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    Tuesday, October 1, 2019

    7 Days To Die Tips n' Tricks Tuesday - October 01, 2019

    7 Days To Die Tips n' Tricks Tuesday - October 01, 2019

    Tips n' Tricks Tuesday - October 01, 2019

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Have a tip you wish someone shared with you when you first started playing? Have you discovered a tried and true method of survival?

    Share your secrets with your fellow survivors and help those just getting started!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Looks like Alpha 18 is coming this weekend

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:08 PM PDT

    Friday for the streamers, Monday for everyone else. Looks like it's pretty much a sure thing as per Joel (madmole on the forums), as long as nothing catastrophic and unforeseen occurs.



    submitted by /u/PowerfulYogurt
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    This feature was suggested for Project Zomboid, but would be awesome in 7DTD

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    Due credit: the idea is not mine, u/Vioplad suggested this feature for PZ: https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/db56oi/the_issue_with_base_building_and_how_to_fix_it/

    Give player-built construction a stability value. Right now your walls simply have HP and that's it. Given enough time a single zombie could take down a max carpentry log wall. The stability value of a wall determines how much force zombies need to generate simultaneously in order to actually cause damage to the wall. So let's say by default a single zombie would have a stability penetration of 1. A standard log wall built at carpentry level 0 has 2 stability which means that in order for zombies to actually damage its HP value there need to be 2 zombies attacking it at once. Higher carpentry level or attaching metal plates to the walls through metalworking increases their stability which means that eventually even hordes will be repelled by a base if it is sufficiently stable. Obviously the stability penetration of zombies could be adjusted by the sandbox/server settings in order to account for people that prefer stronger or weaker zombies.

    I think this is a great idea for the vanilla game or a mod, although, obviously, it needs some adaptation. 1-2 regular zombies should be able to destroy flimsy doors, but not steel bunkers. Acid pukers or explosive zombies should be able to deal massive damage and let the rest of the horde in. Blocks that would be somewhat resistant to regular zombies, should be expensive and take really long time to build (so POI reinforcement would have sense).

    submitted by /u/drNovikov
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    A 7 Days First Timer tale

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 10:45 PM PDT

    The beginning is just a story of how I got to know the game and my first and second playthrough, telling my experiences and fears on this game. If you want to skip for the "real" story, my third playthrough, go for the giant headline down bellow.

    I'll start with how I got to know the game, somewhere in the past, it was on steam and I saw the "bad review" and just clicked "Ignore", then 3~4 days ago I decided to steam binge for a game to play, and then I saw "GREENHELL", I was surprised by the graphics in the preview and the positive feedback, so I did what everyone else does, youtube search it, found a video from a youtuber, PartiallyRoyal, watched 3 minutes and didn't see much so I decided to check his other videos and saw a catchy phrase for a game, "7 Days to Die - Horde Every Night with a twist", well, I decided to watch and oh boy, I liked what I saw...liked so much that I've spent more than 5 hours watching 7DTD gameplay.

    So I searched the game again on steam and found it ignored, read the reviews again and it was still bad, but now I dug deeper, the revies were bad because of "grinding" and "only zombie kills give exp". I searched through the net to find out if it was ever on sale or if it would be and one commentary (a bad review) said that the game is often at discount when an update is deployed to "lure" players to this "shitty game"...I also read that A18 was almost deployed and could probably wait to see if I'd get a discount...but man...oh man...I didn't care, I just bought the damn thing...and it was a good decision.

    So now, to when I started playing, to my surprise I couldn't connect to steam, I got mad...seriously thought of getting a refund, a game this old that doesn't offer online multiplayer? Well, to my luck it was a problem on steam, not on the game, so I created my character and entered the game, a big loading time (with SSD) and I was feeling down already..."this game is going to be heavy on my notebook"...but nope, it was just loading the map and the second time onward it didn't take more than 3 seconds to load.

    And there I was, in the middle of a road in Navezgane, the forest biome, from watching videos I knew what to do so I started gathering everyhing on sight, walked a few meters ahead...dog...ok...walk back. After leaving the "begginer zone" I started hearing those falling rock noises (changed biome), everytime I'd hear this I'd do a 360º to see what made that noise, when I saw my first zombie my heart raced as the thing got near...I thought I was prepared from watching the videos but I wasn't at all, oh boy.

    Fast forward a little, my first night, I just entered a house and didn't move at all...for 15 whole minutes I was just there, staring at the wall, scared shitless from the zombie noises from outside, thinking that anytime one would start breaking the walls and I'd be in the cold dark night, running for my life, but it never happened, zombies probably don't want to eat a coward like day 1 me....and the same repeated on day 2 and day 3, by day 4 I thought "hey, Now I have a sledgehammer and a pistol, this thing hitkills zombies and the pistol kill dogs and vultures, I'm fine"...well...I wasn't, because I didn't account the DARK of the night, so there I was, caught in the middle of the desert with no light source, I went to a settlement and tried to climb a house to stay at the top, but t0 my surprise...dogs on the neighboors house (Beware dog snake pig man), I thought I'd be fine with my pistol but the darkness didn't let me see the thing before a pack of dogs ate me alive.

    I got a little bit down...until I found out about "gamma"...it was set to 50%...when I turned it to 100% it was perfect, it was what I'd expect to see in a full moon night so I didn't complain saying that it was "cheating", I started again on another place and rushed to the trader to finish all the beginner missions, while leaving I saw broken glass on my inventory and that it had recipes to use with it, so I pressed A....oh wait, A is eat, no no no no...dead...

    "The STORY starts here"

    So there I was, 2 times killed in 2 different games, and I went for my third one,...but now I was experienced, I knew what to do and not to do, I started on the burnt forest biome and lived to day 4, in daytime I was brave, killed all the zombies around, night time...not so much, but I still left the house to search for stuff...at day 5 a thought ocurred to me "Day 7 has a horde and this shitty falling house is probably not gonna resist it...I might lose my forge and 5 storage chest worth of loot..."

    And then I spent my time digging an 11x11 3 blocks deep hole 80m away from the house...this would be my horde fort, if I die the zombies will not destroy my home, after that I built a 5x5 Iron Frame for the bottom layer...."wait...I have some concrete mix, I can get a concrete layer!" so I hit the trader, bought some rebar and did a 7x7 frame circling through the iron frame "yeah, I have 200 concrete mix, this is going to be perfect for this 6x6...wait...oh no....".

    Stupid me thought "well, after 5 comes 6 so If I want to circle 5x5 I'll build a 6x6 frame...right?"...and I did the math wrong and had to leave 4 rebar on the bottom...hopes were also getting destroyed with the lack of iron (didn't mine), I had spent all my iron building a 2 blocks tall 5x5 so now I was in danger of not having resources to build defenses and have to rely on wood..."damn...it's over...I'll die again"...until I saw some cobblestones on my inventory...checked for recipes and saw my savior...Cobblestone Block...oh my god, it saved my life, I had a lot of cobblestone from farming cement on houses and digging this 11x11, not to mention the 5k+ clay, I managed to get enough to fill the 7x7 above the cement and upgrade it, after that it was time for the wood and so I did the 3rd and 4th height of wood, made a wood frame ceiling to prevent vultures, at around day 7 21:20 I had no more wood...I couldn't go farm more, "this is it, do or die", I had 60x 7.62, 115x 9mm, 90x shotgun shell, 60x stone arrows and my beloved quality 3 BATsy (iron bat), every weapon with at least 1 dye.

    I remembered that from the videos I watched, the first horde was easy so it was probably more than enough....right?

    A little bit of story of day 7, at the start of the day I thought I was prepared with my base and supplies...until the thunder started...oh boy...it scared the shit out of me...so much that it threw me off and I fought the horde without being full on food and water and not reading the 2 manuals for extra skillpoints for 30minutes....

    Well...you see, I had watched 3 videos of "first horde", 1 was from PartiallyRoyal's "playing with friends" and 2 were from "Horde Every Night" challenges, from PartiallyRoyal and Glock9...you see...this isn't good reference...first, it wasn't that recent, so some stuffs might've changed, second...they were like...level 3 or 4 in the horde every night and the "day 7 horde" from playing with friends was actually a 4 player fort, experienced with the game...and there I was, sitting on my fort, level 17...NO EXPERIENCE AT ALL, only fought small daylight hordes of 7~9 normal zombies for exp...

    The sky turned red...only dim light and some candles I lit around the place...and I heard the first cry..."that's it! bring it on!"...my blood raging, my heart thumping, banging on my torax, my legs shaking...I aimed my marksman rifle at the first zombie...BOOM! Headshot!...he died instantly...now the second one...BOOM!...he fell on the ground..."one more and he's dead"...BOOM!...he didn't die..."Ok, third time is the charm!"....BOOM! I got the exp..."Yes, easy peasy lemon...what is that punching sound?"

    My tunnel vision didn't allow me to pay attention on my surrounding...the horde that I thought would be 4 or 6 zombies coming from 1 area turned into 12+ zombies coming EVERYWHERE, they circled my base as I was in the middle and started banging on the walls...."OK! OK! OK! No need to panic, I still have plenty of ammo!" I started shooting everything...I fell off the wall 3 times but for my luck the digging slowed down the zombies that tried to climb after me so I could put a wood frame and jump back into the base safely, I shot and shot, I killed and killed many zombies, I heard a different noise and to my surprise, SPIDER ZOMBIES!!! I never thought I'd face one of them on my first horde night, so I focused on it with all my might since it was dangerous to have him jump on me or above my wooden framed roof, the horde didn't stop, I kept shooting until all my 9mm was gone, I then changed to the 7.62mm until it was also gone, I then got my shotgun and used all my ammo and they were still there...but now I noticed that they didn't "respawn", so it was only 8 zombies left for my stone arrow bow...I aimed all my shots and finished the horde night by killing a bugged zombie that spawned inside a road sign.

    My legs were still shaking...hell, they still are while I type this...just by remembering this first solo horde night...all my ammo is gone, for my luck, the Cobblestone Blocks resisted a lot while the zombies spread all around the base, only getting 5 destroyed (I still had an Iron block behind the cobblestones and concrete on the bottom), other than that the fort wasn't damaged at all.

    And now I finish this wall of text...of my first 7 days in this game without getting killed...the story of a survivor from the first horde....my story....a survivor that now has no ammo...a survivor that now has 6 days to prepare for the next horde....a survivor that levelled up 5 times in that damned horde night....

    My review for the game:

    Gameplay: 9/10

    Graphics: 8/10

    Crafting: 10/10

    Terror: 9/10

    Price: 10/10 (I'd rather pay this game in full twice than almost the triple for some AAA games)

    Would you recommend this to a friend: [ ] YES [ ] NO [X] ABSO-efing-LUTELY

    This is the true "zombie survival" game, I still have to play online and see other people but since I'm kinda shy and not a frequent player, I think that the solo life is the one for me.

    submitted by /u/baluranha
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    Problem with joining a Modded Server

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 10:25 PM PDT

    Im playing on a Local Modded Server with a Friend (Game hosted on my own PC) i installed some mods. I can join, all mods are working. But my friend cant join hes stuck with the: "Waiting for Server" Message.

    We waited like 10 Minutes but nothing happens. Restarted the Game, only used 1 mods, rebooted and disabling EAC nothing helped.

    When the Server is on Vanilla state, he can join and everything works.All Mods are in the Mods Folder in the 7D2D Root Folder on his PC.

    Mods been used:

    Fun with Flags, Vehicle Pack, Horn Mod, Video Player

    Please Help

    submitted by /u/Woesch-nich
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    Want Some Answers

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 09:26 PM PDT

    So whens an update coming out for 7DTD PS4. Im tired of waiting. And want an update.

    submitted by /u/TheSlitIsLit
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    Noob question regarding Horde night.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    If at any horde night you fail to make it through (i.e. day 7-day 14, etc.), will the next horde night come at you with the previous strength and numbers as the horde night you failed on?

    Example- I failed and got killed on the Day 7 horde. Will the Day 14 horde be the same as the Day 7 horde even though I'm on day 14 of the game? This is assuming of course that I've gone back to my 'base' and picked up all my stuff and continue to play the game.


    submitted by /u/GeminiJ13
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    Xbox players?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:27 PM PDT

    I typically play alone, or with my only friend who has the game. Anyone want to play Xbox 7 days with me? I have plans for making a huge survival only city, and want some help. Thanks! GT- FLC Faulted01

    submitted by /u/SevereBruhMoment
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    I decided to organize to better make weapons also how do I make shotgun shells

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 06:04 PM PDT

    Midnight Slayers || PVE community is open for new members.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 02:04 PM PDT


    I'm a member of the Midnight Gamers group, that actively plays 7 Days to Die and ARK Survival Evolved. We have two servers for 7 Days to Die. Well for the moment one is up, with quite a few SDX mods, and the other one should be up in a day or two, without the client-sided mods.

    Server has mods that adds: - New melee weapons - New fireamrs - Wandering traders and bandits - New vehicles. Both land and air - Sitable furniture and craftable furniture such as couches, beds, tables, etc. for those who likes to build themselves "cozy" house - More veggies, berries and etc to grow - Livestock ... More about it in the Discord.

    Community aims to help new people. I haven't played 7DtD for a year or even more myself, so for me there is a lot of new changes as well haha. We already have a community base, a huge tower with every workbench you will need, plenty of room for building yourself a room until you decide how to play the game, build your own base/house/ranch, or stay in the tower. Also, of course, we have our community garden and etc. Trader is like 100 meters from the main base as well.

    If you are having problems with the mods, the owner and founder can help you with them. I had problems as well, he fixed those for me. He is kinda experienced at modding 7DtD I would say.

    Eveyrting you need to know (link for the communities web page with links for mods, youtube tutorial on installing them made for you by server's founder, other information) is on the Discord.

    Discord link - https://discord.gg/ysZ2Gc

    submitted by /u/BigAssWhale_
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    Using satellite with MP

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    I was wondering if anyone has played while using satellite internet? I was looking at this and wasn't sure if the native latency would be a real issue. I imagine it might if it's completive, but if cooperative, does the .5-.75 second delay really matter?

    submitted by /u/maceman121
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    Motion sensor protection

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    I'm assuming if they are destroyed, your turrets don't work, is that correct?

    Also for settings on the motion sensor, is it suppose to be always on or triggered?

    And how long does a generator with 2 turrets usually last with 2k gas and motion sensors?

    submitted by /u/xfive562
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    Can't join multiplayer servers

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    Can't join multiplayer servers

    Every time I try to join a multiplayer which has EAC enabled it will nearly instantly kick me with the error code


    submitted by /u/LightOfMeruem
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    Good location for a Navesgame Base?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    I've done some roaming/searching, and I'm looking for a good place to set up a central base. I've been using POI based smithies/workshops/chemistry stations until now, but moving things back and forth on my bicycle is a pain.

    I know it's good to set up near a trader, but the traders seem to be spread out towards the corners of the map, except for the one in the burnt forest in the middle. The forest land near that is also mountainous.

    Do you have any recommended locations?

    submitted by /u/Nucleus24
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    Base ideas

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:32 AM PDT

    I am approaching my 100th day and the hoards from there I can imagine get pretty bad so any good base ideas

    submitted by /u/D4RK-Vex
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    Multiple generators possible?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    Can I have multiple generators hooked up to each other to prolong battery usage thanks in advance?

    submitted by /u/xfive562
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    Xbox peasant wants to know when we will see these patches?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:24 AM PDT

    I still have the 4 hr crash bug. And been suffering with it but now my entire base just reverted to what it looked like at spawn with no way to revert. Will there ever be a day the stability bugs in this game will be pushed to the console? Is this just abandonware at this point?

    Currently running on xbox version,

    While I've seen some real fun stuff on streaming sites I would like to try I just can't see myself doing it with this version.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/Ballsofmayo
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