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    Monday, January 4, 2021

    7 Days To Die Has anyone made a full city map?

    7 Days To Die Has anyone made a full city map?

    Has anyone made a full city map?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:08 PM PST

    I was thinking of doing a map of something similar to Manhattan or some major city type of feel. no wide open areas except maybe a large park (perhaps somewhere in the middle). Has this already been done, and or will this be to much for the game to handle?

    submitted by /u/mosler
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    Hey it's me who asked if the game was worth 9 bucks on Xbox. I'm back now looking for info on PC specs.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:58 AM PST

    Looking for other people to play with (xbox)

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:43 PM PST

    I have a bit of experience with the game, got up to to like three blood moons If remember correctly, so I know what I'm doing but I'm no expert, I got bored of the game and uninstalled, wanna try it again but with other people, would be using discord for VC because my internet is ass and it's the only thing that works for me Edit: I should also add that my names Tim, I'm 18 and I'm free anytime after 9pm est, possibly earlier but that depends

    submitted by /u/TIM12244
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    Newbie just learning with a random thought

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:29 AM PST

    I just started playing this a few weeks ago and its really fun. Only one thing tho...does it bother anyone else that somewhere in the world is a place where airplanes can be maintained well enough to do supply drops? (I understand the mechanics of the drops and i get that its a game!) But i keep wondering where the planes come FROM and why can't we just go there???? Lol idle thought

    submitted by /u/kelticladi
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    Multiplayer Mods

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:08 PM PST

    Created the "Mods" folder, unzipped the folders, then added them to the Mods folder. No matter what mod I try new game or not they do not work. Any Tips?

    submitted by /u/XTRIP_HERETICX
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    Looking for people to play with

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:16 PM PST

    I am simply a person looking for people to play 7DTD with on PC. If interested contact me on my discord @ KGC Chimera#9836. Hope to hear from you guys soon and am looking forward to playing the game with you guys.

    submitted by /u/ChimeraOnreddit
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    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 07:44 PM PST

    Looking for some friends to play this game with on pc. Drop your steam name or discord if you're tryna play..

    submitted by /u/weezle-
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    Anyone had this weird crafting queue bug?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 11:41 AM PST

    i started crafting 2 work benches. What i thought was weird that even if i have materials enough to craft 2. i could not put 2 into quantity. i had to craft 1 and then 1. so it took 2 spots in the crafting queue. i found this strange.

    After that i went into my chest and took out materials to craft 4 forges, put in 4 in the quantity thing. pressed craft. All of a sudden the work benches was no longer in the queue and the materials not returned to me. sucks that i spent loads of stuff makng the claw hammers and other materials, but end of the day im just curious if this is something that happends to other people as well.

    submitted by /u/Captein_Boswollocks
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    Huge fps drops for me and two friends on bloodmoons

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 05:38 AM PST


    I am hosting a game for myself and two friends. We're on day 58 but since day ~40 we've been having huge FPS drops at the bloodmoons and I am looking for ways to decrease this lag because it really removes our fun at bloodmoons.

    I've been checking my PC at bloodmoons and noticed both my cpu and ram aren't hitting 100% so it seems like that isn't the issue but just in case some specs:

    GTX 1060 6GB

    Intel i5-6600K 3.50GHz

    16GB RAM.

    I'm running on medium graphics and the blood moon zombie count is 16 (I guess lowering this should remove the lag but a lower amount isn't fun).

    Any ideas on how to remove (some) of the FPS drops?

    submitted by /u/Raflesia2295
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    Flickering texture

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:16 PM PST


    I recently got the game and play on the best graphics with around 80 fps and everything is fine expect this one thing that bothers the hell out of me. Whenever I move around like running etc textures get this super slight white flicker. It's barely noticable but it's enough to make it difficult to play because it happens all the time.

    Does anyone know how to solve this? Game seems amazing but I can't play without getting a headache lol :S

    submitted by /u/Noobieswede
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    Bugged Inventory Slot

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 11:08 AM PST

    I'm playing on a rented server with a group of like 7 friends, and the other day I had some white river supplies get bugged in my inventory. I have no outstanding quests that need the supplies or any indicators to bring them somewhere. I'm also unable to move the item within my inventory. The real head scratcher for me was that not even death would remove the item for me. I don't know if God Mode is an option on a server like this, or if it just needs to be done by our group admin, but does anyone know if there is a simple fix for a bugged inventory slot?

    submitted by /u/Aesael_Eiralol
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    Severe server lag during Bloodmoon

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 08:15 AM PST

    Does anyone else get severe server lag during blood moon? We have about 8 players and I'm assuming 100 zombies at a time. One of us is hosting a server on their computer and playing at the same time using that computer. The issue is the zombies all freeze and stutter.

    Anyone have experience with renting a dedicated server? It sounds good. Only around 10 bucks, 8-10 slots. Does it also lag during bloodmoon when there's 100 zombies?

    submitted by /u/Fishgamescamp
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    Mod to Stream Recommendations

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 04:50 PM PST

    Hey all!

    I'd like to get some opinions on a 7 Days to Die Mod to stream.

    I tried Sphereii/Xyth's Winterween for Xmas but the game packed up 50mins in and I could barely move. Tried to run it next day and my pc wouldn't even boot the game.

    I know the game isn't quite optimised for mods and streaming, but I'm hoping there's a mod that is possible to stream.

    My pc isn't the most powerful GPU is 1070 and 16GB ram

    The reason I ask is I've played vanilla to death (almost 3000hrs) and I would like something new to surprise me so it's a genuine reaction and not forced excitement.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ZomBella_Media
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    Wipe Dedicated Server but Save World...How?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:27 AM PST

    I have to wipe my dedicated server and reinstall, but I want to backup my existing world and import it to the new install. I'm not changing game versions or anything. How can I do this? My google searches have so far been unfruitful.

    submitted by /u/Pixxel_Wizzard
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    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 03:35 PM PST

    How do I join a pvp match? I couldn't seem to find it in the game.

    submitted by /u/-anonymous7
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    Is there a dlc I don’t know about?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:41 PM PST

    Hey I just picked up the game a week ago. Do I have to have to update it to get all the content that I see on here. I haven't seen a single vulture or anything and all the "living off the land" stuff is new to me.

    submitted by /u/TysonTheBarbarian
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    Help with Electric Fence

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 06:39 AM PST

    I'm trying to get an electric fence set up, but seem to be having some issues. I have a square base with a fence around it and can't seem to get the last side connected. The opposite side connects just fine, which is the same exact length. But when I try to connect the 4th side, it just cuts the line for me and won't connect. Am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/jdecker12
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    Navesgane or random gen?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:13 AM PST

    I'm pretty new but I have reached day 60 before! I was wondering since my last save was deleted, what is better navesgane or random gen for a long game?

    submitted by /u/LouieRayy
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    Issues with Animal Tracking

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:07 AM PST

    I am on PC and I have been playing with friends and I have been using Animal Tracking to get us meat. It was working great when I had the first level (Trail Finder) but when I upgrading to level 2 (Ranger) the ability seemed to stop working correctly.

    Before I upgraded to Ranger it when I crotched and waited 3 seconds if a rabbit or chicken was around it would show the green 20 seconds on the bottom left and ALSO it would show the green icon in the compass and on my screen if I was close enough to the animal.

    After upgrading to Ranger, the green 20 seconds would show up at the bottom left but never in the compass or on the screen. I tried over and over (probably 20 times). I tried restarting the game as well and it will never show on the compass.

    The one exception that makes me feel like this is bug is that when I saw a red wolf on my compass I also saw the green rabbit. After I killed them both I now never see rabbits or chickens on the compass.

    Anyone had this problem and seen a way to fix it? Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/waitwhaaat
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