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    Sunday, October 13, 2019

    7 Days To Die Seedy Sunday - October 13, 2019

    7 Days To Die Seedy Sunday - October 13, 2019

    Seedy Sunday - October 13, 2019

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    Have you found or are looking for a good or interesting seed to use?

    If you're sharing a seed please use something similar to this format for others to easily find what they might be looking for

    Game version (A15/16/17/etc):

    Map size:


    Map Coordinates:

    Features/POI's to look out for:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Already read this book

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    I'd like it if the game let me know if I already read the book so I don't read it again.

    submitted by /u/Slowjoeman
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    Mod to have map on 2nd monitor

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:41 PM PDT

    Any mods to throw my Map up on the other monitor ?

    submitted by /u/266150
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    I love this game ��

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:30 PM PDT

    Stun Baton In Depth Testing vs other weapons. They really need a buff.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    Nothing is assumed here, everything can be verified via your own testing. XML files were also looked at but conclusions and numbers were based on repeated in game testing. Stun Baton is hands down weaker than other comparable melee weapons. I compared T2 only, weapons with T3 like Baseball Bat, Machete, Steel Sledgehammer, and Steel Spear, etc obviously fare even better vs Stun Baton and Stun Baton should be considered a T2 weapon. Spawned in weapons have the same consistent stats, so no RNG involved.


    No mods will be used in testing. Mods are a % base damage increase and utility for the most part. It should be noted that clubs can use every mod stun batons can + club specific mods. So for example both can use weighted head for stun and slow chances, but clubs can additionally use metal spikes/barbed wire/metal chain for armor piercing/bleeding/additional knock downs. Likewise knives/spears can use any mods stun baton can + serrated blade and tempered blade for bleeding and additional durability. Stun batons have inferior mod selection to all other weapons.



    Spear Skill improves throw range/speed.


    Quality 3 with 3/5 Javelin Master:

    • Normal Attack: 20 damage to body, 48 damage to head. 16 stamina used. 1.25/3 damage per stamina. Fast swing speed, low stagger/knockdown power.

    • Power attack: 55 damage to body, 132 damage to head. 33 stamina used. 1.66/4 damage per stamina. Ranged, deprives you of weapon, significant stagger/knockdown power. Does not stop/slow stamina regen!


    Reinforced Club Skill improves damage vs stunned enemies, knockdown ability, and gives bonus damage for consecutive hits.


    Quality 3 with 3/5 Pummel Pete:

    • Normal Attack: 28 damage to body, 67 damage to head. 15 stamina used. 1.86/4.46 damage per stamina. Fast swing speed, good stagger/knockdown power.

    • Power attack: 45 damage to body, 108 damage to head. 28 stamina used. 1.60/3.85 damage per stamina. Massive stagger/knockdown power. Has good chance to knock foes back down as they try to stand up. Stops/slows stamina regen for a brief moment.


    Iron Sledgehammer Skill improves damage vs stunned enemies, knockdown ability, and has a chance to knockdown nearby enemies.


    Quality 3 with 3/5 Skull Crusher: 32 damage to body, 76 damage to head. 28 stamina used.

    • Normal Attack: 41 damage to body, 98 damage to head. 28 stamina used. 1.46/3.5 damage per stamina. Slow swing speed, high stagger/knockdown power.

    • Power attack: 80 damage to body, 192 damage to head. 57 stamina used. 1.40/3.36 damage per stamina. Incredible stagger/knockdown power. Has a chance to knock down nearby enemies. Stops/slows stamina regen for a brief moment.


    Iron Knuckles Skill Gives chance to stagger, chance to knockdown, increased chance to explode heads.


    Quality 3 with 3/5 Brawler:

    • Normal Attack: 19 damage to body, 45 damage to head. 9 stamina used. 2.11/5 damage per stamina. Fast swing speed, chance to stagger, chance to knock down. Decent stagger/knockdown even without proc. Extremely cheap and stamina efficient. Head shots prevent infection.

    • Power attack: 31 damage to body, 74 damage to head. 20 stamina used. 1.55/3.7 damage per stamina. Chance to stagger, chance to knock down. Good stagger/knockdown even without proc. Stops/slows stamina regen for a brief moment. Head shots prevent infection. Stops/slows stamina regen for a brief moment.


    Hunting Knife Skill gives increasing chance for bleeding, which stacks higher as skill ranks are gained. A stack of bleeding does 36 damage over 20 seconds. 4 stacks of bleeding did 78 damage over 20 seconds. Bleeding stacks appear to increase the overall damage dealt using a formula of diminishing returns. However the additional damage is still incredibly significant. Importantly, regular light attacks inflicting bleeding will refresh the duration of all current stacks of bleed. If allowed to fully bleed out with 1 stack of bleed damage increases to 52/74 for normal attacks


    Quality 3 with 3/5 Deep Cuts:

    • Normal Attack: 16 damage to body, 38 damage to head. 12 stamina used. Fast swing Stagger on headshot, limited stagger on body, cannot knock down. 50% chance to cause/refresh bleeding, stacking to 4 stacks of bleeding.

    • Power attack: 28 damage to body, 67 damage to head. 19 stamina used. 1.55/3.7 damage per stamina. Stagger on headshot, limited stagger on body, cannot knock down. 100% chance to cause/refresh 4 stacks of bleeding. If allowed to fully bleed out from one power attack (applies max bleed stacks) damage increases to 106/145. Stops/slows stamina regen for a brief moment.


    Stun Baton Skill is supposed to increase stun duration, which would theoretically increase damage as well. However it does not appear to be functioning. Stun Baton shock mechanics. Stun Baton shock charge up basically works on a points system. Left click strikes are worth 1, right click strikes are worth 2. When you get 4 points your next strike will stun. So 4 regular attacks or two power attacks will charge your baton and the next strike will electrify. Prolly the fastest way that won't completely wreck your stamina is 2 left clicks and 1 right click to make the next charge shock. You must hit a live enemy to build charge. Hitting blocks/air does not count.

    The electrical effect itself is 8 procs of 3 damage over approximately 5 seconds while preventing the enemy from moving. The enemy can still swing and hit you during this time. This damage does NOT scale with weapon quality. The damage also does not scale with Electrocutioner skill ranks. The Stun duration also does not seem to scale despite the tooltip saying it's supposed to. The skill is broken.


    Quality 3 with 3/5 Electrocutioner:

    • Normal Attack: 14 damage to body, 34 damage to head. 11 stamina used. 2.11/5 damage per stamina. Fast swing, stagger on headshot, limited stagger on body, cannot knock down.

    • Power attack: 25 damage to body, 60 damage to head. 25 stamina used. 1.55/3.7 damage per stamina. Fast swing, stagger on headshot, limited stagger on body, cannot knock down. Stops/slows stamina regen for a brief moment.




    • Stun Baton is the weakest weapon in terms of raw damage. It's damage per second is lower than any other weapon by a very significant amount. The only weapon it even comes close to is Iron Knuckles. Iron Knuckles has a T3 version called Steel knuckles that does about 43.75% more damage. Stun Baton has no Tier 3 version. Knives, Clubs, Sledgehammers, and Spears also have a T3 version.

    • Stun Baton is weaker in stunning/crowd control than all other weapons except Knives, which cannot knock down. Clubs/Sledgehammers stagger/stun/knockdown constantly baseline providing reliable crowd control and this only improves with skill ranks. Knuckles can consistently knock down baseline and also get multiple different chance roles to stagger/stun/knockdown or outright kill in addition to the normal decap chances. Spears regular attacks knockdown reliably even baseline, albeit it takes more hits than other options.

    • The combo attacks on Stun Baton are a nice concept, but it's not near strong enough to warrant the massive DPS penalty Stun Baton has been given. The only advantage stun baton has is that it can be hitting one opponent and then reliably stun a separate opponent. Vs a single target other options stun faster and deal more damage both.

    • Even if the skill gets fixed and stun baton stuns for 100% longer and it's electrocution damage doubles because of that it'll still be lower DPS than all non-fist weapons on it's tier, it'll still lack a T3 option, and club/sledgehammer/knuckles will still be better at CC.




    • Raise the damage to near club levels. Iron Reinforced Club does just shy of double the damage the Stun baton does. Really there is no excuse for Stun Baton damage to be so low.

    • Make power attacks with the Stun Baton have a unique effect. Maybe it doubles the electrocution damage/stun time. Maybe the electrocution jumps to multiple targets like chain lightning. Maybe the original target acts like a tesla coil damaging nearby enemies. Maybe it electrocutes the target AND sets them on fire. But some additional effect for using power attack with your electrical charge up would be appreciated and go a long way to making Stun Baton feel unique and help give it a place. Because right now it's just a much worse club that's really cool looking.

    submitted by /u/Ralathar44
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    Don't you hate it when...

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 05:14 PM PDT

    Don't you hate it when you finally got a bunch of lockpicks... find a safe.. and almost all your lock picks break however the last one gets you in...

    Then it turns out the safe is empty.... RRRRR!!!!! REALLY GAME!!! REALLY!

    submitted by /u/TheHiddenYouTuber
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    Vision blurry through bars - normal?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    Updated my Berserk Dragonslayer weapon mod for A18 & finally made a craftable mod item that adds the "Clang" sound effect for the right click. This is my short preview video.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 09:32 PM PDT

    Demolition zombie on horde night

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    With the addition of the suicide zombie (which I love btw) there is the obvious huge problem of it blowing everything in its radius to death. (Up to and including reinforced concrete)

    The problem I have is the game doesn't have a trap, turret etc that can stop it besides you, and of course steel with the added explosive resistance.

    So my question is how do you guys build a horde base that can deal with all the normal zombies. Using funky traps and electrics to deal with the 99% of zombies. Yet create a base that won't be nuked by 1 demo zombie in the future that will ruin everything you've built. Rendering every trap in the game almost pointless in the end game.

    What do you personally do to "future proof" your base.

    submitted by /u/Steveagogo
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    I might be dumb

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    Trying to build my first base and cant seem to figure out where the ramp and corner pieces went for wood or flagstone. Why cant I build these? I must be missing something.

    submitted by /u/staticwise
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    Did anyone manage to read the text that got posted then deleted off the official 7DTD twitter account?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    Did anyone manage to read the tweet that just got posted then deleted on the 7DTD twitter account? I got a notification pop up saying 'Here's a little bit of console news' but by the time I clicked on it an opened twitter it said the tweet had been deleted..

    submitted by /u/REDACTED1XXX
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    Pyramid bases, do they work?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:18 PM PDT

    I'm trying to find the most useful and a buddy suggested building a flat topped pyramid with your entrance being a hatch on top. This sounds like a good idea but do zombies just kinda just treat the ramp walls like normal and rip them up?

    submitted by /u/NotProffFarnsworth
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    Anyone know where to get farm plots on Navezgane?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    I read to 'dig up farm plots' but went to the farm with the super corn and the big pig and don't see where abouts you're suppose to dig them up like people were suggesting.

    Anyone happen to know where specifically they are?

    submitted by /u/mapletree23
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    Question regarding the Baseball bat

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:13 PM PDT

    Is the weapon damage affected by "Pummel Pete" or "Heavy Metal"?

    My guess would be Pummel Pete but the skill and item descriptions in this game are sometimes so vague and misleading that I'm not sure.

    Can anyone clarify?

    submitted by /u/Watermel0wned
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    Looking for that console command that disables something and improves performance? Anyone know what I'm talking about?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:53 PM PDT

    I've seen in the past where someone had a console command that would disable something that they added in a17 and it helped performance a bunch. Anyone know what that is? Anyone have any other nifty lesser known console commands?

    submitted by /u/OneSchott
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    These new HD ground textures

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:29 PM PDT

    Really need tessellation. The wasteland ground texture with bricks and rubble horribly stands out as being flat now. The same can also be said for the grassland texture once the plants have been removed.

    submitted by /u/AEnoch29
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    Couple Alpha 18 questions

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    Hey Everyone!

    I know that we've just got into a new Alpha Build and was wondering if Lucky Looter is worth it? Or if I should go down in Intelligence tree for Daring Adventurer. I can't find any real in depth data contrasting the two or which is a better route for getting those juicy top tier items. My main source of damage currently is coming from Agility plus the movement/sneak stuff is a must for my play style.

    As another side note do zombies destroy Junk Turrets? I know the build is currently unstable but my two turrets just de-spawned while I was in a factory. So I didn't know if that was them getting killed or the game glitching.

    submitted by /u/Gankenstein21
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    The missing spear

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:05 AM PDT

    They need to create an icon on the compass (like for the bicycle) for a thrown spear.

    I keep losing them in the long grass...

    submitted by /u/Enviousdeath
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    [idea's] Moar Gadgets for everyone!

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:27 AM PDT

    My first testrun in a18 was as a int build and the junk turrets placing and strategic ground covering altered my normal gameplay significantly.

    Every Class shoul have a gadget! Same as Jt's: start with one, 2 after master. Can only use one gadget at a time (without perks) Here are some ideas:

    • Agility- mobile bear trap: when placed down it is armed for x charges. Every charge completely immobilizes a single target for x time? Benefits the sneaky playstile perfectly.

    • perception - some kind of slow field trap?

    • Strength - Decoy, target dummy: x amount of health to chew trugh by z's. could heal yourself when you punch it.

    do you have more ideas?

    Reload all with iron. beartrap charging with springs would be fun, but to much of a hassle imho.

    submitted by /u/vooodooov
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    PSA farm plots can be harvested from POIs

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 10:51 PM PDT

    POIs with plants growing in them have farm plots you can dig up. I got 24 from the house with the mushrooms in the basement. Way easier than crafting them

    submitted by /u/DTFlash
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    How do you play or create random-gen maps?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:28 PM PDT

    I dunno how the random gen maps work. When I go to choose a map, I have Navezgane and the 2 other default maps, but I can't find an option to create my own random-gen world.

    Also, how do seeds work in this? Can you give your own random-gen world its own seed as well? Thanks

    submitted by /u/SeeDeez101
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    Here's a quick video I made of the best killing corridor imo in alpha18

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    Reading is good for YOU.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    I had this idea for quite a while now, I've been Thinking that when you get a book and you've already read/gained that skill you should get 1 point to spend on a new skill you haven't unlocked. What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/NoahTDG
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    Progress in A18

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    Just curious if I start playing now, because it is only in experimental mode, once A18 leaves experimental mode and becomes just "A18", will I loose all of my progress? I'd like to start playing, but don't want to lose all my progress once it leaves the experimental beta phase.

    submitted by /u/Wattss
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    Now, I'm not necessarily complaining, but construction might be just a liiiiiiittle OP here.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:13 PM PDT

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