• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 15, 2021

    7 Days To Die Stream/Let's Play Saturday

    7 Days To Die Stream/Let's Play Saturday

    Stream/Let's Play Saturday

    Posted: 15 May 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Looking to share your 7 Days to Die gameplay videos with everyone or for an audience when you go live?

    Post here with a link to your Youtube/Twitch Channel or whichever video/playlist you're looking to share!

    You could also join the Official 7DTD Discord and post in #streams-and-videos!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    7DTD overhauls

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    In everyone's opinion what is your favorite and/or best overhaul for 7 Days to Die and why?

    I know there is a huge variance between the overhauls, but just trying to find the best one to play.

    submitted by /u/gientsosage
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    Brave New War of the Zed Worlds 05/16/2021

    Posted: 15 May 2021 06:36 PM PDT

    Brave New War of the Zed Worlds 05/16/2021

    No one really knows what happened.


    Government went out the window when the dead started rising.

    The military, bless 'em, those with skills and weapons, did their best. Heck, some of them are still out there fighting the good fight.

    But hell belched up some terrible vengeance to be sure. Some of the risen- they've changed-they're cursed with hellfire, acid, or worse. I've seen one of the dead as big as a house and uglier than my late sister, bless her heart.

    And don't even get me started on the robots. Don't know if they're aliens, time travelers, or just some secret project gone wrong, but I know they want us dead.

    All I know is whatever changed the world, changed me too, and I'm going to use that to fight.

    *Plural_Zed_Beta; a 7 Days to Die 19.4 world at war.

    Beginning 05/16/2021, around 9 am, this server features a world filled with enemies and the enhanced survivors trying to make their way through it together or parallel. The server is PVE ONLY with the hope for co-op playing and plenty of E to be V.

    I've paid for extra ram (16G) and higher priority CPU use so the game flow should be smooth despite the enormous amount of Zeds, Animals, Mechs, Bandits, Raiders, Soldiers, etc. running amok.

    This server used creatures from The Creature Pack Community Project and requires the following modules be installed:

    • 0-CreaturePackAnimals
    • 0-CreaturePackHumans
    • 0-CreaturePackMechs
    • 0-CreaturePackZombies


    I used KingGen to create the map with Compo Pack POIS, so you should also download the

    • KingGen CP47

    from https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/21900-magolis-compo-pack-current-thread-by-wolfbain5-and-stallionsden/

    All other mods are server side only. There are a ton of things this game does that aren't vanilla nor seen in other 7DTD servers. Characters are somewhat superhuman, but they need to be. Anyone who thinks they need an extra challenge should head on to the wasteland and see if they can survive one night.

    This server has NO Blood Moon. The environ creatures are essentially a blood moon every night anyway, except they don't just auto hone-in-on you nor come in waves. Finding/Building shelter matters for day to day and not just for blood moon behavior.

    The Superhuman Character: Players skip the tutorial with 8 skill/perk points to customize their characters, have a decent starter pack of equipment, have 160 slot backpack, and can carry around 30K stacks of most things. The perks such as pack mule and cardio have been upgraded so you can get full access to your 160 slots and run faster than a motorcycle. Health levels, stamina, and armor haven't really been touched so you still start fairly fragile. you gain 2 skill/perk points per level.

    The War: Zombies attack people and animals alike. Hostile animals attack people and sometimes zombies. Robots attack everyone. Raiders and Whisperers (NPC humans) attack everyone not part of their faction. The military attack Raiders, Whisperers, Zombies and Hostile Animals. They're good to keep around/follow if you need some extra protection. Vault people attack Zeds at least, not sure what else, but aren't aggressive vs PCs.

    The Loot: Two out of three humans will drop loot when they're killed (so yellow bags are pretty common) Zeds have a lower chance unless they're feral or radiated, in which case they always drop bags. Loot has been somewhat divorced from game stage so you will get better loot sooner. Robots can be wrenched for parts after they're disabled. Animals have a chance of giving blood bags as well as the usual. Books and schematics are re-usable and shareable. Most non-container things can be picked up to be scrapped or sold later. Working workstations, cement mixers, forges, chem stations, campfires, and lanterns can be picked up by wrenching/ratcheting.

    The Traders: There are around 24 traders locations in the world, and about 8 of them are multi-trader locations. The Starting location is in the woods next to a multiple trader location.

    Server Information:

    Name: Plural_Zed_Beta New 05/16

    Hosted By: Host Havoc https://hosthavoc.com/


    Game Port: 26900

    Server Location: Washington DC, USA

    Ram: 16 GB

    CPU Priority: High

    #Players: 14

    Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/CGk35FPYFc

    Server Rules:

    Players need to be respectful of each other and leave any politics and ism at the door ( racism, sexism, etc).

    You may stream from the server but must get permission from anyone else included in your streaming.

    Server is an adult environment, with "Mature" content and explicit language and violence.

    Have fun and be kind to your fellow survivors.


    submitted by /u/DMReckless
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    Move the scrap button/create notification for scrapping higher level items

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:23 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if the devs look for advice here but I can try: it would be great if the scrap button could be moved away from the other buttons or if it at least stayed at the same spot for all items. It's happened to me way too many times that I accidentally clicked it and scrapped a higher level tool or weapon instead of repairing/modifying it, especially if I'm in a hurry in the middle of a fight. All it takes is one mis-click and that level 5 AK you prized so much is gone. It often takes players a few seconds to realise what they did and it's usually not enough to cancel the process. An alternative would be to get a notification asking if you really want to scrap the item for items above a certain level.

    submitted by /u/SoaringAven
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    Zombies died in the morning?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    Hey, I was in the middle of a fight on day 47...when it suddenly became morning (aka day 47, 4 am), and every zombie in sight just suddenly died. I've never encountered this before lol anyone know what happened?

    submitted by /u/taylomol000
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    Can't see allies on map/compass

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:43 PM PDT

    My group is playing Darkness Falls and for some reason, some of us can't see others on the map or compass. We found that the only consistent thing is there is a 'sad face' symbol on the party bar for those that we can't see.

    Any ideas? Never had this issue on the non-modded game, and my google/subreddit searches have not been fruitful so far on finding a solution.


    submitted by /u/OCJeriko
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    Advanced rotation for garage doors?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    I am fairly new to the game and mods etc I have been trying to find a modlet that will allow me to use advanced rotation on a 5x3 garage door so I can lay it flat over a pit. I have tried a few already but so far none of them are working for me. If anyone has any tips etc for this I would be stoked! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/taterrnuts
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    Hello survivors ��What is one weapon you want added to the game ?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 12:36 AM PDT

    Darkness falls advice?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    Other than "be prepared to die a lot" or other similar thoughts, what's some advice a new Darkness falls player should know before starting? IE: Base suggestions, weapons, places to avoid, what to focus on early game ect

    submitted by /u/From_the_Wolfs_Den
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    Map Creator - Recommendation

    Posted: 15 May 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    Hi 7dtd family!! I've been following this group for a while and have seen some post with created maps which is really neat.

    I'm not to sure how people create their own maps or if i have the ability to or if it requires downloading a map creator program.

    I guess this goes out to the people who can - was wondering if they would be able to do a map of Manitoulin Island? Manitoulin Island is located in Lake Huron in Ontario, Canada.

    I'm guessing most people wont be willing to spend a lot of time creating this map for free or at least at a cost. Some might say to do it myself but I'm not sure how or what to do.

    I just thought it would be neat to play this game in an area I'm from and see how close it is to real life. That is all, thanks for your time reading this.

    submitted by /u/AOT88Fan
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    Darkness Falls server freezes during blood moons

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    I'm local hosting a dedicated server and the game runs fine for me and my friends, however I spent the last week or so building a bunker to hold out during blood moons. Titanium safe room, blade traps, electric wire. All in all it's remarkably effective

    Except the server hangs and soft crashes every 10 minutes when the traps are powered on.

    I've got a good PC. 32BG DDR4 RAM, GTX 2070 Super, Ryzen 9. It's just 12 blade traps and 4 electric fences really.

    submitted by /u/Axianamos
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    Need Help

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    Playing On PC with mods, gonna need some voice chat help because the official discord never gives me a clear cut answer. Gotta enable/confirm that modded weapons are spawning into loot table

    Discord is HoldMySeatBelt#4099

    submitted by /u/HoldMyUpvote
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    Anyone else's game take 30 minutes to generate detail height data?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    Just wondering as it seems a bit excessive

    submitted by /u/tard_-_wrangler
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    How long does it take to get the max lvl?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 12:57 AM PDT

    I wanna have all the skills unlocked but I have a slight feeling that it'll take way to much time.

    submitted by /u/lelsoos3
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    More than 4 on console?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    I thought console was limited to 4. I was in a game and a fifth person jumped in. It happened twice. Did something change?

    submitted by /u/strangemonkey420
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    Posted: 15 May 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    Are the developers still adding stuff to this game? It feels like it's going really slowly.

    submitted by /u/yehahahs
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    WickedNinjaGames presents: 7 Days to Die, Alice County

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    WickedNinjaGames presents: 7 Days to Die, Alice County

    Our new competitive PvE season: 7th May 2021 to 2nd June 2021. Play, fight and die to see who is the top zombie slayer at the end of the month to earn rewards, including SSDs and WNG merch.


    [ Server Features (Not an exclusive list) ]

    Official and unofficial events

    Supporter ranks and rewards

    Chat in-game with friends on our Discord

    In-game Currency, Rewards and Shop

    Competitive PvE with rewards

    View a real-time map on our website

    Monthly Wipes

    [ Server Settings ]

    Custom 8k World

    Warrior Game Difficulty

    60 Minute Days

    72 Hour Airdrops

    Walk Day zombie speed

    Sprint Night zombie speed

    3 Land Claims

    Increased land claim size

    100% Claim player damage protection

    [ Mods ]

    All mods are server-side and do not need to be downloaded

    3 Slot forge

    12 Slot crafting queue

    96 Slot backpack

    Server Side Vehicles

    Lockable inventory slots

    Improved HUD

    Better supply drops

    Craft Acid

    Log Spikes

    Improved loot tables

    Car respawns

    Additional vehicle seats

    [ PvE Maps - Reset 07/05/2021]

    Alice County - steam://connect/7d1.wngplay.com:26900

    submitted by /u/Tom_Xion
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    Server Config File

    Posted: 15 May 2021 12:37 AM PDT

    For making a procedural randomly generated world.

    Do we need to use RWG or Random Gen? I know the file says to use RWG but i also remember in the past RWG DIDN'T work and had to use "Random Gen". So which one isn't for Alpha 19.4 when running a server?

    submitted by /u/theallknowingdouche
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    Stuck on Creating Player in Multiplayer

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    I know this has been mentioned by a lot of people and has also been resolved couple of times.

    I was also able to resolve this by deleting my profile on our server but that reset my progress, level and items.

    My problem is that this has happened to me 3 times in just 2 days and I have to delete my profile everytime and it's very annoying.

    This is also happening only to me and not with the other players in our server.

    The logs show no errors and the screen shows Creating Player but the log stops at createWorld() done. I tried waiting for a couple of minutes but it doesn't move forward.

    What is the reason for this bug? There is no problem on single player for me. Is there also a way to backup my player? We're using a Nitrado server by the way.

    EDIT: Now one of my players is also experiencing this bug. I just need a way to restore player data if possible. I don't want them to reset their progress

    submitted by /u/adrianalejo
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    Alguien para jugar 7days en ps4??? Agregame directamente Id: itoxic_ghost

    Posted: 15 May 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    La dificultad que querais, practicamente tengo el platino del juego.

    submitted by /u/YourR34P3R
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