• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 31, 2019

    7 Days To Die Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - January 31, 2019

    7 Days To Die Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - January 31, 2019

    Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - January 31, 2019

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 09:10 AM PST

    Want to show off your base or a build you're particularly proud of? Want to show off what helped you make it through horde night?

    Take a video or some screenshots and post them here to share with your fellow survivors!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    OK then, let's do this!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 01:57 PM PST

    The Bank of all Banks

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 02:28 PM PST

    A17.1 stable - Looks like damage boosting effects are bugged

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 07:03 AM PST

    Today I tested weapons both in creative and my survival. I wanted to measure zed's fall damage and also compare weapon performance. I used <le> command to look at zed's HP.

    - headshot damage is about 2x no matter how many levels of HEADSHOT perk I got

    - sneak damage bonus is far less that the stated 4x message on attack

    - ferals take a little less damage compared to "tier-1" zeds

    - weapon does it's base damage no matter how many mods or Perception you have (unless it has a silencer, which indeed lowers the damage) - shotgun does 96, marksman rifle 45, etc

    - melee weapon gets Strength bonus but not the bonus from mod count (sledge does around ~47 dmg)

    All this makes the rifle line of perks utterly useless, because I can't do more than ~150 HP damage with sneak potshot (maxed out everything) - enough only for basic zeds, but why bother if composite bow can sneak OHK small zeds anyway.

    Maxed out Magnum did like 200 damage at best, while I expect 80base * 3x * 4x * 1.5 sneak headshot.

    All tested on Insane difficulty. Zed HPs are like 150-300-550-1000 for basic zeds, cops/tourist, ferals and top irradiated ones.


    I did tests on Nomad difficulty, and r/BIPOne was right - there is a certain outgoing damage downscaling on Insane.

    On Nomad it works more-a-less OK, although numbers in the interface are still slightly inaccurate.

    For example, maxed xbow torso shot makes 300HP snow zed go down to 210, and sneak torso shot - to 90. Not 4x as the message claims, but still good. Maybe the bonus is applied to the base value additively with others (from mods, Perception, etc).

    Xbow sneak headshot deals whopping 630 damage to Irradiated wight, out of his 1010HP (so this is by far the heaviest non-rocket ranged alpha-strike possible, I guess).

    Another surprise for me was that gun-based range sneak attacks do not get bonus damage at all (despite the message pop-up), with exception of x-bow and bow. I tested that on silenced smg, precision rifle and shotgun.

    =================UPDATE 2 =================

    Did more ranged sneak attack tests.

    Precision rifle sneak never worked, with and w/o silencer (sneak bodyshot did not get any increase in damage).

    Other guns worked no matter silenced or not, but in a weird way: headshot seemed to "overwrite" sneak attack bonus (sneak attack message shows, but you deal just headshot damage). Sneak bodyshot got increase, but always less than 4x.

    Crossbow worked best of all, getting both sneak and headshot buff in one strike.

    submitted by /u/cheerkin
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    Is there a way to disable POI level scaling?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 06:00 PM PST

    I had to fight through 4 ferals and 3 irradiated zombies just to clear a terrible POI with only 2 loot bags. Every other POI is completely overrun with end-game zombies, making scavenging completely not worth it. Is there a way to disable POI sleeper spawn level scaling so it spawns regular zombies like in previous builds?

    submitted by /u/Fix_Lag
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    Farming Modlet is out now! <Modlet>

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 09:44 PM PST

    Getting right into it! Bit of a long read, but highly suggest it, or atleast watching these videos for a quick rundown. Vedui covers a lot of the server install aspects! (Sorry Vedui, had to scrap that quest due to save bugs :( to much risk right now to have it there!), JaWoodle shows off a lot of the assets and crops, and buffs. And I do a very rough cut quick display of the entire package of the finalized version of the mod.


    Download links:

    Before we begin, I suggest taking a moment to read about this modlet carefully. There is a decent amount of content involved, and it can be a bit complicated.

    But hopefully I polished it out enough for everyone to understand properly :)

    This modlet contains customized assets for Food, Crops, Workbenches, and Tools! There are breedable, raised livestock for meat harvest, an intensive recipe menu with several stages of processing involved, leading to VERY rewarding food full of amazing buffs suited for end-game!

    -------------------------------------How Workbenches work:-------------------------------------

    Workbenches are the lifeblood, and main crafting focus around this modlet. Nearly everything contained inside this mod, is crafted stemming FROM the Farm Table. This is our main hub for everything. From our Farm Table, we can craft all other Stations. By default, all seeds are unlocked at the first perk level. Because everything is so well organized behind the crafting tables themselves, these are about the only things we'll be unlocking in the perks menu, so don't fear when you don't see all the food and seeds listed under the Progression Perk :)

    Workbenches WILL produce heat. All production tier (Grain Processor, Dairy Churn, Wine Cask, etc) do not produce any heat. You can make Animal Feed all day long and not worry so much, but, Animals smell, and also zombies love living flesh. Cows, Pigs, Chickens, Butcher Table, all of that will be giving off quite a bit of heat, so be very careful about where you place your farm! And make sure you protect it well! (at the current moment heat gen is disabled for livestock and animal benches).

    ------------------------------------------How animals work:------------------------------------------

    Animals will come in two different types. You have your Breeder Animal, these mimic workbenches, and can produce our babies that will eventually grow into adults.

    The breeder animals will require Animal Feed to produce their byproduct (Milk, Feathers, Eggs) and their offspring (Fertile Egg, Calfling, Piglet).

    In order to raise livestock, we will need a suitable ground for them. This can be obtained one of two ways.

    • First: Animal Bedding, which mimics a Hay block, may be placed on the ground, and upgraded with a PITCHFORK to prepare the ground for our livestock (Workbench Breeders do NOT need customized fertile ground to grow, they can be place anywhere).
    • Our second option, is to upgrade Fertilized Dirt into Fertilized Animal Ground with a PITCHFORK. This will hopefully give you two options for customizing the look of your farm. Solid block ground, and terrain ground :)

    Our animals will start out as babies on placement, and eventually grow into full sized adults. The animals are harvestable along their entire growth cycle, and will produce

    varying amounts of meat depending on their stages. They are animals, so please DO NOT expect instant adulthood over night. This is designed to be a long-term playable mod.

    Things will take time.

    ------------------------------------------How crops work:----------------------------------------

    Crops are essentially just like the original crops. 3 stages of life, harvest and back to life cycle 1. But the crops are also customized to be the perfect height for harvesting. No more looking down at the ground, praying you don't clip a baby flower! Every single full grown adult plant will be at least 2 blocks high for the player. Every baby plant will be BELOW 1 block high. To harvest the most efficient way possible, simply just look straight forward. Not up, not down, just straight ahead and swing away!

    Crops can be started by finding Seed Packs out in the world. Those Seed Packs can then be crafted over into 1 plant of your choice. You can obtain the other plants by finding more seed packs, or creating one using 10 specific seeds from a custom plant (IE: Turn 10 Jalapeno Seedlings into 1 Seed Pack, to obtain a Tomato Seedling for planting).

    For your convenience, I have added 4 new amazing farming tools.

    • The first being the Scythe. A very powerful bladed tool capable of plowing the soil incredibly fast!
    • Second we have our Pitchfork, our main tool for prepping the ground for our Animal Livestock. This tool however, is not that great for harvesting.

    While the Scythe is fast and low stamina cost, it's entity damage relies almost entirely on it's ability to decapitate to deal damage to zombies. The pitchfork however will do minimal block damage, but very strong damage against zombies.

    • Third we have our Butcher Knife, the perfect tool for harvesting our live stock! This tool just mightttt give us a little extra meat when chopping ;)
    • And last, but not least! The frying pan! Complete with impact audio and all!

    -------------------------------------How food/Buffs work:------------------------------------------

    Food is VERY unique in this Modlet. It will pay off greatly to eat healthy, and hurt to just slam junky food to fill your stats.

    Food has extensive buffs tied to it. Everything will effect, and cripple stats in some way. Beefcake buff, being a heavy focused tank like buff, will provide you with

    Strong, but dumb as bricks. -30% walk/run speed, -2 Craft Tier, -40% Craft Time, +3 Strength, +Full Carry Cap, +500% Entity Damage/w melee and fists. +90% damage resistance, 0 Stamina Loss, +50% Combat Speed.

    This effect will last a total of 30 seconds, before falling off into PumpedUp, which will give you:

    Strong as an Ox! -10% walk/run speed, -5% Craft Time, +1 Strength, +Full Carry Cap, +20% Entity Damage/w melee and fists. +25% damage resistance, +10% Combat Speed, for roughly 5-10 minutes.

    We have buffs covering nearly everything! From combat, to looting, to resource gathering, to even Night Time cookies to make our evenings around the home a little more productive! All buffs have been extensively checked and balanced, and they will cancel each other out, depending on the combo you use. So be careful, and try not to cheese the mechanics to end up with a super buff. You'll lose a lot of high end food with nothing to show for it, I highly suggest just sticking to a single buff until it wears off.

    For the sake of the biggest complaint being stamina drain, I left stamina max COMPLETELY alone with these buffs and food. Nothing will drop your max stamina. Things will eat away heavily at your stamina in general, causing massive drains and punishing regen, but nothing will directly eat away at your max stamina. I'd rather not touch that mechanic with a ten foot pole right now until things become more stable.

    ---------------------------------How Progression work:--------------------------------------

    This one is very simple, straight forward and to the point! Our new perk system is tied in under Survival in the Fortitude Attribute. It is called Farming, and has a Bull icon next to it.

    You will notice that it does not list any of the food, or crops. Everything is neatly organized into our Workbenches, so there will be no need to "learn" any of those. You unlock the bench,

    you unlock everything within in (Exception to the Farming Table, which acts as our main hub for this modlet).

    • Fortitude 1:Cost 1: Getting started: Unlocks Farm Table, Well, Grain Processor, Scythe, Frying Pan, Animal Bedding, and ALL crop types!
    • Fortitude 1: Cost 1: First Animal: Unlocks Wine Cask, Dairy Churn, and our first Chicken Coop!
    • Fortitude 3: Cost 2: Heat the meat!: Unlocks Smoker, Grill, Butcher Table, Pig Crafting, Chicken Livestock, Pitchfork, and Butter Knife!
    • Fortitude 5: Cost 2: Mooooo! Unlocks Cow crafting, and Piglet Livestock!
    • Fortitude 8: Cost 3: Wheres the beef?! Unlocks Calfling Livestock for beef!
    submitted by /u/Jayick
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    Superior Shores - Downloadable pre generated world (like Navezgane)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 01:10 PM PST

    Hey everyone! I got tired of playing Navezgane and RWG so I decided to try my hand at creating my own navezgane like map. This is the first version of the map ( I plan to upgrade like Navezgane has)

    It's 8k in size, has an island, a main peninsula, and you'll see in the picture, works on single player, as well as multiplayer.

    **disclaimer** Any POI that is submerged in water, will lose the water and appear to be moses if you initiate a quest at it. avoid doing so, as there are limited poi's that are submerged.

    Superior shores map

    You can find the preview video here :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXtxQJElNfY

    Download here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2kcabk6g5catc95/AAB9v257-uv7rDVZhF-zGztVa?dl=0

    Tutorial on world installation (2 mins!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4ut6hROLy8

    submitted by /u/SK3ET
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    Working on a small house

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 10:37 AM PST

    How to be a nomad and 1 life only player?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 08:41 PM PST

    Thought it would provide me a good challenge, but i just wonder, how would i manage the massive loot, and how would i manage horde nights if i was a nomad and are their any tips for 1 life challenges?

    submitted by /u/HerobrineHunter01
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    Ladder climbing speed.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 04:37 PM PST

    So is the ladder climbing speed insanely slow for anyone else? Is this a bug? Or intentional?

    Also, why do you slow down when you press sprint when climbing a ladder?

    submitted by /u/DeucyDuce22
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    Bleeding in A17

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 04:28 PM PST

    Is anyone else getting the bleed effect from zombies WAY more often than previous patches. It feels like every hit for me bleeds me dry at this point. I even switched from a melee build to a ranged build solely because I can't come out of an encounter with more than 50 health if I get hit once.

    submitted by /u/TBOWERS1222
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    Is there anything I can do or the game does to prevent surviving the bloodmoon by driving around?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 07:31 PM PST

    My friend survived the last one by riding around on a bicycle. Now we have motor cycles. It's so stupid and it feels like cheating but they do it anyway. The zombies are on nightmare speed to but I don't see a run/nightmare speed difference. Is there anything I can do or does he game have something in store for people like that?

    submitted by /u/Srgtgunnr
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    Xbox updates?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 05:42 PM PST

    Hey I last played over a year back...thought about downloading and trying but wanted to ask...have they updated the console version in last year?

    submitted by /u/MaxIsTheDog4u
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    Increase bicycle stamina

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 05:35 PM PST

    When I'm "sprinting" on the bicycle, my stamina is depleted within a matter of seconds. I play with a few other people who are about the same level, but they race ahead of me. I have my cardio at level 4, which is higher than anyone in my group. What is the perk that will increase my stamina on a bicycle?

    submitted by /u/Remember511
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    Need help with a negative ping in Alpha 17. (PC)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 05:26 PM PST

    Need help with a negative ping in Alpha 17. (PC)

    My friends and I have been playing 7 days with a friend hosting. Friend 1 was hosting. We were playing last night and today I cannot connect. Friend 2 can still connect to the server Friend 1 is hosting, but I cannot. The server doesn't appear most of the time in the friends list on the browser, and when it does I have a ping of -1. Other servers have a similar issue. An image of my server browser is attached. I have tried restarting my PC, restarting steam, restarting the game, restarting routers, and an Ethernet connection. I cannot find a fix online of any type, and this appears to be an issue that has been around for a while.


    submitted by /u/sabre013_f86
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    A17 Progression?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 11:10 AM PST

    I just recently started playing 7DTD and am starting to get a hang of things. I've tried watching a ton of videos for suggestions of perks and base building strategies. But one thing I noticed in every video was that I am just very far behind on leveling and I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong.

    I watched a video of a guy testing his base on a day 7 horde. He said he was at lvl 20 on night 7; I just recently got to night 7 for the first time and was only around lvl 11. I did all the intro quests, went to the trader and did 1 of the quests from him.

    Any suggestions or tips are greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/xbooty11
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    Help Getting past a weird bug!?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 03:13 PM PST

    Has anyone encountered a bug where a players character get "stuck" on a vehicle (motorcycle in this case) that constantly goes full speed no matter what the character tries? To top it off the character takes a bunch of damage anytime the vehicle touches anything.

    We are able to steer the vehicle but not control speed, brakes, or getting on and off the vehicle.

    We were able to teleport the character of their bike but once they got back on a new vehicle the exact same thing happened.

    We have tried restarting the game and restarting our devices with no luck.

    Hoping we don't have to start a new world.

    Thanks for anybodies help

    submitted by /u/Gorilla51
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    Console uodates

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 06:58 PM PST

    Anyone got ANY info on when Xbox and PS4 will see the updates. I've heard about the sale of the work to a 3rd party. But like. WTF????

    submitted by /u/Smaqx579
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    Any word on console updates? (RIP telltalegames)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 06:48 AM PST

    I know I should switch to PC. But here we are.

    submitted by /u/connors214
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    A17.1 B9

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 12:12 PM PST

    Since I got updated just yesterday, all of a sudden at random times, when aiming at something, I can't unaim and fire. This goes with any weapon. I have to quit the game and start it up again. Anyone else?

    submitted by /u/PsykoMunkey
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    How do i copy an existint world into a Steamcmd server?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 09:50 AM PST

    *existing world. just set up a steamcmd server but want to continue the world i already started with my friends

    submitted by /u/whewdad
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    Looking for a modded server

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 03:23 AM PST

    I've not played for a few years, last time I did there was a server which had modded rates, everything was faster and you could level up so eventually you had all the perks, rather than having to specialise.

    Does anyone know of any servers like this now?


    submitted by /u/Matthewpb1994
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