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    Monday, August 24, 2020

    7 Days To Die Modded Monday - August 24, 2020

    7 Days To Die Modded Monday - August 24, 2020

    Modded Monday - August 24, 2020

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Looking for advice or help on where to start with modding for 7 Days to Die? Are you having trouble finding a particular mod, or opinions of what mod to play next?

    Post below with what you're having trouble with or what you're looking for!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    So I just started playing this... and I wanted to dig a basement for my friend's house...

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Dead chicken makes a break for it!!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:00 PM PDT

    So le GF and I spent some time in creative mode. There's obviously better houses out there, but we're still quite proud of this :D Swipe all the way to see a dumb wolf who attacked our front door >:( enjoy!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Base Build Picture Diary - Our First "From Scratch" Base - Part 1

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Base Build Picture Diary - Our First "From Scratch" Base - Part 1

    I just recently picked up this game at the suggestion of a friend, and immediately got sucked in. He only had about a week of experience on me, and our first game together we only made it about 21 days in, reinforcing an existing church we found in a snowy town in Navezgane. We decided that we had learned a ton (and made a ton of mistakes) so we wanted to start fresh, with the goal of building an "awesome" base from scratch on the new playthrough. Not sure what we accomplished was necessarily "awesome" by any objective standard, but we are very proud of it and, more importantly, had a ton of fun doing it. I documented *most* of the progress and big steps in the build (I didn't think to do so until we had already done a bit of work) thinking it would be fun to see the transformation. As we have now left this particular game world behind to start fresh, I thought it might be fun to share our adventure:

    ![img](mw6hna6hb0j51 "Day 6: Dave and I found a promising spot on a lake and next to a junkyard we could use as a staging area. We leveled the ground and laid our foundation. My buddy had the idea that we would build an \"emergency escape tunnel\" eventually through the back of the base, so we left a hole for it. I built a small wooden tower from which to start taking photos of the progress.")

    Day 11: Work is under way on the moat - to be filled with spikes of course - and I've laid out the frames for making the \"killing corridor\" that I'd read was the way to go for endgame zombie defense.

    Day 15: The defense grid is starting to take shape! We've got some concrete foundation, the moat is getting deeper, thanks to Dave's tireless digging, and the first four dart traps are in place within the framing.

    Day 16: I realized I could have cobblestone crafting constantly while working on the base. Dave has taken over the role of exclusively scavenging materials as I take over building. The drawbridge is in place, and the main support pillars are rising to give that \"grand hall\" feel I've decided I want for the interior. Our farm is expanding in the background.

    Day 17: It's all coming together! The first electric fences are up, the dart traps are loaded, and the ceiling is in place. We just might be ready for Horde Night on Day 21!

    Day 20: I discovered Shotgun Turrets. But there wasn't enough room where I wanted to place them. Rebuilt the corridor one block further away to allow room. Concrete is beginning to make its way up the fortress, and the generator has been set up on the roof.

    Day 27: Almost all concrete now, and the defenses held up great on the third Blood Moon - the zombies pathed perfectly! The generator took some damage from zombie birds - so I built it an enclosure on the roof.

    Day 34: Much to Dave's chagrin, I've commandeered his \"escape tunnel\" and the plan now is to make an underground garage. We may be biting off more than we can chew... but the initial tunnel down and under the moat has been dug and framed.

    Day 40: The moat is completely dug out, the exterior is completely coated in concrete, and the second set of 4 dart traps are in pace (shooting into the corridor from behind). After a slight mishap with the original electric fence posts, they have been moved to the exterior of the corridor to hopefully better protect them. The farm is basically complete and we have tons of food coming now.

    Day 41: The garage project is getting out of hand, but we're too invested now. The initial dig out and framing is starting to take shape... I've decided we need room to easily turn the trucks around inside, and the math on the amount of earth we need to clear out is a little daunting, so I don't share it with Dave. He seems happy with his new-found Auger, why upset him with numbers?

    The Tunnel Running between the Fortress and Garage - now finished in concrete

    Day 47: It's taken a few days, but maybe this thing is going to be doable after all! Dave's tireless excavation efforts have left only the middle section of rock to be removed, and I've framed almost the entire exterior... though the support posts might not be quite right...

    SHIT. I may or may not have grabbed the wrong support post. The entire ceiling of the garage area has collapsed. We escaped with our lives by hiding in the connecting tunnel during the cave in. Water from the lake has partially flooded the space. The farm, which was directly above, is a near total loss. I hate everything and everyone. Dave can't stop laughing.

    Day 48: From the ashes of disaster... We have cleared the debris from the cave in, framed in the floor, and closed up the leak from the lake. We are going to finish this project damnit!

    Day 52: When the apocalypse gives you lemons... We've realized that the collapse cleared 5 more blocks of terrain than we originally planned. I figure we can use the space for an extra level to run hidden wiring for the lighting/switches/doors. The framing is coming along!

    Day 53: The Garage is really starting to take shape with a concrete floor and support pillars.

    We also add the 7x7 grid for the ceiling. Dear God I hope we measured this out right...

    Day 54: The roof of the garage, now just under ground level, will be completed today. We plan to hide it with a layer of soil and replant the garden... and not a moment too soon, food supply is starting to run a bit low.

    Concrete Finished!

    Day 56: The farm is almost back to full size. We might not starve!

    Apparently there is an image limit, so I'll have to break this up into a couple posts to get to the final stage of the base... you can find Part 2 here:


    submitted by /u/Phoenix3579
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    This would be such a pain to climb �� time to bring out them wood frames

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:10 PM PDT


    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Base Build Picture Diary - Our First "From Scratch" Base - Part 2

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    Base Build Picture Diary - Our First "From Scratch" Base - Part 2

    This is a continuation of the Picture Diary of our first "from scratch" base build, here's Part 1:https://www.reddit.com/r/7daystodie/comments/ifzzmf/base_build_picture_diary_our_first_from_scratch/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3----PART 2:

    Day 60: Work inside the garage is coming along nicely. The bays, doors, and some lights have been installed. Everything has been updated to concrete. I discovered that I can make metal letters/numbers and, naturally, use them to label the garage bays. Wouldn't want to get confused about which space is which, after all...

    Day 62: The previous Blood Moon we had zombies making it too the drawbridge and were almost overrun. As such we have expanded the corridor into a \"T\" shape - effectively doubling it's length. I may have mis-measured the right side... I think this is probably Dave's fault.

    Day 63: I read somewhere that \"less is more.\" That person was clearly an idiot. Clearing our defenses now requires making it through a sea of spike traps, 6 blade traps (per side), 14 electric fences (per side), and 20ish blocks of barbed wire (per side), all the while being pelted with 4 cross-firing dart traps no matter which part of the corridor they are in. The reward for making it through the death corridor? A shotgun turret shooting you in the back. Bring. It. On.

    Day 67: With our defenses completely secured (for the moment) work resumes on the garage and ramp. The constant grind of Dave's Auger assures me that today we shall break through to the surface.


    Day 70: With another Blood Moon fast approaching, the garage ramp entrance is finished in concrete enclosure with a powered garage door.

    Day 77: Due to a hiccup during the previous blood moon (one of the unprotected motion sensors was destroyed, shutting down half of our defenses), this week was consumed with yet another defense grid redesign. Using iron bars in leiu of concrete flooring in the corridors allowed us to migrate the sensors to the lower level, where they are better protected. Or so we hope.

    Day 78: We have added another floor at 'ground level' (relative to the bottom of the moat) to use as our storage and crafting room.

    Day 82: Just because you are living in a fortress doesn't mean it has to feel like one. I've decided to finally build out a proper living area from our previous combined storage/crafting/bedroom level.

    All the comforts of home... sorta...

    Day 87: As seems to be a recurring theme, a critical system failure during a horde night necessitated yet another redesign. One of our rooftop power relays was destroyed by a rogue vulture acid spit, shutting down the connected dart traps. I may have gone a bit overkill... but the former roof is now a greenhouse/power relay level, and the new roof is bristling with shotgun turrets pointed skyward. The killing corridor rooftop relays & electric fence posts are now also semi-protected by concrete walls.

    Day 89: I've completely embraced form over function. I've decided no self-respecting doomsday denizen can ride out the apocalypse in anything short of a fortress compound. All topsoil, grass, and trees nearby must be cleared for the relentless advance of concrete!

    Day 97: With more resources than we know what to do with, the conversion to iron spikes and steel encased blocks begins alongside the concrete expansion.

    (Yes, someone discovered you could plant snowy pine trees in the forest... and went a little overboard. They are everywhere.)

    Day 101: What kind of compound doesn't have decorative fountain/monuments scattered about?

    ![img](3503f896f1j51 "(No longer sure what day this is... I discovered how to remove the HUD for screenshots. Probably 104ish?) Now that's starting to look like a proper compound! Water feature installed behind the garage entrance, roof of killing corridor completely enclosed, an entire second layer of reinforced concrete around the perimeter of the fortress, and dart traps in the walls of the moat to take out any rogue zombies that end up down there.")

    Trigger plates and some paint added, and the perimeter wall upgraded to steel. The interior steel wall is also not technically the \"interior\" - it is a layer of plating on top of the reinforced concrete layer that makes up the actual fortress walls. \"Overkill\" is a phrase that may have been thrown around a few times...

    The garage finally received a fresh coat of paint among other finishing touches, and came out quite nicely if I do say so myself!

    And this is the final pic of the compound before we started our new game...

    Quite the transformation from this!

    At this point we were able to sit out the blood moon inside the base with effectively zero risk and felt that we had "conquered" this game world, so it was time to move on to the next.

    I'll post the "final" photos in a separate post of the "complete" project at some point, but we definitely had a lot of fun building this compound out - even if there were a few times that I wanted to murder something...

    submitted by /u/Phoenix3579
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    How harmful could a can of pears be?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    I was told I should put this clip in here. I don't want to promote my stream because I can't stream currently anyways. I hope you laugh as hard as I did at this funny glitch. (old version of the game btw)


    Also a Reddit newbie.

    submitted by /u/NutmegChief
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    Nerd-poling makes this game so much less fun on multiplayer servers

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    I really wish FP would make it so that you can place blocks directly underneath you when you jump. It really sucks that some people who know where the best loot is in a PoI just need pole to the loot and skip all the zombies and awesome traps that are on the way up. Seems like every shotgun messiah factory and hospital has wood frames going up the side on every server because of these boring jackasses that think they are the smartest people ever.

    Edit: Good points (ladder guy) and common themes here in the responses. To the people that suggest I not play multiplayer, I don't think this game is a good solo experience at all, and VERY dull without some other people to laugh and play with. Solo just isn't fun to me, but it annoys me that everyone thinks that the only way to have fun is using a bullshit nonsensical trick.

    Also, does the sarcastic redneck from South Park not come to mind when you say shit like "if you don't like xxx, then you can just get out!" do you not see the sarcasm in those episodes or do you agree with that logical fallacy BS?

    How about a setting that allows servers to specifically get rid of the ability to nerd pole? I don't really have a good solution to the ladder point, but honestly that's less irritating to me because at least it makes sense that someone could actually do that. On ARK I mainly played on servers with no flyers because they made the land dinos pretty pointless in PvP scenarios. I wish this game had more options to change shit like that more easily. Ravenhearst mod i believe makes it so that you can't nerdpole so hopefully once that is updated to stable i can go there.

    Thanks to the people with actual responses

    submitted by /u/SquirrelTeamSix
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    Regarding the opening and closing lines of the trader.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    Would love if TFP got their voice actors back together to record the "trader joels is now open/closing soon/now closed" lines. It's meant to sound like an intercom which is cool, but when trader jen, rekt, bob, and hugh all sound like joel at the start and end of each day it feels more like a recording, kinda detracting from the feel. It'd be great to get Jen's cheery good morning or Rekt's 'hurry up and buy cause we're closing", it would feel so much more real. Just a thought.

    submitted by /u/tilthevoidstaresback
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    Love little Easter eggs like this. Well played Fun Pimps Design team!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    Will the Pendulum withstand Demolishers ? Short & quick test !

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    Tree are gone

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    So my computer crashed. Restarted and opened my game in 7days and....yeah all the trees I didn't plant myself are just GONE. There doesn't appear to be a single tree for miles. At least as far as the draw distance will show. I tried walking around and swinging my axe but they aren't invisible they are just gone. Anyone have this issue or how to deal with it? I feel like this will utterly break my game.

    submitted by /u/vopickle507
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    Me and my buddy's house every time on the 7th day, is yours similar? :D

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    My only major complain about A19 is still the performance, and notably the netcode.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, as the title points out, my complain is directed towards the perf and particulary the netcode.

    I play on a fairly populated server with often 30+ players on and with that many players the game gets really wonky, the AI becomes unresponsive to point they are no longer "challenging" as they struggle to pathfind you and their movement are choppy. Also, interaction like opening container, storage etc, is often delayed.

    I'm obvioulsy aware that I could just find a less populated server or play solo but I like active servers that are well established with a nice community ( Afterlife server) so I stick to their PvE server.

    Ideally, I'd play on a PvP server which I experienced in the past but with how the netcode currently is, PvP fights were not fun with desync happening, hit registration shitting itself and peeker advantage also occuring.

    I really hope FunPimps will be able to optimize and polish the game in a good state in that aspect as well as maybe doing a HUD overhaul for the 2021 Q4 hopeful ETA Release.

    submitted by /u/Slayer418
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    Check stability?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Just lost a base I worked on for weeks and I'm devastated. Had 3 blocks left to add - everything else was reinforced concrete.

    Is there a way to check stability as you go? Empyrion has a menu that color codes blocks in shades of green so you can check. If not available, this is a feature that needs to be added.

    submitted by /u/Hate_Crime_The_Cat
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    Need some insight on the "Heal Others" thing

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    I'm seeing conflicting posts about this issue. No matter what we do we cannot heal each other on our server. No amount of hugging, crouching, or right clicking lets us heal each other.

    I see posts on steam where even the dev said it is a known issue (it was A17 at the time) and the post he linked is no longer valid.

    I see posts from 1 month to 5 months ago where someone asks why can't they heal their party members. People in the comments say to just right click and that it works. Does it though? lol No one seems confident.

    So I'll ask here for A19. Are you able to heal allies? Is it bugged? It is even still a feature? When was the last time it (confirmed) worked? I just want to be my server's doctor :(

    submitted by /u/0bolus
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    What in the hell is this block called? I've literally been trying different blocks for nearly an hour and I cannot figure out what this is. Thank you for the answer.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Question: Why is the Blood Moon on the 8th night?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    I haven't changed any settings, but this keeps happening. It is not a big deal, I guess, but wondering if anyone is experiencing the same?

    submitted by /u/DomedonDoxomedon
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    I made a mod that controls the Zombie/Hostile Animal HP and updated it for the latest experimental, hope it will be useful for some

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:29 AM PDT

    Nitrogen map tool

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    This may be a dumb question. But is it ok to use the A19 experimental Nitrogen map tool, now that A19 stable has been released?

    submitted by /u/DeGeorgio93
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    Zombie pathfinding

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    First horde night I took solo at my main base. Bad idea. A lot of damage I had to repair that I ended up relocating to a large boulder nearby half way through the night.

    I invited a friend to help prepare for the next by reinforcing a POI nearby and laying spikes and mines. We tried to funnel them all through one area by blocking off every other entrance and building a one way escape route to a nearby house. The problem is, the zombies completely ignored our main defences and instead knocked a hole in a different wall to gain entrance to the building.

    By all rights, they should have gone through our defences and killed them selves. We left it totally open and layered spikes heavy on every other side of the building.

    It got so bad we had to fall back to our final line of defence. How do we trick the AI into pathing where we want? This used to work in A18. Did A19 change pathfinding?

    submitted by /u/nala2624
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    Should I be concerned? Of course not.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Good base ideas?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    So I recently just updated to A19 and I know slopes don't work anymore so I can't remake my old base. What are some good base designs for A19 that help late game and I can start working towards now. Links would be helpful (I don't mind cheesing the Ai either)

    submitted by /u/Nixstormz
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