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    7 Days To Die Tips n' Tricks Tuesday - October 08, 2019

    7 Days To Die Tips n' Tricks Tuesday - October 08, 2019

    Tips n' Tricks Tuesday - October 08, 2019

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Have a tip you wish someone shared with you when you first started playing? Have you discovered a tried and true method of survival?

    Share your secrets with your fellow survivors and help those just getting started!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Getting experimental

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 05:14 AM PDT

    A18 auto generated road.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    authentic experimental experience

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    How the hell do I make storage boxes in alpha 18

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 07:07 PM PDT

    Seriously help me !!!

    submitted by /u/Shoelesstravis
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    Has anyone else lost interest because of "bullet sponge zombies" and higher game levels just making it more about repair and having a massive armory worth of ammo?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:34 PM PDT

    I read a few of the recent threads, I searched "headshots" to see if anyone thought along the lines I do, and even turned up a 3 week old thread about if the game can have more of a TWD tv series experience.

    That's, pretty much where I'm at. I don't feel like all the crazy new zombies are any fun. I was never even a fan of cops, spiders or ferals. Screamers made things interesting, but in my opinion those could go, too.

    I wish it could be an unmodded game mode where any and only any significant head trauma, killed zombies. More like the following:

    Classic mode:

    • any headshot kills them instantly
    • only melee damage dealt to the head has any effect beyond staggering it
    • there are only normal zombies
    • they never run even at night but they're strong as shit and can always one or two hit KO you so you optimally want to keep your distance and close-quarters like clearing POI ought to need to be a quiet, methodical affair
    • there are a hell of a lot more zombies, doubly so at night
    • 7th day hordes could be an option within all this but default to off and just have roaming herds every night
    • ammo and guns in general, could be rarer, they'd have to balance it to a point where you need to choose your shots wisely, but not force you to melee most of the time.
    • firing any gun without a suppressor should basically bring them down to you from a huge radius, several city blocks if you're in a city
    • zombies shouldn't be able to claw through concrete at all and even wood should take them a while; there should be some concept of safety and achieving the point where you can build such a safe shelter should reward you with such safety

    I've heard of the George Romero mod but it doesn't do QUITE what I'd want.

    Any thoughts? I just don't like how higher tier zombies can just eat a magazine of 7.62 no matter where you hit them, and as someone who teaches firearms for a living, I know what a 7.62 does to any matter it hits, period. It should shred even fantasy shit.

    I'm just finding that I'm not a huge fan of the way they've made zombies in this game, at least any more. I used to play the shit out of it for hours, but that was on way earlier alphas. I think the last one I played a lot was 15.

    I also understand though, why zombies tear through concrete and metal like butter, take rocket launchers to kill, and chew you up in a hit or two.. they wanted the game to be about building massive defenses, hoarding resources and fighting off insane fantasy zombies.

    I just feel like they're doing the wrong source material, that zombies ought to drop from even a 9mm or an arrow to the head. Period.

    submitted by /u/whiskeybent_txn
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    Careful with long sessions on 18

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: I am noob, hear me meow.

    I am a victim of the 18 hype train and jumped in yesterday. I am an old fart now and haven't really enjoyed games for a while, but I caught the Neebs series on 7D and decided to check it out. Long story short, love it, have played this more in two days than anything else in two months.

    Anyway my point - I lost my cooking pot to a glitch about 5 hours into a session. I was scouting and needed some fresh food, laid down my campfire and when I went to add the cooking pot, it just dropped, in a bag like I'd meant to do that.

    But the bag wasn't recognized. I did everything I could think of, but within a minute or so it despawned. And then the inventory menu started glitching as well. Exit and restart was fine but pot gone, my only one, and I'm in bad health about 2km from home and the sun is setting. Pray for me.

    (Single player FYI.)

    submitted by /u/LibidinousIntent
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    A18 melee

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:44 AM PDT

    Is it just me or does the range on most melee weapons (except the spear) seem god awful. To the point the weapon almost needs to clip inside the zombie for it hit. Not to mention there seems to be no to little sound when the hit connects. Or is it just something up with my game personally and I need to reinstall or something

    submitted by /u/Steveagogo
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    Anyone have any cool seeds yet?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 11:00 AM PDT

    Junk turrets turning against you

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:11 PM PDT

    My friend and I set up a junk turrets for a defense and then left for the day. We came back today and the junk turrets have gone rogue. We cannot pick them up, we cannot destroy them. And most importantly they attack us. Not sure if this is known.

    submitted by /u/Sesto-
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    giving up till stable build avail

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 06:27 PM PDT

    I've tried everything i can but for me i continue to have major game breaking issues:

    -falling through world and having to quit and re-join every time it happens

    -see a lot of loot container load failed messages when loading which amounts to not being able to search or open about half the boxes or containers.

    haven't really been able to play due to those two major things otherwise im sure the list would be longer im really hoping it does not take a long time to release a stable 18 build as i really have enjoyed this game in the past and look forward to playing it again when its possible.

    submitted by /u/crazy_Billy
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    Check out this Scottish guy getting drunk while playing 7 Days to Die. https://youtu.be/KRw1CSpy

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:04 PM PDT


    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    Junk turrets completely fucked and dangerous!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:15 PM PDT

    Wife hosted a game for us last night, I cant host RWG cause AMD but I digress, due to the incredibly high chance of finding junk turrets (4 in one house!) I decided to lay a bunch down in our base.

    Log in tonight, junk turrets are aggressive to us, immortal, and unpick-upable.

    Fix your shit dudes, we had to super digger them to hell due to their immortality.

    submitted by /u/WhiteLotusOfKugane
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    Thoughts on A18

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    I have seen a lot of negativity about A18 so far and its kind of a shame. I played all day with a local server with 3 of my friends yesterday and had a blast. Sure, there are some things that could use tweaking (dysentery) or complete fixing (random gen maps), and some more optimizations could definitely be made but it was a great experience overall for me.

    I had some performance issues starting out where the FPS would just drop to nothing, but after a bit of playing around with the video settings it ran smooth all night. Posted here are FPS numbers and my video settings. Even during the Horde with 12 zombies per player (4) it ran like butter.


    I am running a GTX 970, 16gb DDR3, and a I5-3570k at 3.8GHz. For me, the graphics settings can be turned up more but I would get the FPS drops people have been talking about if it was not set like that. Could it be better? Sure.

    The POIs are expertly done, questing is fun, building is pretty seamless, and building a character takes some good thought. A18 is definitely not perfect and I agree with a lot of things posted so far but I just wanted to shine some positive light on the release. I think they really hit the nail on the head overall with this one.

    Here is a random discord quip about our adventures last night from one of my friends:


    submitted by /u/TheReaped
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    What are your feelings on the zombie rage mode?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:22 AM PDT

    I've been playing the new update for a couple of hours today and I have mixed feelings about this speed boost the zombies get.

    On one hand, it definitely adds a sense of unpredictability to fighting - but on the other it's pretty frustrating and I just found myself rage quitting after getting mauled one too many times. For reference, I played a17 with a sledgehammer build and was overjoyed to find an iron sledgehammer in the second building I looted on day 1. But this quickly soured when I realized it's totally unviable for the early game - I hit a zombie once and, more often than not, they go into rage mode which means I have to turn around and sprint away to get enough distance to safely line up a swing. But then the sledgehammer takes a lot of stamina so, if the second hit doesn't kill, I have nothing left in the tank to deal with a hyperactive zombie tearing my face off and I can't run away. Spears are fun and all, but they're pretty weak and most fights just devolve into a game of kiss chase, where I'm constantly running away, poking the zombie for a couple of hits and then running away again. I feel like if there was a reliable way to cripple the legs it might be fun - or if there was a kind of "sprint backpedal" - or if there was a windup where the zombies got progressively faster rather than suddenly going Usain Bolt on you with no warning, I might enjoy it more. As it stands, it's kind of sapping my enjoyment of the new alpha.

    So what do you think about this mechanic? Do I just need to git gud or does anyone else feel the same way?

    submitted by /u/Crankyoldhobo
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    NICE (alpha 18 Random Gen) Just thought it was funny.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    My 2 cents on food and dysentery.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    Are you low on stamina? Were you thinking about getting some stamina back by eating some food? Think again. The chances are very high that instead of raising your stamina, you'll get dysentery instead and instantly drop your stamina to the lowest amount possible.

    I was out exploring and packed my backpack full of good and healthy corn bread to snack on when my stamina gets low. Big mistake. My stamina was at 75 so I thought I'd eat two loafs of bread. Stamina dropped to 30 instantly. Well not that big of a deal I thought. I have enough food on me to regain what was lost. I ate. I hit 50 stamina. Got dysentery and dropped back to 30. Repeated the process 4 more times with the same results. ALT-F4'd out of the game.

    submitted by /u/Smaisteri
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    Free-Look would be very useful in this game.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    So yeah I wish we had a free-look keybind so we could look around while interacting with something.

    submitted by /u/Slayer418
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    Is picklocking working in a18?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    I have picklocks and I even went and put a point into picklocking. It says to hold down E, but nothing ever happens.

    submitted by /u/ghulzen
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    7 Days Drunk

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:38 PM PDT

    Check out this Scottish guy getting drunk while playing 7 Days to Die. https://youtu.be/KRw1CSpyzeE

    submitted by /u/steelcloverstudios
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    Help! game crashes to desktop when trying to make a new game with seed (A18)

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:10 PM PDT

    Anyone else have this issue? Know how I can fix it?

    I'm trying to start a new game with the seed 'Pennywise' (You know, for spooky Halloween goodness). but when I click on start or BTNGENERATEWORLD, it'll act like it's going to generate and then all of a sudden it'll crash to the desktop. I've tried both 8192 and 4096 XUIworldsize.

    Is this just an unstable A18 issue for now or am I doing something incorrectly?

    submitted by /u/shawniegore
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    A18 - Which schematics have I read?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    Does anybody know if there's a menu that shows which schematics a player has read a la the books menu?

    submitted by /u/MisterBun
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    A18 Experimental server consuming tons of CPU whilst no players are logged in

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    I just setup a new Alpha 18 Experimental server on a fresh Debian 9 x64 VM. Server works fine, but even when no players are logged in the server is still consuming a considerable amount of CPU power, is this normal? It's consuming 2 GHz, whereas with my previous (A17 stable) server it would only consume 250 MHz when no players were logged in.

    submitted by /u/MaxTheKing1
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    How are we feeling about weapons/perks?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    Question in the title. I'm curious how you guys feel about some of the different perks and weapons in the game now. Personally I've done two different skilll builds, one using endurance and the other using strength.

    I have found the fist weapons to be very underwhelming, even under the effects of beer I was struggling to achieve a similar effectiveness to the sledgehammer/clubs. I realize every weapons will obviously lend itself to a different playstyle, but with the new rage mode, the stun function on heavy weapons is actually very useful, and the fist weapons seem to lack anything like that.

    What do you guys think about fist and other weapons? Mainly I'm just probing for what you guys think feels good and bad so I can try them myself!

    submitted by /u/TheEnchanterTimothy
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    Does anyone miss 1-600 quality and gun parts?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    What really bothers me about newer versions is we removed 600 quality and replaced it with a boring 1-6. What I also find weird is they decided to go ahead and give guns of same quality different stats, which is just annoying to deal with. If we want guns to have different stats in the same quality tier the old quality system seems to do this well, easily seeing that the 450 pistol is better than the 400 pistol instead of just seeing them both as 4.

    As for gun parts(this more so was better with the 600 quality system) it was a lot more fun finding a gun then swapping the better part over to your main gun, late game would still find minor upgrades since it took a while to find every part at 600, mods kind of fill this gap but its not quite the same.

    submitted by /u/cptmcsexy
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