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    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    7 Days To Die Let's Play Saturday - November 28, 2020

    7 Days To Die Let's Play Saturday - November 28, 2020

    Let's Play Saturday - November 28, 2020

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Looking to share you're gameplay videos with everyone or for an audience when you go live?

    Post here with a link to your Youtube/Twitch Channel or whichever video/playlist you're looking to share!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    GF’s virtual tour continues. She wants to share her bathroom. The bubble bath zone. Got a quick view of a bedroom along with it

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:32 AM PST

    TFP upgrading the zombie models be like

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Vibing with a zombie

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:07 PM PST

    Tired of Vanilla 7 Days to Die? Too Easy? Give the DeadFall a Try.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:36 AM PST

    Tired of Vanilla 7 Days to Die? Too Easy? Give the DeadFall a Try.

    DeadFall - A19.2 VERSION 3.25

    The Nightmare RPG Custom Serversided MOD.


    BE WARNED: Forget everything you know about 7 days, this Mod changes everything.

    NO BLOODMOONS: We don't have Bloodmoons, our content and gameplay meta is built around Adventuring & Questing.
    No Blood Moons does NOT mean there are No Hordes. Infact, this server's random/wandering/scripted hordes are the most dangerous you can probably ever experience in terms of numbers and Ferocity.
    You will truly learn the meaning of Fear.

    INSANE High Risk High Reward Gameplay with a Unique Night Loot System, The Stakes are High when you go out a risk looting a POI, you get increased loot bonus and chance at night! A New Perk increases this bonus as Well!

    Each POI is an entire challenge/dungeon of Horror / Custom Questing Content

    Featuring 120 All New Prefabs/POIS/SECRET AREAS with Rewards!


    No Clock/Days Passed(Irrelevant in this server, as No Bloodmoons Exist)

    Realistic Weather system Max Immersion

    No Download Required! (All Server Sided)

    Custom 15 Unique Class/Professions to Choose From and NO TUTORIAL QUEST. (You skip the tutorial, and get your perk points and XP and a very needed starter set of gear as the enemies will relentlessly actively look for you.)

    True Survival Horror Experience with a merciless difficulty that Tests your Skill

    Custom Endgame Weapons (Fully balanced for progression from early game to end game usage), from all new weapons and ammo(No cheese here), Custom new unique blocks, Necrotic blocks using bones and flesh and a special enchanted ore to create necrotic blocks that are stronger than Steel!

    Original Perk Expansion System, rebalancing the entire game with all new enemies and serious dangers means new perks to power curve you up progressively with uncommonly used builds(knives, batons, unarmed etc).

    Just a TASTE of the Perk System

    BANK SYSTEM (This RPGMod includes a Banking System to Store Items Safely[Like WoW Banks.]).
    All new crafting blocks and workbenches for Base Builders and Committed Levelers.

    Fleshed out progression system with unique ammo synthesis for all playstyles!

    RPG Traits System - What makes your Character Unique or Flawed?

    Just a Preview of the Traits System (More Traits will be released in the future)


    Some of the New Custom Quests.

    Massive Easter Egg/Rewards System (Find Collectible Scrolls)


    Featuring Magic Casting system using Runes.

    The Duke wants your Soul, and he has trapped you in a Time/Death Loop

    Unique Curse Mark System, Empowers you in your gameplay.

    When you hit level 10, you will select one of 3 Unique Paths, The Path of Flame, Frost or Shock.

    • Flame - For ballistic oriented builds, Flames of Agony: enemies on lit on fire will take additional ballistic damage.
    • Frost - For Melee oriented builds - Chance on Hit to Shatter Ice on your target and do additional burst damage, along with giving them a slow.
    • Shock - For Ranged/Stealth Oriented Builds - Chance on hit with bows and crossbows to shock a target.

    Storyline featured in Discord that is progressively being worked on and added to as more features are developed for the gameplay.

    Don't let all the cool features fool ya, This server isn't joking about the Nightmare Difficulty. You will get relentless and adrenaline peaking! Good Luck!

    Server IP: Port: 26910

    https://discord.me/deadfall <-- Discord

    PS: There is no planned public release for this custom mod for now, This is a long term project. It only works on the server and if you wish to play, all you do is just join anytime, its 24/7. There will be an official future announcement on a public release in the future. All Bugs can be Posted in Discord Genysis Center Channel. 
    submitted by /u/DeadFall-L2D
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    FPS locked at 30?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:10 PM PST

    Ryzen 5
    8 Ram

    I can't get above 30 frames, even in the menu. Just sits at 30. Every other game runs at 60. It runs at 30 on high settings as well as low. Vsync on/off. Played with nvidia settings. Nothin. I can't figure it out. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/SewbNewb
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    What perks best pair with brawling?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:33 PM PST

    I was wondering what perks best pair with brawling to maximize damage and is it better to wear light or heavy armor with it?

    submitted by /u/Gretehelios
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    The name of this game should be changed.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:42 PM PST

    To seven days to load.

    submitted by /u/Strong_Appearance259
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    Can't Nerd Pole

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:47 PM PST

    I can't seem to nerd pole anymore. I jump, hit right mouse button but the wood frame block doesn't set. I was able to do it before. No mods. Vanillla. Singleplayer. Does your armor affect how high you can jump?

    submitted by /u/ScruffyWhiskers
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    LFG EU

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:19 PM PST

    new and i want to make good progress my world is 3 days in

    submitted by /u/joseph_krakcowski
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    My Brother's Streaming 7DTD A19.3 - How Far Can He Get On ONE Life

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:19 PM PST

    Meh little bro started streaming 7DTD on Twitch, with a single simple rule: get as far as you can on ONE life. You die, you regenerate the map and start over from day one. I'm posting this for him because he only recently started lurking Reddit and thus doesn't have the karma to post anything anywhere, so I'll burn my "only one post per let's play" on his behalf.

    He's already had a few close calls, but thus far has reached day 31 with 1,695 kills, level 51, and game stage 97. Things will start getting more interesting now that he's far enough to start getting demolitionists during his horde nights.

    Screenie of his stats as of start of his stream this evening: Pic!

    Stream link: Linky!

    Stream schedule is 6PM - 8-ish or so PM US CST (GMT-6) most days, and he also streams other games and at other times. Stop by and give him a watch!

    submitted by /u/WebMaka
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    Making Prisons great again!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Is there an online server browser?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:19 PM PST

    'cause I don't have any friends that play this game and I was just wondering if I'll be able to join other random people in the game instead of playing alone

    submitted by /u/DefliersHD
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    Burnt Biome

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:47 PM PST

    It is kinda meh. Am i right?

    maybe someone knows something i dont know.

    Im making this post in response to the new dev video. They are combining the burnt and the wasteland biome.

    The burnt biome for me has always been just an obstacle to drive around.

    submitted by /u/0agrippa0
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    Huge Food Problem (4 person Co-op)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:15 AM PST

    I am playing with 3 other people on day 36 and we have a huge problem with food, there isnt enough in the world and we can really only find enough for 1 person to eat consistently, the food we find only gives 5-15 hunger points. We have tried farming and it still isnt enough, 99% of the time we just eat glass and take the 10% exp hit. We love the game but its frustrating that the hunger mechanic seems to be so difficult while playing with 4 people that we just ignore the mechanic completely and just commit suicide (in game). Has anyone else had this problem? How do we fix this?

    submitted by /u/Polymer10000
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    7 Days To Die (XB1 disc) on an Xbox Series X (Opinion)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:50 AM PST

    So... we all know the console version of 7 Days To Die is well... pretty bad (technical/performance wise) and VERY out of date (apparently 3 years behind the PC version as of this year).

    So how is it on the Series X?

    Well it runs at a nice high frame rate (Seems to run at a minimum of 50fps (probably wrong, but it does feel a bit smoother than on my Ps4 and Xbox One S)).

    But it also still:

    • Crashes (So far 5 times within 9 hours of playtime (I'm really taking my time to enjoy the game again))
      • This is common with a visual glitch with the time on the top mid of the screen (it continues to overlap the text, once it freezes for a second, as the game gets confused and crashes due to this).
        • This is apparently due to the game "not being expected to run at a high frame-rate on console".
    • The game frame-rate drops SIGNIFICANTLY when riding a motorbike for the first few times. It is EXTREMELY noticeable. I'm talking around 10 - 20 frames per second, with lots of delicious lag (Its REALLY bad).
      • I just road it again and it ran somewhat smoother but still has a reduced frame ratw

    What Have I Done So Far?

    • Just started to Achievement hunt (15/43 achievements)
      • I'm an achievement hunter and saw this game as a small challenge (It isn't a hard game, but the completion ratio on True Achievement (XB) is extremely low
        • 204 people have 100%'d the game out of 59,269.
    • Killed 128 zombies
    • Made a motorbike early on
    • Took a "bunker" as my base and explored a nice large portion of a randomgen map
    • Dug up 2 treasures


    • Game runs, what seems like, a lot smoother (I'm assuming its at least 50-60fps, but I have no way of finding out as my TV doesn't give an FPS count.
    • Out of Date game, makes it a nice balance for new or returning players (Although we are missing all the cool things like turrets, large variety of zombies, etc. We basically don't have any other game like this (Unless I'm completely missing a game)
    • Basic survival elements are still there with lots to learn from (older) videos! So there is still a lot to do!


    • Motorbike drops frames and is barely worth it
      • all that work for new players, for a glitchy, frame-drop mess)
    • Out Of Date Game:
      • If someone sees gameplay on PC and gets it on the Xbox One/Series X/PS4/PS5 they are going to be massively disappointed with it as a lot of features are not in the game for consoles.

    I have little to say about this, its the same fun game from 3 YEARS ago... but higher frame-rate overall 6.5/10. Still a great game but it seriously needs an update or a new version.


    Give the game a shot if you enjoy it, don't expect anything amazing like the PC version. But expect a good time.


    I ran into a youtuber that showed the co-founder of the game on a Q&A on a livestream, who basically said "We got the rights back for consoles, from Telltale (they had to bid for it after they went under). But we aren't doing anything with it for at least another 2 years, or till the game is completed on PC, and even then it would just be an announcement.".

    They also went onto say that they are a PC company, not a console company. So I'm not expecting much, which sucks for us with a weak computer that might not be able to run it.

    Basically expect the game to be out of date forever, or:

    A. Another, new/more up to date, version will be purchasable at a later date (years from now)

    B. We might get an upgrade for free... hopefully..

    submitted by /u/LostSpireGames
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    This gave me and a friend chills for some reason....

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Time to fill the hole!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:42 AM PST

    Time to fill the hole!


    What do you reccomand to start with?

    I think in the very bottom i will put all the forges/cement mixer/workstation, thank a floor with the garage, than the living quarters.

    Any good zombie defence base with the hole? it's doable let the fall down and kill them with electric fences / turrets / me?

    submitted by /u/Uncle_a_
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    Zombie Spawning

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:56 AM PST

    Hi everyone, Im sure this had been asked before but I could use some help. My friends and i are playing on a game with me hosting. We made our base in the army Barracks POI and built on the already made defenses. The problem I am having is that BM hordes can still spawn inside the walls. I know the base is big it's about 40x70 so I increased the LCB size to cover the whole base. That didn't work so I tried increasing the bed claim radius and placing our bed rolls strategically but that hasn't worked either. As a last ditch effort and some research I went into the block.xml and added the property CanSpawnZombies to the concrete block and set it to false with the aim being for the next bloodmoon to replace the normal ground in our base to concrete. I'm not sure if this will work or not but it's the last thing I could find to try. I was hoping someone more experienced than me could help me out with a solution or some advice. We have put a lot of work into the defenses and it looks really nice so we don't want to have to create a dedicated horde base and waste all the defenses we have built. Thanks

    submitted by /u/vernam32
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    Stacks of stone

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 04:30 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    So I recently crafted those 6000 stone into the 1 stack and noticed that I get almost 6000xp from doing this, on top of the xp you get from harvesting it. If you unpack it and then recraft this you get xp again, essentially repeating this process would constantly give you 6000xp. Is this a bug or is this a mechanic that needs to be fixed?

    submitted by /u/orionnebulus
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    I’m playing multiplayer and in the console a red text keeps popping up and I can’t even take a few steps before it pops up again.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:06 AM PST

    Is there a way to fix this? I tried finding the game in my files and saving it but I can't seem to find it. All the tutorials I see are old and people are relying on "app data" file to find and save there game but I can't find it.

    I don't have mods installed either

    submitted by /u/bruhbruh45y
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    FPS drops on high-end rig

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:50 AM PST

    Alpha 19.2 (b4)

    Multiplayer with 6 other people on an 8K custom map (generated with Nitrogen)


    AMD Ryzen 9 5950X

    NVIDIA RTX 3090

    32GB G.Skill 3600MHz

    2x Sabrent Rocket 1TB SSD

    Set everything to low, turned vsync off, turned dynamic resolution off, basically disabled everything and made the game look like Runescape, FPS sit to ~200 and still dip to like 10 randomly and when loading parts of the city, even if they have already been visited.

    It's the only game I have that acts like this, my friends with lower-end PCs have no issues with FPS. My old PC (i7-7700k - GTX 980) ran the game just fine. Why does it run so bad?

    submitted by /u/_naPalm_
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    Someone To Play With on Xbox

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:50 AM PST

    My partner is deployed and solo runs just aren't the same. I'd love someone to play with. I love to divide up skills and work as a team. Can use voice to make gameplay easier.

    submitted by /u/randomlyweirdperson
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    New vs Join game

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:33 AM PST

    Can you make your own game and join a game or not. I just downloaded this game and have no idea how to play.

    submitted by /u/VuxxIsStuck
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