't paint them, but I still tried.

    10.) I have tried rotating them in every possible way.

    Interesting things to note:

    1.) Placing a square block such as a frame and then the asphalt on top of it has no effect;it still assumes the texture of whatever diamond block is under it but not the square block.

    2.) It retains the properties of asphalt. 1500 HP and clinks with a pickaxe but looks like grass or sand or whatever.

    3.) Making a line of asphalt suspended in the air supported by a frame has no effect. All asphalt looks like whatever block is under it.

    4.) Removing the frame described as above causes the asphalt to become subjected to physics, at which point they briefly show the right texture before crashing and becoming rubble as they should.

    5.) Crafted and cheated blocks have no effect. Whether I make them myself or get them from the creative menu.

    6.) Friend has the same issue when we play together.

    How can I fix this? This is absolutely infuriating! I would prefer to have all blocks fixed but as I said, I mainly care about asphalt. I want to make my own road around my base!

    submitted by /u/OODLEOODLE
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