• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 28, 2021

    7 Days To Die When you lack the IQ to use a bridge...

    7 Days To Die When you lack the IQ to use a bridge...

    When you lack the IQ to use a bridge...

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 01:45 PM PST

    We brought down a building! Short story, after climbing this thing 9 times together we had enough. She died horribly to the boobie traps in it & had to minibike then bike half the map to get back & she wanted revenge. Ps: sry had to use camera & I panicked at the end.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:17 PM PST

    Question about Mods

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 12:18 PM PST

    Hey all!

    I've been playing 7D2D vanilla for quite some time and finally wanted to try some mods out, but I was curious if I downloaded several mods, would they all stack into whichever new game I make, or would I have to create a different game for each mod.

    The best example I can give is when I used to play Fallout 4. I had installed some mods for ammo, skins, and weapons. The game would implement those all simultaneously. Would that be a similar situation here?

    submitted by /u/sleepykthegreat
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    Is there a solo duplication glitch on xbox

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:44 PM PST

    I'm trying to find a solo duplication glitch on Xbox

    submitted by /u/sliverferret2
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    I simply cant play on Playstation

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:25 PM PST

    When i create a world, any type, it says the connection with playstation network has been lost and doesnt start it up. All my friends are having this issue and ppl on the internet too. Is there a fix or explanation to this?

    submitted by /u/megalomanicwizard
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    Outback Decay - PVE, monthly refresh, server-side mods, friendly community

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 04:00 PM PST

    Outback Decay - PVE, monthly refresh, server-side mods, friendly community

    Hey all

    We've just started a new game on our Outback Decay - Glenn Robbins Edition server. We'll be resetting this one with a new map on the 1st of each month to keep things fresh.

    Added on this wipe is our latest custom mod - Concussion and Shock Grenades, and Shock Arrows and Bolts. This is in addition to the working ovens and grills, added lights, faster auto-shotgun, decorative blocks and a few other quality of life changes we've always had.

    As the mods are server-side, there's nothing to download and install before joining - the settings are downloaded from the server along with the map.

    Hope to see you there soon!


    submitted by /u/samij_
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    insane modded survival with mischief maker now live!

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 07:17 PM PST

    How do I install this MOD?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 07:41 AM PST


    I copied the files from the Data folder into the game's Data folder, but I couldn't find any new houses so far how to do it?

    submitted by /u/ily69
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    Similar crafting games to play?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 10:34 AM PST

    7 days so far has been the most fun survival game I've tried but as everyone knows, it runs out of steam.

    So, can anyone recommend a survival game with a similar crafting system?

    What I enjoy about the 7d crafting...

    • Supply chain. Mining steel, smelting it, then using that to craft stuff. Same with cement etc.

    • Looting stuff then being able to break it down into craftable components.

    • Crafting useful stuff to create a cool base. Plenty of options for building a nice base.

    • A reason to craft. Building a base is great but it's useless unless there are enemies that you need to fight off. Not player enemies who fuck with you while you're offline or some ridiculous crap.

    You guys know what I mean. So, any games similar? Ark seemed to be from the little I played. The forest had a terrible crafting system.


    submitted by /u/stevebeans
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    what the deal

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 03:28 PM PST

    Why is 7 days so bad on xbox one? I still play but its garbage

    submitted by /u/idekanymore_eromyna
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    Comparing 7 Days To Die The Spencer Mansion Incident challenge MOD with Resident Evil Remake

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 02:05 PM PST

    Game starts in wrong resolution and "Apply" button hidden.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 12:57 PM PST

    Game starts in wrong resolution and "Apply" button hidden.

    Any ideas how to fix this? Was looking forward to playing with friends and it's just died on me.


    submitted by /u/bendy1996
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    Wasteland Treasures 02

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 01:57 AM PST

    Does the perk from Wasteland Treasures Volume 2 actually do anything? Since picking it up, I have looted two church cemeteries and a graveyard, and haven't found a single bone in a coffin, let alone jewelry or precious gems. Am I doing something wrong? Was I supposed to be breaking the coffins, and I'm just an idiot that misunderstood?

    submitted by /u/DarknessGivenHunger
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    Seed suggestions? (PC)

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 09:19 AM PST

    Bored of playing vanilla. Please drop your seed names. Looking for maps with lots of big POIs

    submitted by /u/Salted_n_peppered
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    This is a...... interesting bug

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:42 AM PST

    This is a...... interesting bug

    Time to enable cheat mode as our multiplayer game had this fun bug when we reloaded last night. Any ideas on what woulda caused it? perfectly cleaved down the sides


    submitted by /u/Jokerandhyde
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    Friend gets connection error, can’t join my game

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:36 AM PST

    Howdy everyone, me and my friend have been unable to play together as whenever he joins he gets "server connection ended," or gets stuck on loading config at 3%. We're playing Darkness Falls on PC and have already tried Port Forwarding, hamachi, joining through the server menu, joining through IP, joining through steam invite, and practically everything I could find on the web. We both have good internet connections and can play any other multiplayer just fine. If anyone has any recommendations to fix it it would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/RoutineEnvironment48
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    [Question] How does the “Hunter Mod” work?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 08:10 AM PST

    I haven't played since alpha 17 and I'm new to the whole mod attachments so excuse my possibly dumb question.

    I just crafted 2 "the hunter" mods to put on my ak47 and steel club. The description says it does 100% more damage against "living beings". So do zombies count? Are they dead or alive?

    Also, when I equiped the mods and damage on both weapons basically doubled, as I expected. However a bit later I noticed the mod was only adding 6 damage points to them. So I tried to re-equip them but this time I would only get +6 instead of the +40 I got before. Reconnecting showed +40 again.

    So my question is: Which buff is the right one? +6 or double?

    submitted by /u/YouDontKnowMe74
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    How to Test Builds???

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 07:48 AM PST

    I am wondering how I can test builds on 7dtd. I've tried the World Editor, but can't find any of the traps and stuff I see in youtube videos. Is there a tool in steam that is a part of 7dtd that I need to download?

    I'm not that active on Reddit, but once I check back in, I appreciate your comment/help :)

    submitted by /u/DrFoolsGG
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    Minibike problem on XboxOne

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 05:55 AM PST

    Hi guys, i have a problem with the minibike, i can t destroy It, disassemble It or ride It. I have tried everything, reloading the save, destroy the underneath blocks to make It fall down. None of them worked, any tips?

    submitted by /u/Lord_coddio
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    search for items mods

    Posted: 28 Feb 2021 03:02 AM PST

    Hello everyone. Recently I ran into a problem when things repeat in different chests, and here's the question: is there a mod that allows you to click on an item to show in which chests it is clearly visible, for example, in the form of a small smoke?

    submitted by /u/varkaus99
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    Anybody have War3zuk mod and want to play together?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 11:01 PM PST

    I play on the war3zuk mod cause its my favorite, but my family and friends have been taking a break from the game, and im so bored playing by myself. Anybody else want to play on this mod with me? My computer can't handle hosting a server unfortunately.

    submitted by /u/kinda_kris
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