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    Tuesday, January 5, 2021

    7 Days To Die I swear most times I’m giving myself jump scares for no reason..

    7 Days To Die I swear most times I’m giving myself jump scares for no reason..

    I swear most times I’m giving myself jump scares for no reason..

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 11:37 AM PST

    Approved By The Fun Pimps :laughing:

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 02:29 PM PST

    My headcanon back story for 7d2d

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 10:44 AM PST

    I posted a response in another thread and got some positive feedback so I thought I'd post the back story to the game. I've got hundreds of hours in the game and this is my current version that, to me, explains a lot of the immersion breaking aspects of the game. If someone from the fun pimps sees this and wants to use it, that'd be awesome. Just give a thank you to the reddit community in the credits or something of the like. The story starts a good bit before the game begins (and I'm going to explain how it effects game content along the way).

    In the near future, a major breakthrough in genetic manipulation is discovered by a top secret government research project. Initially seen as a crop enhancement tool (this is where super corn in the game comes from, it can even be used to engineer crops that produce products like glue), it is picked up by another group of scientists working on soldier enhancements. What they developed, ended up being basically a super soldier serium. The soldiers were faster, stronger, smarter, enhanced healing, higher endurance levels, ect then normal soldiers. It was seen as a huge success. A top ranking general came to meet with the soldiers and see the trials. Unbeknownst to anyone, despite health screenings, one of the soldiers had an extremely mild, common cold. The virus[Z1] was mutated by the genetic manipulation and spread to the general. With no real noticeable side effects, no one even knew it had happened. Two problematic side effects however were slightly increased aggression and paranoia as it altered the brain chemistry of those infected. Nothing anyone would notice if they hadn't known someone their whole life. A few weeks later, the general is at a UN conference and unknowingly continues spreading Z1 (Z1 is why there is so much hidden loot in all the pois). As the increased aggression and paranoia spreads around the world some uninfected, but not immune people in various governments begin noticing the growing change in people and power and many commoners. As the world is days away from global nuclear war, the cause is found, uninfected high ranking officials ban together to establish safe zones and uninfected people are evacuated there in secret to the world and infected military leaders (this is eventually where the air drops are coming from).

    Nuclear weapons are unleased in mass, irradiating large swaths of land, tectonic plates shift changing the magma rotation, thus the magnetic field of the earth, the moons cycle is changed due to the earths new rotation, and dust sent into the atmosphere(this will all come in later). Post war communities ban together in the few uniradiated zones left [Navezgane]. With Z1 in most of the population large organized groups are not really possible anymore but some semblance of order and even a type of extremely basic, gang mentality, government is established (crazy joe,trader joel,ect). The safety zones stay isolated but begin sneaking volunteer researchers into Navezgane and establishing labs. They can't let anyone from Navezgane into the safe areas because a modern, functional society isn't possible with Z1.

    Sometime passes, the sky's begin to clear, trade outpost are setup and loosely organized. Z1 cause some people to wander into the irradiated areas out of paranoia. A random mutation caused by the radiation to Z1 allows it to survive in dead tissue[Z2]. Further mutations allow Z2 to reanimate dead tissue {it's original source is genetic manipulation}. Thus zombies begin appearing out of the radiation zones. The Navezgane community is able to cope with this however and the leaders establish defense groups to patrol the border of the radiation zones. Zombies that get through avoid the traders because of magnetic anomalies but the people aren't sure why. The people infected with Z1 established the trader locations there because no one wanted to live there, for the same reasons, especially at night when the suns energy wasn't present (your not evicted from the trader, your body won't let you enter). Also unknown to the people is that Z2 is leading the zombies in a loop following another field variation but the loop isn't directly in the path of Navezgane. Z2 spreads as the zombies wander the irradiated areas and more dead are reanimated. Both Z1, and Z2 begin infecting other mammals (this is why a lone wolf or coyote will attack you) and the safe zone begins researching Z2 as well. They find Z2 to actually be easier for them to deal with as it's effects are more obvious but they still have no cure for Z1 or Z2.

    Then a minor earthquake happens. The people of Navezgane barely notice but it slightly alters the magnetic field anomaly and it brings Z2 in contact with the dead super soldiers from the beginning of the story. The player is kidnapped for failing to pay his debts and is to be forced to help patrol the borders of Navezgane against the undead. On a night a few days later the moon turns blood red due to dust particles in the atmosphere and the magnetic disturbance {like the aurora borealis). The first blood moon horde hits Navezgane. Most of the defense forces are wiped out and the horde easily rips through all the communitys except the trader locations which the zombies avoid.. The group the player is with is descended upon by the zombie super soldiers and wiped out but due to random genetic chance the player is infected with the super soldier genes and Z2. The super soldier genes eventually overcome Z2 by the next morning and the player wakes up naked with no memory and only a few items.

    None of the traders recognize you because you've been physically altered (they sometimes won't recognizeyou after having seen you because you're continuing to be physically altered). They ask if you're sick when healthy because you are infected with Z2. The perk tree is actually the super soldier serium further altering your mind and body. Vastly increased intelligence allows you to near instantly read a book and remember everything in it. Your minds processing of information however means it groups all zombies into sub categories (that's why they mostly look the same). The players metabolism has changed significantly and eating the right combination of vitamins can temporarily further enhance certain abilities or blocking certain sun rays increase attributes (why food and glasses can give stat buffs). Due to the herding effect of Z2 you're unable to hide from the zombies when the magnetic disturbance causing the blood moon is present and the only survivors from the first horde (which you never remember) are hidden so well they'll likely never be found. After loosing contact with there secret research post in Navezgane the safe zone begins air dropping supplies. First as a good will mission but later just to see if anyone is alive. The horde continues its new loop through the radiated areas picking up more reinforcements every cycle. Small parts of the super soldier genes have made there way into Z2 and it's now mutating even stronger zombies (radiated, spiders, cops, screamers,ect). The horde restocks the pois as some zombies will randomly pick up things, carry them for a while (loot bags) and put them places later. Some zombies stay behind after the horde moves through, staying in pois, randomly roaming around, or grouping into smaller hordes which seek out the player, once again due to the herding effects of Z2. A few groups in a last ditch effort start capturing the strongest zombies, strap timed charges on them, and give them armor so the charges aren't damaged, then release them to join the horde, intending for them to blow up after leaving Nvezgane to thin the horde (demolishers).

    If you read all that, I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you think, if there's anything I didn't explain and if you have anything to add or any questions. Yes, I know, I've put way to much thought into this...

    submitted by /u/DamItDan85
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    Jawoodle Bicycle elevator SOLVE

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:42 PM PST

    Got my first Auto Shotgun!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:27 AM PST

    So, found the schematic and a crucible on the same run (didn't know I needed it for the recipe at the time) then spent an in game week looting the Shotgun Messiah Factory. Only came away with 8 shotgun parts! With just 2 days to horde night, rushed some main loots,no luck. Eventually, realized I could scrap shotguns for parts, bought as many as I could and rushwd home. That's when I realised I needed 90 steel! I had been hoarding perk points thankfully so dumped them all into strength and boomstick. Still, a few hours away from horde and I have it crafting finally.

    submitted by /u/JCs4ITnow
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    Throwing up a new server, Location, Sweden, gigabit connection, 24 GB RAM and 4.4 GHz quad core 8 thread processor. People welcome. Password protected - invite only

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 05:18 PM PST

    As title implies - just threw up a fresh server for me and 3 friends tonight. Since it will run 24/7 most of the days (some exceptions since I also use it as my guest PC - but it will rarely be needed to be taken down) I figured I'd post here so it may come to use and not just waste power being idle.

    We're playing for fun, not hardcore PvP or anything like that.

    Mostly we just want to play, have fun, explore the game even if two of us are experienced at the game.

    Perhaps some PvP for fun will be relevant later. We were considering having some fun PvP battles later - can do some admin spawns of gear for some combat.

    Basic rules I've set (major changes from vanilla):

    20 hour days, 120 min days.

    300 % loot

    3x EXP (I think)

    Block dmg increased for faster farming. (I think 3x)

    Less dmg taken in claimed blocks, blocks immortal when owner is offline.

    XML server settings posted in multple comments below with passwords "REDACTED". (ask for them and IP to connect)

    If I'm online I don't mind spawning you some supplies to reduce grinding.

    Comment or PM if you want a friendly server to play on and I'll give you info for it.

    submitted by /u/Vicing90
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    What is your most anticipated feature of A20

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 05:45 AM PST

    Of the announced and confirmed features, what is the one you are most excited about?

    submitted by /u/tahaan
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    Need help with jammed boxed and other objects

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:16 PM PST

    Had this issue pop up where a bunch of the writable storage boxes in my base lost their labels and show up as "jammed". It happened when I went a ways away from my base to loot and noticed it when I came back. If I take an axe to them to break their first hp bar they become "unsearched storage boxes" and are empty. This problem persists even with a restart of the map. There are also several things like workbenches or vault doors in the area that have become inaccessable. My base is in a converted spawned building if that makes any difference. I'm playing on PC on a friends only server I host. Is there any way to fix this or stop it from happening? I lost all my building supplies, meds, crafting supplies, teir 6 gear, and money (about 8 boxes worth), so I'm a bit miffed that a game bug has essentially wrecked my base and stolen all my items

    submitted by /u/AlterCain
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    The moment you realise it’s ‘Day 7’.... “roooool’emup!”

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 01:02 PM PST

    Are there any recommendations for a noob friendly PvP server?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 06:30 PM PST

    I see them for PvE but for PvP I only see posts from 4+ years ago.

    I can also ask if PvP is worth playing? I watched vertiigo play Rust and it looks terrible...but I'm curious.

    submitted by /u/exploooooosions
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    Playing War of the Walkers with friends. I'm going to be the farmer for everyone's food. Having trouble finding up to date videos/guides for farming. Anyone have some they can share?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:45 PM PST

    I mostly need help with building it to be safe and how to get the seeds and stuff reliably.

    Any information would be helpful as I'm also new with 7d2d in general, but obviously learning vanilla seed guides won't work because it's different in war of the walkers.

    I mainly need information for a farm template thats safe from zambies, and how to gather/produce seeds to plant and how to grow them efficiently.

    I'm already addicted to the game. Send help.

    submitted by /u/Rotwick
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    Weapon rank

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 09:38 PM PST

    How do I increase my weapon rank. When ever I craft something it's stuck on rank one. I leveled up my intellect to level 5 and nothing changed. Version Alpha 19.3 (b5)

    submitted by /u/Yeahbooooooooooi
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    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:41 PM PST

    proud resident of a fixed up home in Diersville <3

    submitted by /u/dankmimii
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    Weapon damage per level is broken. It look like damage level 2 and 3 deal as much damage as level 4 and 5.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 07:49 AM PST

    So far, I've only tested tested it on hunting rifle, pistol and baseball club, but I suspect all weapons and tools are affected.

    Game version : alpha 19.1

    As an example on devmode :

    I've spawned 4 hunting rifles per level to reduced the bias made by the same level weapon stats variation.

    • Rifle Level 1 deal 62-64 damage
    • Rifle Level 2 deal 73-74 damage
    • Rifle Level 3 deal 82-83 damage
    • Rifle Level 4 deal 72-73 damage
    • Rifle Level 5 deal 81-83 damage
    • Rifle Level 6 deal 90-93 damage
    submitted by /u/Olafgrossbaff
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    Start up a word together?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 05:09 PM PST

    Recently getting back to this game from 2018, looking for a chill group to play with. I'm 19 if that matters, also can get along w most. Located in central standard time. Usually play evenings and early mornings. Leave a comment or shoot me a dm

    submitted by /u/weezle-
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    Getting into making mods

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 12:38 PM PST

    Is there a good introduction for making mods? I've never made mods before and I was wondering if there were any guides or anything like that.

    submitted by /u/CptTenma17
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    Some questions about the PVE and PVP dynamics in a multiplayer server 20+ players

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:28 AM PST

    After playing a long time with friends in a private server focused on PvE only I decided to join a PVP server and after watching some videos I learned that:

    • You should hide your base
    • Never use the land claim block

    But I still have some questions:

    1. Should I try to complete the trader missions?
    2. Aren't traders a death trap? My thought process is, if I had some good weapons I would position myself in a place where I could headshot everyone that went into the traders and get all their loot. If I can think of that possibility it means that someone is probably doing that already right?
    3. What about the horde night? How they behave if I'm in an underground base without the land claim block?
    4. What is the recommended way of getting loot and money in PVP servers for a new player?
    submitted by /u/JuraciVieira
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    Speed up testing with trees growing

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 02:50 AM PST

    I want to do some testing with trees growing - specifically regarding how they grow if planted inside a base.

    How can I speed this up - I created a test game with Debug mode enabled and set the time to maximum but it seems that this does not speed up trees growing? Am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/tahaan
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    (New To Game) Should my friends and I do the orginal map or a randomly generated one?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:28 PM PST

    My friends and I played the game about 5 years ago but it has changed pretty dramatically and wanted to know which is better to play on for the most locations and overall more fun with friends. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/TanexGaming
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    My best OP base defense of 2020, do you have any tips or tweaks?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:26 PM PST

    My best OP base defense of 2020, do you have any tips or tweaks?

    Hey guys so i have a 7 days to die dedicated youtube channel and I have almost 1400 vids on 7 days to die. This video is from my 2020 Darkness Falls series to end off the series.

    This defense was tested with max level of 250 and max gamestage of 1500, facing demonic zombies, behemoths, demon(bosses) and demonic behemoths.

    Difficulty was set to insane, nightmare, 64 blood moon spawn.

    Please bare in mind this is an endgame design with all the titanium required but should be more than sufficient as a steel base in vanilla.

    If you guys can be so kind as to show your best defenses or suggest tweaks to this design, that would be awesome :)



    submitted by /u/JeansGaming
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    Looking For Tips and Tricks (Console)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:07 PM PST

    Hey I've been having a good time playing ps4 (I believe it's 1.18) and I was looking for some general tricks, tips, or good things to make the game a little better overall. There is no real forums on like best ways to farm various materials or anything like that. A good example is my buddy and I have been having trouble finding nitrate, and gunpowder has been put to a halt because of it. We play split screen coop and it is PS4 (but I believe the game is the same for Xbox One) Any little tricks I should know about that could be helpful for that or just in general? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BlaydedWarrior
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    Darkness falls question

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 03:07 PM PST

    Simple question, what are all of the different/new zombie types that are in darkness falls vs normal alpha 19? I have already encountered a few odd ones, but i tried looking up a list of the different zombies and cant find it, anyone can help?

    submitted by /u/fou_ssb
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    Does cleaning the game data erases my progress in online servers?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 08:04 AM PST

    I've been experiencing memory leaks in 7DTD and I want to clean the game's data under the launcher "Tools" tab. I play with my friend on his local server, if I do clean the data, will I lose my character's progress on his server?

    submitted by /u/DaviDaTopera
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    What's the ETA of Alpha 20 ?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2021 05:10 AM PST

    Have the devs mentioned the released date of Alpha 20 ?

    submitted by /u/FujiToday
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