• Breaking News

    Friday, September 27, 2019

    7 Days To Die Friend Finder Friday - September 27, 2019

    7 Days To Die Friend Finder Friday - September 27, 2019

    Friend Finder Friday - September 27, 2019

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Are you tired of surviving alone? Ever wish you had a friend help you through horde nights? Have you ever been so lonely you spawned and placed a zombie corpse in your base to keep you company(You know who you are!)?

    If so, you've come to the right place. By posting here you can find friends to play and survive with! Remember, you don't need to be faster than the zombies just faster than your friends ;)

    Please leave your Steam/XB1/PSN name, what time zone you're in and works best for you, and (If you're on PC) any mods you may be using.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Trader Spaghetti

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:58 PM PDT

    Gun parts?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    Should they bring back gun parts? Being real tho it was fun getting the parts to build the best gun instead of finding a complete gun everywhere...

    And maybe zombie looting..? Or more schematics...? (Not perk books)

    submitted by /u/Dsnake35
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    Land Claim Block Keeps Breaking

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:46 PM PDT

    Every time I log into my 17.4 random gen world (solo, not listed, with password) my land claim block is often, but not always down to 1 HP. Any idea what's going on here?

    submitted by /u/darbius
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    Blade traps: Place on the ground or on a block?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    I've always used blade traps directly on the ground to make sure any zombies within range get chopped up and killed. It also makes sure that any crawlers don't just crawl under them and bash my walls. So far, my experience is that blade traps work very well this way (but do need repairs during a horde night).

    That said, I have read comments saying that blade traps placed on a block will remove heads from zombies that get within range, instantly killing them. I am worried about zombies getting "under" them and bashing walls though. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/budweiser_buddy
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    Brass and alpha 18

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:11 PM PDT

    Is there fast way of getting brass?

    Is there a list of confirmed changes or added content for alpha 18?

    submitted by /u/BasicSquare
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    For me it's game over if I ever die.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    So I got a pretty weak pc, but still bought the game, cuz... why not?

    In 16.4 I played with no lag, everything went perfect!

    Now in 17.4, it's so laggy, when I die it automatically crashes the game :))))

    submitted by /u/CowsCiuvac
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    Want some people to play with! PC

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:16 PM PDT

    Looking to play on a server with a few people! I am open to anything really.

    I would like to host as i have not had any luck joining other peoples servers... I generally like to make massive fortresses and that takes awhile and i'm on all the time.

    I don't mind any play style. we can share a base and stick together or maybe just share the server and greet each other with a "whats up?" every now and again, i mainly just enjoy knowing there is other people around and i like chatting about the game.

    Playing with more then 1 person on a server is a pref for me aswell.

    Pref over 18+

    I am from Australia, but i am on basicly all the time so timezones are not a major issue.

    submitted by /u/M0istOyster
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    Do zombies hate cash registers?!?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:30 AM PDT

    Surely I'm not the only person who's experienced this, enter a POI and trigger the spawns/waking up of zombies.

    Sometimes I'll be standing there, sometimes I'll be moving around but if there's a cash register, I'll almost be guaranteed that a zombie will be beating on it...

    I notice it because there's money in there (or could be) or because I'd like to scrap it and seeing it get totalled by a zombie who is supposedly trying to kill me but instead takes a small detour to punch out the register is just plain weird.

    Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon?

    submitted by /u/OThinkingDungeons
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    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    I'm looking for some help as far as base defenses. I like trying to have my base look appealing as well as being functional for a horde night. Recently, my favorite method of base defense has become less effective. I like to use two plates with a spike trap between them |X| It creates the appearance of a wall that is one block thick, while actually being three layers.

    With the elimination of the cone shaped spike traps, my wall is much weaker and less effective. I'd like to mount shotgun turrets on my wall, or place dart traps underneath the wood spikes, but I'm super inexperienced with electricity. I have very fragile grasp on how battery banks and solar panels work, and how to wire things. Help me out!?

    submitted by /u/Hillsy85
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    Has anyone figured out what the FireAxe is?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 08:02 AM PDT

    I remember when 17 came out alot of confusion on perks and which apply to the fire axe. So what is the consensus now? is it bladed or does it count as heavy metal?

    submitted by /u/Gorilla51
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    Anyone anyone thought of setting up a GoFundMe me or something for 7days? Would people actually donate?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 05:20 PM PDT

    Just wondering if there was like something to donate to the devs thatll help with adding more content.

    submitted by /u/BasicSquare
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    So I'm building some prototype bases on a creative mode world a d I was just wondering how I go about getting myself a 1-hit block breaker? I've seen it done with different items and was just wondering how?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    Any Good Way To Defend Water Base?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    Been considering making a nice little water base, I know it is not optimal of course. I really enjoy the nice scenic view when a base is built over the water. I just cant think of a good way to defend the base since the zombies will attack from underwater since they sink, not float lol. Are there any good / effective ways to defend a base that is built over water? Biggest concern is defending would be hard since the zombies are in the water while I am above it, so I would not see them well lol.

    submitted by /u/Vaerth101
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    Zeds ignoring my base and digging straight down to me

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 04:36 AM PDT

    So I found a big underground cave, the one with the broken elevator shaft in it right, and I decided to make it my home. The idea was that the hole in the surface that goes over it, I put concrete over that hole with a small square house above it, with a ladder that goes down into the cave.

    What I had thought was that the zeds would attack that small surface house so they could take the ladder downwards into the cave, but whenever I'm down there, the zeds completely ignore all of that and start digging straight down through the dirt to get to me and the cave. I live in the burnt forest so most of it is dirt and such.

    I had thought that with the zombie pathing update, it fixes this so that zombies don't just dig to you. People on here tell me all the time about underground bases but obviously mine isn't going to work. Could anyone offer me and advice on the matter? I've already spent a few irl hours fixing up my new home and transporting everything I own into the cave. How do I get the zombies to attack the surface square box to get to the cave instead of just digging straight down in the dirt?

    submitted by /u/Srgtgunnr
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    My best idea yet.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:44 AM PDT

    Was about to give up on this seemingly endless digging treasure mission. But then I got a Big Brain, 200 IQ idea.


    submitted by /u/InsaneAdam
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