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    Monday, November 23, 2020

    7 Days To Die Modded Monday - November 23, 2020

    7 Days To Die Modded Monday - November 23, 2020

    Modded Monday - November 23, 2020

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Looking for advice or help on where to start with modding for 7 Days to Die? Are you having trouble finding a particular mod, or opinions of what mod to play next?

    Post below with what you're having trouble with or what you're looking for!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Looks familiar

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 02:59 PM PST

    How many buffs do you want? Yes

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 03:28 PM PST

    We all know why this dog terrifies us

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 02:26 AM PST

    Need this for A20 /s

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:48 PM PST

    Does your base have a death pit? Do you want one? Check out Evolution of a Horde Base, a guide series on turning a simple design into a fortress. This week we build a ramp, demo a building & install the pit of death!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:04 AM PST

    How you feel about mounted fixed weapon placements?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:06 AM PST

    You should be able to mount an m60 or whatever to your base. Cant move it and it should be crazy expensive for balance, but could be be belt-fed and have nearly no kick back.

    submitted by /u/Hate_Crime_The_Cat
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    Is Lucky Looter worth using anymore? It seems like it was nerfed pretty hard, right? (A19)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:25 PM PST

    It seems kind of like you could just play the entire game without it now, right?

    submitted by /u/XBgyManX
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    Wasteland Warrior Challenge - Laugh at my Failures

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:33 PM PST

    Hi guys, I made a post about a month ago about a challenge that I had set for myself. You can read it here; https://www.reddit.com/r/7daystodie/comments/jbdbjr/how_i_died_wasteland_warrior_horde_every_night/

    As a refresher, here is the challenge.


    Horde every night

    64 Horde size

    Warrior difficulty

    No loot reset

    No air drops


    Imposed rules

    Ironman. I die, I start new run

    After burnt forest spawn, I must not conduct any activity until reach wasteland

    Once in wasteland, never leave wasteland biome

    Must base inside sham factory

    Must hold hordes inside sham factory

    Survive until Day 50

    So many of my runs have merged in my memory as one failure after another is added to my mountain of failures. Let's talk about strategy as it's developed over time.

    Early Game

    My original 4 slots go sex rex, miner, healing factor, lucky looter. I prioritize trash raiding around the sham factory in the beginning searching for food seeds, duct tape or glue. I need 9 in total gives me forge, pickaxe and baseball bat. I can usually get these done by day two. I like to have the baseball bat before clearing out the lunch lounge with its 9 sinks and four toilets, or the third floor lab, with the sham recipe and heaps of meds and tech equipment. By day 4 I have usually established my base with the basic horde night setup and have looted the factory of its food. Ground floor and second floor warehouse, and the tower combined have about 20 sham boxes and that pretty much ends the food availability in sham factory. Sham Factory floor 3 has a wall safe that always contains the Sham secret recipe. A single bottle of acid can be converted into 5 cans of sham. This is a game changer as the exceptionally dangerous trader run is no longer as necessary to get food so long as I have acid. Water is the second issue but with the few toilets and a couple of sham crates I can usually survive until day 3 or 4 to do the run to the water treatment in gravestone. At this stage I usually have to get water from treatment which is very dangerous. I have smelted all the glass shards into bottles and usually have 2 or so stacks of empty bottles. This deals with my water and duct tape issues until late game since I usually have around 400 bones by day 4, which should give you a sense on how many bears and dogs need killed in the early game. Doing water treatment ends the early game.

    Mid Game

    Hopefully my trash looting has yielded seeds by this time. The most important seeds are potatoes, corn, and mushrooms. Getting luck with seeds early game allows the establishment of the garden. Harvesting gore gives me just enough nitrate to get 1 or 2 plots down. I usually only get one of these three, or perhaps pumpkin. Other seeds are not as important but alovera is important for late game, and hops and coffee helps later on too.

    The next stage is establishment of the mine. Since ive established the mine probably a dozens times now, I know exactly where to go below ground for all 4 materials. First I hit coal on my way to iron, but I can later expand to the lead and nitrate. With plentiful bones, murky water, and iron to safely mine I can craft a full set of padded armor and kit out the rest of my iron tools. Fireaxe, Shovel, Hammer and higher grade pickaxe and baseball bat.

    All my points go into strength, sex rex, pummel pete, and miner. I keep raiding through the factory looking for seeds and food mostly but towards the end of the mid game I've usually run through my food stocks and am relying on converting acid to food. I usually pickup between 4 and 10 acid through the early game so I have time.

    At this time im proper kitted out and I do a trader run for coin and guns. I take apart some cars for batteries and engines to sell, and usually have some old tools or random schematics that I can sell too. The trader run is an entire day affair as I take it very slow. I establish cobblestone block perches on the road intermittently so that im always within sprint distance of a two high block with a frame as a hopping spot. If a dog or bear is accidentally aggroed, I can run back to the perch for safety. Usually its dogs. Bears I can go off the path and avoid. Regardless the trader run is super dangerous. The coin from the trader gives me access to a vending machine in the lunchroom of the factory, which allows me to stretch my food/acid stocks and gets me candy on occasion. The trader run ends the mid game. Im usually around day 7 to 10 at this point.

    Late Game

    Towards the end of the midgame the horde is getting challenging. My horde setup is limited by the roof height in the foyer and I seek to move it to the warehouse. To make the warehouse suitable I need to demolish the level 1 partial floors. To drop it means pickaxe through about 60x 2500hp concrete blocks, as well as a host of other metal debris. Extremely time consuming and usually takes two days or so. Once this is done I have a large enclosed area that I can build a perfect melee horde setup, that can also be converted into a shooting gallery as I get guns from gamestage zombie bag drops. The zombie bag drops allow a bit of food which stretches the last bit of the acid while the farm ramps up. I've established the mine to the nitrate which allows me unlimited farm plots to expand into. A couple of points into living off the land will allow me to grow the farm quickly and I usually can make some meals with the bits and bobs ive picked up. Ultimately looking for endless potato, corn and mushroom to make vegetable stew to go fully sustainable. Depending one what my food situation is will impact on whether I have to continue to do trader runs, or whether I have to loot the large office block in gravestone which has a lot of sinks. I put down a workbench to unlock the cement mixer and get that to work for the horde base upgrade from cobblestone to cement. The late game is finished once I have the melee horde base moved to the warehouse and is out of the foyer. I expect this is achieved around day 30.

    Post Late Game

    The bag drops from the Z's during horde nights largely satisfy any looting requirements for new tech items. I will usually have a few guns by now as well. The crucible will be a key item, as will enough acid to drop the chem station. With the access to mining nitrate and lead, I will be able to craft endless munitions to fight the horde. Pummel pete and strength will have been maxed out and my horde management will be robust. Generally later game the bear and dog spawns are a lot less, possibly something to do with the horde size dropping spawns later on. It makes travelling to the trader a lot safer and perhaps crafting a jeep will be possible. I will skip all other vehicles. The trader will give me enough coin to forge brass, buy munitions, and whatever tech items I will need. So I will have endless food, endless munitions, and all tech items needed. I will continue to max out the skill tree.

    Win Condition

    The game is now boring because there is nothing left to do. The hordes are insane but are largely maxed out. They can be dealt with through a perfect horde base and character stats. My activities are limited to mining resources and maintaining the horde base. I expect this to be around day 50, so that's my goal. Day 50.

    I will discuss just the few runs that made it past day 2.

    Attempt 43 – Died by Horde Day 23. This has been my crowning achievement so far. The run went excellent and I picked up 12 acid bottles which is insane. I also picked up a heap of raw food on my first trader run, he had like 40 corn, 20 potatoes and I already had mushroom spores. My farm already had around 40 plots and I was pretty much sustainable, though I was still relying a little on Z drops. I realised too late that the two block high melee horde setup that I had in foyer was too weak as the zombies that dropped off their perch would do the run around too quickly. It was also at risk of the spider zombies jumping through the opening straight behind me, pinning me against the bars and the horde which nearly killed me a few times. I started building the horde base in the warehouse but was way too slow in getting it perfected and it had some flaws. I was too exposed to police zombies spitting at me. I just got overwhelmed. Multiple dogs at the bars will trigger the AI for one dog to jump on the back of the other dog and get through the opening. The old window openings allowed vultures through, the police spat me, and the spiders got lucky jumps. I used up all my 10 stack of bandages and a 10 stack of pills in a single night. I succumbed.

    Attempt 51 – Dies by boar. Day 8. It took me another 8 attempts to make it past the early game. I was feeling pretty good about things when a random boar appeared. I presume it spawned in burnt forest and walked over as it was the one and only time I have ever seen a boar in the wasteland. I recalled boars in A16 and they were pretty weak. I was regularly one shotting dogs by this stage and saw some easy meat. I ran out to aggro it, but was feeling cocky so I just ran straight up and power hit it to the head. Another 3 hits with the bat and it wasn't down. I got stun locked running away and I died. Fuck me. It had been an excellent run and I was well into the mid game.

    Attempt 56 – Dies by Bear. Day 3. I had made it to the trader and gotten some coin and a gun. I had already had some close calls. There were two dogs and a bear loitering outside the trader, though not yet aggroed. I tried peeling sneaking up on the dogs and aggroing them to a perch just outside the build radius of the trader when the bear, noiselessly, one hit killed me from behind. RIP.

    Attempt 57 – Dies by Bear. Day 4. Glitchy McGlitchbear teleports into your base through multiple hatch blocks. Nothing personal kid. One hit kills you. Thanks funpimps.

    Attempt 58 – Dies by dog and vulture. Day 3. Early game run to water treatment. Carefully scanning around. Coast is clear. Dog literally spawns behind me and aggros immediately. I panic as my perch is behind me and im close to the treatment poi wall which I quickly frame against to try and get out of the dogs range. I do so while getting hit twice. My poor health attracts two vultures which finish the job.

    This is where I am now. I have added around 500 hours in my attempts, sitting around 700 hours now (fml). It becomes more difficult to remain paranoid and careful when you've done the same early game bullshit a ridiculous amount of times. Dying to that damn boar killed my soul. Probably why I died so many times day 1 or 2 after that really strong run. I've sharpened up the last few runs and have nearly broken past the early game. Each stage is less dangerous than the last, except that 'post late game' is probably more dangerous than the 'late game' as the hordes become crazy.

    Anyway. You'll probably hear from me again in a few months as I clock up some more failures.

    submitted by /u/j150052
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    Vulture spawn

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 03:54 PM PST

    I'm on day 45, gamestage 97. For some reason, I'm been getting mobbed by random vulture spawns just about every time I've gone outside for the last day or two. In the last 24 games hours, I've had at least 10 vultures attack me. Has anyone else has this happen?

    submitted by /u/Battlingdragon
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    7 Days To Die Genesis - How It All Began?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:34 AM PST

    Idea for Stun Baton T3 weapons

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 10:11 AM PST

    It's no secret that stun batons often pail in comparison. The new perk book in A19 helped, but it was shared with turrets, so only a couple were focused on stun batons. Let's first look at the problems with stun batons

    • A lack of a good perk book

    Although perk books are more of a consideration for ranged weapons (Firearms, bows, junk turrets) 3 melee weapons have a perk book associated with them. This isn't the largest issue for melee weapons, as knives and sledgehammers are still good without a book, but for a weapon like a stun baton which has interesting mechanics, it's a missed opportunity. I suspect Fun Pimps will only add more perk books, so this will likely become a larger issue in the future

    • Only one tier of weapon

    This issue is twofold. There isn't a primitive version of a stunbaton, so you aren't going to want to put points into stun baton perks before you find it. Then once you find one, that's it. No high tier stun baton that can kill like a steel sledgehammer. So no reason to put points in the early game, and little reason to put points in the late game.

    • It's in the intellegence tree

    You will likely have points in the intellegence tree. If you are playing single player, that's going to the case unless you are focused on a nomadic playstyle. Forges, workbenches and cement mixers are pretty much essential for base building. Vehicles are vital for looting. There is only so much you can buy. If you are in co-op, you might be the person who goes into intellegence so your group can access concrete and traps. Or you might avoid that nerd stuff because someone else is. If you are putting points in intellegence, it's usually because you have to or you are getting the first couple points to get better barter and daring adventured. However, you will likely not be exclusively in intellegence. You will probably have points in another tree to access other skills, especially for firearms. I usually go into perception and intellegence, because I'm a greedy XP goblin because I really enjoy designing bases. But I never put points in stun batons. And since there is no primitive stun baton, it's not unusual to already have perk points in another melee weapon. So why would you put points into the stun baton now? Unless you are using a spear and plan to through it away and follow up with a stun baton, you don't need another melee weapon. Even then you could use another spear. Or use a sledgehammer turret since it doesn't use stamina. Essentially, you'll usually be using another melee weapon and you have little reason to switch to using a stun baton.

    • They are generally weak

    Stunning enemies is cool. But the base damage of stun batons pail in comparison to other weapon, or at least the other weapons have more useful abilitys. You can easly cause bleeding with knives. You can smash zombies heads in with a sledge hammer. Spears have range.

    So what can be done to fix this? Here is one possible solution, or at least an idea which will help:

    Imagine a spear with a stun baton at the end. A machete with electrodes attached to the blade. A sledgehammer fashioned out of car battery. Steel knuckles with bare wires ready to fry some zombies.

    Essentially, the idea is to have stun baton versions of other melee weapons.

    These would function like the T3 version of other melee weapons with the same base stats, except in addition, they would have the ability to stun enemies with electricity. Now you might think "These would be straight upgrades compared to the T3 versions!" Well, you are not entirely wrong. However, these are designed as a late game weapon and there are a couple rules that help balance them.

    • These electrified weapons would be the unique result of your characters ingenuity

    The recipe to craft these would only be unlocked at electricutioner level 5. No schematics, no buying, and these would be unable to be found as loot. This is to signify that you invented these. Afterall, if you can craft them, it's because you are wicked smart. It would cheapen it if you could just find one lying around, and it would affect the balance if you could get it early. It's your invention, and no one elses. Of course, this has an issue: you'll have to invest a lot of points to get good use out stun batons. I don't think this is the silver bullet to fix stun batons (Silver bullets would be cool though) but it is designed to give use in the late game, and to have an awesome weapon.

    • They require a variety of parts

    For example, to craft an electric machete, you would need both machete parts and stun baton parts. In addition, they would need some special crafting parts to truly electrify it, like a car battery for the head of the electric sledgehammer or extra electrical parts for the wires for the electric steel knuckles

    • Quality is determined by the other weapon skill

    The quality of the weapons is not determined by electrocutioner. This is several reasons. You would only be able to make Quality 5 weapons, you could fit your whole team with high quality electric weapons, and this addition is for people who have points in intellegence and another skill. The quality would be 1 + the skill level in the associated weapon skill. This is to allow you to craft quality 6 versions since they cannot be found or bought, as well allowing their to be tier 1 versions of the weapons you have little skill with. In addition, the mods are determined by what weapon it is. Club mods can go the electric club. Blade mods go on the spear and machete. The stun baton repulsor mod can go on all of them however.

    • You get 100% of Stun Baton skills benefits, and 50% of the other skills benefits

    So if you had 20% damage increase for clubs, an electric club would get a 10% damage increase from that skill. If it's a percent chance of giving a status effect, the chance is halved. This affects perk books and skill points. Dismememberment chance would be based on intellegence for these weapons. This is for two reasons: You get utility from having skills in weapons outside of the intellegence tree, and they won't always be straight upgrades. This prevents the T3 weapons being worse for someone specialized only in the that weapon, while making the stun baton versions are better if you put the points in stun batons.

    This addition would help with the problem listed before. More weapon tiers means more utility in the late game. Perk books will benefit these new weapons. It would give a reason to put skill points into stun batons if you are skilled with another melee weapon and provide a strong weapon for stun baton users.

    This isn't a perfect solution. Stun baton use would still be limited in the early game. Potentially this could be expanded to the iron teir weapon versions of these weapons (Potentially having the crafting unlocked at electricutioner level 3) However, this would help with part of the problem. Plus a car battery sledgehammer is awesome.

    submitted by /u/Inspector_Robert
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    Anyone wanna start a new game with me on a hard diff and horde day every other day��?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:29 PM PST

    Ive been getting bored of normal

    submitted by /u/Unique-Celebration-2
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    Alpha 19 issues, can someone please help me!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 06:55 PM PST

    im having troubles with alpha 19 on my pc. im not too sure whats going on. i dont want to just blame the game it could be something going on with my pc or something i could optimize on my pc or fix. but basically i played alpha 18 and i had soooo much fun the game ran just fine for me no isses what so ever. however i just picked up the game again because of the alpha 19 update and well basically my game randomly crashes and freezes. also really bad fps drops down to like 30 fps.... and when the crashes happen its just instant, no warning what so ever. the game will be running perfectly and then all of a sudden within a blink of an eye im on my desktop with no errorr messages or anything. and the fps drops happen very randomly as well. like i can just be sitting inside my base not moving and all of a sudden it drops wayy down to like 30 fps out of no where and then like 5 mins later its back up to 90-100 fps again when im literally just sitting in my base still lol. like there no rhyme or reason as to why its doing this because my pc seems to be running fine when it happens so im just not sure whats going on. i have been trying to read online and do some simple things here and there but to no avail. i mean the game isnt "unplayable" by any means, i mean sometimes im able to play for 3 or 4 hours just fine without any crashes or fps drops or any issues and then sometimes it will crash like 3 times within a half hour with the associated fps drops and stuff also. im willing to try anything to help. i have tried uninstalling the game and deleting all files and reinstalling it again. i have tried reinstalling steam as well. also went through and cleaned up my pc by removing old games and files aand running some hard drive defrags. checked to make sure some drivers were up to date. also fooled around with some ingame settings also.....all to no avail it seems. im just not good with the software side of things and all other fixes seem to be a bit more complicated stuff that im scared to do because i dont wanna mess my system up by doing something wrong. such things include like running commands in cmd prompt and messing with the registry and stuff im not smart enough to do all that yet lol. i can listen and follow directions well tho if someone is able to sort of work with me one on one to help possibly. thanks!

    submitted by /u/thekilleraaa1
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    Military base idea

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 06:46 PM PST

    So.i just hit GS 150, and I got something I wanna try out. I'm an AGI/PER build and I wanna see how the existing military bases/ranger outpost can survive against that level of horde. I probably going to upgrade some walls, especially barracks which are made of wood but otherwise, I'm going to keep the existing structure as much as possible while using traps/electric stuff to keep them out. I probably wont be using hatches but I probably place more fences to upgrade the barriers. Bars will only be used to protect against birds in any sniper station in the base, so, say that watchtower will have some bars where they can spit through but can't come in immediately. Any ideas? Let say.... The small military outpost near trader Hugh or the ranger station east of Trader Jen

    submitted by /u/PainRack
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    We have the newest edition of 7 Days to Die Mods Weekly for your viewing pleasure. Just a few mods to really spice up your gameplay

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 02:49 PM PST

    Is it too much to ask that every shape be available in every block type? For goodness sake.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:17 AM PST

    How many weapon types should I be trying to max out on a single playthrough? (A19)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 05:41 PM PST

    I have points in Rifle, Pistols and Knives right now. I have most of my points invested into the Perception and the Agility tree. I have been considering picking up Javelins and Archery as well, but I was worried that might be too many point investments on a single character.

    How many weapon skill trees do you max on average?

    submitted by /u/XBgyManX
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    Best sources of Experience?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 09:36 AM PST

    I've been mining, and looting, and scavenging, and killing, and building, and crafting, and I still just get so little xp.

    Used to be you could take an Auger, dig a tunnel and get tons of xp, but now I just feel like I'm getting nothing and in most cases I am indeed not getting a single point of xp from what I'm doing. Wet Concrete Blocks are the best block for building as they have most of the shapes needed for more complex structures, but making and placing them give 0 xp. Sure, you get some xp from mining the stone, but I've mined a couple hundred thousand at this point and still have little to show for it in terms of xp, and I've got half a base covering an 81x81 area complete. (I'm building a hybrid mesoamerican/mesopotamian pyramid/ziggurat with a few alterations to better accommodate 7dtd). i get no xp from station crafting, which makes up the bulk of crafting, and I get no xp from placing blocks which makes up the bulk of building.

    I just need something to help with this grind cause most of what I'm doing gives 0 xp, and the rest just doesn't seem to give very much. I've even been using Learnin Elixers and nerdy glasses.

    submitted by /u/Spectre9000
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    Are pistols, knives, and javelins viable in Alpha 19?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 07:07 AM PST

    Or are you better off using clubs, bats, sledgehammers and the bigger guns instead?

    submitted by /u/XBgyManX
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    Performance tweaks on 7d2d console?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 04:41 PM PST

    Has anyone noticed a boost in the game performance lately? Game used to lag like a mf and suddenly after not playing it for 2 years it runs smooth as hell even with multiplayer. Why is that? Could the xbox firmware make it run smoother because of updates?

    submitted by /u/nomtob
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    Slow down and enjoy the horde.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:32 AM PST

    I have been using the same horde base for many, many blood moons. It has been serving me well. Over time I've been ramping up the difficulty and increasing horde size.

    As I've increased the difficulty, I've been burning through a retarded amount of 762 AP ammo. First 5 slots are lvl 5/6 M60's. When I went to 64 zombies, I defaulted to Spray 'n Pray.

    I've been slowing down over the past several hordes though. I started using controlled burst. But even with controlled bursts, I found that I was using in excess of 4,000 rounds. 3,780 on the Blood Moon before the most recent one.

    I made two changes on my most recent horde night. And my 762 ammo usage dropped to under 2,500 bullets.

    1. Added 4 dart traps. These traps run for 45 seconds when I activate them. I did about 7 times during the latest horde night. My intent with these is to target demolishers. When these guys show up, I want them taken down. As it was the first time using the dart traps, I probably was more liberal with them than I will be in the future. I have a trigger plate that I back onto when I want the darts to fire.

    2. I slowed WAY down with my shooting. Instead of targeting zeds that are 10 blocks away, I am waiting to see the whites of their eyes. When they are two meters away, I try to take single shots with the M60, aiming for the heads. As the two zed approach takes damage, I have to resort to distance shooting as the night wears on.

    I honestly believe the controlled shooting is the primary reason for the reduction in ammo consumption. The dart traps saved a few 762 rounds, but I doubt they saved 500 762 rounds.

    Day 217, single player, A19.2 stable. Insane / nightmare / 64

    submitted by /u/Steelspy
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    Coming back after 4 years. Why sound direction is so bad ?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 11:35 PM PST

    I remembered having no problem with sound direction 4 years ago. Yesterday I pickup tgis game and having absolute nightmare trying to figure out where the z is by their noise.

    It's almost like there is no different in the level of sound . I can hear the z on the 2nd floor as if its right next to me. And the volume different between any distance seem to be too little to make it out if the z is outside the house or screaming in the next room.

    I only have this problem with this game the others are fine. So it shouldn't be the problem on my side.

    submitted by /u/godisgonenow
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    Help with studdering

    Posted: 23 Nov 2020 11:11 AM PST

    I dont really have any issues when im playing on a dedicated server using my other pc as the host, but playing singleplayer most of the time im having a lot of studdering and fps drop, normally im like 100-120 fps but it keeps going down to like 20 or below quite often. I only have discord, steam, 7days running, and even turned down the graphics, yet it continued

    submitted by /u/Moonpig13
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