• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 20, 2019

    7 Days To Die Seedy Sunday - January 20, 2019

    7 Days To Die Seedy Sunday - January 20, 2019

    Seedy Sunday - January 20, 2019

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 09:11 AM PST

    Have you found or are looking for a good or interesting seed to use?

    If you're sharing a seed please use something similar to this format for others to easily find what they might be looking for

    Game version (A15/16/17/etc):

    Map size:


    Map Coordinates:

    Features/POI's to look out for:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The shit you'll do for traders. This took 3 game days.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 10:37 AM PST

    Someone’s house in the middle of Louisiana, or their base in the wasteland.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 04:50 PM PST

    Horde night

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 09:08 PM PST

    Zombies spawning inside my base on horde night.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 07:50 PM PST

    I don't think I've had this problem since alpha 14 or 15, but I have zombies spawning within the range of my land claim block on horde night.

    Pic of the base: https://imgur.com/3StrKIZ

    The LCB is in the middle of the building, and the walls are built at 19 blocks from the LCB. The trussing is the 20th block.

    I fight the horde from the roof, when suddenly I hear them breaking walls because they spawned inside the compound.

    Is this a bug?

    submitted by /u/Fisher77
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    Modern Designed House Base Build 7 Days To Die Alpha 17

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 05:29 PM PST

    Any tips for larger cities/bodies of water?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 03:49 PM PST

    I have been messing with RWGmixer increasing (what i assume) are the chances a town spawns and the size of the city. Also edited the max count of alot of prefabs to hopefully get larger chunks of town. Not sure if im doing it correct though because I cant tell if anything is really changing. Here is the main bit of code ive been slowly adjusting


     <cell\_rule name="default"> **<hub\_rule name="default" prob="5"/>** <wilderness\_rule name="default" prob="1"/> </cell\_rule> </cell\_rules> 

    <hub\_rules> <hub\_rule name="default"> **<downtown\_zone\_size\_perc value="3"/>** 
    submitted by /u/B-Dubb8
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    Leveling up isn't worth it anymore

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 12:10 AM PST

    anyone else feel like leveling up isn't even worth it right now? looting even a simple house becomes a very hard thing to do when you have 3 ferals and 2 radiated ones chasing you.

    submitted by /u/notalurkeranymore222
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    Permanent Debuff Bug?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 08:56 PM PST

    I'm not sure if this is a glitch or just a really obtuse mechanic. I had my skull crusher debuffed by 2 points and my iron forging debuffed by point. I presume this was from dying. However when the death debuff wore off I still had the stat penalties and when I hovered over them it said 'reduced because of status effect' despite having no visible status effects.

    This lasted for about four hours of play and the only thing that seemed to alleviate this was putting a point into the governing attribute (strength and int). I inferred this from the fact that having put 1 point into both strength and int the debuff from my iron crafting skill (I forget the name, for making forges) vanished and I now was only being penalized a single point in Skull Crusher.

    Hunger and thirst were topped off the entire time and I'd only died once near the start of the session (totaling 3 deaths for this character). The Near Death Trauma debuff had worn off and was no longer visible in my status effect page.

    As of now I've been 3+ hours death free with hunger and thirst never going below 100 and I still have a single point penalized from Skull Crusher.

    Edit: I also wasn't overheating.

    Edit 2: So it looks like this was the issue.

    submitted by /u/DemiurgicTendencies
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    Any tips for a new player?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 10:16 AM PST

    Hi all, I just got the game and am looking for a few tips to start off

    I watched a few videos and I know a few basics. Like level up the perks to kill zombies faster first. Make noise outside houses to draw all the non sleepers out (Although it seems like this doesnt work, as I'll shoot a gun a few times and nothing come out of the house only for me to go in and kill 20 zombies that aren't sleepers) And thats about all I got. Most of the videos I was were for older alphas, and from the look of things alpha 17 completely changed the game, so I doubt they are applicable.

    I am just looking for tips for i guess how I should spend my skill points. Where/how I should build my first base to survive my first horde night. (While I found many online, most were for later horde nights, or were made by people so good they had perks to make forged iron and lvl 5 tools by night 7.)

    Right now I am just kinda looting and improvising a base in a barn that is surround by a large cornfield. and am worried about the first horde night. I have fortified parts around the access points with iron walls. not forged but the second tier upgraded wall that uses scrap iron. But I doubt It will hold long. I am just hoping I can just stay very quiet on horde night and not get attacked

    submitted by /u/RougePanzer
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    Anyone has think 17.1 warer/food is shit?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 03:54 PM PST

    I'm at 96 for thirst, and I'm getting "thirsty" messages. They said they upped the limit to help us, but all it caused is for us to have more food to eat to get full, or a shorter time before we are dehydrated/starving. Why didn't they just lower it from 50 instead of inventing a whole new system.. I really hope they change it back.

    submitted by /u/Cerebral23ad
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    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 06:55 PM PST

    I have a feeling this has been posted before, but where the heck can I find potassium nitrate? I have successfully mined coal, iron, and lead from gravel veins. Went to snow and couldn't find any. Wasteland doesn't seem to have man thg gravel veins as all. The few I found either didnt have potassium or had iron. Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/staticwise
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    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 06:39 PM PST

    I feel like i may be just getting unlucky here but, where the heck can I find nails to make a bellows. I can make a forge already but, have been looking around for 4 days for nails. The trader doesn't have nails or a bellows and I'm losing it. Why the heck make me need an item I can't craft. I have freaking 12 guns with a crap load of ammo and only 2 nails.

    submitted by /u/DebunkFunk
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    Power leveling (Single player) advice

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 10:52 AM PST

    Hello fellow survivors,

    After reaching approximately 70 level on SP I'm starting to wonder: Why is leveling so damn slow?

    I am doing everything in my power to level up fast like mine with maxed fortitude perk fully modded level 6 steel pickaxe , selling tons of stuff to traders ,wearing 10% exp goggles,using grandpa's elixir, making quests but I'm still unable to level up fast enough.

    Is there some kind of trick to speed up leveling by say 100% ? I'm open to mod suggestions as well..

    Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/Hollowprime
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    auger still sucks?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 06:21 PM PST

    I finally get an auger and it feels like I can mine just as fast with a pick axe. Is this as designed or just an oversight?

    submitted by /u/FlatusGiganticus
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    I'm at 140 max water but I'm thirsty at 89?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 01:37 PM PST

    This seems like a bug, it's making desert life pretty hard. Can anyone confirm if this is normal?

    submitted by /u/Hysix
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    lost all skill points

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 04:39 PM PST

    Is there a way to either type a command to reset my level to 1 to give me exp after to get back to my old level? or at the very least a way to just get my skill points? like "give______xskillpoints?"

    submitted by /u/Cerebral23ad
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    I did it, first horde night

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 04:34 PM PST

    I'm quite happy to say that after several miserable failures, I have finally completed my first Spawn-Dawn no deaths run, making it through the day 7 horde night with a few close calls, but no deaths. Yay!

    There were a few things I noticed though, that I believe warrant further testing, and may actually be exploits.

    Most noticably, is a path finding exploit for the Zombies. If the player is holding both A and S, and is looking 45° to their right, zombies will follow the player until the group up in a line where the player is looking. They will then continue to follow the player, maintaining that line. The will not take the shortest path to the player, and will never catch you, even if you're just walking with the zombies on default settings.

    They remain moving parallel to the player, and anytime they move to adjust to the player's direction they briefly do nothing, followed by a brief walk animation towards the player, then back to sprinting parralel to the player.

    When training the zombies back, it is possible to perform a stutter step while flicking the mouse to look in the same direction, then continue running. This does very little to disrupt the players momentum, but if executed at the right distance will animation lock every zombie who's locked on to them in a line in front of them.

    From watching their animations, it appears the zombies stop sprinting to turn around, then don't actually turn around (so as to continue following the player), then complete the walk animation in the direction of the player, then start running again.

    These pair of movement exploit I leaned on pretty heavily long after I was out of bullets and arrows, to kite the horde out to the edges of my area, Sprint home, restock and be back well before they caught up. I never ran low on stamina, and could even clump together the horde and avoid stragglers pretty effectively, without much concern for getting hit because of the Stutter-Walk animation bug, which also prevents them from being able to hit you.

    NOTE: The stutter animation bug is inconsistent on the black skin white t shirt zombies, and the Hoodie zombies. Anything with their walk cycle is Far less consistently effected, and they generally have a lower tolerance for movement based shenanigans.

    submitted by /u/Azeranth
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    It is possible to one shot radiated sleeper zombies with crossbow? If so what I need to achieve that?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 10:26 AM PST

    Currently I am struggling with radiated zombies and I am wondering if it is possible to one shot them with crossbow.

    I am playing on server with nomad difficulty.

    PS: Lets exclude 15% chance to explode heads on hit from "Boom! Headshot!" perk.

    submitted by /u/Martian_on_the_Moon
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    Daytime Normal Ferals?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 07:54 AM PST

    In the past few days in my world I have noticed a few normal type zombies start to sprint and attack aggressively in the day time, they have glowing yellow eyes as well. Does anyone know anything about this? I couldnt see anything on the wikis about it.

    submitted by /u/Cvpt1ve
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    Were zeds always this likely to aggro over nothing?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 07:44 AM PST

    Wrote off the first couple times as a fluke but now this seems to be a trend where I can be sitting crouched doing absolutely nothing and a zed will aggro through the wall.

    If I remember before, they could get stuck on stuff and start attacking it, but this seems like the zombie closet logic (They aggro when you get near for a little jumpscare) but applied to all critters in general. I've had snakes aggro on the house I was in, start hitting it and end up calling down a mob.

    Was sneaking through a house not breaking or quick looting, nothing on me with scent and a wolf breaks down the door and leads in a pack of zeds.

    From what I remember the zed conga lines would become engaged at whatever stopped their migration, but random aggo wasn't this bad.

    submitted by /u/kriegson
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    Help dedicated server connection time out

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 01:04 PM PST

    So I know the server works I had 3 friends on it and it runs great. However sometimes when we connect it will say server time out and you can't connect to the server. I have no idea what is causing this problem. It will eventually let us on sometimes If we don't rage quit.

    submitted by /u/AnomalyEvolution
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    keeping forge heat away from your base

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 12:50 PM PST

    Is it still a good idea to put your forge room underground. away from your base?

    Or does the new AI mean that the screamers will try to trace the heat back along the tunnel and to your base?

    submitted by /u/othergallow
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    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 12:48 PM PST

    Is anyone else having issues with their 7DTD achievements not reflecting on their Steam account(s) ? 🤔

    submitted by /u/R3DDR0S3
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