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    7 Days To Die Wildcard Wednesday - October 14, 2020

    7 Days To Die Wildcard Wednesday - October 14, 2020

    Wildcard Wednesday - October 14, 2020

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to post anything you might have missed from the schedule below

    Day Topic
    Sunday Seedy Sunday
    Monday Modded Monday
    Tuesday Tips n' Tricks Tuesday
    Wednesday Wildcard Wednesday
    Thursday Base Tour/Showcase Thursday
    Friday Friend Finder Friday
    Saturday Streams/Let's Play Saturday
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    7d2D is one of my favorite games so I wanted to make a good series for it, �� Welcome to the Zombie Rockalypse ��

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    PHYSICS !?!?! Your move...

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    Random idea: Change steel or iron ingots icon to face the other way so you can tell them apart.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    What you guys think?

    Visually they're too close and i pick the wrong one once in awhile.

    submitted by /u/theawesomethatis
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    Shift R to cycle backwards through shape orientation.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    EDIT: ScarletQuiver pointed out that you can cycle through the shape orientation forwards and backwards. left click is one direction, R is the other. TIL that I'm still a total n00b at this game.

    I've been working with specific shapes lately... e.g. Wedge Steep Corner Base wood frame. It is so frustrating to be using advanced rotate, and you cycle past the correct orientation. Allow us to cycle backwards through the orientation using Shift R, or some other solution. As opposed to having to press R another 23 times.

    submitted by /u/Steelspy
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    The junk turret is underrated for its comedic value.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Alright so long story short I wanted to try out a new horde base design. They ran up some stairs to meet a row of iron bars and me in a box. I found a junk sledge and put it as far on the edge as I could at the top of the stairs. Long story short, a lot of dogs got yeeted into piles of spikes. Hearing that "yelp" and watching them rag doll like Ken Griffey Jr. just found steroid in a yellow loot bag is so satisfying.

    submitted by /u/lulzPIE
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    How I died. Wasteland Warrior Horde Every Night Permadeath

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Hi guys, this post is about all the ways I have died as I attempt the most stupid challenge I can think of. Please bear in mind, that everything has been written over the course of weeks as I play through runs.


    Horde every night

    64 Horde size


    No loot reset

    No air drops


    Imposed rules; Ironman. I die, I start new run

    After burnt forest spawn, I must not conduct any activity until reach wasteland

    Once in wasteland, never leave biome

    Must base in sham factory

    Must hold hordes in sham factory

    Thems the rules, and let me tell you this is totally gruelling. I have died so many times. I would consider it a scenario won when I am no longer daily undertaking activities that have any risk. I imagine a farm that provides all my food requirements, a storage chest full of drinking water to last me indefinitely, a deep mine with access to all resources, full tech, hordes easily dealt with. So let's talk about the early strategy;

    Day 1 - I walk via road to the wasteland. As soon I'm in the biome I run through the main quest tasks. Dodging dogs and bears get to sham. Clear sham factory first floor everywhere, in particular the lunch room is critical as it has many sinks and toilets. Generally I will aggro all the Z's back to the foyer where I have fortified with good hatch blocks. Day one horde is tiny and there is a fair bit of night left where mobs don't spawn for resource collection outside.

    Day 2 - Clear our any remaining zombies on floor one. Fully loot everything. Key items are pot, wrench, and pipes. Seeds are important for long game. Water and food for immediate needs is generally okay from all the sham boxes. Get the forge down and cooking clay and broken glass. Make as many bottles as possible. Deal with horde and use the quiet night of no spawns to leg and stealth to water treatment in graveston for water.

    Day 3 - Get home with dirty water stack. Continue to fortify first floor, adding in openings with hatches for dealing with aggro'd Z's, dogs and bears. Bust into second floor and begin to prep area for permanent base and windows are without bars can be modified with outside above ground farming. Get down any seeds that were collected. Start going for iron tools and keep campfire busy with drinking water and glue. (Bones are never an issue).

    Day 4 - continue with getting out iron tools. Should be crafting at level 3. This requires a lot of scrap iron and wasteland is hard to find surface nodes, fortunately there is a lot of scrap on the ground but I like staying close to sham for protection from dogs and bears. Slowly all ground scrap iron is gone nearby, but it should be enough for iron pickaxe, axe, sledge, shovel, hammer, and knife. In that order. Horde is getting harder now as I can't keep up with repairs on the hatch mid horde so I will set up multiple fall back points. This requires cobblestone for new hatch block points, which is plentiful in sham. Food is also an issue, as canned goods run out. Generally hoping at this stage to have killed enough snakes to keep subsisting on boiled meat or bacon and eggs.

    Now to the fun stuff where you all get to laugh at how I died.

    The first 10 run throughs or so are all the same, death by dog. They either aggro me during the walk from burnt forest spawn to sham, or if I actually make it to sham they spawn outside and aggro while I'm inside, break through before I can find them and tear me down. After my first successful run to day 2 i started documenting how i died. So lets go through the attempts.

    Attempt 1. Day 2 day. Died by bear while collecting iron outside. I thought I could take him if I perched above him on one of those half ruins. I realised his health was insane and couldnt be dealt with ranged, and got nipped as he glitched into range.

    Attempt 2. Day 3 day. Died by dog. Dog broke through walls without me hearing it during the day. Stun locked me to death.

    Attempt 3. Day 3 horde. Died by dog. Dog maybe aggro'd during the horde or just before. I don't think he was with the horde. I was using melee at a hatch block. Somehow he glitched through. Ate me before I could take him out.

    Attempt 4. Day 2 day. Died by bear. Stupidly got hit by a bear with 70hp at a hatch block, insta killed me.

    Attempt 5. Day 2 day. Died by wolf. Wandering wolf pack of 3 busted through the wall at sham almost instantly, and took me down. It was a massive pity because 3 wolfs early game would mean alot of meat and would boost the runs viability massively.

    Attempt 6. Day 3 horde. Died by dehydration. Stuffed up by using some dirty water from the sham lunch room toilets to make glue rather than drinking water. Day 2 was a hot hot day and I used up heaps of hydration. Was thirsty when the horde came with no water left. Held them off with arrows but they eventually broke through all my hatch blocks and took me out. Needed to be swinging my sledge but dps per stamina regen made arrows more effective.

    Attempt 7. Day 2 day. Died by infection. Randomly stupidly hit on day 1 with some infection. Cancelled the run after looting all the early game areas of factory without finding antibiotics. Not worth proceeding.

    Attempt 8 – Day 2 day. Died by landmine. My early game looting was abysmal. Warehouse sham boxes and lunch room sinks and toilets, plus upstairs lab yielded no water of any kind. I was forced into undertaking an early run to water treatment. Since I did not receive any dirty water I couldn't make glue and duct tape to land the forge. I also realized I would be thirsty on day3 after the horde. So I legged it to water treatment in Graveston. There were many dogs and I was forced off the road. On my way back I stood on landmine. Insta killed.

    Attempt 9 - Day 4 day. Died by infection. Very solid run. I landed the forge very early by clearing to the lunch room fast for pipes and got lucky with glue and duct tape in some trash. I was able to pump out bottles all through night 1 horde. Clean run day two to treatment and continued cleaning up and getting the core base ready. Found heaps of seeds but was struggling for food as I was really unlucky with no snakes. During day 2 i grabbed iron tools and kept clearing through the factory hoping for lots of food. Day 3 i went for the trader as I was out of food, which was my mistake. I went after horde night for the quiet no spawn period before morning. I farmed iron on my way and bodies for the nitrate powder. I got attacked by two dogs together which left me with infection. The trader had no antibiotics or honey. I picked up all his food, a machine gun and 762. With those I took a fast track back to base. No antibiotics at home either. Day 4 i raced through the treatment plant poi and blasted through all the loot locations in sham desperate for antibiotics. No satisfaction. I discovered that the other tower is full of sham crates which meant that my original trek to the trader was unnecessary. At 30% infection I threw myself to my death from the tower of sham, ending by far my best run so far.

    Attempt 10 - Day 1 day. Died by dog. Got dogged on the way to sham. It literally spawned ontop of me. Didn't even have a chance to pole up and range him.

    Attempt 11 - Day 1 day. Die by bear. I was in a spot that I had used to kill many bears in previous runs but somehow he just glitched through with some insane range. Im realising that bear AI is buggy as hell and that I need to have a better way of dealing with them. I spend so much time and risk dealing with these bears. Each bear has 1000 hitpoints and my stone sledghammer has base damage 17.5. Add in the 1.5 multiplier for headshot, plus 10% from skullcrusher perk and im maybe getting 30 damage per hit. Thats still 35 hits or so. I feel like I have a bead on the dogs now and can deal with them fairly easily (so long as i see them before they see me), though with some risk. The bears are proving to be more of a problem. This run I spent too much time making my way to sham. I really need to leg it there and not faff about as I had water problems already.

    Attempt 12 - Day 1 day. Die by bear. I was having a perfect run. Had found the duct tape I needed to land the forge from some good rng even before arriving at sham. At sham I got a zombie loot drop with a blunderbuss and ammo. I was making my way to the luchroom for pipes to craft the forge before midday and a bear busted through the wall. I wailed on him with sledge but he hit me and insta killed. I think bears may have a range of 3, and they technically outrange the sledge with 2.8. On future runs im going to craft a spear also and see if the 3.2 range can be a safe way of dealing with the bears without taking hits. Thats assuming i don't get them glitching through. A spear deals less damage though is slightly better for speed and stamina usage. If the base damage is 10.7, but im looking at mostly headshots plus warrior difficulty, it'll stay around 10 per hit. So 100 hits. Triple the hits vs sledgehammer. This will mean more time than sledge though potentially safer. Its worth trialling. Also note, no dealing with bears at single blocks, only at hatch blocks. Something about the AI promotes the bear running against a hatch block while the single block is more prone to the bear attacking.

    Attempt 13 - Day 7 died. Die by Vulture. Im gutted, I was so close to breaking through. I found both the duct tape and pipes to land the forge by some lucky looting before busting into the foyer. Did the water run same night after horde. Did badly with food on the first few sham crates so I ended up emptying out the silo tower on day 2. Nearly got nabbed by a dog spawning right on me while outside and had to tank it. Day 3 I continued to loot through sham and established the beginnings of the garden, though I had no food seeds yet, just drink seeds. During the night 3 i was realising that the food situation was heading towards dire even if I cleared out the rest of the sham crates. I decided to do a trader run with a things to sell and pick up a buried supplies quest. The run went well getting there. Super happy with no bear spawns and just a couple of dogs that I dealt with easily. I also got 2 snakes which was amazing. Arriving at the trader there I cleared out all his food in his inventory and his vending machine, which wasn't much. No seeds either. As I left the trader I aggroed a bear which was crazy. There was no warning. I just ran. I shouldve run into the trader but I was panicked. He hit me once before I managed to double back into the trader for safety. I used blunderbuss ammo to take him down more quickly. The travel back was stupid hard. Bears were spawning everywhere, I had dogs on me multiple times, and my health situation invited birds. It was a mess. I eventually got to the dig location but had to deal with another bear. It was already 16:00 so i decided to abandon the dig and return to sham for night 4 horde. Day 5 I played it safe. I had 2 days store of food and wanted to work on the base and get myself a full set of iron tools and workbench. I had only crafted the iron pickaxe at that stage to one shot surface scrap iron. I had just leveled into sex rex 2, and wanted the iron shovel to make the buried supplies a bit easier especially since I had picked up a buried treasure map from a horde zed bag, right next to my buried supplies. So there was alot of digging to do. I decided to establish a mine and extend the foyer out for another protective ring for hordes. It would also be a quick way to get up to the second floor where I began to relocate my chests and equipment. So it was a pretty uneventful day except for crazy constant spawns. Somehow I ended up dealing with a bear in the foyer despite minimum 2 closed hatch blocks from all avenues. I was walking through and the first I realised that the bear was in my inner sanctum was being hit. I was forced to use up the last of my blunderbuss ammo, and I had already used all my gunpowder. Horde night was easy enough with the base improvements, my new iron sledge, and some candy. Day 6 was my digging day. The digs were about 50m from one another about halfway to the trader. I would travel through graveston, do the dig, grab some water from treatment on the way home and be back for horde. I wasn't planning to go back to trader that day as there wasn't time. It went without a hitch although I played it very safe. There is always the chance for a dog pack spawn while in the hole and so I spent some time and materials to make the process as safe as it could be for either dig. I didn't get much food from the buried supplies but the buried treasure had enough dukes that I could buy out the sham vending machine of food each day which would help. It definitely didn't win me any extra on the 'food timer', I was down to about a day. I got back to sham in time to prep for horde. I was down to eating through my sham sandwich supply which gave me dysentery despite having buffed with red tea. I dealt with the horde and day 7 dawned. I legged it to the trader with 200 empty bottles to fill, wrenches to pull cars apart, almost 5k in dukes. Out of food and out of meds. With this run I hoped to get a proper gun, heaps of food, meds, quest reward, maybe a battery to make the minibike. I legged i through the night during the no spawn period. I eventually made it to the trader and waited for him to open. I was pulling apart cars around the trader when he opened and at the same time 2 dogs spawned. One right on top of me which aggroed immediately and i ended up just having to tank. The other dog was very close and I was quickly poling up to get out of reach and securely kill the dog when a vulture just fucked me up. I didn't have much health left after the dog and had no healing. It finished me off. I was so close to a major breakthrough.

    Some things I learnt from this run. Food is everything. Its the thing that takes me out of defensive positions and forces risk taking. I will need to constantly go to the trader for food purchasing and buried supplies quests for at least the first 20 days while the farm gets going which is a crazy amount. It might be that the loot bags from horde every night zombie drops become an effective supplement around night 10, and i'll probably rely on these for my later game tech drops. I really need corn and potato, and I never found corn on this run. They seem to be the most useful for the vegetable stew and meat stew. The stone sledge is a beast early game but the iron sledge is rubbish. Just too slow. I think ill go pummel pete instead and pair with the spear for bears. I don't like the base building i did either. I need to get the hordes off the ground so they fall and run around again. I'm also thinking going first floor lab straight away, forget the foyer. I could do a ladder into the windows. It might be nice to locate myself closer to the lunchroom for my base as then I would have easier access to the vending machine and a little closer to graveston. I also got hit too many times and was left without healing which was dumb. Alovera seeds are key. Definitely need to be more careful with dogs as although they easy enough when you see them first, if they get the drop on you its lights out. Line of site is everything. I should have gotten a vehicle and a gun sooner too. Day 7 without a vehicle was weak. I had a gun on day 4 last proper run too. My RNG was poor with seeds, which I cant control but is what it is. There seems to be a spawn period around 0500 to 0600 after horde nights when dogs and bears appear quickly.

    Attempt 14 - Day 1. Died by dog. My first disenfranchised run after that 7 day run was abysmal. I run into 3 dogs on my way to sham. Ate up too much time. I was aggroing the third dog and running back to my pole up to deal with him when my computer lagged out and I missed the jump.

    So that concludes where I am to date. I have my attempt 15 yet to begin. Any hints and tips? Strategy to discuss. Im open to suggestion how I can make my life easier. Especially if there is any good advice about food supply. Also, is lucky looter worth it? I tried it a few times but it didn't seem to make much of a difference.

    submitted by /u/j150052
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    "Mom! The vultures are being creepy again!"

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    Is PS4 private multiplayer bonked?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    Is A19 bugged?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    Playing in a 2 person party. not sure about the exact world settings as i'm not the host, my friend is. he claims the hoard night is set to 64 zombies a player, but it is clearly not that. its only day 15, and we just came out of an apocalypse level hoard night. i alone came out with come near 1000 kills. 2200 total for the two weeks in. this is clearly not normal.

    i've seen videos of people in much larger parties on the same update not even get half of what we just faced, let alone 16 straight hours of combat. this is insane. any advice?

    This is PC obviously but i feel like i should say so.

    submitted by /u/EchoFiveActual
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    Steel or concrete upgrade?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    So I just got the game earlier this month and have finally got my character leveled up enough to use either steel or get a concrete mixer. The problem is, I don't know which is best to get first, and it's not like I can get the second quickly after. I feel like concrete would be best with base building/defensive gameplay and steel for exploring/aggressive gameplay. Am I right in thinking this or is there more factors to consider?

    submitted by /u/Frankmose5
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    Why You Shouldn’t Get 7DaysToDie On Console 2020

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Ps4/xb1 crossplay

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Is it a thing? I've read a few thing about it but can't find any proof of it or how to do it. If it is a thing how do I do it?

    submitted by /u/datstupidguy
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    Apache Artifact Chest in caves in A19?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    I'm trying to find Taza's stone axe, so I'm looking for the Apache Artifact Chest.

    According to the wiki (which I know is often quite outdated), it can be found in indian burial grounds (where I did find it, but so far the RNG only filled those with a few dukes), and in caves...

    But so far, none of the caves I've looked into had an apache chest. Normal loot, sure - but I get enough of that from other POIs. So are caves just not a place to look for the apache chest anymore? Or is it maybe just one specific type of cave that I haven't run into yet?

    submitted by /u/Sindalash
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    Game runs at 5fps on one computer and 60fps on another

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    So my wife and I were playing together with 3 of our friends. Everyone was complaining about the game being a slideshow during the Bloodmoon, but my wife was running at a consistent 60fps and her computer is worse than all of ours.

    Wifes computer: rx 580, fx 8350, 16gb 1866 ddr3

    My computer: Ryzen 5 2600x, gtx 1070, 16gb 3000mhz ddr4 (I am the games host if that matters)

    friends computer: gtx 2070 super, I7 4770k, 16gb 1866mhz ddr3

    friends computer: gtx 1080, i7-5930k, 32gb of 3200mhz ddr4

    The first computer, which is not an amazing computer, is running the exact same things in the same room with all max settings at a stable 60fps, everyone else is running like a slideshow. This has thoroughly confused everyone and made them stop wanting to play.

    submitted by /u/vinceagashi
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    Pro Husband & Noob Wife Presents: 7 Days to Die - A New Start and Milita...

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:10 PM PDT

    Is the new loot system that broken or is my game bugged?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    I have not been able to find duct tape for 3 days, I literally have every other material I need for the forge but duct tape. If blunderbusses are more common than duct tape then something is wrong in my opinion. Did the new update make duct tape some kind of legendary end-game material, or is my game bugged for some reason?

    submitted by /u/czerpak_pl
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    Trying to get some feedback on what people are interested in seeing in a video.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! I'm working some videos that show how to build a simple horde base and fortify it over the weeks. I posted the first episode here on Monday. However those are going to be weekly releases and I'm wanting to make a few more shorter videos about one-off kinds of topics in the meantime. If you see an idea below that would be something you're interested in, please let me know. If the options get a good response, I think I'll be able to have the first video ready for Friday if life doesn't kick my ass. I'm also open to suggestions and requests. Thanks!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/QuillGaming
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    maximum block damage with stone axe (Taza or regular)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    I'm trying to figure out whether it's worth hoping for a better stone axe or not.

    What I would really like is to be able to one-shot 100 HP wood decorations with it - I know I was able to do so with my Taza's axe in A18. Not sure if I was able to 2-shot the 225 HP ones...

    Help me do the math please, from items.xml I get:

    - base block damage: 22.6

    - randomly +/- up to 15%

    - tier bonus is written as value=".1,.5" tier="2,6" - does this mean a bonus of 10% per tier (going from 10% at Tier 2 to 50% at tier 6)?

    If these assumptions are correct (please tell me if they are not!) the best possible Taza's Stone Axe would have 22.6 * 1.15 * 1.5 = 38.985 block damage... likely rounded down to 38?

    Unless bonuses are additive, then we'd have 22.6 * 1.65 = 37.29 (37?) block damage.

    Then if it's T6, I can add 4 mods to it. Each mod adds a bit of block damage just by being added - I haven't been able to find a number on how much it is, but from my tests it seems to be about 5% of the base value?

    Three of the mods would be ones useful to (wood) block damage: wood splitter (+15%), fireman's axe (+25%), and tempered blade (+10%).

    Then of course miner 69er gives another +150%.

    If the best possible axe indeed has 38 block damage and all these further assumptions are correct, I should be able to reach:

    38 * 1,2 (20% from 4 mods) * 1,15 * 1,25 * 1,1 * 2,5 = 180

    Or, if all bonuses are a percentage of the base value:

    37 * 3,2 = 118,4


    Some testing with the console gave me a 37 damage Taza's Stone Axe - I didn't create hundreds though, so I'm not absolutely sure whether this is the maximum.

    Equipping it with 4 mods (the three from above, and a structural brace) gives it a listed block damage of 54.

    Hitting a wooden block with it (full miner 69er) deals only 101 damage though - so obviously SOMETHING in my assumptions above is wrong.

    Can anyone who knows the mechanics well enough enlighten me please? :)

    submitted by /u/Sindalash
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    Where to get the crucible or schematic??

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    This is just getting annoying and frustrating at this point. I'm on day 32 and I have no means to make steel and use it. I have done countless quests and checked every location and trader within 3 KM of my base multiple times. Literally everything (including FUCKING SEEDS) is locked behind skill points or schematics. I want to like A19 but a lot of the stuff they have changed really makes the game crappy.

    submitted by /u/LaughDarkLoud
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