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    Sunday, October 20, 2019

    7 Days To Die Seedy Sunday - October 20, 2019

    7 Days To Die Seedy Sunday - October 20, 2019

    Seedy Sunday - October 20, 2019

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Have you found or are looking for a good or interesting seed to use?

    If you're sharing a seed please use something similar to this format for others to easily find what they might be looking for

    Game version (A15/16/17/etc):

    Map size:


    Map Coordinates:

    Features/POI's to look out for:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The other time I was walking down the street when I saw this and it made me want to enter. Too much 7DTD is affecting me, help.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 11:01 AM PDT

    Memories from A16: Solo fortress

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    1000+ hours played, Alpha 18 feedback and suggestions for FP

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 03:47 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I have played alot of 7 days over the last 5 or 6 years, I can't remember when I bought it but it was a long time ago. The last few years, since alpha 15 or so, I have been playing more and more, which is a great indicator of how far the game has come.

    That being said, having played around 50 or so hours in Alpha 18, I would like to point out some areas where I feel the game could still improve. These points aren't in any particular order :

    • Crafting and Building Progression linked to Intelligence
      Let's be real : everyone wants to progress in the most core aspects of the game (crafting and building) regardless of if they wanna be a melee fighter, sneaky assassin or explosive expert. I play mostly singleplayer and I think many other people do too, so designing the game around group play in regards to there being 'builders' and 'scavengers' etc doesn't translate too well into single player.
      I would really like to see a new system around crafting and building that isn't linked to skill points or attributes. I think schematics are...OK, but very RNG heavy, because their is just simply too much stuff that can be crafted.
      Possible Solutions :

      • Instead of most schematics being found in bookshelves, perhaps make more car themed schematics found in Pass'n'Gas POI containers, and cooking schematics found in kitchens or Shamway POI's etc. At least that way, a player can say "OK, I really need cooking recipes, I should go loot some Shamways to try to get the Meat Stew recipe."
      • I like the idea of a system where when you scrap items, you have a chance to learn a recipe related to the item you are scrapping. For example, if you are scrapping pistols, you have a chance to learn how to craft pistols, or a pistol related mod. And the more pistols you scrap, the higher quality of pistol you can craft.
    • POI's become trivial/boring (gear related)
      Everytime I do a new POI the fun pimps have just added, I have a blast finding all the secrets and finding the treasure room. The problem is, it's kind of one and done. The replayability of POI's isn't very high, especially when you are fully decked out. I frequently find myself cheesing to the loot room to check the containers then leaving.
      You might argue they are a good source of XP, which is true, but that's not really interesting enough once you are level 50+ and have alot of skill points. I think POI's need better rewards that are unique to keep players wanting to replay them over and over.
      Possible Solutions :

      • Low drop rate unique weapons/armor/guns etc. Make these only able to drop from POI's or Quest-active POI's, or at least have a higher chance inside POI's. This gives me a reason to keep playing if I really want to min max my character.
      • This is already treading deep into action RPG territory, so might as well suggest : rare/unique zombie spawns that drop better loot. Killing the same zombies over and over with nothing but different amounts of XP as a reward gets stale pretty quickly.
    • New game options are too limited
      Imagine if you could start a new game with all tech unlocked, because you want to do a more 'base design' heavy game, rather than a survival experience? Or you want to increase resource rates by 1000%, instead of 300%? Or loot to 500%? If you are an experienced player, sometimes you hate the 'early game grind' and just want to get back to designing a cool base with turrets and traps right away on a new map.
      The more I thought about it, the thing I really enjoy the most in 7 days is base design and the 'tower defense' aspect. I really want to just fight zombies on horde night every night, but I don't want to grind POI's and trees and rocks to do it. You might say to play creative mode, but again, can't there be a middle ground here? I just think there's room for more options to customize a game to the players preferences.
      Possible Solutions :

      • Allow player to set player starting level / player starting items / zombie loot drop rates / other fun stuff from the new game menu.
    • ALPHA 18 PROBLEM : Looting is too strong, crafting too weak
      I've seen it mentioned in a few other threads and I think it's true : crafting is super weak and looting is super strong right now. I just started a fresh game tonite with my friend, we went from bows to AK and pistol within 2 hours of just looting POI's.
      I remember AK being REALLY rare and being stuck with pistols and shotguns for AGES. The weapon part system is actually so bad at the moment that after playing for 50 days on my main game, I haven't even used a weapon part once. You just loot so many guns that parts are completely useless. Crafting with parts needs to be rethinked.
      Also, on a minor note, the individual stats on guns are so minor and unnoticeable (besides perhaps max clip capacity) that it's basically ignorable. They need a much wider range for them to be something the player cares about. Path of Exile uses a system where items have tiered stat ranges, for example a sword can have a T3 damage affix which adds between 12 to 15 extra damage, while a T1 damage affix on an item might add between 22 and 34 damage, as an example. This could be cool on guns/weapons.
      Possible Solutions :

      • Increases rarity of higher tier guns like AK. I mean, I haven't even seen a rocket launcher outside of a trader in over 50 days, so that's a good as it is. Ammo appears more than it used to, which is good I think, but guns should be rarer. But I've also seen m60 too often as well, it should be on rocket launcher tier of rarity for sure.
      • This probably won't be a very popular suggestion, but I think it needs to happen in some form: weapons/armor and tools should break. Repair kits are too cheap and you just end up stockpiling weapons infinitely for no real purpose. Give all items with durability a very small chance to break completely when they lose durability (I mean like 0.1% chance or even less depending on the item). This might be frustrating but it's semi-realistic and would be a much needed item sink. If you don't want to annoy players with this, I think another item sink is needed, again going back to scrapping weapons/items for a chance at schematics or mods would be a good idea I think. Or make repair kits much more expensive.

    Anyway, I think those are my biggest gripes at the moment. The game is still awesome, but if there was a bit more to do end game and a bit less of a reliance on the intelligence tree for progression, I could see myself playing MANY more hours of this great game.


    submitted by /u/payoman
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    I'm a Noobie and did a (small)thing

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    I'm 11 days in my 1st successful 18a (I spent some time messing with new perks then restarting) I can one shot zombies with my sledge hammer I have a bicycle and a sweet base. Just excited to not have to walk everywhere in my self made heavy armor.

    Good luck out there survivors.

    submitted by /u/alacoop
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    By far my favorite use for metal hatches

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 07:23 PM PDT

    Worth buying 7D2D at A18 currently? Newbie

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 05:55 PM PDT

    Hey there; I'm trying to find a survival game for me and two friends to play. I'm really trying to get them into rust (I got 6k hours.) but they're leaning more towards a budget-friendly game. I've been watching countless videos and reading reviews but it seems like I just run into mostly negative feedback for the current update and it's definitely making me frown on playing it. I'm iffy on new survival games; because once you learn them you immediately cannot return them due to heavy time input to even understand every aspect.
    I really just want a pretty clear "At it's current state; it's pretty bad." or "It's fine, people just don't like change. and as a newbie the changes won't affect you."

    submitted by /u/AlwaysHungryOfficial
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    I don't know much about A18. Why can't I make flagstone pillars?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 05:16 PM PDT

    I can't figure out how to make them for the life of me. Halp.

    submitted by /u/BD420SM
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    Structural integrity indicators

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 01:09 PM PDT

    I had to give up my A18 game yesterday because of a base collapse. I'm fine with that because it was my fault and, at this point, I'm pretty used to starting over when new versions come out. The early game struggle is where I am most satisfied anyway. But losing your base and storage is a pretty harsh punishment for an otherwise invisible game mechanic.

    It reminded me that one thing I've always felt the game lacked was some in-game indication of structural integrity (SI). SI has always been an important but mysterious internal mechanic and there are many good youtube videos explaining the system. You can also conduct your own experiments in creative mode and find what works and what doesn't. I'm actually pretty happy with the current SI system itself. It makes sense to me.

    But I feel there should be an in-game UI feature that reveals SI information. It wouldn't detract from realism because, in reality, there are many detectable signs of bad structural support. It makes sense that a block's current load value (or some hint of it) could be indicated to us somehow.

    Here are some ideas:

    - Show "Load" alongside block health. If I have my stone axe, hammer, or nailgun out and I'm looking at a block, I might see: "100% Health / 80% Load". This would seem to immediately answer my concern without a huge time investment on the devs' part.

    - Blocks could begin to degrade at high thresholds. You might observe a block take damage at intervals and you'd begin to see where SI problems were degrading the base supports. To avoid this system passively destroying your base, perhaps it just brings the block's HP down to 50-75%. That would allow it to show the "damaged" visual without leading to guaranteed collapse. And you might repair the block repeatedly only to find that it keeps degrading, which would be a strong clue that your base isn't supported well enough.

    - An advanced system would be something like we see with land claim blocks. You could activate the land claim to reveal SI issues in its boundaries or put on a goofy pair of engineering goggles that reveals a color scheme over blocks indicating load with green/yellow/red tinting.

    - High thresholds of load could produce some rubble sounds for stone, creaking sounds for metal, splintering sounds for wood, etc. I dislike this idea a bit, as it might be a bit annoying to hear it frequently and poorly supported POIs would sound awful. There are already effects in game that work this way in the form of collapsing "trap" blocks. The value here is that, because it's a passive indicator, you would not actively have to inspect every block of your base for SI issues. You could just listen and follow the sounds. You could throw up some supports and hear the SI problem being relieved. And it would be nice, when a horde knocks out an important block below you, for you to start hearing the base groaning under the increased load. It might be a warning that a POI is about to collapse so you can get out in time, or throw up some emergency supports, or evacuate important loot before your whole base goes.

    While I strongly believe one or more of these ideas have a place in the regular game, there could at least be a Cheat Mode toggle that could display this information (perhaps this already exists, I should tinker more). When I'm in creative mode and trying out base designs, I could toggle it on and see how my base design holds up to stress before investing the time and materials in a normal game. I often like to build in redundancies so that I don't have any single points of failure. This system would really help me design for that.

    submitted by /u/jcampbelly
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    What is going here? What is this supposed to be?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    Special enemies for POIs

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    So the Bear den got 2 bears in it, and i thought wouldn't it be cool if "unique" POIs had unique enemies?

    Like Butcher Pete having a butcher zombie with a giant cleaver swinging at you, and Pawn shops having Rick Harrison or Les Gold (lol) coming at you from behind the counter, being really loud (dear god think about facing Ashley).

    I mean, there are so many unique POIs (i personally want even more though), and i think they should have somewhat of a unique "boss" enemy

    submitted by /u/sh1mba
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    Alpha 18 - I have the all the mats I need to make a forge, but ingredients list says I have zero clay soil, even though I have over 60. But the clay soil icon in my inventory has a little "gear" icon in the top left of the picture. What am I missing?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    I'm not really sure what to do. None of the other ingredients are giving me this "gear" icon, and the ingredient list shows everything else.

    Thanks in advance, guys.

    submitted by /u/OklahomaHoss
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    First horde night on pc was a success :D

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 04:46 PM PDT


    even with a small box base made on day 7 it held up nicely.

    Loving the junk turrets

    submitted by /u/fonv66
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    Word to the wise, the Mini Bike is louder than dogs... until they get close...

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 07:46 PM PDT

    BiPod Mod

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 06:33 PM PDT

    It's funny to me that a piece of equipment that arguably help you stabilize and get on target faster actually slows down the crosshairs. Using a hunting rifle with the fore grip is actually better for speed.

    submitted by /u/Yoshinora
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    How does RWG seed generate a map?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 06:27 PM PDT

    I am wondering if anyone knows how the Seed maps are calculated or generated?

    I have 2 x seed names that produce the exact same map name.

    Seed name: ( - produces map 'New Asojo Valley' which has a seed number of -1111008768.

    Seed name: a) - also produces map 'New Asojo Valley' but has a seed number of 372029318

    So both '(' and 'a)' produce the same map even though the seed name produces a different seed number through whatever algorithm Funpimps use.

    Different seed numbers but produce the same map.

    Does anyone know how the seed number translates into a map name?

    submitted by /u/K_O_N_D_O
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    Game is still on A17.4. How do I update it on steam?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 09:57 PM PDT

    I just want to get in on this update. Says I'm on 17.4. Anyway for me to update it on steam?

    submitted by /u/ColonelKetchup13
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    Fighting zombies in alpha 18

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 09:49 PM PDT

    Machine Gunner Perk Question

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    Hey folks! Can anyone tell me which guns are affected by the "Machine Gunner" and Fortitude talents in A18? I am guessing the new M60 machine gun and possibly the SMG? I wonder if attaching the fully-auto mod to a gun would give it the bonus?

    submitted by /u/Anarchy_Peace
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    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 08:58 PM PDT

    in my Pve server some players can hit and destroy blocks even the base has LCB protection.

    submitted by /u/Potnini
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    Can’t connect electric fence posts

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 11:54 AM PDT

    I'm trying to make a square perimeter fence around my humble abode, and I can't connect the last two fence posts. Am I doing something wrong? I'll try to connect the wires and either nothing will happen, or it will disconnect the wire next to the pole. It's really frustrating, any help?

    submitted by /u/GynxCrazy
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    Started a new A18 series, would love some feedback

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    What are some modlets you can't live without for A18?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 06:16 PM PDT

    Just wanna see what people are using and maybe snag some myself!

    submitted by /u/BeesKneesMcGee
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    Ideas for vehicle mods

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 09:27 AM PDT

    I have yet to find any mods for vehicles, and I'm not sure if there even are any. So I was thinking about this last night and came up with a few ideas that I thought would be pretty neat.

    Expanded storage: seems like a no-brainer that it would be ideal to have the option to add additional storage slots to the vehicles carrying capacity. You could have this scale like the pocket mods for armour in that there there's 3,6,10 extra slots or something. Or this could just be one item that increases capacity by an entire row.

    Improved boosts: improve boosting speed and fuel efficiency. This would probably be better suited for gas-powered vehicles, but you could also make this work for bicycles in that you just use less stamina while sprinting.

    Mountable crafting stations: It would be pretty sick to be able to mount a workbench, cement mixer, chemistry station. I am less into the forge because you have to "store" items in the forge making it less easy to switch it around with the other stations.

    Mountable turrets: junk turrets, auto turrets, shotgun turrets. Whatever. Even if it isn't for passengers to use the turret manually, it would be neat to be able to park your 4x4 in a way that you have the turret covering your back. Uses truck power (fuel) as energy source.

    Tesla coil: this is just something I want to see in the game as an electrical trap, but it would be cool if you could mount it as well and drive it around to fry zombies.

    Armour plating: increased durability so you have to repair it less often.

    Improved gas tanks: higher fuel efficiency.

    I think there are plenty of possibilities, I'm hopeful that TFP will be able to implement some mods for vehicles as it really feels like that would greatly increase their versatility.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Clean187
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    Faster crafting

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 08:44 AM PDT

    I already upgraded my Advanced Engineering and Yeah Science, but crafting still feels sooo slow. It takes about 50 minutes to make 1000 Concrete Mix, how do I speed this up?

    submitted by /u/msmacior
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