• Breaking News

    Monday, February 10, 2020

    7 Days To Die Modded Monday - February 10, 2020

    7 Days To Die Modded Monday - February 10, 2020

    Modded Monday - February 10, 2020

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Looking for advice or help on where to start with modding for 7 Days to Die? Are you having trouble finding a particular mod, or opinions of what mod to play next?

    Post below with what you're having trouble with or what you're looking for!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My base is ready to take day 42 max Z count horde night. Build in 1 game week

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:29 AM PST

    found the sham factory...........

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:26 PM PST

    i found the sham factory and as i soon as i went through the front door i saw all the precious cobblestone and concrete, i got to work...................and almost 3 days, all of my ammo, and all of health stuff i thought i had finnally cleared the thing and could work in peace......then this happened.

    btw, this is the first time ive encountered green zombies, and i panicked. i panicked hard.


    submitted by /u/putnamto
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    You know exactly what I thought when I saw this costume.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:44 PM PST

    Condensed 7 Days: Episode 2

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 07:01 PM PST

    Dedicated Server?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:20 PM PST

    I am starting a server for my discord tomorrow and am wondering if there are any real advantages to having a dedicated serving rather than just running a server through the game? Any advice is appreciated

    submitted by /u/rowingrower77
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    Skill point issues

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:00 PM PST

    Recently started a server with a friend and we wanted to increase the skill points earned per level to 2. I edit it in the server progression file and save. I've tried doing it with/without resetting the server and for some reason the value keeps getting set back to 1. Any ideas as to what is going on? We're using pingperfect for our server host.

    submitted by /u/Itzzred
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    Having issues with hosted server saving settings

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:11 PM PST

    Having issues with hosted server saving settings

    Was wondering if anyone else saw this lately in their hosted server or person server. I edit the serverconfigmain.xml and change something simple like say "drop on death toolbelt only" and save it, restart the server and STILL in game everything is dropped on death. I have tried everything including

    Am I editing the right file even? I think I am its in the root of my server host.

    Deleting and uploading the file
    Editing directly on the server (while it is shut down of course)
    Starting a new world.

    This seems to be happening a lot in this game lately with various odd bugs. Not sure if anyone else sees this. If you dont, what server host are you using :)

    This is in version 18.4 (b3) NOT MODDED. It was also happening BEFORE i used the experimental version

    My file looks like the following (this is a sample part of my file)


    submitted by /u/pvthudson01
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    what POI has a lot of Cement

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:47 PM PST

    So im the looter and we need lot of Cement for concrete and my mining sucks, so what POIs in navezgane has lots of cement?

    submitted by /u/Noobanious
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    Stamina bug, A18

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 05:47 PM PST

    Somehow, Someway, my Stamina Regen is like 900 per second. I admit to having a moonshine problem, but aside from that... Anyway to fix this? =p

    submitted by /u/xTriskalx
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    PSA: Makeshift "AND" logic gate

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 12:51 AM PST

    I wanted a trap to only activate when a zombie steps on a pressure plate, just to find out that there is no logic combinators available in game. After some quick googling yielded no results, I fiddled about a bit, and found a way to chain triggers into a makeshift "AND" logic gate. Since I couldn't find anything about it, I thought it might be relatively unknown and could help some of you in your builds :-)

    Here's the logic in abstract terms:

    Power Source
    -> Trigger A
    --> Switch (Toggled to "ON")
    ---> Trigger B
    ----> Target Component(s)

    The switch only receives power if Trigger A is active. If Trigger A is not active, the circuit behind the switch is deactivated, alongside all components on this circuit, including Trigger B. Thus, Trigger B is only active once Trigger A has activated, resulting in an "AND" logic gate. Here's the example I built right in front of a door:

    -> Pressure Plate
    --> Switch (Toggled to "ON")
    ---> Motion Sensor set to "Zombies"
    ----> Dart Trap above Pressure Plate
    ----> Electrical Fence above Pressure Plate

    This way, I can happily use my door, while zombies will be all hellraisered. I haven't done further testing on this (whether maybe relays or other components work instead of a switch), but since that basically gives you AND alongside OR, we should be able to build any logic one could ever wish for, cumbersome as it may be.

    I would expect there to be a time delay between the activation of Trigger A and Trigger B, so the logic probably isn't instantaneous, which is something to keep in mind when attempting more complex setups, or setups that require very precise timing.

    submitted by /u/Earl_of_Earlier
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    Finding mushroom spores

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 04:12 PM PST

    Hi I'm playing the latest 18.4 on PC. Trying to find mushrooms/mushroom spores. The guides say in caves but I haven't seen any... other than trying to find houses with basements with spores in them or the trader offering them has anyone found a good source for either?

    submitted by /u/Ahralia
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    7 Days to Die - Hospital Horde - My latest Horde vid, and holy hell - the new Zombie AI is good at finding you, no matter where you hide.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:12 PM PST

    Can’t join any friends and they can’t join me

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:03 PM PST

    When I try joining friends it loads for a bit but then fails every time. They can join me but every 10 mins or so they freeze and have to restart their game. This has been happening ever since I bought the game a couple years ago. I've tried pretty much everything I can think of and can't find any solutions online. Anyone know if there's a solution? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/MyPotato6776
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    Starting a Playstation Wolrd

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 10:00 AM PST

    Looking for others that want to start a world on PS4 I know the game is not updated like PC but I still enjoy it. My discord is blackdiamond#0324 if you're interested.

    submitted by /u/blackdiamond923
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    Looking for a good clothing mod. Clothing selection seems a bit thin.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:17 PM PST

    Nitrogen RWG - dtm_processed.raw error

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:01 PM PST

    Hi. I'm continuously getting an error: IOException: Sharing violation on path C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\mapname

    I have no idea what to do. I checked java version, I checked files integrity, I deleted all saves and generated words. Pls halp...

    submitted by /u/tytasowski
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    Is the game really worth it on pc?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 01:01 PM PST

    I only have 7 days to die on Xbox but it's not up to date, and no one plays it that much anymore.I just wanted to hear what you all had to say if it's worth it's price on pc

    submitted by /u/Dr_radical18
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    Best blocks to work with

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 11:17 AM PST

    Consider you're not in any particular rush to build a base. You want more xp to level up but you also don't have a lot of any resources to spare.

    What would you say is the best build path xp-wise and resource-wise to go through if you can plan things ahead?

    • Wood frames all the way to concrete blocks
    • Flagstone into cobblestone into concrete blocks
    • Rebar frames into concrete
    • Straight to wet concrete blocks
    submitted by /u/augustovj
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    Horde Night

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Anyone else's horde nights incredibly boring and easy. I'm on day 43 and the last horde was so boring. I mean I stood in one place the entire time, and all I got was regular zombies. Is this happening to anyone else??

    submitted by /u/Bung420
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    Shotgun turret fires but doesn’t kill?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 02:11 AM PST

    Noticed zombies twitching out and just laying or standing there until you shoot them with your weapon, then get the kill xp.

    However all my shotgun turrets fire once and then the normal zombies stay in a permanent passive state on floor or standing up until I a) shoot them and get the kill xp or b) despawn after around a minute or so. Anyone come across this? Not found anything searching. Also didn't notice it mentioned in 18.4 exp.

    PC, 18.3, dedicated server running no mods. Any help or acknowledgement it's a known bug will put me mind at ease haha!

    submitted by /u/Insolopia
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    Should I buy?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:14 AM PST

    I had this on PC but never played a lot of it, although I liked it. Since then I've become a PS4 gamer (because life reasons) and I'm mostly playing games like Ark and Conan.

    So, I was contemplating picking this up for PS4 and getting in to it. Is it decent on PS4? Is it possible to enjoy solo?

    submitted by /u/Vonatar-74
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    A little bit of variation to the zombie and animal sizes would be really nice

    Posted: 10 Feb 2020 09:06 AM PST

    That's it. It'll add a bit of fun in having to adjust the aim. Should be easy to implement, plus no cost in new textures and animations.

    submitted by /u/lastberserker
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