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    Monday, October 26, 2020

    7 Days To Die When You Login but Forget It’s Horde Night πŸ˜”

    7 Days To Die When You Login but Forget It’s Horde Night ��

    When You Login but Forget It’s Horde Night ��

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    Made a little somethin'-somethin' while bored at work today

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    Now That's how you pick a lock!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    oh cool what a nice house i wonder what loot is in it then boom underground bunker

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    When you find Coal, Iron, Lead, and Nitrate in the same ore deposit

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    Just finished my little tree--er, honey farm :)

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    Looking for an simple horde base that can be expanded easily? Check out Evolution of a Horde Base, a step-by-step guide, where we're creating a simple base and expanding on it weekly. This week we've added a second floor & basement. Next week we'll start on the outer walls & parking garage.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    I want to take this game seriously...

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    But every single house is a maze with drop traps, people that died before they could come out of the closet, and vultures resting on the roof. Why are there dozens of zombies chilling in 2 bedroom houses and almost none wandering around? Have to mod the game to spawn 4x as many zombies just to make it feel like a zombie game. Had to remove vultures from the game entirely now that they are such a nuisance when you get in vehicles.

    New zombie textures look great but let me know when I can make Bacon and Eggs without having to "learn the recipe" or waste a skill point.

    End rant...

    submitted by /u/MclaurinPCBuilds
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    We are amazing at this game.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    So the GF and I started playing a couple weeks ago and it was a nightmare. Default difficulty, turned down the zombie running settings, XP up, tweaked XML to give 2 points per level.

    We decided because of how death works in the game, in order for us to have a challenge we would play with a modified version of permadeath. We assume each other have expert medical skills and if one of us survives an encounter, they can revive the other. Basically, if one person dies, the other person can't respawn until the survivor makes it back to base safe.

    World 1. Day one. We spawn into a freshly generated RWG. We figure out how to form a group, we're excited. I punch a small rock. We realize we can see each other on our compass and start moving towards each other. We meet up and I'm amazed at how she's already managed to tame a bear... wait, it's not tame?

    World 2. Day 1.... We do better this time. We make it to a trader, we do some POIs, she discovers knuckle wraps and that she can make zombies heads explode when you punch them in the face. She will never use another weapon other than a machine gun and that, only begrudgingly.

    Day 7. Our first Horde night. I've done some research, I don't wanna cheese. A lot of people say that the first horde isn't that bad. We'd found this quaint little shack near the trader, looks sturdy... mortared wood walls, it even has it's own little outhouse. I saw a thing where people put a hatch down in front of their door and just beat the zombies to death as they run into it. Stupid Zombies. So I do that. I make and reinforce a hatch at the front door, I reinforce the windows and doors around the house to make all those 'weak points' a lot stronger. We are ready!

    Thunder, Lightning, creepy sounds, we're excited. we're waiting patiently by the hatch for our first skulls to smash. Nothing shows up... we wonder if we're too well fortified and they've just given up. We do hear some weird sounds from the back of the house, we assume it's just them beating on my heavily fortified door like morons. Then we hear the clatter of falling wood, I get hit in the head with something and everything goes blurry, she yells "THEY MADE A NEW DOOR".

    I'll miss that little shack.

    Some highlights from other worlds before the current:

    I added a mod that gives you more storage in vehicles. I don't feel bad about that. She's a bloody magpie and picks up everything. We also added the whiteriver citizens mod which is amazing.

    We've camped out on top of the movie theater, made it through day 7 and day 14 no problems. Didn't even see anyone until we went down and they came running out. Day 21, we experienced "structural integrity" mechanics and died when our theater turned into a rubble heap underneath us. This was the world in which she discovered steel knuckles and I got to hear her laughing maniacally and saying "I'm punchin the meat outa this bear!"

    In Another world, I create a maze of cement blocks that ends with a ramp up to a platform that stands over the maze. I put bars around the platform so we could walk around the edges and shoot zombies as they wander through the maze. I'm under the impression that they will see an open path to us and walk through my maze to the ramp and whatever we don't kill in the maze we'll pick off on the ramp. The Zombies, seemingly uninterested in mazes, attacked the a wall until they broke a block, jumped up their newly created staircase, ran along the walls on top of the maze, jumped onto our platform and ate our tasty tasty brain meats. I spend 4 days building the maze. We died before midnight. She was... unimpressed.

    Another attempt, this time was the wizards tower, slightly modified, from Vedui... theres a thread on that. It failed, she got yeeted off the tower by Captain Punchy my robotic sledge, I died heroically trying to save her.

    Fast forward to last night. We've made it through the day 35 horde with a mix of movie theater and hiding on top of the big shotgun mesiah factory tower. I"ve build a 2x2 hallway that goes deep into a mountain, steel walls, floor, and ceiling. I've lined the floor with iron doors that have been reinforced so we can pop 2 up and if they start to break through, back off and pop up another. It has a long escape tunnel out the rear that has heavy duty vault doors on either end to dissuade zombies from taking that path. If I've learned anything about the AI... this should work. We're at gamestage ~140 and kitted out. We have all the skills, a beefy tunnel, and a desire to see our crops grow one more time. Will we survive? Most likely not. Every base attempt I've made has failed horribly. The only time we survive a bloodmoon is if we cower on top of a POI and hope we've picked one that can take the onslaught of angry, lost zombies inside.

    If we die this time, we're going to tweak our difficulty, probably remove the double skill points, and I'm going to attempt to generate a large city map with Nitrogen so we can have a different experience. I think I'm gonna turn it up a bit, non-bloodmoon days and nights are completely non-threatening right now and it gets a little boring sometimes. But... we don't want to abandon this game, we've got a lot of time into it now and it's the farthest we've made it. If yet another of my base ideas fails though... she may lose faith in me :(

    submitted by /u/SteamMonkey
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    Editing progression xml for more skill points per level, but file resets on load?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    I am trying to put 5 skill points per level up on my single player game. But after I save the file and load the game, the progression xml resets to 1 skill per level. Am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/agedwisdom
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    I want 24/7 night time for my next playthrough

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    So in 7 Days is there a file I can modify or a mod I can download to make it so I can have night time 24/7, last I checked best you could do currently is 12/12

    submitted by /u/PwnsaurusRex
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    Do wedge tips still make zombies fall in A19?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    I used bridges of cobblestone wedge tips a lot during A18 as base defense, since zombies would always try to cross them and fall. Does this still work in A19?

    submitted by /u/Hawkwood_
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    Interesting way to play the game?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    So I have played 7Days a few times I am by no means an expert. However, I run a dedicated server and though about a cool way to play the game. Here is my list of the setup.

    1. One big 16k or larger city
    2. 20+ zombies per person
    3. Horde every 10 days (to make figuring it out at a glance faster)
    4. Loot spawns 500%
    5. No special zombies
    6. Zombies are normal speed, run only at night.
    7. No ferals, maybe no irradiated
    8. No bears, but plenty of other wildlife
    9. Skill points are a bit more plenty by giving 2-3 per level
    10. Things like farms and forest areas are not very plentiful
    11. Starting with a bike

    This is a bit of a simulated (though watered down) way of being in a large city like New York or something. I am sure someone has thought of this before and its nothing new but its a thought i had when looking at options in the NitroGen world generator.

    I may introduce some mods and maybe increase the difficulty here and there by adding in special zombies at some point but this is just one step to see how far i can take it.

    submitted by /u/Wdrussell1
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    Initial skill build for solo / single player?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    I've recently return to the game after several years away and the skill system has become a major road block for me. I've always been terrible at creating builds for anything and as such have been the type to completely forego theory crafting or planning for myself and just look up what would be best as described by others with more experience and understanding, but unfortunately, I've not really found anything like that for 7d2d, and so I'm here. I'm looking for guidance as to which skills to take early on to make the game go more smoothly.

    I understand that I should be able to take nearly all of the skills by late game and I have a general idea of where I want to be mid-game-ish as a techie / sniper / base builder where I can feel relatively safe in my base behind turrets and thick walls and comfortably pick off enemies from afar while out and about (someone please stop me right now if that's not a viable path). The problem is that this path doesn't really work at all early on. Bladed weapons feel almost useless in the first few days and I've not found a worthwhile gun at all yet (have only made it 2-3 days in before dying so far) so Agi perks don't seem like a good idea. Additionally, even if I were able to build a few turrets early, the heatmap system seems like its been made quite a bit more aggressive so putting up something that's going to loudly and indiscriminately kill zombies in the first few days also doesn't seem to make sense.

    So the question again is, what early skill path should I take as a solo player to ensure I can have a decent base and not struggle terribly to kill zombies, while not over committing to something like a strength path that would delay my progress toward my desired outcome?


    EDIT: I should point out here that I play the game as "One life to live" so I can't really fail upwards as I'm forced to restart after every death. This is why I'm looking for a safer path in strong defenses and ranged engagement.

    submitted by /u/Spaced-Invader
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    7 Days To Die | Alpha 19.2 | Let's Test the Lucky Looter Perk Part 2

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    How do you control Demos?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    I had a very tough end to my horde night.

    Day 119 horde night. I had just raised the zombie level to 64.

    Things were going well. It was almost 4AM. I was feeling pretty good about a tough blood moon. Then a Demo went off and blew up the last remaining AI path to my bunker.

    Instead of an easy clean up, the screamers joined in, and horde night ran over until noon the next day.

    So my question is... How do you manage Demos? I tried SMG turrets, but they take a lot to take a demo down. Do I just upgrade everything to steel blocks? Any tips or tricks for dispatching demos would be appreciated.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Steelspy
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    DEVS: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add more variation to the questing system

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    I stopped doing quests recently because Rekt only wants to give me Shamway, SM Factory, or the Apartment in Gravestowne. I'm not a fan of the loot once and then start the quest to loot again mechanic or doing the same quests over and over, I like to explore every POI once and never go there again.

    I'm not 100% sure how it works on random gen since I play Navezgane but I'm pretty sure depending on which trader ends up being which tier for you, they give different quests (kind of like how Rekt gives me some tier IV and tier III quests that are different than what I got from the appropriate traders for those tiers in my game) so please make it so that the higher tier traders will vary quests out of all in the available pool instead of only giving quests that are a certain distance from that trader. I don't care if they give me a quest 5km away, by endgame that's no longer an issue.

    Players, If there is a way to enable this in the console already please let me know. I love questing but I don't want to repeat the same quests over and over. Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/Appropriate-Pepper19
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    Lag on random gen world?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Anyone else experience lag on 19.2 . Mostly in big building like shotgun hq and on the motorcycle. My systems not great but wasn't as bad before the update. Getting really annoyed any help would be great.

    submitted by /u/Intelligent_Fun9037
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    Top 5 Sledge Hammer Mods

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Arlene, I am not interested. Stop it.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    This only took 30 Minutes

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Modded Monday - October 26, 2020

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Looking for advice or help on where to start with modding for 7 Days to Die? Are you having trouble finding a particular mod, or opinions of what mod to play next?

    Post below with what you're having trouble with or what you're looking for!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    2nd Horde Night Post Mortem and Gamestage Musings.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    So, in my game it is day 15 now. Following advice from my previous thread, I started building a tunnel into a nearby mountain and specced hard into strength for faster mining on a new game file.

    But I quickly realized that using a stone axe on rock was getting me almost nowhere and a tier 1 pickaxe was better but still slow. So on day 5, I built a small 5 x 5 cobble structure using the rocks I already harvested and surrounded it completely by 7 deep wooden traps and wooden hatches in the openings so I could club and shoot.

    Day 7 arrived and the horde was...easy. Any damage from swarms on any hard pressed sides were fixed on the go with extra resources. I had my wooden club and a blunderbuss quality 3.

    Having easily survived day 7, My next priority was to get a forge, bike, and workbench. Unfortunately for me I got none of these things until day 12 and in the nights in between I kept mining with a better pickaxe. I realized on day 13 that I wouldn't be able to set up a defense for the long ass cave tunnel I made that would be able to defend against a huge wave. So I returned to my partially abandoned day 7 base, and made an extra layer of walls and now a 10 deep field of traps and barbed wire.

    Day 14

    This time I had a quality 4 pistole, quality 3 shotgun, quality 2 AK, and my trusty now modded club. I had replaced the wooden hatches with upgraded scrap iron and had the robot plunger on the roof to punt any vultures that may show up. While this horde was longer, it was also easier than the 7th day. But it got me thinking. By this time I was level 32 and out of game I was looking up how gamestage was calculated. Which meant that for my dreams of an underground base defense, I had already wasted a lot of time which probably won't be realized until I get late game digging tools anyway or a friend to dig with me.

    So with this knowledge in mind I calculated htat I would likely be around gamestage 75 by day 21 and I know I won't be seeing a higher tier of weaponry until gamestage 90 or so. At this point I am thinking of abandoning my tower idea and trying to go for a secondary base defense building nearby I could retreat to via catwalk but small enough such that it would be within my claim block zone + bedroll. I am still robotic parts short of building a robotic turret and I certainly ahve the resources to build another tiny base. What I don't know is if the next Horde Night is the one where the shit hits the fan or not.


    I was thinking of starting over and building a primarily above ground base that is effectively a ramp that forces the zombies to go up into it to reach me from which I can rain death down upon without missing easily and not being easily dug out by building a wide foundation. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/shiftshapercat
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    Easter Egg

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    So, I didnt get a pic of it. But, has anyone else found the Nightmare on Elm St. House?

    It's a really good homage to the movies! And, I havent seen a lot of mentions about it.

    submitted by /u/PackRat95
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