• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 4, 2021

    7 Days To Die I recently made the switch from console and was wondering if it’s better to craft rebar frames and upgrade them with concrete mix or just make the wet concrete blocks directly?

    7 Days To Die I recently made the switch from console and was wondering if it’s better to craft rebar frames and upgrade them with concrete mix or just make the wet concrete blocks directly?

    I recently made the switch from console and was wondering if it’s better to craft rebar frames and upgrade them with concrete mix or just make the wet concrete blocks directly?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:21 AM PST

    Multiplayer question

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:38 PM PST

    Just a quick question, if I invite friends to join a game does it use more cpu/gpu on my comp or is it just my bandwidth that matters?

    submitted by /u/Apn3a_MTG
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    PVE COOP with friends Mod Suggestions for increased game depth and difficulty

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:10 AM PST

    Hi Friends, I have become a huge fan of this game and I play with a group of 5ish friends every night on a dedicated server I host.

    We have played vanilla to the point of easy rinse and repeat of blood moons, tier V quests etc. and have loved every moment of it but are looking for something more.
    On youtube I have seen mods that make Zombies mini bosses and make the game way more intense and I was hoping to try that with my groups of friends.

    Can anybody suggest a mod/mods to make this happen?

    I recently noted a post with http://7d2dmodlauncher.org/ link that helps clients set up their mods but is there any good guides on setting up server and clients?

    submitted by /u/dustinrobi
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    NEW 7 Days To Die RP Chapter I: New beginnings (The whole story what happened during the first day)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:38 PM PST

    Chapter 1: New beginnings

    Dan was running all night to get away. When the heat of the morning sun and light blended his eyes he realized he was up all night running. He could still hear the screams and gunshots from the raid. Where did they come from? It all happened so fast. My team is either dead or MIA. I only have a backpack with hand full of supplies. The survival handbook, water, can of food, bandages and a torch. We agreed to head north at the base of the mountains if anything goes wrong. That´s where I'm heading now.

    While traveling north I picked up plant fibres for a sleeping bag, stones and wood for a primitive pickaxe. While gathering I heard a noise but I wasn´t sure if it was real or just my imagination. I didn´t sleep all night and I was still in shock or in trauma.

    A few steps forward I see a dog in the distance. Not knowing if it was zombified or healthy. After a closer look It turns out to be a wolf. I decided to sneak past it and not engage. Oh god I wish I had my gun. I decided to gather more wood and fibres to craft a primitive bow.

    I looted a few birds nest to gather feathers and eggs. While collecting I see a zombie in the distance. When after turned around I see another zombie and I decide to run away. I´m in the outskirt and they a populated with zombies.

    In the distance I see mountains and on the west some kind of a facility. I decide to climb higher to get a better view. They are the snowy mountains of Navezgane all the way trough them is were the final NAR outpost is. At the border of Navezgane. I remember that we drove around them and not trough them to avoid the cold. There is no way to get trough them with no supplies. In the east I see an old house.

    I decided to investigate the old house. I could cook some snow to make water. It will be enough to get trough the night. There is a cold wind blowing my way. I decided to craft a fibre costume to keep me a bit warmer. I noticed a crawling zombie and decided to get more wood and use it to make a wooden club. The noise attracted the zombie.

    When I get closer to the house, I will investigate if it its oke for spending the night and I decide to move in. I still can´t believe what happened. I keep talking to myself to recollect my thoughts. The more I think about what happened I started to believe it was planned. The thought of a traitor in our ranks scares me.

    There is a car in front of the house. It looks untouched and I decided to investigate. I found a pie and some Yucca juice. On the east side is a big hole in the house but I don´t have any choice. I need to clear this building and make it ready for the night.

    I decide to craft some wooden frames too close the hole. I heard a noise and see a middle age woman. Hello strange are you a friend or foe? She replies who are you? It depends. I explain my story about the attack. She tells me she is from the Alliance. She tells me this place is not the safest place to take shelter in. There a lot of zombies wandering around. I ask her about the area. She tells me about the savages in the east who are moving up. She mentioned the NAR in the North. It is strange she has been on contact with them. Command told me I'm the first to travel that far south. She offers her help and invites me to visit the Alliance settlement. She offers me supplies and i´m happy to take them. She puts the supplies in an empty cabinet in the kitchen.

    While she is busy with the supplies, we get surprised by a zombie and she takes care of it easy. She stays calm and kept us save. I asked about her combat skills. She tells me she is one of the Alliance founders. I´m thinking what is she doing her? The more I learn about this area the more I'm confused. She tells me the location of her campsite and offers her help if I needed it. She tells me she has to travel back cause it´s already mid-day. Before she leaves I asked about her name and she introduce herself as Lieutenant Jozefien "Fien" Plantyn. I ask her to keep an eye out for any survivors from the NAR. She told me she will and will contact her friends from the NAR. I don´t mention it out loud but how she knows the NAR? I started to believe that i´ve been kept in the dark. We go separate ways.

    I decided to board up the house and investigate the 2nd floor. There a several zombies in the bedrooms. I take care of them with my wooden club. I find a book about Magnum skills. I decide to read it later and see what I can learn from it. I loot every box, closet and drawer. Mostly minor crafting materials. I decide to replace the doors and enforce them with a lock. I sorted my supplies in the former kitchen and decided to craft a small fireplace too cook food and water.

    I close all the holes in the house and gather some more wood to enforce the weak spots. I took a look at the sun and see it´s still early. I do not have a degree in astrology but do know it´s not even noon. I decide to take a few supplies and head west to make contact with the Alliance.

    While traveling west I find a few abandoned cars and a backpack. A backpack always makes me sad. Someone had to leave it or someone has died. Either way it´s always a sad story. I decide to travel of the main road to stay hidden. After a while I find a Can & Gas and I noticed that the cars still have gasoline in there. Where I come from these supplies are scare. I decided to peek inside but I see many body on the floor. I can´t tell if there dead or alive and I decide to move on.

    Moving forward I think about the savages. What if they find me? I decide to not think about it and set out to contact the Alliance. Why didn´t I follow her right away. I see another zombie in the distance. It´s a bit overweight and don´t see it as an threat. I arrived at Diervill is this where the Alliance is? There is a big hospital. I´m curious about what´s in there but I don´t have the right equipment to investigate. While I walking to the town I observe the city. It´s to quiet and I start to think the Alliance isn´t here. I got a strange feeling about it and I decide to get of the road.

    I don´t remember last time I had a normal interaction with another person, the only people I sometimes see are the savages and that creepy trader lady from the Alliance

    I miss talking to the living, the only ones I talk to are the dead and they aren´t really that talkative.

    The years before the outbreak and the bombing are lost, I don´t really remember anything only what my mother did. So I wonder shall speak with him Violet thinks.

    I hear some footstep. I hide next to a wall and start calling friend or foe?

    „Friend or foe"

    Where did he come from I didn´t see him and he has a bow. I need to run away maybe he is a savage. Violet thinks again.

    She replies nervous who are you? Where are you from? I asked about her allegiance and she tells me she belongs know where. By instinct I raised my bow and replied I know savages who talked like that. She says you want to kill me, and I have to run. I yell don´t go but it is too late she is already gone. I´m worried if she is savage or really just alone and scared. I´m not sure but I decide to leave a box with supplies and a dollar note with directions to my shelter. I hope she finds it and will go to my shelter.

    I ran away and hid, but he kept talking to me, and he left something in a Box, well I will wait until he is gone and see what he put inside it.

    This man is stupid, he left the coordinates to his base, he can be happy that I opened the box and not one of the savages.

    Maybe I should follow him…

    I´m wondering about her age. She was probably still a kid when it all happened. I hope she takes the supplies and nobody else will find it. I keep moving forward but I didn´t find any signs of the alliance yet. Where are they? I figure to just keep heading west.

    I noticed that I keep talking to myself to keep me sane. After a while I notice a outpost with heavy walls. I wonder if this is the Alliance. On top of the door is a sign `Traitor Joe´s` I move closer and I noticed an Neon sign with open. What is this place? I wonder if this is a joke. I decided to move in there and make contact. The place is deserted but I see a little camper. In there is a young woman who peacefully greets me. You look like you been under the weather and made have just what you mean. She tells me about the duke and errand runs. I feel weird. But the traders are part of the Alliance and it is there territory. I don´t have enough duke and loot to barter. She tells me about the Alliance jobs. Gather lost buried supplies, clear buildings and fetch lost supplies. I decide to do a fetch errand. Jen marks it on my map and I head out.

    I moved trough the burning wood Fien mentioned earlier. I started to give up on finding the Alliance and complete the job for Jen. Maybe she can point me in the right direction. In the burning wood I see a rabbit and I decide to hunt it down. I´m not a skilled hunter and I waist many arrows on the rabbit. I decide to give up and move further. I find another backpack with a spear inside. I take it with me with a smile. The rabit got away but this spear can come in handy. From the hills in the woods I see the desert of Navezgane. Wait is this the rich area of Navezgane which is full of Oil Shall? I move in and see the building Jen marked on my map.

    In front of the house is an duffle bag with a better wooden club. I decide to take it with me. Jen told me to get the supplies untouched. I see a doghouse with a sign Beware of the dog. Hope the dog isn´t here. I decide to go trough the garage and I hear a noise. Oh no it´s the dog. I climb up a car and for a second I think about Garcia who gave his life for me when he found me. I start swinging my spear at the dog and all the sudden a smile explosion. A barrel ignited and killed the dog. I got a few burns and take some painkillers. There is an angel on my shoulders. How could I have been so lucky.

    While I move trough the garage I loot every closet and drawer what I see. I climb up the garage and move to the roof of the building. There is a loose panel and open it. All of the sudden a vulture start attacking me. My old bootcamp instructor at the NAR told me on thing we don´t have to worry about anymore are the attack from the sky. Guess he never been her. I see a hole in the roof and it seems to be the only way down. If I jump down there is no easy way out.

    „Hello little bird, may I eat you, upsi I killed you."

    I found him at that creepy traderlady and now I have followed him through the burned place into the desert, he has been inside that house for a long time now, maybe he died.

    I kinda hope he comes back out, I am growing kinda fond of him. Well he is another living person that seems to not be a savage, and he is talking to himself all the time and I dont feel that alone anymore, even if I dont know if I can trust him. Well at least he hasn´t noticed me.

    I jumped down and instantly draw the attention of a zombie. I swing my club as hard as possible to take the zombie down. I wonder what these errands run are all about. Lost supplies? Pre war materials? I continue to search the building and crafting a bone knife in the meantime. My backpack starts to get full and I hope to find a gun.

    I cleared the main room and I hear noises in the back. There are three zombies and I quickly put down a wood frame to block off their path. I try to stay calm and fight them off. There is workbench, ChemStation and wrench. With the wrench I take apart everything what I see. In the bathroom I see a bag. In the bag is a box with writing on it. White River supplies. This must be it. I decide to carry as much loot as I can an head back to Jen.

    While going back trough the burned woods I see the rabbit again. I can already taste the fresh meat. I use multiple arrows on it but with no luck. It seems that it is mocking me and hides behind a tree. I give up and make my way trough the woods back to Jen.

    I finally made it back to Jen. She offers me dukes and I can pick a reward. I choose the shotgun shells. I check her inventory and I have my eyes on a 9MM. I sell all my loot what I carried but it isn´t enough. I decide to head back to the burning woods and loot more value items. I want to have that 9MM. A gun would me feel safer and more secured.

    I rushed the first place I see. Taking apart a soda machine then all of the sudden I got surprised by an burned zombie. Where did it came from? It almost took me down. I was so eager to get loot to sell that I lost concentration. Greed is a bad thing. I stop with my errand and go back to Jen and go back to the shelter. Maybe the kid I saw earlier is already there. God I need someone to talk too.

    Back at Jen I sell the materials I don´t need and I see the blunderbuss ammo I picked up earlier. I feel like a fool why I didn´t craft a blunderbuss. Good enough for now and better then nothing. I have everything I need except glue wich I sold to Jen. I buy it back and craft a blunderbuss.

    Okay so he came back out again and ran back to the traderlady, maybe he got one of those smuggler whatever packages for her. She pays very well when you do one of the missions, but the chance of survival is very low.

    Oh no, the guy has a blunderbuss, and he is making to much NOISES, to much, they will find him, if they haven´t done it yet. He is so stupid

    I make my way back to Diervill as fast as I can. I start to wonder about the box. Did she picked it up or someone else. The closer I get I ask myself if it was a good idea. Again doubts in my action. I need some good rest and clear my mind. C´mon Dan you are a leader get your grip.

    I see the box and run towards it. It is empty. I'm happy and worried at the same time. I hope she is there waiting for me or the savages are there waiting to kill me. I leave the box and start moving again. I saw some cars but I don´t remember looting them. I decide to ignore them and move ahead.
    I see another zombie and think about my blunderbuss. Shall i try it out? Better to make sure it work then finding out it doesn´t work in front of a savage.

    I finally arrived at my shelter. I decide to move up the mountain and collect some snow to make water out of it. From here I move closer and inspect my shelter. It looks untouched. I patrol the area and I didn´t see anything. I went indoors and cleaned my back pack and organised a few of my items.

    I hide my ammo upstairs for later and reinforced the 2nd floor. A tree is blocking my view to the east where the savages are living and decide to cut it down. It is getting later and want to move up the mountain and take a look around. I climbed up the mountain and scout the area. I can´t shake the feeling that i´m being watched.

    „My my what do I see, Friends?"

    I followed him back to his base, well if the savages haven´t found that yet, then they are turning stupid.

    He is running around on that mountain, well I will follow him.

    „Friend or foe"

    Shit I think he heard me, I need to hide.

    „Maybe I should eat him, no no hahah"

    I see movement and I yell please stop. I don´t want to harm you. I left you some supplies. I want to help you. She replied with I don´t need your help and you do stupid things. Well in stupid times we need to do stupid things. I tell her about my house. She tells me it isn´t save. The savages will find it. I explain how I fortified it. She still doesn´t trust it. If she could find me they can. I asked why is she so scared of the savages. They are dangerous people. I offer her food and my weapons to gain her trust. She has food enough and offers me food. I have to admit I don´t have that much food. I explain her my mission and persuade her to join me in the shelter.

    I asked about her name but she says: How can I trust you?. I replied you can´t. Whatever I say there is no reason to trust me. I told her to look in my eyes and make a decision. I asked about the area and if she was in contact with the Alliance. She only met with the weird trader Jen and tell me her name is Violet after I told her i´m Dan. I asked about how she survived but I could tell it made her uncomfortable and told me to not ask to many questions. I tell her my story and we move down the hill and head indoors.

    Violet takes a look around and I can tell she is glad to be in here but she tries to hide her emotions. We talk in the kitchen about supplies and she offers to cook me some meat. I was completely burned and black but still it was the best piece of meat I had in a while. We talk a bit more about the local currency and Jen the trader. I show her my blunderbuss and she give me ammo she found earlier. I offer her the gun, but she declines. She prefers to stay silent. We talked about the day and the storage box. All the sudden we heard noise and I´m going to investigate. Maybe I am just paranoid. I didn´t see anyone.

    I share more details about the NAR and my mission. I tell her about my concerns that I got betrayed and don´t want to contact anyone yet until I know more. I tell Violet she can make herself at home and use anything she wants. We sit down and talk about a workbench. I want to find supplies to craft a bench. I heard that sound again and I realized it´s the stove boiling water.

    We sit down in the old living room and offer Violet to help me gather material to make a basic workbench. In return I make any kind of tool she wants. I offer her my protection but we still need to be caution. She agrees on my proposal and wants a Fireaxe in return. Because were two people now I ask her to loot a nearby building to find materials we need to craft a workbench.

    Am I going crazy, I don´t even know this guy, well old man I think, and now I have made a deal with him, well I would love to mess with the Alliance, and this is a good way to do it.

    We take supplies and decide to head out to that gas station I saw earlier. We go trough the garage and I notice how well Violet takes care of the zombies. She talks with them and almost plays with them. I´m worried and think she is a bit reckless. I don´t want to scare her off and just do my best to protect her. From the garage we go trough the backyard where we got surprised by three zombies. One of them is a bit faster and following me. I nearly got away, but she does scratch me. Is this my end? I don´t have any antibiotics. Shall I tell Violet? I decide to trust her and tells her. She aks me if I have any honey? I told her I actually do in the shelter but didn´t really thought about it when Fien told me it was to cure an infection. Violet says the Honey really helps. We decide to go trough the first floor gather any loot we can an head back.

    On the first floor we got surprised again and later in the bathroom too. I tell Violet too stop this hunt and head back. I can feel the fever coming up and I feel like vomiting. She is convinced and we head back to the shelter. It feels like seconds. I feel my body fighting the fever. I start to lose sight and a feeling for time. I can´t even tell if we are inside the shelter yet. I just told Violet where the Honey is and I sit down. I didn´t even notice I'm in the kitchen. I drink the Honey and rest a bit on the chair. I feel my body is calming down. Violet i´m going to lay down and rest up. Promise me you will be here in the morning and not leave me alone. Promise me. I don´t even hear what she says anymore and I fell a sleep exhausted by the past 48 hours.

    I ´ll see tomorrow if I will stay or not, now I will stay in his home, because he has a small fireplace, and it keeps me warm, and I can sleep savely tonight, because I am not alone.

    I hope the honey cured his infection, or he will turn into one of them, well atleast I wouldn´t be alone then. I can hear them talk outside.

    „I hate you mother", I whisperd while I fell asleep.

    The End of Chapter I

    Did you like it? You can become part of this fun and new RP server.

    The Proloque and background from the first post

    submitted by /u/DoctorBest85
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    [Question] Loot Respawn Timer Mechanics?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:40 AM PST

    I've prowled wikis, forums, steam, reddit, experimented in game, etc...but I don't have a solid answer to work with because every post has people saying "I think-". Are there any for sure ideas?

    Does the game's Loot Respawn Timer reset if you get too close to the container?

    For example, if I set the timer to respawn loot after 10 days...pop open a fridge in a POI, pull the loot...does the timer start right then, or only once I'm far enough away? I've read in the past that people think that if you get within a certain distance to the container that the timer will reset.

    Is this true, or does each container just have a personal timer?

    Update: u/zyocuh confirmed through testing that there is no proximity related issues. Only initial openings of a container will start the timer running, and end when it's done.

    submitted by /u/BigMcThickHuge
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    Ragdoll and Axis Lock Bug

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:36 PM PST

    Stopped being able to look up and down in game after shooting a pistol. On top of this when I jump the view angle changes slightly. Jumping and hitting my head makes the camera do a ragdoll spin, stopping at a random angle. After shooting again I am no longer able to look left or right either. Bug is temporarily fixed on reload, but happens again. Please help...

    Edit: only replicates on shooting a zombie, and its with any gun

    submitted by /u/AltoniusAmakiir
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    Is there a mod to make T5 quest's POI smaller?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:17 PM PST

    I'm so sick of having to clear 100-200 zombies per building, taking me sometimes even days to complete a single T5 quest. The reward to resource cost ratio just doesn't seem logical. Is there some way to fix it, via mods or XML editing?

    submitted by /u/VinhBlade
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    Is the console version worth it in 2020?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:27 PM PST

    Title. Me and my buds are picking up the game cause it's on sale for about 6 bucks, is it worth it on PS4? I heard it doesn't get updated on console and is a much older version, will we be missing out on a lot because of this? We can still find guns and such right?

    submitted by /u/ImNotCreative69Bruh
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    Game crashing while trying to load a save.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:09 AM PST

    I started to generate a random world just to see how it worked well I didn't know how long it took for it to generate. So I pressed back thinking I could just cancel out of it no problem. Well right when I did that the console menu came up with a bunch of red lettering. I figured it was just saying that the map gen had failed to load. So I exited. And went to play my other save. Right after it starts saying create a player it crashes. I thought I might have corrupted the file or something but it does it with new game as well. I re-installed 7dtd and it persists even still. What did I mess up?

    submitted by /u/Forty_neiner65
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    tengo un bug el la ALPHA 16.3

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:06 PM PST

    me quede bug en medio de por paredes cuando cerré una puerta que puedo hacer para debuguearme pst soy nuevo en el juego

    submitted by /u/Paraka1
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    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:36 AM PST

    How the sweet, holy horse crap do you find animals? Every once in a while a rabbit will poke his head up out of the grass, then vanish onto another server... and I've only heard mythic rumors of something called "deer"...

    submitted by /u/Grail_BH
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    Is it possible to avoid a large horde at the bottom of the world?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:17 PM PST

    I am playing on pc, and am near a day 35 horde (due to switching from 7 to 14 days after the first horde and wanting more time to base build) and my game stage is about 93 I think. I need raw materials for building and I want to know if I could avoid it entirely or survive it easily at the very bottom of the world.

    submitted by /u/Apock2020
    [link] [comments]

    Can't Upgrade Wood Ramp Incline Block In 7DTD

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:45 PM PST

    Can't Upgrade Wood Ramp Incline Block In 7DTD

    I want to upgrade a "wood ramp incline" block to its next wood level but it won't let me. I noticed that there's an arrow down showing up in the middle of the target when i point to the block when i'm holding the hammer. As you can see i have all the materials in case i need to upgrade to whatever level except steel.

    Image showing the block i need to upgrade.

    submitted by /u/Winuxworx
    [link] [comments]

    Just made the switch from console, any tips?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:17 PM PST

    I just got the game on steam and was wondering about what all is different

    submitted by /u/Th3l0n3lym8
    [link] [comments]

    Question about modded multiplayer worlds

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 04:48 PM PST

    To get all of my friends on a modded world with me I just need to make sure everyone has the same mods, right? Or are there extra steps?

    Also what about changes to xml files? If I edited the spawn rates in my game, would I need them to edit theirs as well for it to make a difference?

    submitted by /u/Space_Cheese223
    [link] [comments]

    Looking for server

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:11 PM PST

    Does anyone know if there is any good xbox one 7 days to die servers

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Today22
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    Console command window triggers on its own?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:53 AM PST

    I'm running into an odd issue where if zombies are taking damage from both electrical and blade traps at the same time, the console window comes up. This is very frustrating during horde nights as it becomes almost impossible to do anything with that window up. And it keeps coming up continually...

    Is there any way around this, or do you simply have to make sure zeds can't be zapped and blended at the same time?

    submitted by /u/Worstdriver
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    Who wants to play?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:01 AM PST

    I'm new to the game anyone recommend a server I can join?

    submitted by /u/Julianp651
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    Get your hands in this badboy and roast this zombies!!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:49 AM PST

    Come join GMR Hades Playground and you can tryout the many extra traps, weapons, mods and more...

    Flaming Dart Trap

    submitted by /u/GMRHadesPlayground
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