• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 26, 2019

    7 Days To Die Joel Day 28 horde - perception build

    7 Days To Die Joel Day 28 horde - perception build

    Joel Day 28 horde - perception build

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 10:49 PM PDT

    Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - September 26, 2019

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Want to show off your base or a build you're particularly proud of? Want to show off what helped you make it through horde night?

    Take a video or some screenshots and post them here to share with your fellow survivors!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    You see these little cardboard box stacks? You should be breaking them!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 06:47 PM PDT

    There should be a perk or upgrade path for disarming and collecting land mines

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 06:43 PM PDT

    I think it would have to be a high level perk that unlocked later on in the game since it might be OP early game but it would take the big load off of having to mine that much more for gun powder.

    submitted by /u/HeliaxPrime
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    Ready to Play on Pc!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    Hi community! I've been lurking here for 2 years and I feel like I can finally join after building my pc last week. Me and my buddy have only played on console and seeing as that is temporarily abandoned... we are ready to explore on the PC!

    So! We need some help on what is a good price to pay for the game on pc. Are there any legit third party sites that sell it for cheap? Is there a steam sale coming up? Any help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Moodie25
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    Using zeds to break vaults for me :D

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    Hey everyone

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 03:19 PM PDT

    I'm new, so excuse my ignorance, but, are the devs planning on adding recruitable npcs, neutral and hostile settlements ?

    submitted by /u/l3mi11i0n
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    Any console users still playing?

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 05:50 PM PDT

    Was wondering when playing 7dtd on my ps4,it's still Alpha 16 (thankfully imo)but does anyone still play console 7dtd?just curious to know if console 7dtd isn't outdated

    submitted by /u/UganadaSonic501
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    Looking for someone to play with

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 07:00 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, me and my friend are looking for a third person to join us, PM me if you're interested so we can add you on Discord and play together!

    submitted by /u/gustyorder
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    GNAmod Horde Mode by Haidr'Gna - Tower Zombie Wave Defense - Part 2! (Video)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 10:56 PM PDT

    A17 Zombie AI Mod Request/Idea/Questions:

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    I'm going to start a server for some friends of mine. I would like to change the zombies to do much less block damage, and to just walk stupidly straight towards the player. I'm going to massively increase spawns to compensate.

    Is there a mod that does the above? I already have a mod for increased spawns. Is there a simple .xml edit to make this happen/could I make my own mod?

    Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/Nucleus24
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    Frame issues

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 08:10 PM PDT

    I have a fairly beefy PC build (RTX 2070 Super and a Ryzen 7 2700x) and am experiencing horrible frame lag however my friends with worse PCs are having no issues at all anybody know a fix for this?

    submitted by /u/oops-that-sucked
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    how to modify packmule perk for 120 slot backpack

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 05:49 PM PDT

    hi ....how can i modifi the packmule perk for 120 slot backpack?? now if i have full inventory i cant move at all

    submitted by /u/R0bert94
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    Looking for people to play with on PC in cst

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 05:12 PM PDT

    My friend and I want a couple more people to play with consistently, comment with your discord tag if interested

    submitted by /u/GriffGaming
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    Dog food question..

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    Any way to actively farm this outside of kitchens and maybe supply drops?

    submitted by /u/OleIsaGamer
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    Server help????

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:17 PM PDT

    I'm back to playing 7 days after a long delay. I have my own dedicated server, but can't seem to generate my own maps. Are you able to do this and if so how. Thanks

    submitted by /u/gatch72
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