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    Thursday, December 24, 2020

    7 Days To Die Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - December 24, 2020

    7 Days To Die Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - December 24, 2020

    Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - December 24, 2020

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Want to show off your base or a build you're particularly proud of? Want to show off what helped you make it through horde night?

    Take a video or some screenshots and post them here to share with your fellow survivors!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The 4x4 engine overrev sound really just grinds my teeth

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:53 PM PST

    I refuse to use it. The sound is iritating beyond unbearable. How come the engine actually sounds less over revved when "sprinting" with Shift than without.

    I imagine I'm not the only one feeling this way, in fact I feel so strongly about it that I imagine only TFP thinks the sound is something you can release (even in an Alpha)

    submitted by /u/tahaan
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    The Bear Den - A short fic

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:32 PM PST

    Hey guys, hope I'm not breaking any rules or anything right now, but I really wanted to share something I wrote with all of you. I find this game hella immersive and sometimes I realize I'm roleplaying in my head and barely noticing it, because it draws you in so, so well. Today I was sent on a quest to The Bear Den, a POI I had never visited before. After I was done, my heart was pumping so fast my brain went into overdrive with ideas. I went into a mad writing craze and this here is the result: my first 7dtd mini-fic. Hope you guys enjoy (and constructive criticism is always welcome!)

    I kicked open the double metal doors, a mix of sweat and blood running down my brow. The wooden interior was simple and almost bare, save from an old painting of a horse on one wall and a row of empty shelves behind the cupboards that acted as the counter at Trader Joel's. There was a young man there who jumped at the loud bang from the doors. I saw his hand move halfway to his hip before he processed what he saw and it stopped in the air, as if he still wasn't sure whether to draw his piece or not. Joel stood behind the counter, his usual smirk replaced by a look of shock.

    I walked up to the counter, my eyes never leaving him. His darted from me, to the man, to the bloody sack I was dragging behind me.

    "Two zombears." I barked between my teeth, my grip tightening on the sack. Two minutes before, all I could feel was the pain, but as soon as I saw his face I was pure rage.

    "Hey there, Zeke, whatcha going on about now?" He broke into an uneasy smile, revealing a couple missing teeth.

    "Two fucking zombears. And no fucking heads up." I quickly snapped my arm up and down, slamming the bag with a wet splat on the counter. Drips of dark brown blood flew on impact and he physically recoiled when the smell hit him. It smelled putrid, the smell of the undead. "You know what I had on me the moment I entered that bar? A 9mm."

    He tentatively looked at the bag, his arms close to his chest in disgust, trying to see what was inside. The other man, now next to me, seemed to relax enough to decide not to draw his gun, but not enough to take his eyes off me. I ripped the sack open, revealing the severed head of a brown bear, mutilated and rotten. It was missing one of its eyes and most of the skin on the snout. It had several lacerations and some clearly visible bullet holes, since most of the fur had fallen off after it died the first time. Joel shivered.

    "Jesus, Zeke, what the hell is that?"

    "One of the bears that you conveniently didn't mention inhabited the bar you sent me to. I would have brought you the other's head too, but I had to bash it in with a fucking hammer when I ran out of ammo. There wasn't much left." His eyebrows shot up, not sure if in surprise or disbelief, and he scoffed.

    "Come now, you can't expect me to have known a pair of bears made their lair there, now could ya?"

    I slammed my fist hard on the counter. The audacity of the fucker.

    "Don't you fucking lie to me, Joel. You're a con man, a crooked salesman who thrives in thinking you're smart because you're outwitting people twice as dumb or desperate as you. All this I knew from the second I laid my eyes on you. But I'd never take you for a white-faced liar."

    I took a neatly folded piece of paper from my pocket and laid it open on the counter, right next to the head. By now, flies had been attracted to the smell and were feasting on the infected meat. The note read:


    Two weeks ago I sent Anderson over to Clearwater with supplies. He was supposed to bring a cache back with him from June. We kept the chatter as usual, every three days, but five days ago he radio'd in he was being chased by someone, so he would lose them and hide for a day to make sure it was safe. He was near The Bear Den, that old bar over on fifth avenue, so I told him to hide there. I haven't heard from him since. Check up on him, would ya kindly? There's some in it for you if ya do, more so if you can find and bring the cache he had on him.

    P.s.: Shawn used to have this show with live bears at the bar before the world became a hell hole, that's where it got the name. Now, I don't think they would have survived the apocalypse but be careful out there, y'hear?"

    "Recognize this?" I said, pointing to the particularly scrawny way he signed his name in letters, purposefully designed to be easily recognized as his own words. As soon as his eyes hit the name on top of the note, they widened.

    "Where the fuck you found this?"

    "At The Bear Den, inside the jacket of a half eaten bald man. Sonny, I presume." I shrugged, gesturing to the note. "Of Anderson, I couldn't find a trace. There were loads of bones though, so I wouldn't hold my breath."

    Joel sighed and stopped for a minute, his eyes closed. When he opened his mouth to speak, his voice cracked.

    "They were good men, gone too soon." Joel sniffled and I scoffed, realizing this was a show for the other guy. I had been around Red Lake for long enough to know that Joel couldn't give half a fuck to the couriers he regularly employed, much less to scavengers taking odd jobs. "I do have to ask, though, you understand, nature of the biz and all... Erm... Have you... Have you found the ca..."

    "Yes, I found the cache, you heartless bastard." I interrupted him. "It's in a safe place, and you aren't getting a sniff of it until I get mine."

    His demeanor instantly shifted. His uneasy posture relaxed and he broke out into the grin of a salesman, a man who's never as comfortable as when he's negotiating.

    "Of course, of course, Zeke! Y'know I'd never let you go without!" He reached under the counter and brought up a canvas-wrapped object. He began unwrapping it as he talked. "Now this here shotty is an Ithaca 37, barely used. Pump action, five rounds in the barrel, one in the chamber. Isn't she a beaut?"

    "Fuck your shotgun, Joel. You can shove it up your ass and fire for all I care." The man next to me chortled a half laugh. "I want a motorbike engine. And one that runs, at that."

    Joel's brow furrowed and he harrumphed.

    "Don't be silly, now, boy. You don't want the shotty, sure, maybe we can get you a brand new forge? Or an iron pick?"

    "You're mistaken if you think this is a negotiation, Joel." I growled, running out of patience. My left leg throbbed and the fabric of my pants was sticking to all the blood that had run down the side of it. I was starting to feel light headed; I needed to get home soon.

    "What, ya think I have an auto shop in the back? Where in this God forsaken world am I supposed to find a motorbike engine, Ezekiel?"

    I shrugged again, turning on my heels and heading for the door.

    "That sounds like a 'you' problem. You want your cache, you find me a running engine. Otherwise I'll dump it in the lake."

    "Zeke, c'mon! Don't do this to your buddy Joel!" He called out after me. I didn't stop. "I'm sure we can find something you need here!"

    "I'll be back in three days." I shouted back. "Have my engine or lose your cache. Your call."

    I slammed the door again on my way out. Fuck me, I need some whiskey.

    submitted by /u/Rindoshi66
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    Excess fullness & hydration

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:51 AM PST

    Hey all, does anyone have a current (A19) understanding of how EXCESS hydration and fullness work? ie. when you eat or drink more food than you need to fill your hunger/thirsty bars...?

    My questions: 1) does excess go to waste? I noticed you continue to benefit from drinking buffs, even after your thirst bar has filled 2) is excess "used efficiently"? ie. Is there a difference in overall hydration if you try to avoid excess drinking vs. if you always stay in excess? 3) is there any limit to how much "excess" you can store?


    submitted by /u/WangMajor
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    Would I still like this game?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 02:15 PM PST

    I have 218hrs accrued on Steam but haven't played in a couple years. I haven't followed the updates but a friend who hasn't played wants to try it. Would an OG player still be satisfied?

    submitted by /u/FladnagTheOffWhite
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    I would like a bunch of zombie bears on horde night.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Its the one in the wild that nobody wants to mess with. I would bring the bears in at gamestage 100. Give them a huge amount of block damage.


    submitted by /u/Athelious101
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    Can't find lead deposits?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:42 PM PST

    Hey there guys, just started playing this recently with some friends and we're having a lot of fun! I am the miner of our group and I seem to be having a problem. I have found plentiful deposits of all minerals except for lead, we're living in the forest biome and I'm unsure if I am just incredibly unlucky or there is another better way to find or harvest lead?

    submitted by /u/Dreadity
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    Should you wait to loot until your a higher level so you can get better loot?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 11:58 AM PST

    What title says

    submitted by /u/DiamondDireWolf
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    How does the multiplayer work?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 02:58 PM PST

    If I wanted to play with my friends would the world I created be running of of my computer? For example on ark you can play with up to 4 people but it uses your computers resources and there is a tether distance. Would I have to rent a server from a third party or does the game allow for you to host without it using your computers resources?

    submitted by /u/Bichaelcycle
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    Auto Backup

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 05:39 PM PST

    I am not seeing any recent post and am unsure if the 5 year old posts are still valid but does anyone know of a mod for auto server backups or a server management tool? This is a dedicated server being hosted on a personal network. Any recommendations are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Damastaca
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    Highest Day/Gamestage you've reached on insane without dying?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:12 AM PST

    Hi there, recently I've started streaming on Twitch. And I've decided to start an insane difficulty no death run. Just curious as to how high others have gotten on either day/gamestage. I was told gamestage 1000 was kind of impossible to do solo without editing files. Anyways let me know how high you've gotten or seen others get!

    submitted by /u/BuffBlitz_NerfGlaz
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    Looking to restart a community based server.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:01 PM PST

    As the title said, I'm looking to reboot a very dead server.

    Just for a backstory, I used to run a community based PvE 7days server. I had roughly 50-60 registered users who were very active and we grew to form a pretty good friendship. The whole server was based around a safe haven built so players could build their house in and we'd work together as a community to stay alive and progress. We also had some sort of lottery that would be drawn once a week the community used to donate to. All around it was an amazing experience and probably the best experience I've ever had running servers before.

    The reason why the server died its-self is solely on me. At the time, my job really cut into my playing time, not to mention money was extremely tight, along side of the fact I just didn't have the cutting edge PC to run the game, I used to get 30fps on a good day.

    Now that I have a stable 9-5 with a stable income and a pretty powerful PC I want to reboot something that honestly was the best gaming time I think I've ever had.

    I'm absolutely open to dedicating the time and power to making this server worthy of being the server of choice (ads to grow, maybe a php based website built by yours truly to support many features like lottery, community board, the possibilities are endless) Although I'd still like to keep the server slots down kind've low (30ish) and whitelist/application to avoid the having to recruit a full staff of moderators and have problems with assholes just looking to ruin a good time.

    What do y'all think? Would y'all join, even help build? Vote below even share your thoughts in the comments! :)

    I should also probably mention I have years of server hosting experience and I absolutely love doing this as a free time. It's the manager in me I think 😂

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/kielly32
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    Can't log in to friends server

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:58 PM PST

    I have been scouring the internet for 5 days and have uninstalled the game a dozen times, tried on a different computer from a different internet. No idea how to fix the issue. When loading player profile to get into the game i get null exception error.

    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at GameManager.PlayerId (System.Int32 _playerId, System.Int32 _teamNumber, PlayerDataFile _playerDataFile, System.Int32 _chunkViewDim) [0x0005d] in <8966b1f384fe4ecab81b938f521bef70>:0 at NetPackagePlayerId.ProcessPackage (World _world, INetConnectionCallbacks _netConnectionCallback) [0x00000] in <8966b1f384fe4ecab81b938f521bef70>:0 at ConnectionManager.ProcessPackages (INetConnection _connection, NetPackageDirection _disallowedDirection) [0x000b2] in <8966b1f384fe4ecab81b938f521bef70>:0 at ConnectionManager.Update () [0x00125] in <8966b1f384fe4ecab81b938f521bef70>:0

    submitted by /u/stopher_dude
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    Anyone wanna start a fresh world?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 02:56 PM PST

    Just looking if anyone would want to start a new world wit me

    submitted by /u/plzdonthack
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    stuck over encumbered, now the game is unplayable.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 06:20 PM PST

    hey, so the title says it all, recently picked the game back up and on day 3 I over encumbered myself and I cannot get out of it. has anyone else encountered this?

    I've loaded all slots and then removed all slots to try that. I have stopped and restarted, I opened another game and went back to the game I was playing but nothing has worked to stop it.

    I can just start another play through but would rather not and will probably just leave the game for another few months if I cant fix it.

    submitted by /u/The_nemea
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    hello new to the game

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 06:18 PM PST

    how do i activate vulkan? im getting 70 fps yet whenever a new "chunk" is loaded it goes to 15 then 50 and back to 70.. can be annoying

    submitted by /u/Dekyst
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    What are the most efficient foods to make and make my friends and I from not starving.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 02:05 PM PST

    Myself and about 5 friends have started playing the game together. Currently day 10. We all always seem to be constantly starving and thirsty.

    I know there is a perk to reduce hunger. We are eating canned goods and primarily bacon and eggs.

    We just started a farm but what are the most long term efficent foods to craft? Is there something we can to do make it so we are not always eating?

    We have a farm now with corn, potatoes, mushrooms and blueberries but only like 4 of each.

    submitted by /u/enginerdz
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    Xbox 1 gyrocopter?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 05:06 PM PST

    I was reading the wiki, and I found an entry for "gyrocopter". Is this obtainable on console, specifically Xbox, or is it pc exclusive?

    submitted by /u/TheGoddessSwordGamer
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    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 05:57 AM PST

    What do you guys think about fov slider

    submitted by /u/CryptographerLast701
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    Looting bonuses - explain it to me please

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:02 PM PST

    You'd think with nearly 3000 hours in this game I'd understand this by now. But I don't. I know what you find in loot is affected by GS and that there are some GS ranges that determine things. Something like GS 1-30 and then 31-80 and then 81 and above. I never bothered to learn the exact values.

    This usually comes up in terms of finding guns - people wanting to know when they can expect to start finding guns. That's not what I want to know.

    My question is what is the difference in practical terms between what you would find with and without Eye Candy, with and without Lucky goggles, and with different amounts of points into Lucky looter.

    Also what is the difference between Lucky goggles +3, +4, and +5 ?

    I am at GS 250 in the game I'm playing and don't really notice much difference between what I would find with and without the +5 LL googles and even with and without Eye candy. But when I recently spent the last point to get to Lucky Looter level 5 up from level 4 I do feel there was a noticble a difference. The item quality now leans more heavily to Tier 6 - but this is of course a very subjective obervation.

    Here is another question: Do you stop finding some more basic items at better levels of looting? For example if I assume "paper" was a Lower tier item and went out looting in search of paper, but then used the eye Candy and the LL +5 goggles, would that make me find less paper (or other "lower tier items")?

    Other more specific items: Do higher levels make you find more of the same - eg more bullets, more dukes, more paper? Or do they replace lower tier items like paper with higher tier items like say guns? Or do they make you find more items per container? Or do they just unlock higher level items and put them in otherwise "empty" loot containers?

    Perhaps I'm overthinking this. Perhaps understanding all of this will just take away even more of the fun of the game. But I do hate going out to find Acid in basins and not gettind it and then wondering whether it is because I spent another point in LL.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/tahaan
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    Darkness Falls mod Question - Can anyone tell me where to find apples please?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 11:15 AM PST


    submitted by /u/Quinnna
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    Best food/drink?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:15 AM PST

    In A19, what is your go-to food & drink -- and if you operate a farm, what crops do you grow in what quantities?

    Early game, bacon & eggs + water seems to be the best reward for effort...?

    Mid game, meat stew with red tea, for the efficient digestion? Or is coffee better than tea, for the extra stamina regen?

    Late game, do you still rely on meat stew? Or do you somehow get an engine that can sustainably supply the crazy foods like spaghetti?

    Also wondering about late game drinks... do you switch to mineral water for high hydration + efficient digestion? Or do you go for Yucca Smoothies? Or just stick with something simple that you don't have to think much about?


    submitted by /u/WangMajor
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    I need your help to create new skills tree mod.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 05:54 AM PST

    Hi again,i'm creating mod for new skill tree(in addition for base tree).but i'm lack of ideas - so i'm asking other players like You:Which any new skills do You want to see in game?Something else than more hp/stamina/damage(from X weapon)I mean maybe new mechanics

    I'm waiting for ideas and i'll try to create one(and of course to confirm it's your idea)Seeing your ideas already from other group, i can say something like this:

    I will divide weapons into 4 types: melee weapons, hunting weapons (bow and crossbow), ranged weapons and scientific weapons (such as grenades and robotic).
    In the case of melee weapons, we will have to allocate some strength points, and then dexterity, perception and intelligence respectively for each type.
    The level of the weapons you create will depend on another, separate skill, which in turn will depend on your intelligence.
    It all boils down to the fact that you don't have to be a strongman to garden well or cook good food, or a first-class ninja to shoot a gun well.
    I will also try to divide the skills in such a way that survival in the game does not depend on one aspect of the game, which is shooting.
    I will try to add things like blocked traps, spikes and other basic traps for the intelligence tree.
    Later, it will also unlock basic like Cooked Meat (find me an idiot in the world who can't cook meat).
    Then, i will eliminate all boosts that magically increase the damage done by weapons such as AK-47s and snipers.However, the skills responsible for these weapons will increase accuracy, reload speed and move with them.
    Finally, I will try to bring back the skill progress, for example in alpha 16 "deceptive adaptation".
    Surely many of us miss this character development - which in turn is just logical.

    Please comment below all ideas! I would love to see them ^^

    submitted by /u/Falcon337
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