• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 10, 2019

    7 Days To Die Seedy Sunday - February 10, 2019

    7 Days To Die Seedy Sunday - February 10, 2019

    Seedy Sunday - February 10, 2019

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 09:10 AM PST

    Have you found or are looking for a good or interesting seed to use?

    If you're sharing a seed please use something similar to this format for others to easily find what they might be looking for

    Game version (A15/16/17/etc):

    Map size:


    Map Coordinates:

    Features/POI's to look out for:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Uhh... its not redneck its survival!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 11:21 AM PST

    I did this as a joke

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 04:08 PM PST

    Are they stupid?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 01:28 PM PST

    The Experimental version's RandomGen is pretty whack

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 06:54 PM PST

    [META] The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly for A17

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 02:10 PM PST

    Preamble: My experience in this game is as follows: 25 hours of A15, 125 of A16, and 50 of A17. I love this game to death and want to see it succeed. This post is meant to be constructive criticism, not aimless bashing. Now, onto the good stuff:

    The Good:

    • Quality System Simplification:
      • Simplifying the system to 6 levels is a welcome change. The system is now much more streamlined and not excessively complex.
    • Weapon/Tool/Armor Modding changes:
      • The removal of the "Parts" system is great. It made acquiring weapons obnoxious and wasted inventory space.
        • This also piggy backs off of the quality system streamlining
      • Weapon mods are great. Being able to put various scopes, muzzle devices, etc. on guns gives a new breath of life into the weapon system
        • That said, the weapon mods are a bit too complex, and what effects they have on weapon performance aren't well outlined in item descriptions.
    • New Vehicles:
      • Getting around the map is far better and easier than before
        • That said, bicycles are terrible, though that is primarily due to the stamina system. Otherwise they're good
      • Vehicle variety and progression is satisfying
    • New POI's
      • The POI's are so much better in this update. The "Dungeon" System, is so much fun. Exploring POI's, from basic houses, to hospitals and farms, and everything in between, is now much more dynamic, and you never know what you'll really find inside.
    • Temperature system:
      • An improvement in every way. We all know the horrors of melting in our backyards and freezing in our front yards. No longer is this the case
    • Party System:
      • Sharing XP from kills makes leveling up much quicker, which really helps with the new flaws in the leveling system.

    The Bad:

    • XP Changes:
      • Mining gives far too little XP now
      • Too few viable methods of XP gain
        • Killing Zombies
        • Trading
        • Questing
    • Auto Leveling Removal:
      • The removal of leveling a skill simply by performing that action is one of the many aspects that makes the grind in A17 so horrifically slow. To improve any basic skill, such as mining, sprinting, etc. you have to invest points which you previously could have put into other skills like crafting.
    • Encumbrance System
      • This kind of system is pointless in a game with a boxed inventory system. All it does is make the grind worse
    • Removal of Wellness system/Post Mortem Changes:
      • The wellness system gave death weight without making it frustrating, and it made using grinding for better food options worth it.
      • The near death trauma system is more obnoxious than anything else. Not being able to craft that item you could 5 mins ago because of the debuff is frustrating
    • Perk Tree
      • The Prerequisites feel more difficult to achieve than in A16
      • Locking a number of the perks behind the overall stats tends to add to the grind

    The Ugly:

    • The Stamina System:
      • In A16 this system was near perfect:
        • At game start it was noticeable, but not frustrating. It emphasized that you were weak.
        • By end game, thanks to the auto-leveling, and the simple stamina system, it was no longer a barrier, and satisfying to achieve
      • In the new system, achieving this state is basically impossible. It's a system of stop, start, stop, start, and its frustrating
    • You still only load 2 shells into the shotgun, regardless of magazine size. LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE

    Epilogue: All in all, this was a 1 step forward, a step and a half back update. It gave us plenty of new stuff to mess around with and enjoy, and fixed many issues, but gave us just as many, and in some cases worse, issues than before. Once again, this is constructive criticism, not game bashing. I want this game to succeed and be the best it can be! I love this game, and I look forward to seeing what The Fun Pimps do to solve these issues in the future!

    submitted by /u/CheddarBacon117
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    Structural Integrity

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 06:14 AM PST

    Does anyone know of a chart that has most of the common building blocks alongside their structural integrity values?

    submitted by /u/golllyyy
    [link] [comments]

    Multiple Land Claim Blocks

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 09:52 PM PST

    I've missed something editing my serverconfig file. I changed the land claim count to 20, but in my most recent single player game I couldn't drop more than one active block.

    Single Player, hosted on my computer. XML file in 7DtD folder has been edited.

    I successfully modded the number of skill points per level, so I'm not way off on how to change the xml files.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    submitted by /u/Silverstrike78
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    I was trying to watch the new show, Kingdom, on Netflix, but it made want to play instead.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 04:51 AM PST

    No spoilers (I think), but the show reminded me of several aspects of the game. It made me think a cool mod might be a more medieval version with no tech. I would miss my auto turrets and generators and guns, but it might be really challenging and fun.

    submitted by /u/MKRune
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    Bullet casings collector mod/modlet for firearms?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 09:12 AM PST

    Imagine a mod/modlet for firearms that once attached to a gun would be 'catching' bullet casings after each shot and adding them to your backpack. It could be collecting a certain percentage like some of them would be getting damaged/falling apart and maybe appearing in the backpack as raw brass. It could be locked behind some higher lvl schematics like 3 or maybe even 4 or 5 and act as a rare loot.

    Each casing requires 2 brass (and 1 clay) to be made so as an example: After shooting 20 bullets from an AK with such mod mounted - it would give back into our backpack something like 12 casings and 6 brass (from 6 damaged casings) while the other 2 casings got shattered into tiny bits and lost.

    Again, it's just an example how it could work while not being op too much with recovering 100% of casings since that could faster lead to oversupply of brass and therefore decrease of its value. 100% collect rate would most likely result in brass becoming just another type of resource that collecting by exploring would lose its meaning/wouldn't be worth it anymore in mid-late and end-game stages.

    Good example of that are those bags of concrete mix scattered throughout various POIs which while early-game are quite valuable - once you get access to the cement mixer and be able to make quite substantial amounts of concrete mix by yourself - harvesting those bags with a shovel loses its importance since you can focus more time on looting POIs for more valuable stuff.

    I already asked about such casing-collector mod on the official forums several days ago (when the newest version of the game was 17.1 b9) and got an answer from some user that devs were considering it and that there's apparently an (inactive?) XML code of such attachment in game's files.

    Since i have 0 experience with modding/editing 7dtd's files - Would it be possible to enable it somehow? I'm mainly aiming that question towards people with 7dtd-modding experience. Maybe someone already made such mod/modlet and its available in some already exisitng mod pack?

    I mean yeah, scarcity/limited ways of obtaining brass was kinda "fixed" with a new possibility of crafting steel casings, but according to what i have heard/read - those are wearing firearms down at 200% rate of brass ones and additionally from what i noticed by comparing steel and brass bullets of the same caliber - steel ones deal slightly less dmg. Still, i'm interested what do you guys think about such casing-collector attachment.

    Cheers :)

    submitted by /u/Sqadro
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    ALPHA 17 4X4 Truck Glitch l Stuck In Trader

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 08:25 PM PST

    Serveradmin.xml file changed but not giving me permissions: Linux/ubuntu

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 03:50 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I've recently just finished setting up my dedicated server but have had problems with finding the serveradmin.xml

    Luckily I was able to locate it here: /home/ubuntu/.local/share/7DayToDie/Saves/serveradmin.xml

    Once I actually found the correct file I used: sudo nano serveradmin.xml to edit the file accordingly and put in my correct SteamID so that when I connected to the server I would have admin privileges but unfortunately its still preventing me from using the dm, cm, or give admin command.

    At this point according to everything I've read this should have worked and since it hasn't I'm not really sure what my next course of action should be.

    I already tried sticking copies of the file in multiple directories but that hasn't worked which doesn't surprise me since Putty told me where it was loading the serveradmin.xml file from (which was the mentioned address above).\

    With all this being said, what should I try next?

    And I appreciate everyone's help in advance :)

    P.S. For Reference I've gone ahead and pasted my serveradmin.xml file below:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


     This file holds the settings for who is banned, whitelisted, 

    admins and server command permissions.

    Steam ID can be found using http://steamid.co/



    http://steamid.co/ instructions:

    Input the player's name in the search field. example: Kinyajuu

    If the name doesn't work, you can also use the url of their steam page.

    Also you may add/remove admins, mods, whitelist, blacklist using in game commands.

    You will want the STEAM64ID. example: 76561198021925107



    permission level : 0-1000, a user may run any command equal to or above their permission level.

    Users not given a permission level in this file will have a default permission level of 1000!



    cmd : This is the command name, any command not in this list will not be usable by anyone but the server.

    permission level : 0-1000, a user may run any command equal to or above their permission level.

    Commands not specified in this file will have a default permission level of 0!





    <admin steamID="76561198#########" permission\_level="0" />



    <permission cmd="cm" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="dm" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="mem" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="sounddebug" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="admin" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="mod" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="cp" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="whitelist" permission\_level="1" />

    <permission cmd="kick" permission\_level="1" />

    <permission cmd="ban" permission\_level="1" />

    <permission cmd="say" permission\_level="1" />

    <permission cmd="lt" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="es" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="go" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="sg" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="shutdown" permission\_level="1" />

    <permission cmd="se" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="st" permission\_level="1" />

    <permission cmd="aiddebug" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="spawnwanderinghorde" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="le" permission\_level="1" />

    <permission cmd="lp" permission\_level="1" />

    <permission cmd="cc" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="sc" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="debugweather" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="getgamepref" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="getgamestat" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="gettime" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="help" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="listplayerids" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="memcl" permission\_level="0" />

    <permission cmd="settempunit" permission\_level="0" />



    <!-- If there are any items in the whitelist, the whitelist only mode is enabled -->

    <!-- Nobody can join that ISN'T in the whitelist or admins once whitelist only mode is enabled -->


    <!-- <whitelisted steamID="" /> -->



    <!-- <blacklisted steamID="" unbandate="" /> -->



    submitted by /u/officialshayota
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    a idea i’ve had

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 07:33 PM PST

    why not add more weapons, upgrades and vehicles to console and pc versions like a helicopter grenade launcher cargo truck remote C4/explosives compound bow automatic shotgun sights to use on any gun magazine upgrades of course i bet this will need a improved assembly menu or a upgrade table designed to do upgrades and a garage if cleared from zombies can be used to make vehicles if you disassembled a car with the wrench and it will add normal cars to the mix that can transport 4 people with normal carry space but chan be upgraded in the garage to have more armor (but be slower because of the armor) lighter frame for more speed (but be weaker) or improved cargo space (at the cost of passenger seats)

    submitted by /u/cybernick032
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    What are “Legendary” Zombies?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 02:42 PM PST

    In the debug menu I see legendary zombie but what are they? They don't seem different besides their health which I think is increased. Is that the only difference?

    submitted by /u/JackDeezy47
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    Horde Bug on Bloodmoon but only with 2 Players

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 02:27 PM PST

    Hello, me and my friend have a very strange that only occurs on every 7 day when the bloodmoon is active. The zombies come and attack us but we are out on the open they nearly always focus 1 player and not the other, hence the other player can just kill them while hitting them from behind and the second problem they always run stop run stop. This problems doesn't occur when only one is alive, anybody having the same thing? we are on night 329 and we can just basically run circles without losing 1 life except for birds and police officers.

    submitted by /u/Dargoron
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    Lfg PS4

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 06:00 PM PST

    We are on day 8 on nomad with standard settings. Looking for some chill people to have a fun and casual playthrough with. Must be 18+ w/mic

    submitted by /u/-FunnyHow-
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    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 05:23 PM PST

    so im 7 days into a new game and my hydration decreases very fast too the point where i get my water to the max then a couple min later im already thirsty again. is this a problem alot of people our having or is it just me and i haven't figured out that they changed how fast water decreases in alpha 17?

    submitted by /u/nwacs92
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    Out of Memory error?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 01:31 PM PST

    So I have 16GB of memory 64bit. I shouldn't be getting this error? Can't load my game, any suggestions to fix it would be appreciated?

    submitted by /u/Quinnna
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    Best 7 Days to Die server hosting service (in your opinion) Aaaaaand GO!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 05:02 PM PST

    (I've used lowlatencyservers.com in the past, but they appear to be shut down). (Yes, I know I can host it myself. I'm willing to pay for a hosting service though).

    submitted by /u/KevinFrost91
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    A17 gas options

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 01:08 PM PST

    What do you do for gasoline in midgame or later?

    Had been raising a corn farm for biofuel until realizing that path to gasoline seems to have been disabled in A17.

    Shale seems to be rarer than hen's teeth: my entire base is underground and haven't found a bit of shale after 30 days of digging around the bedrock.

    So...although the motorcycle is nice it gobbles up substantially more fuel than the minibike. Had been aiming toward a gyrocopter but now wondering whether that's worth it.

    Other than hoarding barrels to convert into gas cans, what do you do for fuel?

    submitted by /u/doublestitch
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    Zombies Spawning inside base during blood moon

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 06:07 AM PST

    So my firend and I have claimed this pig/corn farm as our base


    We have placed 2 claim blocks inside the the location

    during the week everything is normal, even zombies summoned by screamers are not appearing insde.

    But when the blood moon comes they start running out from the basement.

    Is there a way to stop it without removing all the floor tiles?

    submitted by /u/Morgor_Helkrog
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    How do I delete a trader

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 07:50 AM PST

    I accidently spawned in a trader with the debug menu and I can't get rid of this guy

    submitted by /u/CleetusCloutus
    [link] [comments]

    May be a known bug, but I have experienced zero debuffs besides bleeding in 17.2

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 03:11 PM PST

    This has to be a big red flag but I haven't seen a post about it with my minimal digging. Is there a quick hot fix that is expected? Can't be encumbered, food poisoning is currently non existent, no death penalty, weather, all that jazz.

    Sooooo, pretty fun time to be a live but it's made it unplayable for me without this challenge. This happened on new and old worlds alike and even on multiplayer for my friends.

    submitted by /u/Hysix
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    Blood moon waves not spread out throughout the night

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 02:56 PM PST


    I'm in a game launched from a dedicated server with some friends - to my knowledge I haven't changed anything in the XML that would affect this, but on the two blood moons we have experienced, the zombies seem to come in one massive wave in the first 2 hours at night, rather than waves continually coming throughout the night. From my memory of playing about a year ago, I thought they always came continually throughout the night.

    Has anyone else experienced this, or am I just remembering this wrong?

    And if it is a bug, does anyone know of fixes for this?

    submitted by /u/Chronostasis
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    Any changes made to bodies of waters?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2019 02:53 PM PST

    Haven't played in about a year.

    Was looking forward to this patch.

    However, I've generated close to 2 dozen random worlds. And none of them seem to have any significant bodies of water beyond small ponds/lakes scattered scarcely here and there.

    Has anybody else noticed this? Maybe I just got unlucky

    submitted by /u/UN123AL
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