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    Saturday, November 2, 2019

    7 Days To Die Let's Play Saturday - November 02, 2019

    7 Days To Die Let's Play Saturday - November 02, 2019

    Let's Play Saturday - November 02, 2019

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    Looking to share you're gameplay videos with everyone or for an audience when you go live?

    Post here with a link to your Youtube/Twitch Channel or whichever video/playlist you're looking to share!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:01 AM PDT

    Me when a stupid zombie hits a bear

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    Zombies in POIs

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    One last moment of peace before the onslaught

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:46 PM PDT

    [OC] Aircraft carrier base

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:45 AM PDT

    Today is a sad day

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PDT

    I play on Xbox one and today something I've dreaded for a long time finally happened

    On day 374 my game crashed and it broke The area sound my base is not loading and all loot reset to the day I found them it doesn't even bother me, it doesnt make me mqd or anything and I just accept it

    Time to start a new world and wait until a fix will never come

    submitted by /u/MVP_Koala
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    Sick stunts!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:30 AM PDT

    I'm a biology student who loves the game and here is my interpretation of how the infection first began!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:32 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a biology student who loves the game and based on the following evidence I have drawn a few conclusions, but before I get into those, yes I know it's just a game and yes I know I'm reading too deep into it, but I did this for fun and wanted to share:

    If the government created the infection as a weapon, it would be a virus so it could be vaccinated for; allowing people to be imune to it.

    Supply drops are a sign of existing infrastructure. Or maybe it's automated with no one flying it, remaining in service after all other services have died off or been shut down.

    Zombies don't freeze in the cold and need to rest, so they are alive.

    The infection affects humans and other animals, so the infection is zoonotic.

    Anti-biotics help cure the infection. So the infection is not a virus, but rather a bacteria.

    The infection spreads via bites. sratches, and lives in the blood.

    The bacteria who closely matches all these mentioned criteria is Capnocytophaga. A bacterial disease that lives in dog's mouths spreads through saliva, most often via bites. The bacteria, if given the right circumstances can infect the blood and can progress to become systemic. The only reason it rarely is a lethal hazard is due to how slow it reproduces....DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN

    Patient Zero monologue:

    "'UN imposes sanctions on anti-biotics as rise of superbugs poses worldwide crisis'

    And that's how the end began. That one headline forced the entire scientific and medical community to scramble like roaches on bathroom tile. Antibiotics had been our go-to cure for so many ailments, but all of a sudden our go-to was forced into being a last resort. Antibiotics could only be prescribed if there was a lethal threat. So what then? What would people be prescribed for their stomach ache? Or, god forbid, someone has to deal with a stuffy nose? The horror.

    Millions of dollars went into funding genetic research. It was the most promising foe to face the villainous bacteria.The most effective technique was dubbed, 'Conjugation Elimination.' If you don't know, conjugation is the act of a bacteria piercing another bacteria, with a special part called a pilus, that injects a copy of genetic material. The recipient bacteria is then able to utilize that material. In simpler terms, bacteria 1 stabs bacteria 2 with a sillystraw and blows a load into bacteria 2, now bacteria 2 is genetically different than it was before. Conjugation Elimination takes advantage of this event by designing bacteria with the pilus, but that transfers two different genes. One gene to posses the pilus and one gene that inhibits reproduction. Before long, the mass population of bacteria in a host would be incapable of reproduction and die off.

    Pretty soon this was the ultimate technique to cure all things bacteria related. And it was a fortune if you didn't have insurance. We lucky few who's government had decided health was a privilege had to pay arm and leg for these treatments. Damn pharmaceuticals were all over patenting specific bacteria treatments.

    It all seemed so easy. All you had to do was inject some DNA into a bacteria cell and you had a cure. How could you mess that up? How could I have made this...It was easy for the most part to get everything I needed to do my own genetic engineering. It started off as me making some E-coli glow or making a bacteria explode when it came in contact with water. And then Arrow got sick, he was a bit older, sure, but he was my dog. I figured he had a Capnocytophaga bacterial infection in his mouth. No problem, I've made E-coli glow, I could recreate Conjugation Elimination. It may have been a felony to conduct genetic engineering without a permit, but all I needed to know were the genetic sequnces for the pilus and the gene that inhibits preproduction. Easy...Days spent in my dimly lit at-home lab, hunched over my microscope, sweat pooling in the optic lenses as my shakey hands forced a syringe into each bacteria cell. All for Arrow. Finaly I had a full batch, so I injected the modified bacteria into his left flank. All I had to do was go to sleep and awake to see my efforts being paid off. I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow. I was so exhausted.

    I just remember some surreal fever dream-like images from that night's sleep. Everything was red, and I remember feeling so hungry that I would eat anything. I was so excited to see Arrow back in his prime. But what I saw made my heart fall to the floor. The injection site was blistering and putrid. My poor Arrow had a think yellow slime-like foam coming from his mouth as he lay in the exact position I left him. His breathing was eradic and extremely elevated. What had I done? I must have done something wrong with the gene to inhibit reproduction. It must have increased reproduction at least ten fold. In my horror and sorrow I pet his head, pushing his ears back, his eye piercing my sole as if he was asking me, 'why?' I grabbed a near by rag to wipe away the slime from his mouth. And before I could react, he bit me, his canines went clean through my palm.

    I screamed and tried prying my hand free from the slimey grasp that was Arrow's mouth. I ran to my room as fast as I could and shut the door behind me. I could hear Arrow clawing away at the wood of my door. So I just sat there back against the door, terrified of my own dog and of what I had done.

    I couldn't call for help, or else I could face prison time. I've been here for hours now trying to devise a plan to somehow make it out of here alive without hurting my dog anymore. But my vision is getting blurry, my fingers are tingling, and my mucus is so thick I can barely breath. I'm so sorry Arrow. What have I done?"

    submitted by /u/MasterSlimFat
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    Could someone explain the Heatmap in A18?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:44 PM PDT

    I don't know if light causes heat? What if the light doesnt reach outside? What sounds make heat? Can I muffle it underground or whatever? Does the chunk count as the chunk around your base block? Does the heat map rise when you're not there?

    submitted by /u/OrbViveUser29
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    My friend is trying to enter my game but it's getting stuck on this screen. He can hear himself moving and ambient sounds but never leaves that screen. Does anyone know how to solve this?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:43 PM PDT

    How do I change XP gained with a specific tool?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:32 PM PDT

    So I've got this mod installed which increases how fast the nailgun repairs stuff but with the increase in speed comes faster and unbalanced XP gain. I'm leveling up way to fast now so I've been looking into creating a little mod to change how much XP I gain using the Nailgun but I can't figure out how to do this. I tried changing the 'RepairExpMultiplier' to 0 but that didn't seem to do anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/deftesthawk
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    My Bike has kidnapped me, please send help.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    So I'm playing a singleplayer game of the Alpha 18 stable and I went to the desert on my motorbike to mine some Oil Shale.

    I found a deposit and started mining but quickly after my game started to lag and then froze, I was worried about what progress I would lose but then it started working again, I checked the console to see if it showed what the problem was but nothing came, I continued playing and then like 10 seconds later the game just closes without a warning.

    I re-open the game and load my save and...no problem, started off exactly where it crashed, so I continued normally, mining until it was nearing nightfall and I wanted to go back to my base.

    That's when I noticed that my bike was missing, I looked around and couldn't find it, checked my inventory to see if I hadn't picked it up and forgot, nope. That's annoying but I'm guessing that something with the bike is what caused my game to crash, I turn on creative menu and spawn me a new bike and some gas.

    As I drive home, I fly off a small hill and randomly teleport to the ground, I check my map just to see where I was and see a riderless bike icon DRIVING TOWARDS ME, I get off my bike to see if I can get on this one as I think it's my original, but as soon I get off, the game teleports me onto the other bike, I'm standing on it, stuck. It's driving around by itself with me on it, I'm in the burnt forest biome, so it keeps hitting those little wood piles which knock me off but when my character gets up, he teleports back to bike, still standing on it and still stuck.

    Please send help.


    submitted by /u/Pandemult
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    Grandpa’s Learnin Elixir & Grandpa’s Forgetting Elixir

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:42 PM PDT

    Just wondering if Grandpa's Learnin Elixir was worth it & if I drink Grandpa's Forgetting Elixir, will all my points be refunded? Or will I just reset to lvl 1?

    submitted by /u/Senior-Syrup
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    first time experience is well... diffrent xD

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:00 AM PDT

    Unlearned all schematics

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:07 AM PDT

    Our server crashed and I seemingly unlearned all my schematics. Is there a fix to that? Server restart?

    submitted by /u/xRhade
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    Access to a walled compound.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:28 PM PDT

    Howdy all,

    I'm getting back into this game after a ~3 year break. I've read a lot of horror stories about digging zombies, and have a question.

    My plan is to build a doorless wall around my compound. I don't really want to frame over every time I'm heading home, so I want to have tunnel access. If make an entrance/exit tunnel, will the zombies simply burst through the exterior hatch and bypass my defenses? Any other tips on this style of base?


    submitted by /u/OXYCLEANWORKS
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    Achievements not popping

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:57 PM PDT

    So, I broke my leg. The achievement didn't pop. Do I have to like...break it harder?

    submitted by /u/KhaosElement
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    Alpha 18 - RWG and Skyscrapers

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:33 PM PDT


    First post on this sub and everything. I can not find a seed with skyscraper(s) to save my life. Please help me out, I just want to experience a skyscraper.

    submitted by /u/IPickUpDucks
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    Constant console popup spam.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:14 PM PDT

    If anyone here has any experience with this problem, what does it mean? Is it fixable by reinstalling the game or any other way outside of actually wiping the save completely? Or does it mean that my save is corrupted?

    At a certain place, where I like to do my quests, when I try to go there I get spammed by console popups that I have to press ESC to close every time. This can happen in the middle of being chased by zombies and the game doesn't pause when it pops up, so I basically get almost killed by the game every time.

    I've put a lot of time in this save and I'm not willing to just wipe it and start a new one, because the same thing might happen and I'm not going to be taking the risk again. So does anyone actually have an idea what this is, what it means or how to fix it?

    submitted by /u/Odgerell
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    Question about Random Generated Maps Points of Interest

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    Question about Random Generated Maps Points of Interest

    So played this game for a bit with a group of friends but due to scheduling, it was hard to keep it going. Now I got a mate who has a ton of free time, and I specifically remember exploring the map was a ton of fun and there were certain landmarks I want my friend to see, specifically the Mansion on the snowy mountain. I remember that hands down was the most fun in the whole game. I know that most points of interest are scattered on the random gen maps, but on the list on the wiki of them, I don't see that mansion included. PLEASE somebody give me some good news and tell me I will see that mansion at some point on this random gen map.

    For those that dont know what I'm talking about, its on a large hill and almost looks like a resident evil mansion /castle. The basement has some kind of scientific experiment lab going on and it leads to a pitch black mine. Was AMAZING to explore great feature of the game.


    submitted by /u/MrMonkey2
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    Screamers keep spawning

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:58 PM PDT

    I'm on Pc, on day 6 a random screamer spawned at my home. No big deal, she screamed but I killed her. Then a new one spawned and a new one. Half the home is gone and there's a sea of zombies below me. Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't day 6, I've used up all my ammo and resources surviving lol.

    submitted by /u/ChiodoS04
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    Creative way to play in Coop?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    We are looking for interesting ideas, we are bored of playing 'default' settings game. We already tried doing something kinda like PVP, any ideas?

    submitted by /u/msmacior
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    Custom POIs

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:17 AM PDT

    I like the points of interest that are added in the game, but custom POIs are lacking in the nexus downloads. I think it'd be amazing if people submitted their custom POIs to the Nexus website or other mod forums.

    I would be in complete awe if someone recreated U.S. Outpost #31 from "The Thing" and set it to spawn in the snow biome. 😅

    submitted by /u/Kinky_Actual
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    Everyday carry items?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 08:55 AM PDT

    I keep telling myself to make a list of the core items I need when I head out for a normal day of questing and looting (as opposed to mining or farming, for example.) I was reorganizing storage last night and did it again, left the base without lockpicks and had to play smashy-smashy.

    So, what do you always keep on hand for a normal day in the apocalypse?

    submitted by /u/LibidinousIntent
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