• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 26, 2019

    7 Days To Die Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - December 26, 2019

    7 Days To Die Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - December 26, 2019

    Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - December 26, 2019

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:05 AM PST

    Want to show off your base or a build you're particularly proud of? Want to show off what helped you make it through horde night?

    Take a video or some screenshots and post them here to share with your fellow survivors!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Guess I didn't need that minibike anymore

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:51 AM PST

    What is the exact graphics setting that makes loot sometimes disappear in pretty ridiculous distance? I imagine how much loot I miss just because it isn't visible

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:33 PM PST

    This game is broken in the best way

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:53 AM PST

    Tips for nitrate and brass?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:47 PM PST

    My friend is a freaking gun nut in this game, while I'm a crossbow user outside of horde night.

    Any good strategies to hoard brass and nitrate powder so I can keep my trigger happy friend content? :p

    submitted by /u/Gemini_Storm8
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    Just picked up the game - inital thoughts + some questions

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 05:26 PM PST

    • This is a nice, slow burn game. Havent even been to the 14th day yet, but I've played with a few friends on a server for hours, always being engaged and having something to do or look for (aside from pausing for construction wait timers)

    • Hitboxes are . . . wonky feeling? How is the zombie smacking me from that far away, and ive had a bit of Trouble getting the hang of The spear (though i really love it for the early game)

    • Food is such as issue! Food, specifically. Playing with 3 others, we'd elect to kill ourselves (we didnt lose anything on death, while getting used to the game) rather than trying to find and eat 20 boiled eggs for stamina. Im still new, so maybe starting a farm or something helps, but finding plants gives u minimal gains, its hard finding animals, and cans of food dont help enough imo. Is buying food from traders meta?

    • Character management is also something rough for me. Constantly hot/swealtering, constantly hungry/ thirsty (I just drank 8 jars of water in a row, WHY AM I STILL THIRSTY?)

    • How good is the intellect tree? I've gone full INT and the junk turret is fun as hell! I also took on the role of team builder, from forges to workbenches and such, and building things for everyone (here's a bike for you, here's some bullets, get me more scrap metal for my turrets plz).

    There's been days in game where i never even left the base. We've made a choke point with bars where we let the zombies gather and we just unload, while I repair any other attempted breaches and my turrets blast em.

    • I LOVE/HATE HOARDING! It almost physically pains me to leave anything behind, because everything is / can be useful. Or if it isnt yet, just drop it in the chest until it is. Have slowly wanted back to base carrying tons of shit more than once.

    • You always hear the zombies, huh? Beat on a front door once, and all the zombies inside seemingly wake up and make mad noise trying to get to you. Also since they constantly make so much noise, it's easy to be distracted while another zombie sneaks up on you.



    thats all for now.

    submitted by /u/Juvenile_Bunny
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    Is it normal that my base completely dissapeared?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:18 PM PST

    It was on a multi-player server. The whole house went back to default state and the base on top of it despawned. The chests hidden on a wall weren't there, and what was around the chests disappeared, and was replaced by the default wall. I'm pissed.

    Is this normal?

    submitted by /u/thealterlion
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    Server w/ Unusual Settings - Profe$$ionally Hosted

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:55 PM PST

    No Teleporting.

    No Zombie Bucks.

    No safe /lobby.

    No 'gimmie' command.

    Death Delivers a truly BRUTAL consequence and we guarantee you will FEAR the enemy out there.

    It's 7 Days to Die Golf.

    The lower the Death Score the better.

    If this sounds like you - let us know after checking out the full description (link below).

    Death's Sting is a private professionally hosted PvE server on a 12k map. (50 sq. miles)

    Appeals to fiercely independent survivalists.

    Mature player community (US and EU) of 7 Days veterans.

    Server description & Discord link:


    submitted by /u/KptnKurt
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    Is there a way to reset the quests to a lower tier?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:06 PM PST

    I've gotten to tier 5 quests and they're just taking way to long. Does anyone know if there is a way to go back down to tier 3 and 4 quests? Playing on PC. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ACreatureFeature
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    In my solo game, is it worth it to rent the vending machine to get the occasional NPC that comes along and buys something?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:00 PM PST


    submitted by /u/leduck1
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    Getting an odd error with the "recipes" xml file, although I don't think I should be.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:13 PM PST

    The standard fare for the xml is like this:

    > <recipes>

    > recipe name=blah>

    > <ingredient name="xyz"

    > </recipe>

    > </recipes>

    I added in a couple mods at the end, but when I load up my game I get a message saying "game failed to load XML recipes, line xxxx position x" (the end of </recipes>), but here's all that's changed from the first version:

    > <recipes>

    > recipe name=blah>

    > <ingredient name="xyz">

    > </recipe>

    > <configs>

    > <append>

    > <recipe name= mod recipe">

    > <ingredient name="xzy">

    > </recipe>

    > </recipes>

    Nothing other than adding in the mods has changed, and I don't know why I still get the error message. I have made the same kinds of changes to other folders, but those work just fine. Spent several hours trying to figure this out, and I'm feeling stumped. I'm using Notepad++ to make changes to XML files. Maybe there's a more efficient way to do it? I don't know.

    submitted by /u/Jazz_Musician
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    Too many zombies

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:06 PM PST

    I play on pc Is there anyway to adjust zombies spawning, it wouldn't be an issue, but after leaving a room zombies just respawn

    submitted by /u/kelbod
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    My "Chutes and Ladder" base for A18.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:07 PM PST

    Looking for people to play with

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:21 PM PST


    submitted by /u/MiahTRT
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    Best melee weapons/tools in A18?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:35 AM PST


    submitted by /u/M116110
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    Zombie Spawns are Broken.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:44 PM PST

    It's happened to all of us.

    You sneak into a house, looting and silently killing zombies as you go.

    You clear a closet and turn around, heading back to the hallway. You create a little bit of noise/heat.

    A zombie spawns directly behind you, in the closet you just cleared, and starts playing wack-a-mole.

    It's broken, it's bugged, and it makes me hate this game. It makes silent looting and sneaking pointless, I might aswell get a fucking machine gun and clear every single point of interest that way, because that's how it MUST WORK DUE TO GAME MECHANICS.

    Zombie spawn mechanics suck. Thanks for reading this rant, let's hope the devs see it.

    submitted by /u/Zhrocknian
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    Played for 8 days straight and learned some things on xbox one about the community

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:45 AM PST

    No, I'm not a loser living in grandmas basement, I had an operation on my back that basically put me in the recliner for 8 days. In that 8 days I played primarily 7d2d on Xbox, these are my takeaways.

    - In those 8 days I joined 48 games, 7 by answering the actual club request, the other 41 by just random joins from the game itself or that I hosted (9 games).

    - I'm a member of two 7d2d "clubs" on xbox, with these 2 clubs you can still find a at least 3-5 games an hour starting, (folks posting request for others to join them through xbox clubs), there are still LOTs of people playing this game on Xbox.

    - Of those 48 games one reached day 19, all the others died out before for one reason or another. Only being able to have 4 active players at once hurt the chances of the game surviving. Multiple times I or the host had to deny folks access because we were already at 4.
    More times then not someone would post a game and then within 1-2 hours, they would quit and I'd never hear from them again, even after friending.

    - Of the 48 games, 32 of them where Navezgane.

    - Of the 48 games, 31 of them had zombies not running at night.

    - Of the 48 games, the game experienced an MD5 error on 5 of them. All 5 host had not heard of the MD5, nore did they know the delete save game file trick after crash that helps prevent it. Of the 5 MD5 error games, 4 of them happened in games we had actually built something underground (bunker bases)

    - I lost count of the total game crashes after around 100, a few things I noticed about the crashes when I hosted. More times then not the games crashed while I was on the minibike or quickly running through my inventory/skill tabs.

    - Of the 48 games, 41 times we initially ended up trying to live in a POI, there wasn't much creativity in folks wanting to build something from scratch.

    - Young kids play this game ALOT. In all 48 games, we had at least someone 12 or younger, my gosh do they like to talk, lol.

    - Hardly noone knew the history of the console version, where it was today or what the future held, even though they "thought" they did. I had one kid who tried to tell me that Alpha 18 was coming to console, in January 2020 and was ready to fight when I told him I didn't think that was going to happen. I only came across maybe 2 people that knew the Telltale debacle. Only came across 1 person that followed 7d2d on Reddit.

    - In the 48 games i played, only once did I come across a female player, I really thought this was low no?

    - Folks don't really like joining games your already 6-7 days into, everyone wants the fresh start. We always had trouble getting back to 4 once the game was a few days in.

    I could go on an on. I think the takeaway here is that LOTs of people are still playing this game, even in it's current state. I know I am, I'll play for 2-3 months, go to something else but I always seems to come back. I also enjoy the grind for some reason. I truly hope we haven't seen the last of 7d2d on console, I'm hoping with the huge power increase we are getting with next years console that they pick it back up.

    Happy Holidays to everyone!!!!

    submitted by /u/Armyballer
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    Someone play 7 days to die on ps4?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:37 PM PST

    I really like this game, but always i played alone, and now im searching for people to play together in a random gen world.

    submitted by /u/pipe399
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    Is there any updated one when ps4 version of the game is gonna be updated? I just started playing again after a year

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:40 PM PST

    Looking for some hordenight base tips.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 02:40 PM PST

    I keep getting destroyed on the horde night because I can't figure out zombie pathing. I made a base that was built into the side of a hill but the zombies just dug down into the base even through I had a hallway lined with false doors to lure them. No matter what I try they get in. Had an idea to build 3x3 pit with a blade trap and electric fences on the bottom that I would stand under and hopefully the fall damage + blade would take them out. Not sure if it will work.

    submitted by /u/Gagsgd98
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    Try playing as a nomad.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:43 AM PST

    Really it' s an amazing way to experience the game, i maxed lucky lotter on the first day and on day 6 i already have a tier 5 ak-47, a tier 5 reinforced baton and a tier 5 pistol as well as water and food for one e more week and a complete set of steel and more than 600 round of ammo for each gun.

    I believe the horde will be a complete joke with all these weapons and fighting it in the open will be really fun

    Please,try playing like this,its a blast, just remember to put points into pack mule and read every book and schematic

    submitted by /u/Isapeth
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    Wanting a party to play xbox with

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:01 PM PST

    Im wanting to start playing this game, ive loved it forever but never had the people to play it with. Anyone interested, if so add me and message me gt: DrownedMADDAWG

    submitted by /u/PithKingofTerapithia
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    Money or does it have a use ?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:52 AM PST

    What do you do with silver and gold? I wanted to sell it but i wasn't sure if it has a use for weapons or armour and stuff like that.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Tig
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