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    Thursday, October 10, 2019

    7 Days To Die Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - October 10, 2019

    7 Days To Die Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - October 10, 2019

    Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - October 10, 2019

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Want to show off your base or a build you're particularly proud of? Want to show off what helped you make it through horde night?

    Take a video or some screenshots and post them here to share with your fellow survivors!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Small boulders are negatively affected by higher block damage.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:26 PM PDT

    The game really needs "legendary" items

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 09:03 PM PDT

    Like, unique looking weapons and armor with good stats that only spawn once per map in special PoI's like museums and secret weapons factories. Make them extremely difficult to find. Examples: a WWII hero's M1 Garand. A civil war saber. Baron Samedi's tophat. Prototype body armor. A celebrity chef's cooking pot. You can't craft these items and their unique models and stats aren't available anywhere else. Make about 20 or 30 of them and then just scatter them across every RWG map occurring only once per seed. The unique model and appearance is very important because it really increases its value to the player.

    If the devs are trying to incentivise exploration then this is the way imo. In exploration games there's no better feeling than finding a holy grail item that you know is rare as fuck.

    Got ideas for a unique item? Post it here.

    submitted by /u/Crusty_Nostrils
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    Nice seed for A18 RWG: Hannina (8x) - 3 traders within 1,5 km (1 mile)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    Better farming for A18

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    1. I'd like to see both ways of farming, the "new way" with farm plots, and the "old way", with tileable soil, fertilizer, etc. I absolutely like how indoor and roof gardens became nicely looking with the farm plots, but I also want my classic fields that integrate seamlessly into terrain.

    1. It would be awesome if the increased yield was made possible not by redistributing XP made by killing zombies, but rather by investing effort and resources into player's farm. For example:

    - Plant into a regular suitable soil (not sand, or snow, or stone) = get the lowest yield, require the longest time to grow, no seeds will remain.

    - Plant into a tiled soil = get better yield, grow a bit faster, seeds remain.

    - Plant into a tiled and fertilized soil = get even better yield, faster growth, seeds remain.

    - Plant into a farm plot = get the best yield, best growth speed, seeds remain.

    Instead of just giving better yield, the farming skill and perk books could do the following:

    - Allow to craft gardening tools.

    - Allow to craft fertilizer.

    - Allow to craft farm plots.

    - Allow to craft mutated seeds.

    - Plants grow faster.

    - Chance to recieve +1 yield.

    - Growing lamp (could be used for indoor or underground growing, for example, with solar panels outside providing the energy).

    - Ability to grow certain plants (without a perk, for example, certain plants would grow very slow, produce no seeds).

    I am a bit concerned by dumbing down certain things in the game. Some may call this "streamlining", but we all know where this road ends.

    submitted by /u/drNovikov
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    How to build a road ramp

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 10:37 PM PDT

    Long Rant about "Living Off the Land" - TDLR: It sucks...

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    Can we talk for a minute about how absolutely terrible Living Off the Land is now?

    Like... just an absolute crapfest of a nerf that makes putting points into it so arduous and almost useless.

    For starters, no more hoe. You can't make one, you can't find one. So, instead of making it easier to get/make, like a stone hoe, for instance... they just get rid of it.

    They replace it with this thing called a "Farm Plot". So, instead of a Hoe, you make a Farm Plot and plant on that. I'm like... oh damn, ok. So, it's BETTER now. I just drop down some dirt.

    Nope, you have to make this thing that takes 100 clay soil, a bunch of wood, 25 Nitrate Powder, and 10 rotten flesh.

    Ooookay. So what, does it drop like a 10x10 area for plant? Because that makes sense, I guess.

    No. 1. ONE block for you to plant on. If you want that 5x5 garden of corn? You gotta 500 wood, 625 Nitrate Powder, 250 Rotten Flesh, 2,500 clay soil. For ONE 5x5 plot for corn.


    You have to get the seeds. Oh, but you can't just make seeds like you used to. Oh no. No more grabbing 20 corn from a farm and pooping out 5 seeds. Nope. Now, you have to get levels in order to make seeds.

    So, in order to take that Goldenrod plant that you found to make tea, because oh god, the infection...You need TWO levels in Living off the Land. Just to make a seed. Oh, but then, if you need to make some corn or potato seeds? You need THREE levels in living off the land. That's 5 Fortitude.

    Oh, but it gets better...

    See, you'd think, "Well, I'll just get to 3, then stock pile until I have 4 of a plant, then make it into a seed". NOPE. You now need FIVE of a plant to make a seed. Any seed. You know how corn works? Every kernel? That's a seed in real life.

    In Alpha 18? You need 5 ears of corn, and 9 levels to devote just to making some seeds.

    So, then, it brings me to the most frustrating part.

    After you've scavenged for some nitrate power, dug up some clay soil, clapped some zombie cheeks for some rotten meat, and knocked down some trees, and finally managed to make a Farm Plot. Then finally got the 9 necessary levels to take the 5 ears of corn you barely managed to find to turn into ONE seed, you plant it.

    OH sweet heaven, soon, you'll have 3 ears of corn from this plant.

    It grows! YAY! You unequip your lazer baton, and you gentle strike the corn plant. Excited, you look in your inventory........ 2 corn cobs? What? I thought... I have 3 levels...

    Yeah, NOW, with 3 levels, you no longer get 3 cops from a plant. You get 2. Oh, maybe 4 levels gets you 4? Nope. 4 levels gets you 3. 5 levels? Mutated seeds.

    You no longer can get 4+ crops from a plant. Which makes ZERO sense, now that it takes 5 plants to make a single seed.

    So, in summation: Thesis - Living Off the Land SUCKS now..

    Reasons -

    1. You must make a Farm Plot that takes an unreasonable amount of resources and you only get ONE.

    2. You don't get more than 3 plants from one crop.

    3. Seeds cannot be made until level 3.

    4. You need 5 plants to make a single seed now.

    5. You need an unreasonable amount of levels to do this perk.

    submitted by /u/Artist_X
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    In A18 Crafting takes a backseat to looting

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    In my time with the new Alpha, I've noticed that crafting your own gear has been given something of a huge nerf and you'll be relying on luck when looting more often than not to upgrade your equipment.

    The skill trees do not unlock the advanced versions of items. You have to loot/buy a schematic for them. And even if you do, the best you can craft yourself is Tier 5. Which also requires maxing out the given stat and perk to do so.

    And most advanced crafting requires Forged Steel. Which is locked behind Rank 5 in Advanced Engineering, as it gives you the Crucible recipe. This means you have to Max Intelligence to craft steel yourself. Otherwise you'll be hopping between traders, hoping one has some to sell.

    I expect that by the time you've found the schematics you need and grinded enough to craft whatever tool/weapon/armor you want... you're more likely to have stumbled onto it in loot somewhere or earned enough coin to just outright BUY the thing, as the traders do commonly sell Tier 6 items (just at a steep price).

    Or maybe I'm just missing something here? What has everyone elses experience been with the game so far?

    submitted by /u/ProfessorLexis
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    One Life Challenge

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    A18 great early seed

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    If anyone wants a nice seed, the seed 'this is the one' on a 4K world. spawns in a forest biome with a trader roughly 400m away. On the edge of the villiage next door is a shed with a concrete bunker below for a very safe early place to live. Also has 4! Crack a books with 2 big 1 medium and 1 small sized one for a ton of early game tech 🙌 also 2 cities next to the village over a few mountains neither of which are wasteland 👍👍

    submitted by /u/Steveagogo
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    Am I the only one really disappointed in the new XP/leveling system?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:52 PM PDT

    The primary thing that got me interested enough in 7 Days to Die to buy it in A16 was the experience system. It was like all my favorite games (of which there aren't many) where you improved at specific things while you did them. Such a simple concept but this was literally the only survival game I found where I could get better at mining by mining or better at shooting a shotgun by shooting that shotgun a bunch.

    I was really not a fan of the direction they decided to take in A17 with scrapping that system entirely in every way and replacing it with the same old cookie cutter XP system every single survival game has.

    Perks are neat and all but the way we get them sucks. Do things for generic XP, get enough XP to level up which gives you points, assign points to unlock recipes and bonuses you like. It's been done to death and nothing 7 Days is doing with the system is better than the concept of being the best at the things you do most.

    And you don't even have to scrap perks system or anything to fix it. Instead, let each action fill the XP bar of the specific perk you're using. If you're looting something, you're filling the Lucky Looter XP bar until you finally loot enough things and now you have level two Lucky Looter. Mining something will fill that Miner 69er bar up until you level that up as well.

    Getting a certain amount of levels in the perks you're using gives you a point in the general attribute (strength, perception, etc.) to give you that scaling and/or make each individual perk more effective.

    Alternately mining gives you experience points in mining and you need level 10 mining to unlock the first tier, 25 to unlock the second, etc. Leveling up still gives you the points to spend but you can only spend the points on perks you've got enough experience in to unlock.

    However they do it, I really hope they eventually decide not to let all the work go to waste of the really cool experience system they once had.

    submitted by /u/Teeklin
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    I LOVE the new dye saturation and appearance mods on clothing and armor!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    Everyone loves to look cool in a multiplayer game! Dyes actually make clothing and armor look like that color now. I've got a baseball cap modifier on my helmet so I don't have to look like everyone else! I hope TFPs keeps adding more appearance mods and colors to the game.

    submitted by /u/vpxtreme
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    Anyone else encountered the Green Arrow block and if so what is it for?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    I am playing a secondary A18 game where I tweaked some settings to allow myself to level up rather fast. I started it in Navezgane and after accruing some great gear I went into Red Mesa and started fighting a bunch of zombies. Early on I noticed a green arrow in Red Mesa in the lower levels as well as some upper levels. I'm unsure what they're for. Screenshot for those interested I tried following them, but kept going around in circles. They can be mined, but they yield nothing though.

    submitted by /u/D9sinc
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    Mountain Lion - Cool new Animal or meh? :) Is it ferocious enough?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    How I fixed my FPS problem and kept my GPU temp under control.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    Specs: i5-7400, 24GB RAM, GTX 1070

    So I was getting horrible fps for about half a day until I read on here to uninstall and reinstall. This fixed 98% of the problem. DO A CLEAN INSTALL.

    I got my 75fps back but I started running at 65C - 69C on low settings. I used to get 55C on A17. Now I log A LOT of hours (700hrs to date) on this game so I don't like to push my card for extended period of times; so I did the unthinkable.

    I put the resolution down to 1600x900 instead of 1920x1080. I know it is a unforgivable thing to do but after a couple of minutes of adjusting to a slightly less sharp picture, I now am enjoying my favorite game with a rock solid 75fps at 55C.

    Anyways I hope this helps out some of you guys. Its not optimal but just knock that resolution down a notch and the game becomes quite playable. Considering I may log 7 hours some days into 7d2d, temp control and fps are very important to me.

    So at least now, I am having to sacrifice a little bit of resolution to keep those temps down and those fps up. Again, hope this helps someone out there and if not, be sure to leave some message saying how stupid this is and how stupid I am. 😁

    submitted by /u/Isaac_Space_Jesus
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    Do not attempt the Bear Bar without serious gear

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    That is all.

    submitted by /u/Shadelkan
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    [Bug] Playing multiplayer with a friend, when he cuts down trees at night my stealth meter jumps to full and zombies run to where I am.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    Even at 400 meters away from each other zombies come straight for me.

    submitted by /u/Magnon
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    Looking for group

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    Hey everyone I'm looking for people to join me on pc. If you want to HMU I don't like playing this game alone it's boring alone. Thank you for you're time

    submitted by /u/WyleyMorris
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    Foraging for forged steel

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:12 PM PDT

    Anyone found a way to harvest some forged steel before reaching the perk to do so? I'm sure gun safes used to drop some when dismantling them but now I just get forged iron.

    submitted by /u/zigzag86
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    Add creation of 16k worlds (tutorial, kinda)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:49 PM PDT

    This is a step by step guide to add 16k worlds to your "new world" menu outside of the world preview

    I've already posted this in another thread that was asking about 16k worlds so this is mostly a repost with minor edits to my already bad grammar.

    Step 1. Navigate to 7 dats to die > Data > config > XUi_Menu and create a backup of windows.xml if anything goes wrong.

    Step 2. Open windows.xml with a text editor (I recommend notepad++) and press ctrl + f and enter the number 8192 (this is your 8k world size)

    Step 3. After 8192 enter a comma (no spaces) and type 16384

    It should now say values="4096,8192,16384"

    Step 4. Save the xml and start the game

    Step 5. Create your 16k world and wait

    This process can also be applied to loot abundance, day night length, daylight length, XP multiplier and other stuff that has numbers in the world settings for a finer control or higher than default (make sure to copy the pattern if it says "0, 1, 2" and so on you would want to edit it to "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5" and so on)

    Disclaimer: it takes a heck load of time to generate a 16k world and the game might crash/freeze. It took me a few hours to generate one in A17.4

    submitted by /u/10010Linus
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    My new method of taking down zombies.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    Ok so with the new release of Alpha 18 and a boat load of new stuff to toy with I'd thought I'll share a new tactic I am using to kill zombies, however just a warning it may take time to perfect but once you do you'll love it. Oh this method doesn't involve guns.

    For this tactic you need two weapons. The first is a Spear, any kind will do. Second you will need a Stun Baton. Firstly attack the zombie with the Stun Baton until you give the zombie a shock, remember ensure you give the shock before it goes in rage mode if possible that way you have more of a fighting chance and give no chance for the zombie to attack back, then standing back a bit power attack with the spear close enough you can pick up off the zombie as soon as it lands it's blow then do it again. With most zombies besides the big guys, big mumma and army guys should take max of 3 power attacks to the body to kill them.

    What also will help is spending a few points in recovering your Stamina and also points in using less stamina with melee weapons.

    I know this isn't the most effect way to kill a horde of zombies but for taking out a few this can work but I just wanted to share my new method as just hitting a zombie with a club or just a spear isn't idea sometimes.

    submitted by /u/TheHiddenYouTuber
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    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:30 PM PDT

    I don't get it, how is the performance so awful when joel said this patch was supposed to run much better than the older ones. Inside buildings, yes, it is way better than before, but outside its just bad

    submitted by /u/petahparker
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    Military trucks seem underused

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    After I downloaded Alpha 18 I flew around Navezgane in creative mode, looking for changes to the map and I realized something. The new military truck they added seems to be really underused. I only found one at a mass grave near the stadium and a second one behind a building in Perishton. That's it. This might be a really nit picky criticism, but for some reason it bothers me. The (imo really cool looking) truck would be fitting at many more pois. For example the hospital, the military base in the desert, Red Mesa, etc.. I think it could really enhance the "apocalyptic atmosphere" of the game world.

    submitted by /u/Fraeddi
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    Anyone found a machete yet?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:42 PM PDT

    I'd like to go heavy with blades but would like to have a machete first. I'm about level 20 and no sign of one yet.

    submitted by /u/meeeebo
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    How is the AI in A18? Same as A17?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:32 PM PDT

    Would a gap in a corridor make zombies easy

    submitted by /u/leathercro
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