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    Sunday, January 3, 2021

    7 Days To Die Homerun!!!!!!

    7 Days To Die Homerun!!!!!!


    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:46 AM PST

    this was my first time playing and i though this was pretty funny

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:43 PM PST

    I think I've Peaked...

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:28 PM PST

    Kills / ammo...
    horde night 58 = 471 / 495 x AP 762 + a few 44's (0.95 kills per bullet)
    horde night 69 = 580 / 520 x AP 762 + a few 44's (1.11)
    horde night 90 = 620 / 417 x AP 762 + a few 762 (1.48)
    horde night 91 = 659 / 475 x AP 762 + a few 762 (1.38)
    horde night 92 = 653 / 501 x AP 762 + a few 762 (1.3 kills per bullet)

    Only way to increase my kill rate now might be a tier 6 rifle with better damage.
    And me actually hitting more heads.
    As I'm current using a tier 5 sniper with all sniper perks/books maxed.
    But everything's turned radiated cops, wrights and demos so it should only continue to get worse.

    Playing insane level with always run zombies x 24, loot re-spawn off, and random horde nights. Everything else vanilla.
    Base review and horde night 58.

    submitted by /u/Ivilraypugh
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    PC Question: Will wood frames outside block loot from respawning?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:13 PM PST

    Hi guys, Me and a bunch of friends just got into 7 days and love it so far.

    My group and I play on a private save file and we pass it back and forth for when someone wants to play even if solo.
    We have a system to know if a town/house/building is looted or not for each other who may have missed the looting; leave a 3-stack wood frame at the front door or by the side of the road or somewhere noticeable to notify others that it is cleared.
    Loot respawn is set to 10 days.
    I now wonder, will this block the loot from respawning by itself?
    I assumed the whole building would reset and delete the blocks, kind of like when you loot a "Clear Area" mission before starting it.

    Any help would be appreciated,
    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Casual_Cube
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    My fix for teleporting motorcycles.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:54 PM PST

    I play on a Darkness Falls server and until a few game sessions ago suffered mightily from the teleporting vehicle glitch. If you've not experienced it, your vehicle can teleport far, far away from you when you exit it too quickly. Typically, my motorcycle teleports to the previous spot I got off of it.

    My solution is to try to stop on as flat of ground as possible and then open the map. After closing the map I dismount, so far without the cycle teleporting away. I don't know if it's the map, the flat ground, or the short pause while the map opens and closes, but no more teleports for me.

    Does anyone else have a fix that works?

    submitted by /u/twofingersjack
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    [PC] Looking for experienced moderators before server launch - PvE [Custom Website/Dashboard] [Dedicated Host][Vanilla]

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:13 PM PST

    Hopefully that bland title will still draw people in.

    Long story short, I ran a pretty successfully dedicated hosted server a couple years back, had to close it down because I was in a very rough financial spot. Thankfully I'm now sitting pretty financially and I have spare time to waste around the clock.

    I've crammed about two weeks worth of website coding into one just to get the base website ready to roll with the server. So far that's the place where applications, announcements, and reports will be managed. Within the next few weeks I hope to code an offline PM system (1-2 days), friend system (few hours) Lottery system (few hours), Marketplace (not sure, maybe 1-3 days), and lots more!

    Server will be a PvE whitelisted server where players can choose to live inside the walls of a safe haven. Exactly like I did last time, 100% vanilla, people loved it. Had some seriously seasoned players.

    Atlas, please submit your applications below. I'll be in touch via email or Steam PM if I'm interested!


    Looking to get enough mods in different time zones so someone's always active and around.

    Also, if anyone wants to stay up to date with the progress and server launch, feel free to join the discord! I think this will be a really fun server to run and play in once it gets going.


    submitted by /u/kielly32
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    Is there (this may be it) a forum for finding people to play on a peer-to-peer server with?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 09:35 AM PST

    I play on PC and usually have to end up going solo, since there are few peer-to-peer servers to join. The ones that I do join end up booting me immediately after calling me a 4th grade insult or have names like "DonkeyDick69YourMom."

    I want to just relax and maybe have a discord set up with some people who aren't toxic and are genuinely interested in supporting one another in the game.

    Does this discord already exist? I am new to the game and new to the community, so I have not looked very far.

    Edit: I should also mention that I'm not very interested in joining a server with a ton of modifications that essentially make it a different and often times guided game experience. Definitely interested in vanilla at the moment and people not longstanding servers.

    submitted by /u/simonsoundstudio
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    My player save corrupted. How can I change my time since last death to resolve low game stage?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:05 PM PST

    I've used the creative menu and giveselfxp to get levels and gear back.

    However, my friend's (and my old) game stage is much higher than what my new character has.

    As game stage is level*time since last death, is there a way to change time since last death?


    submitted by /u/danny_avocado
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    What do I do with books/schematics I've already read?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:50 PM PST

    Does it really only just give me 50 xp? I know I can just sell them but is that it? Like I get them once and now they're practically useless?

    submitted by /u/Bossboy745
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    Looking for players

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:21 PM PST

    A friend and I are playing on a private PtP server, and we'd like more people to join.

    It doesn't matter how experienced you are or aren't, we just want someone who's chill and willing to have fun.

    PM me so I can friend you on Steam and Discord, if you're interested.

    submitted by /u/TheZDude1
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    How many of you fight where you live or build a separate horde night base?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:25 AM PST

    I have my bed campfire, storage chests, forges, everything in my base. I also fortified it with a ton of spikes and cement. Its a POI. Do you guys do this? Should I build a horde only base next door?

    submitted by /u/Fishgamescamp
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    Medieval Battle Galleon

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:45 PM PST

    How often does this go on sale on Steam?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:37 PM PST

    I see it's on sale currently. It's been on my list for a while, but getting it is a bit iffy with the state of my finances at the moment.

    I know some games go on sale super frequently on steam, but others are maybe once a year, or so.


    submitted by /u/ChuckEast2
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    Why can't I see my base until I'm right up on it?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:21 PM PST

    On PC: Is there any way to make it use updated information when rendering the world further away? Anything I build and any landscape changes I make aren't visible from anything further than the nearest view distance. I can see the town on the other side of my base and just a blank field in front of it where I know my base is.

    I figure it's just an early access thing I'll have to live with for now, but I guess I just wanted to check if this is a known thing or if there's a work around or anything.

    submitted by /u/reh888
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    Increasing friendly Animal spawn frequency (A19)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:55 PM PST

    I'm with a rather large group, and we are constantly running out of food.

    How would I go about increasing animals spawns for alpha 19? I see a lot of references to EnemyAnimals* in spawning.xml, but nothing about friendly/neutral animals (Deer, Boar, Chicken, Rabbits)

    submitted by /u/Mr_Lifewater
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    Looking for a group

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 02:36 PM PST

    Hey looking for a group in 7dtd. Picked up the game again since it looks like it has some direction. Discord is Obama420NoScope#4153

    submitted by /u/CLIMBINGDUDE779
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    How to install pocket mod into my duster/pants/shirt

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:46 AM PST

    For the life of me i cant figure it out.

    submitted by /u/BattleMuffin250
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    In Darkness Falls Mod...

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:42 PM PST

    What's your favorite weapon mod(s)?

    I have the brass catcher and just got the shock mod.

    Wasn't too crazy about the fire or freezing mods.

    submitted by /u/youknowiactafool
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    i missed the 19.3 thread. am i supposed to be finding guns at trader and gun parts in loot after update?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:32 PM PST

    in 19.2 the whole primitive crap was happening, when i started an 19.3 map guns started showing up in the trader and i was finding gun parts day 1. did they roll back the primitive stage? i used Nitrogen to generate map if it matters.

    submitted by /u/gurutar
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    BUG Maximum(?) Carrying Capacity

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:14 PM PST

    I'm playing on a solo PC server (19.3), I'm level 41 with zero points in Pack Mule and a 9 points worth of pocket mods, I believe there were 9 slots of encumbrance left in my inventory.

    So I'm sorting out my storage boxes, dropping stuff off and moving them around, then I pause and go to grab dinner, when I come back all of a sudden there are zero encumbrance slots in my inventory, I have full access to them all without penalty. When I remove all my clothes I have 54 points of carrying capacity and with my clothes and their assorted pocket mods I now have 63 points of carrying capacity. Now this isn't a particularly game breaking problem, but it is a mistake of some sort surely and I don't know how to fix it. Any ideas people?

    submitted by /u/Iris_Lurechia
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    will console ever be updated at all?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:31 PM PST

    thinking about buying it for xbox since it's only 9$, but i wanna know if any of you guys think it'll be ever updated period, or is it gonna just stay like this forever and die.

    i really wanna see it updated and played because it looks so fun i just want something to look forward to.

    submitted by /u/possum_eater
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    Wastelanders War3Zuk mod - NEW SERVER 1/3/21!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:33 AM PST

    Wastelanders War3Zuk mod - NEW SERVER 1/3/21!

    If you want a challenge come play the War3Zuk modded server! We're running the Full Launcher version found here (including all additional mods that are at the link - but you only need the full Launcher version on the client)


    Name: Wastelanders War3Zuk modded server!

    IP: Port: 27000

    Hosted in New York US Data Center

    submitted by /u/therealw1seass
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    Does the elapsed day of the server matter for anything other than when bloodmoon happens?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:42 AM PST

    I'm not talking about a player's personal days alive. Or game stage. I'm just talking about the day of the server, like day 100.

    If a fresh player joins, and they are 1 day alive and game stage 1, or whatever, and are not close to or partied with anyone else, would the game be any different than a day 1 server vs a day 100 server?

    submitted by /u/Fishgamescamp
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