• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 27, 2019

    7 Days To Die Let's Play Saturday - April 27, 2019

    7 Days To Die Let's Play Saturday - April 27, 2019

    Let's Play Saturday - April 27, 2019

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    Looking to share you're gameplay videos with everyone or for an audience when you go live?

    Post here with a link to your Youtube/Twitch Channel or whichever video/playlist you're looking to share!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I didn't do it I swear, it was the one corn plant I harvested.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 07:35 PM PDT

    Anyone up for reclaiming abandoned a15.2 EU server?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    Hi, I have found an abandoned a15.2 server still running. Anyone want to feel the nostalgia again? There is total 2 players I have so far convinced to "downgrade" from a17 and try it out so far and we are up for forming group / pvp alike. I have no idea who is an admin and how long it will last. Hostname Onyx Rock [PvP] [ACTIVE ADMINS]

    submitted by /u/rotilbo
    [link] [comments]

    Hey 7DTD Experts! Any Tips for People who may be New to the game?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 05:51 PM PDT

    Hello Fellow Survivors, I had a question. My friend is new to the game (bought it about 3 days ago) and I cannot for the life of me think of any tips for Alpha 17, all I can give is the general ones I learned myself from the past alphas. Are there any really good survivors that can lend me a hand in teaching my friend a few things? (and maybe I can learn a thing or two about alpha 17.) Thanks! -Imcog
    Edit: I just reinstalled the game again as well after about a years gap (around a week before my friend bought it). so I don't really know much about alpha 17 either. Not really relevant but, kind of shows my expirience with this version.

    submitted by /u/Imcog
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    Compass Track Ally

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 06:55 PM PDT

    Is that feature gone now on joined friends games? I can see them in map but no icon on compass?

    submitted by /u/pologoalie8908
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    Two old survivors looking for server to join (US)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 05:14 PM PDT

    Hey there, husband and I (both in our early 30s) started playing back in Alpha 9 but we took a break sometime before 14 came out so we're seasoned but not up to date. We used to play with a group or two back in the day but everyone has moved on since. We're pretty casual and chill, just want to get back into the game and make friends. Usually play in the evenings (EST) and sometimes during weekends. We currently play just the two of us but wouldn't mind checking out communities.

    submitted by /u/zombieforprez
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    Returning player looking for people to play with. EU GMT +2

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    Hi so I used to play with a group of friends couple of years ago but the group broke up and havent played since.

    Looking for a new group and server to play on, preferably some casual/relaxed PVE.

    FIN/ENG, have a mic and not afraid to use it.

    submitted by /u/Ratburger
    [link] [comments]

    Hi, looking for someone over age 30 to play with

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 07:46 PM PDT

    Really love this game and messing around on it and I usually play alone, but it gets boring. Anyone wanna get on discord and start a new map with me? ☺️

    submitted by /u/iwasblue
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    ravenhearst 17.2 seeds

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 03:57 AM PDT

    Post your good seeds... :) looking for a seed with a big city and some forest around

    submitted by /u/Rostikcze98
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    Looking for help with building a moat

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    I was wondering if anyone was down to help build a moat.

    submitted by /u/Vendor_Keezy
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    Darkness befalls the northerens.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 07:16 AM PDT

    We are currently looking for new recruits.
    Today at 18:00 CEST we wipe the servers again.

    We are a social gang and new additions to the society are more than welcome.
    At the moment most players are from Norway, but anyoen is free to join and hang out.

    Connect to our discord for more info.

    Server info: Darkness Falls Modded. (experimental)

    Server name: Darknessfalls befalls the northerens. NO|ENG|PVE|BOT|
    Connection Info: oslo13.spillvert.no:26950
    No password.
    EAC must be disabled.

    PvE Only.
    Loot respawn: 30 days.
    Loot: 100%
    Xp: 100%
    Difficulty: 3/5
    Airdrop frequency: every 5.th day. No drop marker.
    Landclaims: 4. Size 20 each.

    submitted by /u/Tildja
    [link] [comments]

    Please make 7 days to die look better on xbox, and fix the 10 FPS in large bases

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 06:18 AM PDT

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