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    Monday, December 9, 2019

    7 Days To Die Modded Monday - December 09, 2019

    7 Days To Die Modded Monday - December 09, 2019

    Modded Monday - December 09, 2019

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:05 AM PST

    Looking for advice or help on where to start with modding for 7 Days to Die? Are you having trouble finding a particular mod, or opinions of what mod to play next?

    Post below with what you're having trouble with or what you're looking for!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The welcome sign of welcome signs

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:38 AM PST

    Lever-action rifle (.44 Magnum)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:01 PM PST

    TFP should add a lever-action rifle chambered in .44 magnum. It would make more use of the .44 magnum ammo since every other caliber has at least 2 guns that can shoot it.

    submitted by /u/Sgt-Rooster
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    Am I the only one who loves the Oil Shale caves?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:17 PM PST

    Defenses coming along nicely.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:31 AM PST

    My computer (Which was fine before) trying to host a server after A18.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:49 PM PST

    So I might be addicted to this game...

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:55 AM PST

    Some background; I haven't properly played any games for a decade or so.

    I picked this up as a "let's all play this together" friend group suggestion, fully expecting for it to collect digital dust in my steam library.

    I'm now 1 month in, and had to tell my wife I think I've got a problem. I'm going to sleep thinking about bases to build, POIs to loot and what I need to do to prepare for the next horde. Obviously she thinks it's funny.

    I'm now subscribed to a few 7DTD YouTubers, notably Reach Gaming and Glock9. A+ content guys.

    I have setup a VM on my home lab just for this game and logged 100+ hours, with a full time job and a child I share responsibility for.

    I'm not saying this game is getting in the way, but it's definitely got a winning combination.

    To 'The Fun Pimps' you beautiful people have ruined my life with this awesome game.

    submitted by /u/koloqial
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    My New hobby: public works

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:40 PM PST

    Ok, not public works per se, I found myself travelling between a trader and a certain nearby town repeatedly, and figured making some bridges/tunnels to make travel easier would be handy. Building a kilometer of road is a tall order, so far I've just built a few bridges and one tunnel, but if you are planning on farming that soil anyway it's a good way to waste some time. Good exp building bridges too.

    So to continue my public works, I'm building a stunt track in the city I live in. Bigass ramp right in the middle of the road, I test how well a bike ramps off it (where it lands), adjust to have some tolerance/leeway, and then build an elevated platform there. The platform becomes a highway with ramps further on to continue along it. I was thinking leave a box with great loot at the end if some soul can manage it, but just left all the great loot in a box (labelled the poor box) near the start of the course. For now.

    The looting aspect of the game gets pretty old. Once you are sporting 6 quality gear in the categories you use, what then? Keep going for a 1-2 dps increase?

    or do you mine a shitload of stone and build new roads?

    In my world, civilization is making a comeback. Shame it's such a sparsely populated server. Hardly anyone will ever see it.

    submitted by /u/Peter_G
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    My first 14 days in this game, rate my base

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:16 AM PST

    Update on my Alpha 18.2 Base

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:23 AM PST

    New to PC version from console whats changed?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:00 PM PST

    like the title said ive mainly played on console but have had this game on my pc forever and played it around the time it first came out but now that my friend has gotten a pc we decided to move here since console has jack shit and played for a couple hours and man do i not know anything if anyone could give me a heads up on whats changed that would be great like i have a chest full of these parts but idk what to do with them like i have steel parts and military fiber parts or whatever and just dont know how to use them or what to focus on besides looting so if anyone could help me it would help so much

    submitted by /u/mvlxg
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    Nightmare before Christmas ;)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:20 AM PST

    As if you are there :) Eerie night sheltering in a random house

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:14 AM PST

    Need Base Building Advice

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:23 PM PST

    so I am just starting to play on a server and I am using a preexisting building as my base and just adding to it to make it better and stronger but I heard that is not ideal and will get destroyed quickly by hordes.

    I am not really good at building with the blocks and its much easier to just take a house or factory and build off that. What should I do?

    The house I am living in now has a basement and tunnel started under it. Is it safer to live underground?

    Just confused at were to start. Its day 4 I think I have a few storage containers full of various things I am collected and a bunch of brass, wood, lead, iron etc.

    Any guidance would be great.

    submitted by /u/kflo01
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    New exploit found

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:23 AM PST

    If your RMB double-clicks, you may be able to duplicate non-static ploppable items.

    I now have 10 minibikes I have no idea what to use for.

    submitted by /u/MogolianShrimp
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    Riding out the horde 'a top Shamway Tower

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:19 PM PST

    So it's taken me 2 days to clear this damn place. When I noticed on was on like day 70 horde. Completely outta ammo other than my trusty junky and melee weapons. I built a 3 block bridge over to the main tower, crawled up and waited to die.

    I figured they'd destroy the base and me with it. Surprisingly only a few birds showed up. I crept down through the factory slowly but no zombos around. Got paid at the trader and headed home. Home base was fine as well.

    You won't get any exp but it's something to think about if you're fair from home and low on ammo.

    submitted by /u/Sirloin_Tips
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    Is there any way to get this lit wood burning stove?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:41 PM PST

    Any luck with steel knuckles?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:40 PM PST

    Decided to try out the steel knuckles and go all out in it, (after experimenting with unarmed in alpha 17 and really loving it), this time though not so much... I don't know if they are just bugged or if they suck and I should just give up and invest in something else, so if anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it. I am currently sitting at 10/10 fortitude, and 5/5 brawler tree, the rest of my points spent in heavy armor and damage reduction / looting / science and strength for the t-rex.

    The steel knuckles I have do 22 damage (36 power), and with the radiation mod, fire mod, weighted mod, and beer active it takes me roughly 6-8 power attacks to the head to down a zombie (assuming their head doesn't explode, I normally just do basic attacks hoping to bust a head off, it's gotten to the point where I just count the power attacks and get annoyed at why the zombie is still walking around fine afterwards). So to say the least... it feels like I am rarely dismembering / beheading zombies. Despite the 50% limb dismemberment and martial artist head explosion chance it mentions on the skills, I find the heads explode about 1/6th of the time sometimes I land up to 12 headshots in a row, and then continue to target the head after they are dead to see how much longer before it decided to explode... In a typical fight of me using the basic attack, I will knock a zombie down 3-4 times, light them on fire each time, and they will still get up and trade blows with me.

    I don't know what my game stage was at last, but I died two times and checked and it said 200. Not sure if zombies are supposed to get extra resistance or health, or if my damage is reduced due to my game stage, but it feels like it is not worth it at all. I used a lvl 1 steel sledgehammer I had looted and with no skills spent in that, it kills zombies no problem, but lvl 5 steel knuckles with a full skill investment aren't doing anything. It feels like the alpha 17 was far better for unarmed than this...

    submitted by /u/dancesc2
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    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:05 PM PST

    I don't know if i should buy 7 days to die and just want to know your guy's opinion on it and is it worth

    submitted by /u/Helsinki007
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    [PC] Drop backpack on death not working?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:04 PM PST

    Since A18, whenever I set drop on death to backpack only, it instead drops my toolbelt, and keeps my backpack.

    When I tried to set it to toolbelt only, it dropped everything.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    submitted by /u/F1eshandB1ood
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    How does random gen work exactly?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:29 PM PST

    So I thought that the Game Name was basically the seed of the world, which is in turn used for world gen. But if that's the case then what's the Game World for?

    Whenever I make a new game I always choose West Wukdsu Territory because it's the biggest but I've noticed the past 3 times I've started a new game it sent me to the same exact trader in the same spot,it had the same road that lead to a desert city,the same military camp right next to it, biome everything.

    One was Gordon RamZ, one was Chef BoyarZ, and the last one was World War Z. I was thinking maybe it had something to do with them all ending in Z but I doubt it.

    Are all the game worlds random or are just the POIs randomized? Does the name effect the world gen? Like how does it work?

    submitted by /u/indescisive_cookie
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    What do you always carry wherever you go?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:32 PM PST

    For me it would be stone, wood, iron, cloth, aloe and feathers.

    submitted by /u/normificator
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    Any tips

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:01 PM PST

    I'm new to 7days to die any thing I should know

    submitted by /u/Gold_pack69
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    I don't like to do self promotion but I gotta pls don't hate me but feel free to downvote

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:33 PM PST

    I've been streaming 7 Days to Die every day for the last week or two with a couple buddies. We're on insane difficulty and we're doing a permadeath run. As I'm posting this we're about to hit our first horde night, and this is the first time in permadeath on insane we've lived this long. Feel free to drop by.

    And sorry again about the self promotion


    submitted by /u/TheTiamarth
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