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    Saturday, January 2, 2021

    7 Days To Die Fast elevator

    7 Days To Die Fast elevator

    Fast elevator

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:13 AM PST

    Tired of Vanilla 7 Days to Die? Too Easy? Give the DeadFall a Try.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 04:29 PM PST

    DeadFall - A19.3 VERSION 3.6

    The Nightmare RPG Custom Serversided MOD.


    BE WARNED: Forget everything you know about 7 days, this Mod changes everything.

    NO BLOODMOONS: We don't have Bloodmoons, our content and gameplay meta is built around Adventuring & Questing.No Blood Moons does NOT mean there are No Hordes. Infact, this server's random/wandering/scripted hordes are the most dangerous you can probably ever experience in terms of numbers and Ferocity.You will truly learn the meaning of Fear.

    INSANE High Risk High Reward Gameplay with a Unique Night Loot System, The Stakes are High when you go out a risk looting a POI, you get increased loot bonus and chance at night! A New Perk increases this bonus as Well!

    Each POI is an entire challenge/dungeon of Horror / Custom Questing Content

    Featuring 120 All New Prefabs/POIS/SECRET AREAS with Rewards!


    No Clock/Days Passed(Irrelevant in this server, as No Bloodmoons Exist)

    Realistic Weather system Max Immersion

    No Download Required! (All Server Sided)

    Custom 15 Unique Class/Professions to Choose From and NO TUTORIAL QUEST. (You skip the tutorial, and get your perk points and XP and a very needed starter set of gear as the enemies will relentlessly actively look for you.)

    True Survival Horror Experience with a merciless difficulty that Tests your Skill

    Custom Endgame Weapons (Fully balanced for progression from early game to end game usage), from all new weapons and ammo(No cheese here), Custom new unique blocks, Necrotic blocks using bones and flesh and a special enchanted ore to create necrotic blocks that are stronger than Steel!

    Original Perk Expansion System, rebalancing the entire game with all new enemies and serious dangers means new perks to power curve you up progressively with uncommonly used builds(knives, batons, unarmed etc).

    Preview of DeadFall Perk System

    BANK SYSTEM (This RPGMod includes a Banking System to Store Items Safely[Like WoW Banks.]).SCAVENGER PLAYSTYLES ENCOURAGED AND BASE BUILDING IS ALSO ENCOURAGED MID TO LATE GAME.All new crafting blocks and workbenches for Base Builders and Committed Levelers.

    Fleshed out progression system with unique ammo synthesis for all playstyles!

    RPG Traits System - What makes your Character Unique or Flawed?

    Just a Preview of the Traits System (More Traits will be released in the future)


    Some of the New Custom Quests.

    Massive Easter Egg/Rewards System (Find Collectible Scrolls)


    ALL New Prestige Mode for Veteran Players and players looking for a deeper challenge with new gear and exclusive perks for reaching this major milestone!

    Featuring Magic Casting system using Runes.

    The Duke wants your Soul, and he has trapped you in a Time/Death Loop

    Unique Curse Mark System, Empowers you in your gameplay.

    When you hit level 10, you will select one of 3 Unique Paths, The Path of Flame, Frost or Shock.

    • Flame - For ballistic oriented builds, Flames of Agony: enemies on lit on fire will take additional ballistic damage.
    • Frost - For Melee oriented builds - Chance on Hit to Shatter Ice on your target and do additional burst damage, along with giving them a slow.
    • Shock - For Ranged/Stealth Oriented Builds - Chance on hit with bows and crossbows to shock a target.

    Storyline featured in Discord that is progressively being worked on and added to as more features are developed for the gameplay.

    Don't let all the cool features fool ya, This server isn't joking about the Nightmare Difficulty. You will get relentless and adrenaline peaking! Good Luck!

    Server IP: Port: 26910

    https://discord.me/deadfall <-- Discord

    PS: There is no planned public release for this custom mod for now, This is a long term project. It only works on the server and if you wish to play, all you do is just join anytime, its 24/7. There will be an official future announcement on a public release in the future. All Bugs can be Posted in Discord Genysis Center Channel. 
    submitted by /u/DeadFall-L2D
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    Yeah.. so... the 'official' extra-large Darkness Falls map. Might have a generation issue..

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:23 PM PST

    Would you say the console verison is worth for 9 bucks?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:33 AM PST

    Edit: These comments didn't help haha.

    But I'm leaning more towards not buying the game. Though theres no way I can get a pc anytime soon to play the game due to covid.

    submitted by /u/llamafromhell1324
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    ~PLEASE READ~ I lost everything I’ve had on a one of me and my friends world.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:25 PM PST

    I joined his world after a a few days because I couldn't play during new year and when I joined back everything on me was gone. I have been playing in this world with my friend since day 1 and when I joined after new year it spawned me in an ash first with Noah's note. Like what the fuck, I lost my whole inventory, my skill tree reset and I got my land claim block back after I had placed it so I know it reset my shit. If you have any idea on what happened please let me know.

    submitted by /u/modomonstud
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    Can we just get a megathread of people looking for groups/servers or vice-versa?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:01 PM PST

    There's multiple posts per day for this kind of stuff so it would condense those posts and actually be much easier to find others to play with?

    submitted by /u/iampc93
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    Good servers?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:22 PM PST

    My friend and I are trying to find a good server to play on and so far the couple we've found have not been the best environment in our opinions. Any suggestions

    submitted by /u/willis3456
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    Its a Soggy Blessing in the Apocalypse

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:56 PM PST

    Its a Soggy Blessing in the Apocalypse

    Legends have been told of the majestic "Toilet Pistol" but I had never seen one. Leaving it up to a patched out from previous Alpha versions of the game. But NO! The aquatic firearm Exists! Maybe not a big deal to you but its all Capp00 will talk about as he finds bottles of murky water :) Am I crazy or is it as rare a drop as I think?


    submitted by /u/Dresdenfolk
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    Looking for players

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:35 PM PST

    Anyone wanna link up? 🥺

    submitted by /u/CloutTamer
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    Not Getting Crafting Achievements

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:48 PM PST

    I've been playing this game for a few days, and while all my other achievements seems to be progressing along normally, I am not getting any progress on my crafting achievements. I've probably crafted about 100+ items by now and it's still shows as 0 progress. The only achievement I got was crafting the stone axe, which I did at the very beginning of the game during tutorial stage. Any advice? I don't have CM/DM mode turned on. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/wickedegg
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    Working stiff poi

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:46 PM PST

    Is there a working stiff factory poi and if so does anybody mind dropping the coordinates?

    submitted by /u/stonerbong
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    Xbox to PC

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:34 AM PST

    I wanted to tag this the PC players out there but I'm in need of some help. My wife and I love this game, we put about 5-10 hrs/week outside of work and other obligations. I've always been a vanilla console gamer but considering 7dtd has been abandoned for console I'm looking to buy a cheap PC that could run this. Has anyone else made the jump and possibly provide some direction?

    submitted by /u/bgoss0505
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    A15.2 mod that adds keyboard shortcuts?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:40 PM PST

    Does anyone know of any options for this? Otherwise I'll likely just play without using my keyboard to scrap/drop/etc. until I move on to A16.

    submitted by /u/VforVendettaR
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    Catchup mechanics?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:24 PM PST

    Playing with friends, should I totally avoid playing when everyone isn't on? Like i'll get xp and all but would the others be really behind and get stomped?

    submitted by /u/QuorthonsGoat
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    If I install creature mods mid vanilla run would those zombies spawn in?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:09 PM PST

    So I have a survival world I'm playing with my friend. It's completely 19.3 vanilla. So say I download a mod that makes it so the behemoth can spawn in and roam the world. I then put that into the mod folder and all that goodness. Would that behemoth still spawn in even if the world was created before the download? I would think so because its a spawning thing and not like code changing and world terrain changing thing, but I would still like it know.

    submitted by /u/ClashOfYan
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    "Narrow" wedges?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 03:03 PM PST

    Probably a stupid question, but I Googled it first with no help. The "narrow" wedge pieces seem to only be available in Creative menu, with no matching corners? Is this correct?

    submitted by /u/Important_Register78
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    Performance issues in a19

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:32 PM PST

    So first off I love this game. Got it a month ago and can't stop playing. The one thing I've had issue with is the performance. I have a fairly decent pc but still get some bad fps drops. I feel like it's been since I got electricity that it started. 20+ frame drops from using switches. I average 77fps and have been sitting in the low 60s or 50s yesterday and today. But will drop into the 30s when I turn a switch on.

    I started running in ultra because I can. And started turning some things down but don't see any real change. I did a little digging and found people having clean running files on worse systems and people having the same issues with their 4k rig. All with no real detail on what issues there might be.

    My rig Gigabyte b450 aorus elite Rizen 5 3600x 6-core Radeon RX 5700xt 4x8gb gskill trident 3200

    submitted by /u/Username6788437
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    Game reset from day 82 to day 2

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:41 AM PST

    The console screen started popping up randomly so I restarted the game. When I tried starting the game up it said I didn't have enough space to run it so I ran disk cleanup on the drive and the game booted up fine but everything is gone. Did I wipe out my entire save file doing disk cleanup?

    submitted by /u/Hickz84
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    Steam Error: Missing Executable / Wrong Version (alpha 9.3)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 02:23 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Came across this error yesterday when trying to open 7dtd and was wondering if anyone else has experienced this or might know what to do. Anytime I try to open 7dtd, Steam can't find the .exe file needed to start it up, which I'm pretty sure is because Steam seems to be downloading an older version of the game. I went into that file path and found a 7DaysToDie.exe file and tried opening that but it brought me into an older version (alpha 9.3). Now Steam also shows 7dtd in my library as version alpha9.3. Not sure if it's at all related, but this happened the same day I downloaded 7dtd dedicated server a19.3 from Steam

    Any suggestions guys? I've tried most of the troubleshooting options listed in Steam but none seem to have worked. I'm relatively new to PC gaming and Steam, so troubleshooting's not really my forte.

    Tried: Restarting Steam & comp; uninstall/reinstall 7dtd; clearing steam download cache, Repair Library Folder; deleting existing "appcache" folder; re-downloading 7dtd with firewall and antivirus turned off; uninstalling 7dtd dedicated server

    submitted by /u/slipperybarstool
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    How to disable UNET networking

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:28 PM PST

    I have sometimes really high ping when i connect to my friends dedicated server, i read that disabling UNET in game launcher may help, but i dont see the box for UNET, anyone knows how to disable it?

    submitted by /u/Ulurat
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