• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    7 Days To Die Seedy Sunday - April 26, 2020

    7 Days To Die Seedy Sunday - April 26, 2020

    Seedy Sunday - April 26, 2020

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Have you found or are looking for a good or interesting seed to use?

    If you're sharing a seed please use something similar to this format for others to easily find what they might be looking for

    Game version (A15/16/17/etc):

    Map size:


    Map Coordinates:

    Features/POI's to look out for:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Visited my mate's new base the other day and after he logged off I left him a little surprise on the wall

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Losing interest. Not getting anywhere.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    So I have actually played before but never get anywhere. I get up to the point where I have a furnace pr whatever its called, and then I kinda just lose interest. I must be missing something else to do. Help?! What are goals I should have.

    submitted by /u/Gavin-White
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    Anyone know how to fix this?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Steam achievements

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Does anyone know if items crafted in workstations or chem and such count towards the crafting achievement?

    submitted by /u/bobcatmike666
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    AK-47 vs Shotgun

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    First time playing Alpha 18 and I found a level 4 AK 47 and a level 4 pump shotgun. Both seem pretty solid weapons. Any suggestions on which perks to invest in first?

    submitted by /u/WakeoftheStorm
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    I think I'm ready for the zombie apocalypse now...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    Maybe if everyone plays 7days to die on xbox , get enough xbox live post they will try to update it again

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    Guys, is there any way to disable the rage mode in A18 PC?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    I just don't like rage mode but I like how optimized (compared to older alphas) is the game in A18 and I wanted to know if there was a way to take rage mode out the game

    submitted by /u/The_Duh_Guy
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    Anyone got PVP tips.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Anyone here that is playing on pvp servers that know what skills are good and weapons to win fights easier i am constantly getting demolished by player where it seems that my bullets are not even damaging him. Like what armor do you guys use what is your favorite weapon / skills to run with the weapon etc. what is your strategy when starting on a new server tips are really appreacited.

    submitted by /u/Swiftkd
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    I have some questions about Moding

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    [PC only]

    So I've played this game off and on since it was released. Thought I'd check it out again. Personally I don't really care for multiplayer anymore so atm I'm just playing single player making my own game. I've added some mods and they are working great. I'm just trying to get a better understanding of the mods and how they work at this point.

    So I guess my for my first question, if I have a friend join my game do they need to have the same mods in order to do so? How does this work? (ie. War3zuk mods)

    I'm sure I have other questions. But for now I'll try to keep it simple.

    submitted by /u/LikaFox
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    Lag at base

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I've been having this problem with my base since I've upgraded it with max graphics settings. It just lags a lot whilst I'm near it to the point that my fps dip below 30 and my GPU is used 100%. I can play other high end games with high settings and have over 75 fps and the rest of the map doesn't lag. Is there any fix.

    submitted by /u/SkyCrue
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    Zombies freezing in place

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    Anyone having an issue where zombies are freezing in place randomly? They can still attack but just can't walk. It has been becoming more frequent. Is there a way to fix or reload zombies without restarting the server?

    submitted by /u/d3m0nicsoul
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    Are The Dev Gonna Change The Skill System in A19???

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    Because the current one make no sense!

    submitted by /u/Salmagros
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    Does anyone want to play 7 days to die

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Looking for gamers on Steam who would like to play 7 days to die. I'm pretty bored in quarantine and got some time on my hands. I'm f/20, females are preferred. If anyone is interested add me on steam @ queenmakavelli. 🧟‍♂️🤺

    submitted by /u/queenadidjah
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    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    We just lost a forge, cement mixer, workstation, and a massive amount of looted shit. We live on the bullshit island(it's our first time ever playing the game) and the bait shop, just reset completely. What do, any help is helpful, like where can I get mechanical parts easily, if There's a way we can get some stuff back, anything would be great!

    submitted by /u/Baconnaissance
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    Looking for a 3rd player in our survival Trio [EU] region

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    Hi, my friend and I are looking for a third player to play with us. hmu on Discord


    submitted by /u/Avius_Si-muntu
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    Who’s online right now ? Lets build an empire !

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    Too bad we dnt have any updates but we can still make it fun let's do it ! Add my PSN TTV_StatDaMacc

    submitted by /u/SamuraiSlim007
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    Any tips for handling POIs? I've seem to lost my grit for the game.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    I just can't handle it anymore lol I end up going so focus and tunnel that when a zombie makes even a noise, i jump. I was never like this with 7DTD.

    I try to loot a house, but sneaking seems POINTLESS because some zombies seem like they're just scripted to get up and attack when you enter the room. Some zombies hide RIGHT insdie a doorway which is terrifying, and the worst part is, there used to be a simple way of handling that, which is just shattering a window, and they would wake up and move.

    That's still there, I shatter a window and wake up what zombies I can, but some just don't move, and sneaking is kind of pointless cause of it. I know I can hit the zombie from the other side o the doorway with a spear though.

    Then there's the rage mechanic I personally liked, until they put in super rage. Super rage is incredibly overkill for a zombie and i wish there was a way to take it out. A zombie going into a light dash for a couple seconds is fine, perfectly fine, even though they're supposed to be completely dead and not capable of actually sprinting with their legs and should be shamblers, but whatever, a light dash is fine, adds a little danger to them.

    Super rage though? A zombie going into a FULL SPRINT FOR 10+ SECONDS is not fine. Especially early game where, maybe you're tired of being FORCED into putting your rare early level points into SExual Tyrannosarus and other Stamina perks just to outrun the fucking zombies, so you go ANYTHING else.

    Now you're trying to outsprint a zombie with high stamina costs, and you run out while the zombie still has super rage going. I've had super rage last 10+ seconds a little too much for my liking. It makes clearing houses way too hard when you have to sprint out of hte house and down the street just to kite the damn walker. Don't get me started on just natural ferals, at least those seem rare enough as is.

    You also end up wasting a lot of time just trying to kill the couple zombies in a house when THEY ALL enrage at some point and force you back and out of the house just to handle them.

    I stopped going Blunt builds because it's boring once you get like three points into the blunt weapons perk. And I shouldn't feel like I HAVE to put wooden spikes down in a house and just let zombies shamble themselves into them while I sit twiddling my dick, since killing them with wooden spikes does not give a chance at a loot bag or experience.

    So I"m asking, how am I supposed to handle POIs early on? The small corridors, enrage mechanic, zombies that don't respond to any noise at all so you can actually lure them out and instead are scripted ot just wait for you to come by so they can jumpscare catch you, all make it seem too time consuming and difficult to actually try and clear houses, which is the best source of loot early on until you're geared enough for dungeons.

    Stun Baton doesn't work because it's RNG when you get a charge to stun the zombie, and even then THE ZOMBIE ISN'T STUNNED, it can still swing and hit you while it's frozen in place, it only stuns it's movements, not it's attack, which is wrong. It shoul stun the ENTIRETY of the zombie, attacks and movement.

    I spam make arrows and try that, but I burn through 10+ arrows for a single BASIC zombie, even more for the medium and big ones.

    For now I feel like I have to spam spike traps in a house and make a bunch of noise and then just pray I don't have any stragglers scripted to stay in place no matter what until I'm in melee range, an that I have to just bulid up a noob tower to the top of buildings to get the loot at the top that way , which is cheesy and cheapens the experience. (Personally think they s hould put roof loot in a small shack or room at the top so you can't just just climb up)

    Anyone got any advice? Playing on Survivalist, trying to do a bleed build. So far I"m just stabbing twice with a bone knife to put max stacks of bleed, and then just waiting around reapplying bleeds and running form enrage.

    submitted by /u/Psychatix
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    Mod noob

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Hi there!

    I've been playing the game for years now but have never felt the need to use mods or anything of the such, ive recently been trying to use the debug menus but wondering if there is a way to spawn for example 25 wolves in to the game but for them to appear in random locations rather than all right I front of me?

    submitted by /u/yepitschristinaa
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    Is console just deserted? Are they ever going to update console or is it a lost cause?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:32 AM PDT

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