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    Sunday, November 8, 2020

    7 Days To Die Seedy Sunday - November 08, 2020

    7 Days To Die Seedy Sunday - November 08, 2020

    Seedy Sunday - November 08, 2020

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Have you found or are looking for a good or interesting seed to use?

    If you're sharing a seed please use something similar to this format for others to easily find what they might be looking for

    Game version (A15/16/17/etc):

    Map size:


    Map Coordinates:

    Features/POI's to look out for:

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Pro-Tip: You can pre-throw spears

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:28 AM PST

    Farming IRL is actually fun!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:25 PM PST

    Early game loot be like

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:21 AM PST

    Casting Couch?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:00 PM PST

    For all The Office fans out there

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:23 AM PST

    New player here. Need advice for playing permadeath mode mode.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:11 PM PST

    Obviously there's not a permadeath setting in the game but I'm a huge roguelike fan and I just find survival games so much more thrilling when played this way. So if I die I restart and generate a map I haven't seen before. However, if I were to die from some silly glitch that was just ridiculous I'd continue playing as it wasn't a lack of skill or strategy that caused my death. I play offline SP.

    Anyway, I happened to notice someone mentioning that the game increases the difficulty based on how many times you've died. And being a new player I'm not super experienced with all the special zombies and stuff. I don't think I've even seen most of them yet.

    Is there anything I can do to alter that? Maybe in the .xml files? Or are there other options I should consider to make it more possible to survive long term like change the BM frequency or maybe just BM range? The only settings change I use is 90 min day cycle. Everything else is default - adventurer difficulty, I believe. Whatever the default is.

    I'm only in day 12 and this is the farthest I've made it out of about 5 tries. My first couple deaths were to an exploding zombie that I didn't know existed. It was in the attic of a house very near my initial spawn and I think I died on like day 6 that run. The next death was stepping on a land mine while trying to loot a military base. Didn't know they existed either lol!

    Am I attempting an exercise in futility? Is this an unrealistic approach? Or is there something I can do to tweak settings and make it possible?

    I'm not looking for easymode. I just love this game so much since I found it and really want to play this way.

    submitted by /u/Ray_Zell
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    Advanced Rotation - Time Saver!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:49 AM PST

    I've got 2.5k hours now and I've only just discovered this! When using Advanced Placement, left clicking (obviously) moves to the next rotation- but holding R and left clicking moves back one! Such a time saver!

    submitted by /u/Opinion87
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    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:09 PM PST

    Hey guys I've been playing 7days for a while now but never played with a big group only 1 other friend feel free to send me a PM and let's get a big world going!

    submitted by /u/Xdwyer00
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    Land claim block question

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:59 PM PST

    I have a main base that I use for all my workstations, storage, etc. I am currently building a new horde base. I know that if you place a land claim and then put your workstations down, you can pick them up later. If I want to use my land claim to help build the horde base using traps and electricity, can I break the land claim, use it at my Horde base to place and move around traps then put it back later at my regular base? If I remove the claim block, will everything be stuck there permanently?

    This is on the newest Alpha 19.2

    submitted by /u/iampc93
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    Animal Tracking Bugged?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:43 PM PST

    Playing PC, multiplayer with some friends. Has anyone else had issues with the Animal Tracking perk being bugged? It always lets you know if animals nearby, but sometimes you don't even get the icon, even if they're next to you.

    submitted by /u/AlWantsKnowledge
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    Can I get people to play with ? I'm down for making a base or even just having fun. If anyone thinks the same or wants the same just drop a comment then I'll dm you. Just got the game and succ

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:33 PM PST

    Game loads in as a vertical, can't switch settings and click apply

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:07 AM PST

    Late game - Weapon preference

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:26 PM PST

    A19.2 late game, insanity nightmare. What's the best weapon for late game? I have recently started to prefer the M-60 over the tactile rifle. Scope of Tactile rifle kills the field of view. Haven't done much with handguns or SMG.

    What do you all prefer?

    submitted by /u/Steelspy
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    You're not the only one clearing the area too

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:18 PM PST

    Moving bases.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:58 PM PST

    So I realized too late it seems that building on top of a store is a had idea. Zombies won't stop spawning in and on top of it and there currently isn't a way to block spawns. For reference I am playing in my own private world on base map. Is there an easy way to pick up my crafting stations to move them to a new location or do I have to remake them?

    submitted by /u/xExile99
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    Version change

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:57 AM PST

    I'm currently running A19 2 b4 and none of the mods work with it. Is it possible to go back to A18?

    submitted by /u/AhhhhYouMad
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    Weapon, Armor and Tool System - Rework [Suggestion]

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:17 PM PST

    Heya Reddit and Funpimps, today I wanna suggest a bit of a rework idea on the way guns and weapons currently behave. This is something I thought of for a while when playing the game itself and I feel that my suggestions will not fall on deaf ears here. So let us begin.

    1. The Tier System
    2. Tools and where to find them
    3. Customization and Attachments
    4. Crafting and maintaining
    5. Weaponplay
    6. Upgrades and how to use them
    7. Buffs or effects

    1 - The Tier System

    The way the game currently works is based entirely on a Tier System that once you advance far enough into the game stages becomes utterly useless. Yes you read that correctly. It becomes utterly useless. Now why is that you may ask? Well if you advance far enough, you need not to craft any tools or weapons or armor because eventually you will find purple tier as a reward.

    This pretty much negates any progress you made towards getting to craft any tool, weapon or armor before because you will get the highest tier anyhow.

    If we would get rid of the Tier System and make it so you would craft a base tier tool that eventually would be replaced by a better tool this would work a lot better.

    • Stone Axe
    • Refined Stone Axe
    • Crude Iron Axe
    • Refined Iron Axe
    • Crude Steel Axe
    • Refined Steel Axe.

    If we instead would handle it in this way, giving the player steady upgrades to their tools and perhaps optional ways to upgrade it with craftable items or receive buffs on the tools this would incentivise the player to actually make them with time because it would be adding a significant advantage to their tools and arsenal instead of just a flat damage bonus.

    Now of course we cant add a "crude gun" to the mix because quite obviously this is something that isnt really changeable. The fact that we can craft guns is already taking a lot out of the idea that you need to actually know what you are doing for the sake of the gameplay. WHICH is fine. I am not against it. But there is still a problem here because you effectively never need to craft a gun as guns can simply be found. And upgrading to a higher Tier becomes unnecessary after you realise that you can simply buy or find better ones the further you progress.

    Now they somewhat fixed the issue by only letting you find specific guns in specific game stages which is a somewhat good idea but the problem still persists. Yes it is more akin to my idea with the tool system but the blunderbuss will just be gotten rid of as soon as you get access to the shotgun. Then comes whatever other gun comes next (unsure) and sooner or later you got the AK and the Sniper Rifle and dont need anything else anymore.

    In short: To fix the problem with the Tier System we effectively need to get rid of it. As well as the spawns for the weapons, tools and armor in most if not all locations. Which brings me to Point number 2!

    2 - Tools and where to find them

    We now got rid of the Tier System but the problem of finding them weapons and tools still stands. The player effectively never needs to build them. Just go through enough containers and do enough quests and eventually you will get them. Well, what if I propose that we get rid of most possible locations for any tool, armor or weapon?

    So far, the way it works, you can find anything anywhere. Meaning you can find a pistol in a local home or in trash. You can find a sniper in a locker or out in a shed. You can find military armor in high tier Dungeons or as a reward in the crate of a low tier one. While the last certainly is a reward which is nice to get, the reward itself feels somewhat misplaced when the dungeon itself is a motel attached to a larger house.

    Let me put it this way. If you go to a Pub called "The Winchester" what do you expect to find there? What kinda weaponry? Is it a club? Is it a Blunderbuss? Maybe a SMG? No. You expect to find a Winchester Rifle of course, because the place is called "The Winchester". Doesnt matter if the gun is fake or if the Bartender has ties to the mob. Its a pub named after a Gun. So you are bound to find it there more likely than any other place.

    You can find some serious great loot at the end of dungeons like the church but it makes no sense for it to be there. Why is there a military crate up there? And why does it contain everything but military gear? And why do the guncrates next to it contain more gunparts and guns than the military crate I just opened?

    I can go through a regular household, finding more guns and weapons than actual household items. A wrench? A big ass wrench like to get rid of giant nuts and bolts instead of a cookingpot? Who has such a big wrench in their regular cabinet? And why do the places that look like they work on cars barely have any at all? Heck even the Fire Department should have some. But instead, all this kind of loot is simplified to the point where we simply can find it in any generic storage unit.

    In short: How do we fix the location problem? We need to get rid of most if not all current spawn locations or at the very least make them sensible. Finding guns in almost every household but no actual household items becomes a little bit odd once you start looking into it.

    (Yes I realise that the Military Crate has a completely different loottable. I mentioned this example as a base example of how you can find a lot more stuff in the regular crates and containers themself and how effectively it is useless to actually go up there to loot the big boi crate in the first place. And yes I also know you find a lot more household items in regular cabinets and drawers but the other items can still be found there, which doesnt make much sense.)

    3 - Customization and Attachments

    Now I wont ask to let us customize the guns and tools in the same way as games like Escape from Tarkov. That would be downright silly, though cool as hell. No instead I want the gun customization and tools to be just a lot more indepth. This can be fixed with new models and an overall addition of minor things like upgrades and buffs (See Point 6 and 7).

    If you think about it, what will creating a higher Tier gun or tool or armor grant you? Another attachment slots and flat buffs on certain attributes. Thats it. Nothing more and nothing less. Effectively its just a flat upgrade to the last tier while the new Tier looks still just the same like the last one. While this is pretty much how the game works and we got used to it, it has the same problem as the ones I described in Point 1 but I wont get into that again.

    Instead I want to focus on the Customization and Attachment part of it all. For Customization, we can pretty much as of right now only put on a color and add attachments. The color is useless, its like a spray which is neat but other than that, there isnt much depth here at all. Its just flat bonuses all around. Some which make sense, others which dont (I will get to that a bit further below).

    So let us say we keep the Tier List unlike I previously suggested and only get rid of most if not all spawns (or just make the spawns more sensible). You now found a really neat handgun. It looks snazzy. It fires Boolets and it is yours to play with. Cool. Its Tier 1. What does that mean? Well effectively that means you can only do so much with it and its damage cap is trash. In other words: Hope you find a better one so this one gets useless real quick.

    How can we fix this? Well how about we can customize the gun by crafting certain smaller items up. Maybe give us a way to maintain the gun overall instead of just flat repairing it. Maybe we could have a much more indepth gun customization system, similar to how vehicles worked in a few alphas ago, where we change out the spring or whatever component to make the gun just work better. And this doesnt have to be Tiered mind you, this can work just as much if not better on a No Tier Gun. Because now you have a flat damage gun but you can improve it as you find better customization items. This of course would require the use of better and new models but I dont think this would be a too bad idea for the game since, this would make working with guns a lot more interesting then just hoping to find or buy the highest tier for the highest flat damage.

    The next part in this are the Attachments. Some of them make sense, others dont. Some of them work, others dont. Some of them look really clunky, others dont.A bigger magazine? Yea I get that. A red dot? Looks clunky and too big but yes that fits. A scope? Yep definitely. A silencer? Oh hell yes! A rad remover! OH HELL Y- wait what?

    Dont get me wrong, I get the inclusion of the Rad Remover as an attachment but what does it do? Does it kill Radioactive Zombies? Does it get rid of Radiation we recieved from being hit by those Zombies? Oh I know! It makes it so the Rad Zombies... get… Yea I got nothing. So what does it do? It gets rid of their regenerative abilities! OH! Why of course! Wait what?

    Effectively, its an attachment for a feature implemented that players would have a too difficult time to deal with. Or in other words: We implemented a feature that adds difficulty so here have a feature that negates that difficulty. Once you have a rad remover, in later game stages it is a must have attachment unless you wanna waste more ammo.

    But this isnt the main issue I see with attachments. While some flat out dont make much sense in a customization kinda sense, they are ok. No the real problem comes with how they look and function. Because… They dont look good on the model. Its like a whole new model which was slapped onto the current model and thats it. And Funpimps, I love ya, but I gotta call you out when its necessary. This is what it is. The Red Dot Sight is big and Red and the gun works much better without. You can see that the model wasnt meant for the handgun and it still fits on it.

    This is because it is the only model for the red dot sight that we have. Because the guns themself are not modeled individually. If we would have individual models for guns and attachements this would make customization A. easier and B. a lot more good looking and C. would give us access to a whole new variety of customization options that, if the devs dont want to implement all of them, the community could make mods on. But we need proper working models for that.

    So in short: How do we fix Customization and Attachments? By getting a few more individual models for the guns themself and remodeling or straight up making new models for the attachments for each individual gun. Yes I know this is more work on your part Funpimps, but I think this would be a step in the right direction. Because the list isnt over yet.

    4 - Crafting and maintaining

    I really despise Metro Exodus. I dont like the game one bit. BUT if I like a feature, it is the maintaining and crafting feature. Now overall we have it similar to how Metro Exodus does it already so I cant really talk against that here. But what I can talk about is the crafting and maintaining aspect of tools and guns that the players can find.

    The way it works in Metro Exodus is that the player has their own guns but can find new guns over time. Now usually this would mean a direct swap. But in Metro Exodus you are allowed to strip that gun of its attachments and just do what you want with them on your current gun.

    So let us say we now changed the Spawn Areas and also got rid of the Tier List, we can now find a nice handgun that looks fine, probably slightly broken but overall working and maybe it spawns with a red dot attachment or a silencer. Now we find a new gun, also handgun but this one has an extended mag. Now instead of outright being able to pick up the gun, maybe the player could just make the choice scrap it for the attachments and individual gunparts like the aforementioned spring to then customize their own gun.

    With this system, the current original gunparts would be replaced by the individual parts you would need to make a gun in the first place. It could work similarily to the way you make a vehicle nowadays, by crafting a frame. But instead of crafting the rest, you would need to find it first.

    The next game I like to take inspiration from is Rust. Because in Rust you cant just craft everything you want, you need to research it first and then you can craft it all you want. In older versions of the game, this is how gun crafting worked. You couldnt just make guns with knowledge, you needed to first have a forge, get molds, make them into gun part molds and THEN you could make a new gun out of it. Now I am not saying "Lets go back to this" but maybe something similar to this and Rust would be a good idea too be added.

    Lets say the player finds a gun and now wants to customize it. That works. But the player should kind of have the ability to craft better parts overall right? So lets say, we now add a new workbench called "The Researchtable". With this research table the player could unlock recipes based on sheer exploration. For instance, if the player finds 10 springs and researches them, the player finds a way not only to make the springs but also finds a way to make a much better spring in return. This way the player could improve their items over time and it would make the guns and tools themself work a lot more in the players favor.

    Hell it would even make it into something more special because now you make this gun into your gun. It isnt just a random lootable object anymore you slap a few attachments onto.

    It would also make it so that actually maintaining that gun with repair kits a lot more sensible than tedious because after like 60 shots right now you need to use it anyhow. (Just an example out of my behind, I know it takes longer for the guns to wear down). And maybe instead of using repair kits to outright repair the gun as a whole, we could now add gun oil to the game as well, giving us lets say 25% repair instead of 100%. This gunoil then could later be used in research to create proper repair kits. But only after about… uh… lets say 100 gun oils were researched. Or maybe its a timed research. That could work too.

    So in short: How do we fix Crafting and Maintaining? By going more indepth on how tool crafting and maintaining actually works. Giving the player more options to use and upgrade their tools as they go instead of it just being another item that the player can find and sell to the next trader so they can buy an even better tool or weapon instead due to trader randomization.

    5 - Weaponplay

    Oh Weaponplay, how I loathe you. No kidding. The way you fight zombies is tedious at best. The hordenights are the most exciting part and even those are more tedious than actually difficult. To the point where I turned them off because it was just "build a community approved bunker hill sort of monument and hope the cops dont hit you too many times". Yes you can effectively make your own design but lets be honest: Anyone who even watched a few youtubers once, wont do that when they just wanna have fun.

    So what is the problem with the Weaponplay anyways? Well to put it simply: Its clunky and Janky. The best weapons that work as intended are, I shit you not, Melee weapons. Why? Because you cant really screw those up. They have a range, you go into that range, you hit the zombie.

    Guns on the other hand have a lot of other factors to them. From simple accuracy, which is to a part on the player, to actual usefulness in combat. Which can vary a whole damn lot if you ever paid any attention.

    Now before we continue, I want you to ask yourself what gun you end up defaulting to in 7D2D. If your answer is either Handgun, SMG or AK: Congrats, your choice is correct and as generic as it could be! This is not meant as an insult, I use these myself because in combat they are the most useful to be used EVER. You dont really want to use any gun that is slow because there are too many Zombies or enemies to begin with. A bear is taken down much easier with an AR than with a shotty. It is as simple as it gets. More Boolets more dablage.

    And that is not how it should be. You have a gun meta in a game where you can skill towards shotguns but the the fast firing weapons are still more usefull regardless of the skills invested. Again: More Boolets more dablage. The faster you can fire, the faster your enemy will die. And why is that? Well, mainly because of flat damage due to Tier and attachments.

    But the meta isnt the biggest problem here, because it doesnt play too much into the weaponplay as a whole. No instead what plays into it are the attachments on their own. I can put a silencer on a pistol, shoot in a room of 4 zombies with max skill on stealth and yet the other three zombies still hear me and come for me immediately after. Sometimes it outright doesnt even kill the zombie I am attacking, maybe that is due to the hitbox but I wouldnt know that.

    The next issue here is the red dot sight, which is what I went over in Point 3. It is so big. So big that I dont put it on and just flat out sell it whenever I get it. It is useless. It only gives me flat bonuses which I get from attaching a rad remover anyhow which over time will become a lot more useful. Plus the Red dot sight actually hinders the players capability of hitting an enemy because the entire sight is just too big and too red! The red dot is the one thing that should be red, not the plexiglass that the red dot is projected onto. We need better models here, that is undeniable.

    And honestly, the red dot sight isnt the only offender here because the scopes are also utterly useless. Tell me when was the last time when you genuinely needed a scope in 7D2D where a simple AK, SMG or Gun couldnt do the same closer to the target. It becomes only something that you would use while hunting animals at best and doesnt have much use otherwise. And even then, you dont even need it because you can just ADS (Aim Down Sights).

    But it isnt like an unmodded gun is that much better either. Because you may as well just spray and pray from the hip because it is a lot more functional than ADSing. Because ADSing itself just takes too much time to do in the first place. There is like a solid one second delay on when you hit the right mouse button and when you actually have the gun infront of your foreface. Not to speak of some other issues like the audio mismatch and delay like on the basic rifle you can find. Full on audio delay when reloading. I cant be the only one that noticed this.

    So in short: How do we fix weaponplay? Honestly… There isnt an easy fix. It just needs some proper work and optimization. What we have is not fixable by adding a feature, it just needs its mechanics to be optimized and fixed in the audio department. Otherwise, there is nothing that can be done.

    6 - Upgrades and how to use them

    Upgrades on weapons, if we remove the Tierlist, are the way to go when you want solid gameplay. How do we do this? Mostly by going more indepth with the tools, armor and weapons we have. We can do so mostly by using attachments so far, but lets say we remove a ton of the current attachments and add them as genuine recipes for weapons instead?

    Cause the way attachments work on melee weapons at the moment is more like a gem socket system. Instead we could make this similar to the way I suggested we upgrade guns and just switch out the handle or the head. Making the crude axe into a refined axe because we changed out the head of the tool. Making it so you lose less stamina because you changed out the handle. And so on and so forth. Some things like for Armor could even give you minor buffs (not just pockets or insulation) but maybe something that makes the armor itself feel lighter or just like a better fit, adding some form of more defense because you can work with the armor better now. There is a lot you could add onto this feature, but as it stands right now, its just attachments galore that are switched onto the next one when we find it.

    The next set of upgrades could be used on Turrets too. Because as it stands right now, we also once again have only a set of Tiers for them. And what changes when they go a Tier higher? They do slightly more damage and can take more ammo. Weeee. Of course this only applies to scrap turrets but the point still stands. Cause the fact that this only applies to scrap turrets makes the fact that your gun turrets are uncustomizable regardless of what gun parts you use, even worse. I dont think I have to get into why. I went over the customization enough already.

    But yes, instead of just simply flat out finding or crafting a higher tier, we could expand the magazine, we could give the turret a higher rate of fire, maybe it uses less ammo per shot or just more precise. The options are limitless. But not as it stands right now.

    So in short: How do we fix Upgrades? By going more indepth, reworking attachments and items and letting the player effectively choose what they want their weapon to be like regardless of Tier. This would make Tiers over time completely redundant (which they already are) and make it so the player gets more in touch with their gear, being able to make just the right gun for the right situation.

    7 - Buffs or effects

    Buffs or effects currently only come from one source and one source alone. Food, Drinks and Drugs/Meds. Instead I would expand on this with tools and armor pieces that work in their own unique way.

    The Rad Remover for instance could become a customization option for your gear instead of gun. A rad zombie now instead of healing itself, gives you radiation damage. This could work like poison over time and you need medicine that removes it so you dont have to constantly heal yourself. The rad remover instead of what it does now, could effectively work like the medicine but slowly over time. Lets say a zombie gives you 10 rads, which would for example get rid of one health point (flat health) each minute.

    Without a rad remover, it would take 30 minutes for those 10 rads to dip down to 0. Meaning that you lose 30 health after thirty minutes. The Rad remover could make it so now those Rads are going down muuuuuuch quicker instead. Instead of taking 30 minutes, it now only takes 5.

    The Rad remover could also become something to invoke change in the game, like with its biomes. There is the wasteland biome, which was obviously the one hit with the most radioactivity, hence why Wights can spawn there regardless of gamestage. So it would make sense if the air is filled with radiation. If you equip a rad remover now, this would effectively work similar to a gasmask, making it so you dont actually get hit with any radiation. Of course the rad remover would have to be maintained as an upgrade because otherwise you simply have it in the end and dont need to watch out again.

    This would also make keeping multiple rad removers and other attachments (non specific) be much more viable to keep around because as it stands right now: If you have one, the rest is gonna be sold. Cause with the change I propose, you now have the ability to die in the wasteland. Meaning if you die there and dont have another rad remover say goodbye to your stuff for a long time. Because I hope you didnt think you could just survive at 100% rads. Nah bud, you ded as hell.

    As of right now, this is the only ingame item I can truly think of with an active effect other than warmth or cooling. But even that could become more of an active effect on clothing, with the player to insulate a certain piece of clothing more or maybe even reinforce general clothes if you dont want to use armor. You wouldnt even need to change too much about the clothing as it is right now, you merely would have to add onto the features present and of course rework the attachment system to be the same thing.

    So in short: How do we fix Buffs and Effects? By expanding on them and reworking older items to fit a bit more into a realistic world. Because while this is a very normal zombie apocalypse, it is still based in reality somewhat. Zombies could technically speaking regen health when radioactive but that is fiction at best even if the devs like the idea.

    Man oh man, this took a while to write it all down. If you genuinely read from point 1 to point 7 you have my thanks. I cant believe I spent three hours writing all of this our properly but I think its worth it. I hope it can bring some necessary change to the game so we all can have more fun.

    submitted by /u/Gikame
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    Players on my server are getting errors upon loading and cannot interact with chests/workbenches

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:40 PM PST

    We played fine on Monday night but when we tried playing yesterday they were getting errors about instancing/objects/etc when loading into the server. Can't remember what the actual error was and I can't check until later this evening unfortunately. When they did get in, they were unable to open chests/workbenches most of the time, but if they could it was extremely delayed like over 30 seconds after trying to open it. However afted they tried to open it it would say the item is in use even if its not popping up for them.

    As for troubleshooting, I (the server host) tried validating files and reinstalling, my players tried the same. We made a new server and they got the same errors but were able to interact with chests I placed with no delay. We're about 4 hours in game time before we fight the day 77 horde so we can't log in to test stuff for very long.

    Anyone encountered something similar/have any ideas to fix this? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Hefty-Earth
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    Kind of scared to play with enemy spawning on, any suggestions to what I should do to be less scared?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:41 AM PST

    Soo the title says it all. I don't really like to play horror games, because I get scared really easily and unless I have a buddy to play with I don't feel like playing the game and since none of my friend have 7dtd I play singleplayer. I know the basics of building, crafting and building from playing this game with enemy spawning off. I feel like this is a dumb question that I shouldn't be asking and I haven't seen others ask help about this.

    submitted by /u/YEETmaster41
    [link] [comments]

    How far is pretty far? Are there other monsters eventually?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:08 PM PST

    As the title says, I heard there were spiders and giants and stuff. On my first real play through. Did one prior to this to get the feel for building? Do I need calipers for making my own bullets? I got the recipe for 9mm. The bullet tips and bullet casings? Also the tool and die set but can't figure it out,

    submitted by /u/mikevmikevmikev
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    Help! I can't hear any zombie footsteps

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:54 AM PST

    I can't hear any zombie footsteps while inside a building. I followed some instructions to edit config files a while back, but it looks like those settings were blown away when the config moved to the registry? Does anyone know of a way to get zombie footsteps back in the game?

    EDIT: I do hear zombies outside sometimes, but if I kite a zombie from inside to outside they dont make any noise. Its really disorienting to have some make noise and others not.

    submitted by /u/WorkinAndLurkin
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