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    Friday, September 10, 2021

    7 Days To Die Friend Finder Friday

    7 Days To Die Friend Finder Friday

    Friend Finder Friday

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Are you tired of surviving alone? Ever wish you had a friend help you through horde nights? Have you ever been so lonely you spawned and placed a zombie corpse in your base to keep you company(You know who you are!)?

    If so, you've come to the right place. By posting here you can find friends to play and survive with! Remember, you don't need to be faster than the zombies just faster than your friends ;)

    Please leave your Steam/XB1/PSN name, what time zone you're in and works best for you, and (If you're on PC) any mods you may be using.

    You could also join the Official 7DTD Discord and post in whichever (PC,Xbox, Playstation) LFG channel you're looking to find people to play with!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The new spider monkey is damn creepy.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    When it's day 7 and ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    Architect by day, Apocalypse Builder by night. I think my second DF base with a buddy is coming along nicely.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    Outdoor look at my base (just shared some interior photos). Rudimentary defenses working for now, but still needs work. You can see my horde base with AA turrets, electric fence posts & sledge turrets adjacent to the actual base. A little bit of risk for a little bit of convenience.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Bates motel easter egg in 7 days �� for those who know

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    Round tower demonstration.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 03:49 AM PDT

    When considering horizontal support for a structure, is the only relevant block the one(s) upon which "suspended" blocks are attached? Or do underlying blocks contribute? See picture example... Does top horizontal support example with a stone base equal the bottom example with a metal base?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    Age of Oblivion Teaser!

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Gyrocopter turned into a minibike, toolbelt disappeared

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    I was exploring in my brand new gyrocopter the other day. Loaded it just now and after about 30 seconds of flying, I was suddenly teleported about 100 meters away, my gyrocopter has turned into a minibike, and my toolbelt (which was of course full of all my best stuff) is empty. What the fuck.

    submitted by /u/-rba-
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    Dishong tower question

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:41 PM PDT

    Does it have to be in the desert? I'm on a random gen map and me and my friend are searching for it. We've only seen pictures of departure from navzgame so we assume that it was just in the desert but I'm doubting that it's a desert only thing. But does it have to be on the desert or can it be in any biome in a random gen map?

    submitted by /u/reddeadfriend101
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    Is there a way to change the camera filter?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 05:38 PM PDT

    Is there an option or mod out there that changes the camera filter? I want to play in black and white for a new mode I invited called Romero mode. In this mode you turn off blood moons, max out hordes, and set all zombie speeds to walk. And I know some of you are gonna say "but where's the challenge?" Wait till your in a cramped space with 5 or 10 zombies. There's also Snyder mode, where you do all that but turn up the speed to run or sprint.

    submitted by /u/XbabyjeezusX
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    I died a lot

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    I died a lot

    Finally got it!

    Such a fun game, and looking forward to many more hours especially with A20 around the corner. Can't seem to get bored of this game.

    Hope you folks are enjoying it too!

    Dying 500 times mainly because I decided to play much harder servers (didn't fake farm).

    Got the player kills mostly from Darkness Falls, but dabbled in PvP (funny enough even in PvP there isn't enough engagement though).

    Got some buggy achievements (I think the Evil Knievel one) by reverting back to the older version...not too sure if that got fixed now?

    submitted by /u/DonnyExiles
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    Easy anti cheat

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    I usually have it off because my server has a password on it, and I had this belief that disabling it would help people with a poor connection. I forgot it was off and updated to 19.6 and changed the settings to no password. And tonight one of the players called me and said the server was attacked by some random guy blowing up stuff. Luckily I had just backed up the server a few hours earlier. Does easy anti cheat actually work, or does it just scare off cheaters? I'm asking because I want to make the server public for now, and when I get home from work I will enable EAC and restore from the backup. Otherwise I'll just make it private if EAC doesn't work.

    submitted by /u/bestia455
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    Age of Oblivion - Vehicle Teaser!

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    Two-faced Alliances - A short fic (pt II)

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! Last year I posted a short fic that was supposed to be a one off here in the sub, but then it got some nice feedback. Since I've recently gotten back into the game with a friend, I have a couple new chapters in Ezekiel's story I would like to share! Unfortunately, Reddit derped out my original account and the original post was deleted. To avoid spamming the sub, I have reposted it to my own profile, so you can find part I right here in case you missed it! Just like before, I'd like to mention that I took some liberties in regards to the game's setting to properly structure the plot, but nothing really major. Hope you all enjoy, and kind, constructive criticism is always appreciated!

    The bumpy dirt road made my minibike shake uncomfortably under me. The wounds I got at Shawn's a few days ago were healing, but they still hurt. As long as I took it easy, I could get around - but fuck me if it didn't hurt. Joel should have gotten my engine by now, but I was ready to blow up his cache right in front of him in case he hadn't.

    As I pulled up in front of the gates, I took notice of a man mounted on his motorcycle on the other side of the road from Trader Joel's.

    "Hey." He called out as I got off my minibike. "Ezekiel, was it? I'm Wolf."

    I looked at his outstretched hand, and back at his face. Only then it hit me he was the one talking to Joel when I barged in three days earlier - I could barely remember him in the haze of rage and pain, but his leather attire was the same, and recognizable. A split second consideration was made based on his looks and body language, and I decided this was not the time to be making enemies.

    "Call me Zeke." I shook his hand.

    "He actually got it, you know." He chuckled. I didn't answer for a second and he kept going. "The motorcycle engine. Was bitchin' about it like hell earlier too. Said it would've cost half as much to send some thugs your way to pry the cache outta your cold hands, but he 'wasn't that kind of guy'." My brow shot up in surprise. Joel's a big talker, but brushing this off would be a big mistake. Wolf must have sensed the tension and shrugged. "Personally, I just don't think he has the balls to do it. But I figured you should know. Can't trust just about anyone nowadays, huh?"

    I thanked him for the heads up, figuring it was best to cut my losses and never deal with Joel again. If he truly had my engine, it would be the last piece I needed to make sure I'd be able to find somewhere else to trade. But Wolf wasn't finished.

    "I've actually got a job I could use some help with, in case you're interested."

    "Well, if it's anything to do with Joel, sorry but I'll have to pass." I answered, curtly. Did this guy just wait around in front of Joel's now, recruiting passing scavs?

    He scoffed.

    "It's got shit to do with that crook, no. Well, technically," Wolf crossed his leg over the side of his motorcycle, fully turning towards me. "Full disclosure, Jen does work for Joel as a trader. But no, this job's on her." He reached into the leather satchel strapped to the back of his ride and pulled out a sack. "Apparently some regular of hers came across this."

    From the sack, he pulled out a big ear of corn. And I mean big. It was easily twice as long as a regular ear, with a reddish hue to the husk and very bright yellow kernels. I had been around many corn fields in Navezgane, but I'd never seen anything like it.

    "She only found a handful, though, sadly. This weird corn - which Jen has started calling Super Corn; not a fan of the name - is supposed to actually double in size when boiled, tastes just the same, and it's super filling." He rolled the corn over in his hands as he spoke, then handed it over to me. I picked it up, realizing it was heavier than I expected. "It can also make a sweet porridge that has settled some of her sick scouts. They're treating it like some kind of freaking ambrosia over there."

    There was nothing else of note, upon closer inspection, other than the unexpected weight. It even smelled the same as regular corn. He kept going before I even had the chance to answer.

    "As it turns out, the woman who found them got 'em from a farmhouse a few kilometers to the southeast, but was in a hurry to get back to her settlement up north, so she didn't scour the place."

    "So they're looking for someone dumb enough to go back there and die for a few more ears of… Super Corn?" I asked, handing the vegetable back. Wolf shook his head.

    "That's... one way to put it." He put the sack with the corn back inside his satchel and sighed. "I'm going to be honest with you here, Zeke. I don't know shit about this place. Jen's best scouts are either sick or out on a run, and it'll be a while before they have anybody experienced enough to safely screen it. But they don't have that luxury." He reached into his coat and pulled out a silver flask. "Their settlement was hit by a weird illness. It's not the plague, their dead stay dead, but the story goes that a few weeks ago some people woke up to random bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. Very severe cases." He took a swig of the flask and offered it up to me. I shook my head and Wolf shrugged. More for him. "They haven't found the source yet - everybody seems to have eaten and drunk different things, been to different places, it feels like some people are picked at random. But it's bad enough that they already lost eight people to it. The 'Red Death', they've been calling it. Y'know, cause it comes to a point where all you have left to puke and shit all over yourself is blood."

    I cringed at that last sentence and he nodded.

    "Yeah. Pretty grisly stuff." He clicked his tongue and kept going. "Only thing some people have been able to keep down is the porridge I told you about. It's a long shot, but Jen's hoping someone can find enough there to try and help some of the sick folks and, if they're lucky, maybe start growing a few plots."

    More of a shot in the dark, I thought. The credibility of this "regular" aside, how much corn do they expect to find if they aren't out on the fields? Especially if they're hoping to both grow and consume whatever was found. It made sense, really. But I could tell there were still pieces missing to this story, so I decided to probe a little.

    "What's in it for you?" I asked, and Wolf seemed a bit surprised by the question. "I mean, surely you're not looking forward to half a job's pay. I sure ain't." I shrugged. Even if this was a large sum of tokens, these were the types of jobs that were quick to kill off the careless.

    "Well, if I'm being honest, I can't share the pay on this one with you either way." He answered. "Jen's got someone who can fix my trailer. So, unless you're willing to graciously accept half of the repairs as done on your behalf, I have a better offer to answer the question you left hanging: What do you have to gain from it?"

    He reached around to the side of his motorcycle I couldn't see. With two metallic clicks something came loose and he turned around, holding a long barrel shotgun. With one smooth movement, he tossed the gun in my direction and I instinctively picked it up.

    "That, my friend, is a Mossberg 500A model. Forget that little sawed-off toy Joel was trying to pass up to you, a slingshot would do you better. But that," he pointed at the gun as I turned it around in my hands, "will pulverize pretty much anything you point it to. Plus, it holds 8 rounds. You can't go wrong with one of these."

    I shouldered the weapon and looked down the sights. It was a little worn, but seemed very sturdy. Heavy in your hands, like you'd expect a decent weapon to be. It was a good gun, but...

    "Do you really expect me to go on this shady job with you for a shotgun?" I asked with a puzzled look, extending the gun back to him, but he held up his hands.

    "No, I don't. That is a gift, and an offer, but not a reward. Check the butt of the stock, where it meets your shoulder."

    I flipped over the gun to find a small, but noticeable carving on the bottom of the stock. It read "WW".

    "I happen to be a very good weaponsmith." Wolf continued. "Made that one myself, and it has served me better than any other weapon. I have recently upgraded, though, and figured it should go on to protect someone decent. Someone who has the balls to put Joel in his place when he's being a dick, let's say." He said with a smirk. "What I do have to offer, in case you decide to help me, is an upgrade to your armaments. I can go over your guns and spruce them up a bit, maybe get them some interesting modifications. Or even hook you up with new firearms. Everybody needs good, reliable guns these days, wouldn't you say?"

    I started examining the weapon a little better. The little knowledge I had on guns had led to some pretty explosive experiments when I started trying to fix old, discarded guns I found scavenging. Ironically enough, explosives had been much easier to figure out on my own, but I had had zero luck with getting anything other than simple pistols to fire - and even those got enough jams I was starting to get good at unjamming the gun under pressure. So, what would kill me faster? A strange job with an even stranger survivor, or an unlucky jam from a faulty weapon?

    Wolf took my silence as reluctance.

    "Alright, how about this:", he added, "I'll let you get the first pick of anything we find there other than the corn. I know, I know I said I have no idea what the place is like, maybe we won't find much, but who knows, maybe we will, right? That should sweeten the deal!"

    He looked at me expectantly, and something he said clicked in my head.

    "You knew I'd be here today." I said. Wolf's face dropped into a puzzled expression. "You were waiting for me, specifically. You're not just offering up this job to anyone who happens to pass by, are you?"

    Seemingly caught by surprise by my line of questioning, the young man took a second before answering.

    "You're right. I'm not." Wolf shook his head. "You told Joel you'd be here in three days. That's how I knew when to expect you."

    "I figured that part out. What I don't understand is why are you offering me, specifically, this job." I shrugged. "You said it yourself, everybody needs good, reliable guns these days, you should have quite the selection to pick from. Why me?"

    He took a deep breath and held it, seeming to consider how to put it into words.

    "Because I have no clue what to expect, man." He sighed again. "I need to get this job done, but going in dark is a death sentence. Imagine my surprise when I meet this dude who simply walks into Joel's with a zombear's head in a sack, covered head to toe in blood that seems to not even be his, saying all he had to kill it with was a freaking 9mm and a hammer?" He scoffed, his face filled with incredulity. "And you're asking me why I'm offering the job to you? Because with shit like that" he pointed at the shotgun I still held "and someone to watch your back, there's actually a chance we can get in and out in one piece."

    I nodded slowly. That might have been the most sensible - and truthful - thing Wolf said ever since the conversation started. I could tell he believed what he said. Truth be told, if I had a piece like this a few days ago, I would have walked away a lot less injured from the fight with the zombears. Plus, other than the guns, he could be an in for me at a new trading post. I would not give Joel the chance to follow through on his threats.

    I hoped to not regret this.

    "Fine." I said, strapping the shotgun to my back. Wolf's brow shot up, surprised. "I'll help you look for the corn, you get me some decent guns. And I also want you to take me to that Jen character when we're done." I added. Wolf grimaced for a second, then looked away. "I mean, I can't very well keep trading with someone willing to consider sending thugs after me, can I?"

    Wolf chuckled again, nodding his head.

    "Yeah, you'd better not." He reached into his overcoat again, this time taking out a large map folded over a few times, and handed it to me. "The X marks the spot. That's the farmhouse we're hitting."

    I opened the map and instantly found the big orange X marked over a road a few kilometers east. Not the farthest place - should be easy to get there and back before nightfall, especially on my new motorbike. Assuming Joel didn't fuck me over.

    "Can you meet me there tomorrow? Say, a couple hours after sunrise?"

    "Yeah, not a problem." I replied.

    "Great. Here, take this." He opened his satchel again and took out a couple of boxes of shotgun shells. "I'll bring some more over for you to use tomorrow, but come prepared for anything."

    I thanked him for the shells; there was no need to tell him I had tons laying around back at my base. Not unless I also wanted to tell him those tons were left over after I almost blew my hand off trying to fire a salvaged sawed-off. Nothing like a scare to keep you from experimenting with the unfamiliar again.

    "It was a pleasure to properly meet you, Zeke." Wolf said, getting on his motorbike again. "And I'm glad you decided to help me. I'll see you tomorrow, eh?"

    "Will do." I answered as he revved up his bike. As glad as I was to have found someone useful to arm myself, I didn't trust Wolf yet. I could tell he was drip feeding me as little information as he could while still trying to get my help, and that left a bad taste in my mouth.

    As he rode away to the distance, I turned to enter the trader and wondered what I had gotten myself into. I could picture a coin in the void of my mind, endlessly flipping, endlessly falling. Heads, I got myself a connection, and an ally. Tails, and I got myself a dagger to the back and an early death.

    Well, the penny's in the air.

    submitted by /u/rndsh66
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    Anyone people on Xbox wanna survive together?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    I kinda want to use the large two story houses that's on the nazegane map. And wall it off. Kind of like Alexandria in walking dead

    submitted by /u/Chef_knight_cookies
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    Question about battery banks

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    It has been my understanding that battery banks are both temporary power sources and a more permanent one. I have a battery bank for each one of my solar panels, the theory is that the batteries will provide power at night, and during the day get charged from the solar panels. But I have noticed lately that 2 or 3 of the batteries (level 5 and 6's) are dead, despite the fact that they should be getting charged during the day. Am I missing something, or is this either a bug or something that is normal?

    submitted by /u/jnelsoninjax
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    Pvp servers

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    Are pvp servers a thing and if so are they better than just playing on my own world? TIA

    submitted by /u/retrolinkk
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    I knew hitting a car with the Auger would blow it... but with another car..?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    Is there any way to get my stuff back?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    I was playing last night with my friend, and then my game crashed. I got off the night cuz I was tired and we both needed sleep, so I didn't get back on. When I logged into my 7 days to die world, my base, which was in a bunker, seemingly reset. Almost all of everything in it was gone, everything we had built is just missing. Just last night I built an external storage room that I dug out of a wall. When I dig in it, I can't find any of the storage chests, and even worse my only auger was in there. I so far have been on for half an hour.


    submitted by /u/Somerandomdude86
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    No deer and pigs on the map

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    I am on day 18 now with a friend, and we still havent seen a single deer or pig. There are rabbits, chicken, bears and wolfes but no deer. Does that mean our game is bugged? It really seems to be to rare to be normal. And if it is bugged, is there a way to spawn them into our game?

    submitted by /u/Naimusk
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    Darkness Falls and other mods

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    I am using 7D2D launcher for all my modding needs and it worked great for getting Darkness Falls originally, but then I wanted to try out some of the other mods. For instance I downloaded the sorcery one and even installed it in a new location from the vanilla and Darkness. SPOILER: its broken and crashes anytime I try to use it. Then I went back to Darkness Falls and it was not longer there and I was going to have to redownload it. Is the launcher just a one mod at a time thing? Im sure it has more to do with me not knowing how to use it, but thats why I am here.

    submitted by /u/Clear-Neck-8308
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    Want a large space but playing solo any tips?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    So i'd be interested in hearing some tips on having a nice decent size base while trying to play solo or with 1 other player.....i've found it really difficult in later stages to survive solo unless inhabiting a small base built or existing....Thoughts? Ideas? on building a really nice larger base but defending it by yourself?

    submitted by /u/techkiller
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