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    Tuesday, October 15, 2019

    7 Days To Die Tips n' Tricks Tuesday - October 15, 2019

    7 Days To Die Tips n' Tricks Tuesday - October 15, 2019

    Tips n' Tricks Tuesday - October 15, 2019

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Have a tip you wish someone shared with you when you first started playing? Have you discovered a tried and true method of survival?

    Share your secrets with your fellow survivors and help those just getting started!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Alpha 18-ers Don't Understand

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    Pro Tip: Do not "use" broken glass

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:09 AM PDT

    Started dabbling with A18 yesterday and am trying to challenge myself by only playing until I get a death, then resetting. Finally on my 4th play through (don't judge me) I get dealt a decent random Gen with some good POIs to clear. Even find a cool house with a basement to set up camp in.

    Clearing out my inventory I have some broken glass and notice you can "use" it. Curious and without thinking I click it and my guy happily devours all of the glass shards, causing extensive internal bleeding and me to start cursing and panicking. Within about 3 seconds my dumbass collapses, dead as dirt. Game over.

    Nah screw that I'm taking a mulligan on this one.

    submitted by /u/sprintfun
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    Weakest Skills in the game: Wasted Points

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 01:41 PM PDT

    So, call me crazy, but I actually rather like the new skill system. A lot of mediocre skills got combined in to pretty worthwhile categories.

    And sometimes, it isn't about how GOOD a skill is, but how much it contributes to your preferred playstyle.

    But some of these skills are just... clear wastes of a skill point.

    Just to save you the trouble of reading:

    Lockpicking, (Every point after the first) Animal Tracking, (Worse the more points you take) Grease Monkey (Over a long enough timeframe, this will always merit a respec)

    Every point of lockpicking past the first.

    Being able to craft lockpicks is VITAL. Hammering away at safes is a waste of time and food. But beyond that... Lockpicks aren't so expensive that it's worth spending a point to stretch out your supply a little longer. The faster lockingpicking/ less pick breaking is such a meager return.

    And god, the tracking skills. These should have just been folded into huntsman, which is already a weak choice, but at least gets the job done. Spending more than two points actually makes this skill worse. Mixing in dangerous predators in with your Rabbit and Deer radar.

    Grease Monkey grants a lot of benefit relative to these other skills. But it has the dubious distinction of being undermined by ANOTHER SKILL IN THE TREE. It can be described as spending skillpoints to save money, but there's ALREADY a skill for that: Better Barter! If you want a vehicle, it's better to just buy the schematic, parts, or the vehicle itself! Higher returns on sold items, cheaper purchases, and BETTER CHANCES of finding what you need from the trader. You might as well factor in the cost of a Fergettin Elixer, because once you've built yourself all the vehicles you want, you'll never touch that schematic again!

    Proposed fixes:

    Merge lockpicking into Lucky Looter. Make the BP part of the Rank 3 rewards.

    Merge tracking into Huntsman. Or Huntsman into tracking. Either or.

    Grant fuel efficiency and speed bonuses as part of grease Monkey.

    submitted by /u/HonestSophist
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    It's a little late, but I wrote a 7DTD world/POI mapping script

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:31 PM PDT

    I love 7DTD, and I write some python from time to time. So I wrote a python3 script that takes in some of the files that are generated during world generation and produces a composite map that shows biomes, roads, and labels for specified POIs. It also supports labeling the "previewMap.png" that the NitroGen RWG program generates. There are also example folders and files in the repo. I'm interested in what the community thinks. Have I reinvented the wheel? Have I contributed something useful? Could I make it better? (probably)

    Ye Olde 7DTD Mapper

    submitted by /u/yeastygoodness
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    Thought this belonged here.

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    inventory quality of life request

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 12:15 PM PDT

    So in Terraria when you are in a chest's inventory there is an auto sort button. this button takes everything in your personal inventory and places in the chest if a stack of the item is already in the chest. with all the new items in 18 (which i love ) i wish there was a faster way to auto sort. thanks !

    submitted by /u/richieb1530
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    Best build so far?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 10:11 PM PDT

    I haven't progressed very far yet due to my own ocd game complications . But I have been seeing mixed reviews on builds.

    I'm debating going str/fort in the beginning but due to lack of aoe without a sledge eh OR stealth /bows for sneaks

    The problem is both on paper are not viable for horde night (unless m60, exlpsove arrows )

    submitted by /u/rgoins89
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    Light Armor vs Heavy Armor, what's your opinion? Alpha 18

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 06:03 PM PDT

    In A18, do you prefer Light Armor, or Heavy Armor? Are either worth specing into until uber late game when you have points to spare instead of just buying / finding better armor?

    submitted by /u/ChuunibyouImouto
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    Coming back to 7D2D

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 08:10 PM PDT

    I saw someone playing the new Alpha 18 and decided to pick up 7D2D again after a long time. For some perspective I haven't played since they changed the amount of resources you get for hitting trees and stuff. Any advice or big changes that have been made would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Anthrax43
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    What kind of bases are you guys building in A18? + General Building advice Thread (Bring Pictures! :D)

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 01:59 PM PDT

    Lets get a good thread going with some base build screenshots and building tips. Looking thru this subreddit, not many people are sharing their base build on the new Alpha. I'll be posting my build shortly, and hopefully you guys will have some advice :]

    I don't like to use POI's for a base early game, I feel like its more fun to make a base build from Day 1, and I'm looking for ways to defend it from hordes early game before I have access to traps. Resources are scarce in the beginning, so big fall pits and tons of spikes are almost out of the question.

    I'm really excited to see what people are building! Maybe we can share some general tips and tricks for getting the zombies to go where you want them, now that the pathing is different in A18.

    submitted by /u/hollipl
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    How are you supposed to deal with horde nights from a gameplay design standpoint?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:25 PM PDT

    I've always been curious about this. There have been and still are a few different ways to get through the horde nights. But what do the devs want that we do to counter the horde nights?

    Are they supposed to be countered with clever base designs? Or just straight up fighting? Are they supposed to be evaded with vehicles or by running or are they just there to suck you dry of your resources that you've collected during the week?

    I've played since ~A13 or so and as far as I can remember, every time the playerbase has come up with clever ideas to fight the horde, it gets removed from the game. This mainly concerns base designs. Underground bases, heavily walled bases, fall bases, kill corridor bases and now trap and turret bases with the introduction of the demolisher zombie that straight up destroys your traps when they damage it. Log spikes were removed.

    I've also heard rumors that evading the horde nights by vehicle is going to get removed some day in the future.

    My question is that when will the nerfing stop? Will it ever stop? Will horde nights become unsurvivable at some point? Are horde nights supposed to take some skill or ingenuity to counter? Or are you just supposed to spend 3 in-game days building and repairing walls and then peppering the zombies with bullets from 22PM to 4AM? Because at least to me, that is not exciting nor does it take any skill to hold RMB for a couple of hours to reinfoce walls and place spike traps.

    submitted by /u/Smaisteri
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    A18 quest feedback - triggered spawns

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:22 AM PDT

    I really like being able to get quests from the trader instead of just depending on random notes. They add a lot of interest to the game, give me something focused to do, and rewards are nice. But I'm not liking this "trigger something and zombies appear out of nowhere" part of it.

    For example, I think the "dig up the supplies" quests would make a lot more sense and be more fun if there were a lot of zeds in the area to start with and I had to clear them out to make digging safe, instead of knowing the moment I pull the supplies from the chest, a bunch of zeds are going to spawn.

    Same with clearing a POI and knowing picking up the supplies is going to trigger a bunch of zombies to spawn outside the house.

    I just did a "kill some special zombies" quest and two feral wights spawned in right next to me. I didn't stand a chance. (random note, not a trader quest, but same problem)

    There are two ways that I'm finding this "not fun". First is that it just breaks immersion. In an ideal world, I'd never see a zombie spawn in. Zombies should not, from my point of view, just appear out of nowhere nearby. Second is that it is really reducing my choices about how to play the game. I want to see, more or less, what I'm getting into and have a chance to avoid it or plan a strategy. Yeah, if I'm going into a POI, I expect surprises, traps, etc, so while I may not see exactly what I'm going to encounter, I expect some risky encounters. What I don't expect is to clear an entire POI, get the goodies, then suddenly have more zombies that weren't there a moment ago.

    I think the latter issue is that there is zero warning that something is coming. If a crowd of zombies is approaching the house, I should hear something if I'm paying attention. Spawning them in right outside the house, aggroing on me, gives me few strategy options, no time to plan or prepare.

    I think these quests would be a lot more fun with a little more subtlety and less brute-force.

    submitted by /u/ravenx99
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    Aliens confirmed! - Close Encounters of the A18 Kind

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:39 AM PDT

    How to continue a blood moon horde after i got killed?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 09:18 PM PDT

    ok i died on day 7 and day 14 horde at some point and after waking up on my bed all zombies are gone.

    i have seen the patch notes saying something like "if you die on horde night you will no longer be hunted unless you reengage."

    but how is this supposed to work? the moment i die basically every zombie despawns and no zombies can be found anywhere.

    my first barrier broke, i died and woke up inside my base. that respawning took like 5 seconds and happend with the horde at the inner walls of my base. but all of them gone.

    is that supposed to be like that? i expected the zombies to lose track and idle around or try to walk somewhere.

    submitted by /u/Darirol
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    Repeating death

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 05:28 PM PDT

    I play on a server I made using the steam tool. With a few friends we got a nice base, but we need blood for meds, so I killed myself to get alot of blood, which gives you the cardiac arrest debuff. So I died and respawned but I got the debuff again. We tried to restart the server, tried server commands, and meds/food. None of this worked, is there anyway to fix this. We are coming up to a hoard and would not prefer to miss it. --Experimental A18--

    submitted by /u/Abuzz_
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    Started a Dedicated Server

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 08:30 PM PDT

    I got a dedicated server setup. Me and my friends generally play around evening time and alot on the weekends.

    It is A18. "tagelthebagel's dedi" is the name.

    If you can't find it let me know and I'll send you the IP. If you wanna join and join us let me know and I'll add you to our discord and we can kill zombies together!

    submitted by /u/tagelthebagel
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    Are underground veins only specific to nodes up top

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    Meaning , I know oil shale is only in desert , but if I'm in the forest can I get a sufficient supply of the rest for gunpowder , coal , etc

    Or does my mine need to extend to both a desert and x biome with said mineral

    submitted by /u/rgoins89
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    Alpha 18 causing stream to drop frames?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 08:05 PM PDT

    So I've been streaming for a bit now. Alpha 17 I had no issues at all. When I first downloaded 18, it was fine. Was there a recent update or hotfix? Something has caused the game some issues. I don't have any game issues on my end. Any other game I play, I have no issues on stream, just the alpha 18. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/BobaMandoa
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    A18 Junk Turrets, how to load?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    The only option I am seeing after I lay the turret is to pick it up.

    submitted by /u/agedwisdom
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    Is there a way to disable the flame effect on knuckles? X_X

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 06:15 AM PDT

    A17/A18: how much damage do mine do to vehicles?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:15 PM PDT

    I been wondering how safe am I if I were to accidentally run over a mine in the wasteland in vehicles like motorcycle and the 4x4 would one just instantly blow the vehicle and myself up or would it take massive damage

    submitted by /u/JOHNRKO007
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    Why did they get rid of bearded wire a18?

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:13 PM PDT

    GTX 1050 - 60-70+ Frames per Second - NVidia Settings

    Posted: 15 Oct 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    GTX 1050 - 60-70+ Frames per Second - NVidia Settings

    I have been tweaking my settings and found the image to be the best so far. Hopefully it helps someone else. I'm also open to your thoughts on better tweaking.

    I have been playing on a server that does not restrict the vision (the hills "wiping" away as you get closer). I do play with all my settings as low as possible, except textures.

    submitted by /u/Speckeye
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