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    Saturday, October 12, 2019

    7 Days To Die Let's Play Saturday - October 12, 2019

    7 Days To Die Let's Play Saturday - October 12, 2019

    Let's Play Saturday - October 12, 2019

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Looking to share you're gameplay videos with everyone or for an audience when you go live?

    Post here with a link to your Youtube/Twitch Channel or whichever video/playlist you're looking to share!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    If all the bioms will recieve the same love as the desert biom did, this game will be just unique!!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    No thanks road, I'll find another way up.....

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    SHOUTOUT TO ALL NOOBS PLS READ THIS (i found this out the hard way)

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    Do NOT think you can take refuge from hordes at trader Joe's. You WILL be kicked out in the middle of the night and get eaten to death by zombies

    Im speaking from experience (it just happened) 😂😂

    submitted by /u/Thee_Jester
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    Did my part and cleaned up the burnt biome today #trashtag

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:17 PM PDT

    An Evaluation of the Junk Turret, an early game powerhouse that struggles badly middle to late game.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    So Junk Turret is fantastic for clearing POIs early game, but as you get later game stage and you start facing more and tougher zombies junk turret starts to fall off alot even if you spec into it.


    Pros of Junk turret:

    • Automated killing of weak to medium zombies.
    • Great stun/knockdown on single targets.
    • Watches your back like the faithful metal buddy it is.
    • Noise warning alerts you to things sneaking up on you.
    • Spare Turrets can be placed around you base, giving you early game sentries to help keep you safe while you farm.
    • Range activation happens regardless of LOS. Putting one outside your door can be nice at the right distance. Zombie beats on door, you walk close to door to activate turret, turret kills zombie.
    • Ammo is only iron, so you can always get more pretty easily.
    • Can place multiple in a "breadcrumb" like fashion, which you can kite enemies over.


    Cons of Junk Turret:

    • Very low baseline DPS compared to all other ranged weapons.
    • Single target only.
    • Combination of low DPS and single target damage makes this an exceptionally poor weapon vs anything more than 5 zombies.
    • Edited in after testing Junk Turrets can be damaged after the last update. This includes your own bullets. Just a few stray shots from an AK can completely destroy the full durability of a quality 6 Junk Turret.

    • Edited in after testing Junk Turrets will set off Demolisher's C4 charge. 2 fully modded turrets with 5/5 turrets syndrome take a Demolisher down to 50% at best before he booms. Unless you are really on the ball then Junk Turrets are unusuable against hordes with Demolishers.

    • No access to specialized ammo types means turrets lose even more ground compared to other specializations. Hollow points do about 30% increased damage to non-armor. Armor piercing hits multiple targets and does increased damage to armored enemies. Explosive arrows and Duckbill Choke shotguns can hit many enemies at once.

    • Low % of headshots relative to player aimed weapons further reduces DPS massively.

    • Due to the sheer number of zombies it's poor for horde nights and if you set your settings to more than 8 zombies at a time it becomes extremely bad extremely fast. For zombie amounts greater than 8 at a time you are very VERY reliant on traps and electrical turrets as Intelligence spec, meaning you'll still be using a ton of ammo.

    • Every other stat can handle hordes on their own and traps and electrical turrets are a bonus they can take advantage of easily. Ex strength can leverage 9mm ammo with auto turrets, fortitude can leverage shotgun ammo with shotgun turrets, agility can leverage both ammo types as well as use their explosive arrows, perception can leverage both ammo types as well as use grenades/frag rockets.

    • Effectiveness decreases significantly with gamestage as higher hp zombies become more common. Turret feels unfairly powerful vs nurses/cheerleaders/etc. Against mid tier enemies like soldiers, fat zombies, and bikers it feels okish, against ferals/rads/wights turret damage is downright terrible.

    • Reload requires you to pick it up, reload, and then replace it. This takes quite some time and is cumbersome, especially in combat situations. This is fine for people who have not skilled into turrets but is a significant hassle for those invested into Turret Syndrome and is an "invisible" factor that lowers DPS even further relative to all other weapons. Picking up, reloading, and placing a turret takes about 6 seconds even if you are right there. Realistic reload in battle will be about 10 seconds or more, if you can reload it at all.

    • Turret is static and can easily be in an unuseful location if the situation changes or zombies attack from a different angle.

    • Unlike other specialized weapons, basically requires you to carry a second separate ranged weapon taking up valuable inventory space.

    • Intellect stats required to spec into, but intellect has no other ranged weapon to back it up, thus your other ranged weapon will be unspecialized.

    • Requires significant intellect investment to even begin to skill into turret syndrome.

    • Specializing in it increases the fire rate substantially, however magazine size and ammo stack size stays the same. Reloading becomes more and more frequent and with 2 active turrets (last rank of skill) requires like half of your time.

    • Handheld mode has low accuracy and high recoil, viable only in desperate situations. You're better with melee honestly.

    • Handheld mode is semi-auto and unlike pistols the semi-auto does not feel satisfying. Would rather it was auto.

    • High iron cost over time. Iron is plentiful, but these things eat iron and eat iron faster as you level it up and get later game stage. You can go through 1,000+ iron a day very easily as that's only 300 junk turret ammo. 1,000 iron may not sound like alot, but that's a constant attrition on your iron stores. While it reduces your ammo useage of firearms somewhat, you're still using your firearm constantly and having the turret back you up even if you specialize in turret syndrome so it does not replace ammo usage.

    • Junk Turret adds somewhere around 2/3rds of a point to the chunks heat map for every time it fires and it adds heat rather rapidly. 2 Junk turrets with full turret syndrome can take the heatmap from 0% to 80%+ in a single clip over about 19 seconds. This is equivalent to 250+ shots from an AK I believe so it's rather significant.

    • Range and accuracy is a real issue. Miss chance is rather noticeable at any range further than about 2-3 blocks away. The turret will miss a significant % of it's shots vs a target 5 blocks away. However at close ranges under 5 blocks zombies will often path to the side or simply walk right through it before the turret can do much damage. This isn't much of an issue if you just expect it to add a little help, but when you've invested 20 points to get max skill and you have no other un perk ranged weapons it's a bit of an issue.

    • None of the mods appear to affect it's accuracy in any significant way when deployed. I did multiple tests with barrel extender, muzzle break, and foregrip. It cannot equip laser sights (despite having it's own laser sight ironically), scopes, flashlights, silencers, rod and pin, or retractable stock. Since handheld mode is junk, being barely handleable (but still jarringly uncomfortable) with foregrip + muzzle break + full auto, you're best bet is to mod for magazine size and whatever increases it's damage the most.



    Ideas for changes:

    • Turrets now have both a magazine and an overall ammo capacity. Overall ammo capacity is about 250 by default, internal magazine is the current 40-50 it is now for a total of roughly 300 shots. Reloading the turret fills both the overall ammo and the magazine to full. If you have no ammo in your inventory then reloading the magazine will take ammo from the turrets ammo storage. Magazine mods only affect the internal magazine and not overall ammo capacity. It'll make the turret very slightly stronger but this is mainly Quality of life.

    • Turrets reload their magazine from their internal ammo storage. Holding E on a placed turrets lets you reload it's ammo without picking it up, however this puts you into a 3 second timer. You can still pick the turret up by tapping E and reload it manually while mobile if you wish.

    • 3/5 Turret Syndrome new bonus: If wielding a turret in handheld mode, placed turrets reload on their own. Placed turrets take 6 seconds to reload and if you switch out of your handheld turret then the reload is canceled.

    • Turret Syndrome now additionally increases the overall ammo capacity by 10% per rank and makes the turret more accurate when fired from the hip. Reload bonus at top 2 tiers remains 20% but affects both placed and handheld reload.

    • When fired from handheld turret is full auto by default.

    • Turret Recoil when fired from handheld is either reduced or smoothed out. The constant huge jumps is extremely difficult to deal with visually regardless of aim. It makes me unwell to try to do for any significant amount of time, even during my short bout of testing. Even if handheld mode let you fire a turret buttery smooth it's DPS is very low compared to other weapons, there is no need to make it so uncomfortable to shoot. I think gameplay feel should overrule thematic realism of an unwieldy handheld weapon in this case. Seriously, I did not feel good after testing it :(.

    • Allow the turret to equip laser sights, retractable stock, silencer, rod and pin, and flashlights mods.

    • Laser Sights, Muzzle Break, and barrel extender should slightly increase the accuracy of the turret when placed. Rod and Pin would decrease accuracy when placed slightly.



    The overall effects of these changes should be that turrets are about as powerful for most users but become more powerful for intelligence users spending significant amounts of skill points into them. Turret is made a more viable handheld weapon. Turrets are a little easier to use for all involved.



    Edit: Did some additional testing and it looks like Junk Turret gets no benefit from the Penetrator perk. 1 point investment in penetrator bypasses 10% of enemy armor for all firearms and 4 point investment (stat and skill combined) gives 20% bypassing of enemy armor. These stack, but it appears they do not stack additively. It looks like Junk turrets suck majorly against Soldiers and Demolishers and do less well than guns can vs Bikers, Utility Workers, and Football players.

    Known armored zombies (verified via searching for "PhysicalDamageResist" in entityclasses.xml):

    • 20% Armor: Biker, Utility Worker, Football Player
    • 50% Armor: Soldier
    • 60% Armor: Demolitionist

    Rule of thumb: Does it wear a helmet that is not a hat? It's armored. Does it look military? It's heavily armored.


    Ammo Testing using 101 damage hunting rifle with body shots to understand armor importance: No damage perks..only ammo changes and penetrator perks. T6 spawned in Hunting Rifle used with 1 reflex mod for ease of math (it bumped its dmg to 101)

    Ammo comparison only

    • vs unarmored MOE. Both AP and Regular Ammo did 101 damage. HP rounds did 124 damage. HP rounds did 22.77% more damage than other rounds against an unarmored target.
    • vs 20% armored Biker: Regular rounds - 81 damage, AP rounds - 85 damage, HP rounds - 74 damage. AP rounds did 5% more damage than regular rounds, HP rounds did 8.65% less damage than regular rounds. AP rounds did 14.86% more damage than HP rounds.
    • vs 50 armored soldier: Regular rounds - 50 damage, AP rounds - 61 damage, HP rounds - 0 damage! HP rounds treat enemy armor as double what it is, thus 50% armor = 100% protection and they ragdoll but do not get hurt.

    Ammo + Penetrator 2/5 (25% armor bypass):

    • vs Unarmored Moe: same results.
    • vs 20% armored Biker: Regular rounds - 81 damage, AP rounds - 85 damage, HP rounds - 74 damage. AP rounds did 5% more damage than regular rounds, HP rounds did 8.65% less damage than regular rounds. AP rounds did 14.86% more damage than HP rounds.
    • vs 50 armored soldier: Regular rounds - 61 damage, AP rounds - 71 damage, HP rounds - 12 damage! Armor bypass lowers solider armor to the point HP rounds can damage it, but only a tiny amount, still avoid HP rounds vs heavy armor at all costs.


    Rule of Thumb: Does it wear a helmet that is not a hat? Use AP ammo, for everything else use HP ammo. AP ammo is always equal or better than normal ammo. HP ammo is better than normal ammo only vs unarmored targets. Avoid using HP vs military at all costs as it will do nothing


    Junk Turret (17 dmg) Comparison: T6 spawned in junk turret with 1 mod, muzzle break. No damage perks.

    • vs Unarmored Moe: 18 damage. Expected shots to kill 250 hp Moe: 14 hits. Actual shots required at a distance of 5 blocks placed on ground: 22 shots to kill zombie Moe. Accuracy: 63.63%.
    • vs 20% armored Biker: 14 damage. Expected shots to kill 280 hp zombie biker: 20. Actual shots required at a distance of 5 blocks placed on the ground: 27 shots. Misses: 7. Accuracy: 74.07%.
    • vs 50% armored solider: 9 damage. Expected shots to kill 150 hp soldier: 17. Actual shots required at a distance of 5 blocks placed on the ground: 21 shots. Misses: 4. Accuracy: 80.95%.
    • Shots to kill can vary based on complete luck of whether or not the turret hits a head shot or whether it misses, the chances of both range quite a bit. However the turret always misses a significant % of it's shots.
    submitted by /u/Ralathar44
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    Hey Id like to make this post again, to get 90 FOV on PC

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    Hopefully people see this;
    Press: F1
    Enter: sg OptionsFieldOfViewNew 90

    you will have 90 field of view. you have to type this in, every time you start the game. But no one should suffer with 70 or 80 fov

    submitted by /u/InspectorGizmoBrooch
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    Alpha 18 - New Patch kind of fixes the FPS

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    So, basically they pushed an update and said that using the command: "gfx af 0" in the console helps a lot.

    Well, for me it did. Also try turning vsync off and texture streaming on.

    I had like 40-50FPS and now I have around 80-100.

    Can't wait for more optimization.

    submitted by /u/justyler1337
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    However much broken glass may resemble throwing stars when equipped..

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:55 PM PDT

    Do not try to throw it. Ya die!

    submitted by /u/zigzag86
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    It's day 7 in Japan...

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    Does anyone play on the pregen maps?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:05 PM PDT

    I'm playing on pregen 2 and can't find my way out of the desert. Had the same problem with pregen 3 except wasteland.

    submitted by /u/ACreatureFeature
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    Man this game is going to de-throne the "ya but can it run crysis?" Meme.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    I got a super charged potato so im not expecting ultra but damn. One guy on stream was saying he didn't have any problems at all... 2080 ti! Wow. That thing costs more then my first car lol.

    Only thing I've found to help is play windowed at a lower resolution. This is the only game i own that started on one end of the spectrum and flew past my pc specs in alpha no less.

    submitted by /u/hatsandthings
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    A18 - 16K seed "zzz". I've tried two 16K seeds now and both are 4 islands and few small towns. Any idea how to get larger cities and less water?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    Anyone else experience this?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    How do you all survive YOUR first day?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 06:54 PM PDT

    As soon as I spawn in, I start whacking grass and picking up rocks. I try to complete the first starting missions in about 5 - 10 minutes then move on to finding a POI to take shelter in, searching anything I come by.

    If I find a POI, I then start gathering the basic materials like wood, stone, fibers, scrap, etc to reinforce it. Once I have a good amount of materials, I just start to roam around killing zombies for EXP, seeing if there are any valuable POI's I can explore the next day.

    Before night falls, I generally destroy any broken windows or blocks and replace them with my own. I'll then block off some rooms and the staircase so I'm only left with a few rooms. When night falls, I just start mass crafting and setting up the interior.

    I feel like how I utilize my first day isn't as productive as other people's, so I'm curious to see how you guys go about it.

    submitted by /u/SeeDeez101
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    A18 Battery Bank error

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    Hi fellow survivors. I have problem with battery bank. When I place battery bank down and try to open it console gives me Unknown char error and after this error I can't open anything. Does anyone else have same problem?

    submitted by /u/Puskaman
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    Need to fix this circle, how is this rounded kind of block called?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:53 PM PDT

    Looking for friends!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 05:36 PM PDT

    Looking for some cool people to game with!

    submitted by /u/SmuffTastics
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    It would be nice if the traders let you know you can't stay there for the night...

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    Decided to try the game out again after not playing for several years, spent the last week building up a base getting ready to finish the last part of my intro quest, an 8 Km journey to the "local" trader...

    After a 2 day ride stopping only to eat, drink, and clear a house for the night, I managed to arrive at the trader at 21:00. Moved my bike inside, sold some stuff, bought different stuff, gathered the little bit of loot and thought "Hey why don't I bunk down here for the night"... Whelp now I'm outside with no bike, all my gear, and no weapons(on the bike), a dozen zombies chasing me at 21:59...

    submitted by /u/bigsexy420
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    Farming Underground In Alpha 18 - 7 Days to Die

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    Alpha 18 - RWG seeds

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    Let's see what you've gotten for RWG seeds.

    Maps generated from https://kui.github.io/7dtd-map/

    submitted by /u/ayz1e
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    Fortitude tree

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 05:28 AM PDT

    Just here to share my love for this beautiful perk tree (except living off the land smh) fisty cuffs, machine guns, a walking tank with damage reduction and healing. Can't recommend this enough, plus heavy armor with the perks slows you down small enough you don't notice it. That is all 👍

    submitted by /u/Steveagogo
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    Has anyone else had the devised terrain bug on nvidia cards?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 04:14 PM PDT

    I was aware that it was only an AMD bug but on random gen I am getting it. It's not near as severe but definitely is still annoying. Just curious if I'm the only one, sure I'm not

    submitted by /u/Asher987
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    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    Does anyone know if this game is compatible with the HTC Vive I would love to play 7 days to die in virtual reality

    submitted by /u/Adam_Thomas_Darr
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