• Breaking News

    Friday, September 11, 2020

    7 Days To Die This is without a doubt the most immersive and well-crafted game I have ever played.

    7 Days To Die This is without a doubt the most immersive and well-crafted game I have ever played.

    This is without a doubt the most immersive and well-crafted game I have ever played.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    I am blown away by this game. Once you get past the learning curve in the beginning and begin to understand the game mechanics, it becomes an experience like nothing I have ever played before. I hear people talk about "immersion" but I've never felt immersed in a video game before, until now. This game actually makes you feel like YOU are the survivor. I can feel the emotions my character would feel as I explore the world, and this game actually rewards you for exploring thoroughly. Playing this game is probably raising my blood pressure haha, but it's worth it. Looting a POI and thinking you have everything under control when suddenly a wandering horde breaks in when you least expect it, the sheer number of items you can craft and the freedom the game gives you, the realistic mechanics, I mean I've played VR games but THIS game captures the feeling true VR should better than any VR game. It's absolutely incredible.

    The only complaint I have is the lack of story because there are SO many cool places that you want to know more. Notes you can find in the world explaining the backstory to certain POIs would be incredible. Here is an example.

    I'm doing a tier 3 fetch/clear for the trader in the frozen biome. I roll up on this mansion, and it seems like it's going to be a typical quest. The place is heavily trapped and while I'm sneaking through headshotting the sleepers, I hear something trying to break in. I'm searching for the source of the sound and it's a dire wolf from outside. I proceed to kill him and crawl through the basement and 2 stories, up to the roof, kill the vulture up there but the quest doesn't clear. Inside the house there are all of these body bags and coffins. Weird, I thought. I've never done "headcanon" before but I found myself imaging different scenarios. I roll through the house a couple more times trying to find the last zombies. Normally I get a compass marker for where the zeds are but none are appearing. I check the basement again and there's a podium and what looks like could have been some kind of cult activity, which seems to explain the body bags and coffins. Behind the podium is a curtain. I decide to hack the curtains to see if there is any treasure behind them, and find the entrance to a chemistry lab in a second basement that's isolated from the first. While I'm exploring that, suddenly a wandering horde breaks through the wooden floor from upstairs and I manage to fight them off but the adrenaline was high. I have a double barrel, AK, pistol and blunderbuss but I haven't really used them...saving them for harder horde nights and I'm specced heavily in sex Rex and the club perk, and I find my tier 3 baseball bat so satisfying to kill zombies with I generally forget I even have guns in the heat of the moment so it was a tense battle. Thank God for that stamina on kill bonus.

    I proceed to make my way through the new basement level and I find an underground bunker with a hoard of ammo and other loot. I finally see the golden compass dot showing me the last mobs and it's deeper in the bunker. I open the door to a huge pit with a large number of graves, and suddenly 3 more zeds pop up. I dispatch them with ease but didn't expect for the quest to take so long and it's now 1am and my leg is sprained so there is no way I'm going outside trying to outrun/outbike lumberjacks and mountain lions and wolves to get to my stash house which is about 750m away, so I build a campfire and cook the meat I received from the wolf I killed on the way and the one who broke in, because I'm hungry to the point of stamina reduction and I was completely encumbered and trying to free up a slot.

    Now, what I'd like to see are little notes scattered through the POI telling the story of what went on there. I have my own headcanon but I think the devs could make up some really cool stuff and that would make the game even more amazing than it already is, IMO.

    I'm so glad TFP are still updating this amazing game 6 years later and can't wait for the beta. I think I will be playing this game for a loooong time.

    submitted by /u/Appropriate-Pepper19
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    Stupidity upon stupidity

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    It is day 48 and I go around past all the grave yards and crypts to see if there are any re-spawned ammo for "free". It isn't free though. It takes time, and fuel in the bike to get there, and many swings of the club to clear out the zeds that crawled back in there after my previous visit.

    I get cocky and run a circle through the crypt to wake them all up, then plan on killing them all on the stairs. But they are fast, take too many hits to kill, and they swarm me.

    I clock up another death.

    3 Kms from home.

    Which means 3 kilometers from my bedroll.

    So I respawn. No problem. Mega crush, running shoes, running jacket and steroids from the storage in my base. I start running the straightest direct route to where my motorbike is.

    Running nearly the same speed as the motorbike, I go over hills and through crevaces, through trees and around rocks. As I emerge from some tree branches at high speed there is suddenly no ground below me. I've gone over the edge of a drop-off.

    I am falling, and I know what is coming. I am halfway between my motorbike and my base in the middle of nowhere.


    submitted by /u/tahaan
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    Reminds me of my first base

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    A19.1 b4 Experimental is out for testing!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Anyone else having this texture problem? I had it in Alpha 18 too. This was in the pregen world on PC.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    A19.1b4E changelog

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    1. We found Tim the Toolman Taylor's toolbelt and gave it to players allowing you to carry 10 instead of 8 slots
    2. A fix for the robotic turret freezing games and servers when destroying a block as collateral damage
    3. Huge improvement to ladder usage
    4. Some new and shiny zombies, one of them with hair physics!
    5. Added
    6. Player side stepping while on ladders
    7. Players falling onto ladders will be slowed until they reach a reasonable speed to attach
    8. Support defining POI zones in Prefab Editor
    9. Set entity rigid body drag to .25 when spawned with 0
    10. Death ragdoll physics set max velocities lower
    11. 20 Slot Toolbelt for Prefab Editor
    12. New Stripper, Utility, and Business zombies
    13. Changed
    14. Improved AI ladder use
    15. Ladder type blocks to only be climbable when vertical
    16. Increased player horizontal move speed on ladders and running boosts
    17. Jumping conflicts with starting to climb a ladder
    18. Console command replies on the Windows Dedicated Server terminal window same green as regular console output now
    19. Loot window of writable storage box shows custom text if assigned
    20. Reduced zombie flesh physics bounce and increased fat bounce
    21. Increased toolbelt size to 10 slots
    22. Increased value of cigars
    23. Reenabled docks_02 in Navezgane
    24. Fixed
    25. Switch lights do not seem to be working when they are placed.
    26. Switches that are turned on will be white when logging back into the game
    27. Fixed light source on player industrial light
    28. First person hand animation for block placing is faster and doesn't de sync with fast placed blocks
    29. Stone axe abledo brightness
    30. Trees are invisible from one side and not the other
    31. Object quality diminishes world object render distance too far
    32. Cops and Radiated Cops aim poorly (Increased vomit radius)
    33. Soldier zombie only shows head on fire
    34. Goldenrod seed uses full grown stage ghost when planting (and similar drawing bugs in other plants)
    35. Block placement would start rotated for certain blocks
    36. Broken glass looked white when holding
    37. AI jumping at you thinking the path to you was unreachable if you had moved
    38. AI could not jump while on a ladder
    39. AI obstacle check was disabled on ladder if not climbing
    40. AI pathing not making horizontal ladder connections
    41. AI pathing making unneeded inside drop connections
    42. "house_modern_03" has zombie trapped in tub if/when spawned
    43. Trader hughes poi has missing beam
    44. Terrain AirPocket in cave_04
    45. House_old_victorian_10 fire place paint looks out of place
    46. Player jumping to a ladder block after having used a ladder would not attach unless jump was still pressed after entering the ladder block
    47. Player or AI moving down from air to a ladder would fall 1m
    48. Player moving down to ground while in a ladder block would keep you attached (slow)
    49. Holding jump after attaching to a ladder slowly slides you down
    50. Player does not use stamina when bunny hopping
    51. Ladder rung above hay bale negates hay bale protection
    52. Water makes moving dots effect
    53. HUD timers overlap icons with local language changes
    54. Prefab Editor nullref when toggling 'Show Stability Glue'
    55. "ERR Prefab loading failed" when clients join a world with a custom POI
    56. Toolbelt only remembers one slot per item type to return to (e.g. multiple spears)
    57. Controller unable to select player profile character
    58. onSelfEquip event consistency issues
    59. Harvest animation plays when out of range to harvest
    60. Healing other player is not working
    61. Food animation speeds up after firing any weapon
    62. Deployed robotic sledge animation doesn't have firing sound(s) for clients
    63. Deployed robotic sledge animation doesn't fire correctly for clients
    64. AP rounds not working as expected
    65. Robotic sledge placement can be rotated using reload key during placement process
    66. Junk Sledge dupe on 2 player pickup
    67. Auto turret and traps use mod of item held in hand. ie. burning shaft mod
    68. Spawning in a trader with ctrl num* causes nre
    69. Error if anim pause (ctrl num*) enabled when placing robotic turrets
    70. Dynamic resolution causes Z selection box issues
    71. Floating crawler stumble
    72. Zombies fall through floor/world when jumping over metalRailing blocks
    73. Knocked down Fat Cops play a weird ragdoll
    74. Bear corpse harvest ragdoll is excessive
    75. Bear ragdoll hips could keep moving and improved impact handling
    76. Lab and Hazmat zombie show no fire when burning
    77. Robotic Turret freezing game when shooting a block and having 0 BlockPenetrationFactor
    submitted by /u/StabbyInc
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    What affects hunger drain?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Please, my son, he's very hungry. Because I keep eating all of the sham. The hunger drain has become intolerable- I can wolf down three yucca juice smoothies from the trader (66 food total) and be starving to death just about 5 minutes later. I've taken off all my heavy armor, but to seemingly no avail. The drain wasn't this bad until recently, but nothing has really changed. Is it linked to health regen? Stamina drain? Armor wearing? I have no clue exactly how it balances out (and the wikis are several Alphas out of date)

    submitted by /u/Wafflotron
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    Can we get these when we “accidentally” throw a Molotov????

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    I played a prank on my friend

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:10 PM PDT

    Today I planted an azalea

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    Is it worth it?


    I knew she had smelled me. I've been looting the coffins, it being a good source of bullets, I've found. Hate myself, for that. Descecrating the dead like that. Those that are properly dead, I mean.

    There were some body bags, you know. The black and yellow ones, flies buzzing. Smells god awful as nothing else. In there I found some ... I'd rather not say. But she smelled me cause of that.

    I know, but she had lost most of her mind, so she just stood there with her back to me, hitting the door. I never saw her face. I swear. It is the morning before the horde and all I was thinking is "one less to come for me tonight". Sure you can understand that.

    I moved in slow, she knew I was there but she didn't know wat direction. So I lowered my gun and pulled the bat out, and I swung. Her head made a sound... I will never forget. The body lay there, that terrible gurgling sound from the neck.

    Worst part is I didn't even look at her, I just went for the bag she dropped.

    Opened it and I pulled out the ring.

    The ring I gave her after prom.

    I never saw her face.

    Azaleas were her flowers. Perhaps tonight I won't shoot at the horde. When they come. Perhaps I'll just stand there and wait for them to take me.

    submitted by /u/tahaan
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    How to get brass in large quantities?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    The brass is the bottleneck when it comes to crafting ammunition...

    Where do you get it in large enough quantities to sustain a base with lots of turrets?

    submitted by /u/Johannes8
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    Question about long Horde nights

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    I'm not sure why, but all of my horde nights are nonstop until 4am. When i watch other let's plays, early game hordes will end as early as midnight and it isn't until the 3rd or 4th horde night that they last all night. Even if I run horde every night, day 1 will last until 4am...it's exhausting my resources horribly. I asked a question a few weeks about my difficulty seeming to be to high and the answer was that a glitch raised my spawn game stage level; however, my game state is fixed and set at one now...so I'm not sure what this could be. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/spellicy3
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    Things got a little spicy!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    I just love the new HD Zombies (and my electro fence)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    I know this has probably been asked 1000 times. Just got a new pc, is there a way to get my save transferred over?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Is this game good split screen xbox one?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    Looking for a split screen game to play with my kid. Is it a garbage port, or good time?

    submitted by /u/Blargh234
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    The wood frame that hold it all together

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    A19 Loot table fix v2.0! [unofficial]

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    This mod aims to balance loot distribution in A19 to feel less Linear.

    TLDR: In simple terms this mod will make the A19 loot table play out like a modified and slightly more challenging version of A18. You can get high tier loot all the time, although it's unlikely - you won't be swamped with blunderbusses on day 20 and many many other quality of life improvements...









    1) Simply download both XML files and replace the existing files from the link above.

    2) Place both files in your install directory "\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config" - make sure you overwrite both files.



    • Reworked the gamespeed in Gamestages.xml, was 1.7x in old loot mod is now 1.5x - we feel this better reflects a fun pace for gameplay... A19 default is 1.2 which feels a little slow. The higher the number, the faster you'll get stuff (including hard mobs.)

    • Reworked high tier items so they can drop before game level 100, although they remain very rare and drop chances slowly increase over time.

    • In general reworked every loot tier so they are available at every level of the game, with drop rates that scale in a balanced fashion. Drop rates are similar if not a little more punishing than the A18 loot table.

    • Reworked a 'bug' (with A19 loot table) where you would always get high tier recipes before the gun/item could even drop, this was because tier 3 recipes were placed in the tier 2 loot table, meaning you'd always have crafted a high level tier3 weapon before you even saw one drop. Effectively rendering Tier 3 item drops boring.

    • Tier 0 loot becomes very rare to find at a quicker rate (no blunderbuss spam at high/mid game stage.)

    • Tier 1 and 2 loot are always SLIGHTLY more likely to drop over Tier 3 loot. This means even at a high level receiving Tier 3 loot feels rewarding. For example you will not be spammed with T3 weapons at a high level. However the general quality of the items will be very good the more you level.

    • Made it so there is less Tier 0 gameplay as we felt the items available in the game (wood axe, blunderbuss, wooden club and stone spear) are too limited for this game stage to last a long time and remain entertaining. Our aim was to make finding guns for the first horde night feel special, not impossible!

    • Adjusted the loot quality table (not to be confused with the tier changes) so high level items always have a chance to drop. Although at a low game stage finding a high level item is rare. To compare, in the A19 loot table you have a 0% chance of getting a level 6 gun before certain gamestages, we wanted to avoid this, it feels stale and predictable.

    Changes from version 1.0 of the mod

    • Important Tier 3 recipes are no longer in the tier 2 loot table and instead have been moved to a new Tier 3 recipe table.

    • Further balanced Tier 0, 1, 2 & 3 loot progression so you should have at least 1 or 2 horde night in each loot stage. In the old version Tier 2 didn't last as long as I had wanted.

    • At extremely high game stages Tier 3 items are still exciting to find as the loot table remains populated with a variation of Tier 1 & 2 items. Old patch felt too predictable at higher game stages.

    Keep in mind, all of this is based on probability, as an extreme example you might just hit the lottery and get a level 6 pump shotgun on day 1. This keeps the game fun so you can change your gameplay and the decisions you make depending on your luck.

    We also tried making a modlet for this version but we ran out of time, however if someone wants to make a modlet that has more experience, that would be lovely!

    Thanks and enjoy!

    submitted by /u/CuddlezCS
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    How to defend a day horde at your base entrance without being close?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    I have a good defense system for my base with spikes, junk turret and sledge turrets. But for this to work I have to be close but sometimes I'm too far away in my base and have to run up every time I hear a screamer...

    What's the solution for this? Shotgun/ smg turret and motion sensors? Or do these turrets count into the same category as the junk turret and I have to be close for it to work?

    submitted by /u/Johannes8
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    Friend Finder Friday - September 11, 2020

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Are you tired of surviving alone? Ever wish you had a friend help you through horde nights? Have you ever been so lonely you spawned and placed a zombie corpse in your base to keep you company(You know who you are!)?

    If so, you've come to the right place. By posting here you can find friends to play and survive with! Remember, you don't need to be faster than the zombies just faster than your friends ;)

    Please leave your Steam/XB1/PSN name, what time zone you're in and works best for you, and (If you're on PC) any mods you may be using.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Cabin 01 vs The Horde

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    They’ve made it to the 7th night in 2020.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    Cant build a ceiling/second story floor. Help please?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    Can anyone help us figure out why we cant build wood blocks along these pillars? We're trying to do a wood floor. It held overnight when the pillars were wood. But as soon as they were changed to cobblestone the floor came crashing down. My friend cant figure out the proper spacing needed to build a second story floor.

    This is on PC version


    submitted by /u/CzunkyMonkey
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