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    Thursday, December 10, 2020

    7 Days To Die Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - December 10, 2020

    7 Days To Die Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - December 10, 2020

    Base Tour/Showcase Thursday - December 10, 2020

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Want to show off your base or a build you're particularly proud of? Want to show off what helped you make it through horde night?

    Take a video or some screenshots and post them here to share with your fellow survivors!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Adding mods to armor / weapons increases the item's value as a percentage of the item's unmodded value. Therefore always load up your expensive items with mods before selling them.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 10:57 AM PST

    Adding mods to armor / weapons increases the item's value as a percentage of the item's unmodded value. Therefore always load up your expensive items with mods before selling them.

    No one mod is any more valuable that any other mod in this regard so it's preferable to use mods that are cheap to make. For this purpose I made a chart showing the cost to craft every mod so you can find the cheapest ones you can personally make and maximize your profits.



    submitted by /u/Globularist
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    From playing the PS4 version in 2018 to current PC version

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:51 PM PST

    Tips? I am blown away by the difference. I have no idea what I was playing back then but now I am at a loss for how crazy this is, I can't stop dying! I was a master at the PS4 version, is there anything I should know? For reference some differences I notice immediately are: no loot on zombies, hawks??, awesome detail.

    Edit: is it still a bad bet to set up base near a trader?

    submitted by /u/Own_Ad_8423
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    Where is this rally point ?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:12 AM PST

    Undead Legacy Mod

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 11:29 AM PST

    I don't know if this counts as a review, or a question, or a ramble, but I started playing this mod recently and there are a few things about it that are undermining my enjoyment and I wanted to see if I was alone, or doing something wrong, or just missing the point.

    Quick background is that this is the first mod I've played after playing 7DtD for several years/100s of hours. I wanted something that made the experience "deeper" with more crafting options and a more complex style. I'm not interested in making the game "harder" by simply making the zombies harder to kill, but I didn't mind the game becoming "harder" to thrive in (I hope that makes sense)

    I've played around 20 in-game days so far. I quick first game of 2 days just to see what the mod was all about. Then a full restart in Navesgane that I pulled the plug on day 7 because I was WOEFULLY unprepared to handle the hoard. Then a restart in a random gen using what I learned to play "a real game". Just finished day 12 in that game.

    I went into the game knowing that the mod was a grind, especially early game. But what I've experienced in my short play time is not a "grind". A grind is having to repeat a task over and over in order to move on...like there's a wall blocking your path and you have no choice but to beat on it until it crumbles. But in this mod it's more like a long wall that you can't beat down, you have to walk around it. You just have to keep walking down the length of the wall and hope to find a hole. There's nothing you can do to make the hole appear....there's no way you can make a hole...you just have to keep on walking and hope one appears.

    The issue is with schematics. One of the big changes in Undead Legacy is that you don't learn new crafting recipes by gaining skills or perks, you only learn from schematics. You can find or buy schematics OR you can craft them in the research station. This is one of the changes that attracted me to the mod. It makes is sound like there are multiple paths to learning (find, buy or make) but the problem lies in the making part. For most (all?) schematics you need the item to make the schematic. This means that in order to make a bicycle chassis schematic you need to have a bicycle chassis. Wait, what? Yes. You read that right. You can't learn to make a bicycle chassis until you have a bicycle chassis. The first question of course is why do I want a schematic if I already have the item? But the larger issue is that whether or not you ever get to make a bicycle is completely random. There is nothing that you as a player can do to make it more likely you're going to get a bike. You either have to find a chassis, find a schematic or hope the trader has one. All of these options are completely out of your control. The player has no agency on how the game proceeds, it's all up to luck.

    Related to this issue is that there is only one path to advancement: looting. That's it. The only way you're ever going to have a bike is to find it or it's schematic...or find enough money to buy one if the trader randomly sells one. Grinding zombie kills for xp, or base building for xp, or even farming & crafting for xp, no longer net advancement. You will NEVER earn enough xp in order to make a bike. Suddenly you're no longer playing an open world game with multiple paths to advance, you are playing a game with one path. Players are no longer active participants in creating the game....they are npcs that just wander around hoping some rng drops something useful at their feet.

    There's one other issue which I'm convinced is an unintended consequence of another change. In this mod if you have the proper container you interact with sources for liquids. So a kitchen sink no longer holds loot, it instead has water that you can extract with a jar or bottle. Sounds cool right? I thought so...until I realized that sinks no longer hold wrenches. In my first game I played 7 days and never found a wrench. In my 2nd game I found my first and only wrench on day 10. And this is important because....you can't make a wrench! like ever. You can't craft a wrench without a schematic, and you can't make a wrench schematic without a wrench. No wrench means no workbench, not taking about cars or appliances. It's just awful and there's nothing you as the player can do about until you find one....and they're much rarer because of the sink change.

    Anyway...I know this all sounds negative, and I guess it kind of is. I love the idea of the mod. The UI changes are assume. Everything runs smoothly. But I just don't see how this is supposed to be fun anymore, and not because it's hard or because it's a grind, but because it's so random feeling. I feel like I'm in front of a wall and no choices I make are going to get me over it. I'll just keep trudging along and hope to find a hole....

    TLDR/ the changes to the crafting system have removed player agency and meaningful choices from the game and left advancement up to rng.

    submitted by /u/theseehawk
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    Mod with NPCs

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:53 PM PST

    TL:DR - I played lots of 7D2D Vanilla and now want a mod which allows recruitment of NPCs. Tried starvation mod but doesn't work. Are there others I could look at?

    So I initially played 7D2D on PS and then after MANY hours realised there was a ton of development happening on the PC version so I jumped ship and got the PC version... great move on my side as that provided a couple hundred extra hours.

    I never looked into the Mod side of the game but now I'm at a point where I need more. I've begun looking into the mods but it seems not all that simple due to the different Alpha states.

    I really want to play a mod that allows for recruitment of NPC characters (I really want to build a operational village).

    I tried the starvation mod but I'm not having any luck - I've changed the game state via Steam (to Alpha 15 and 16) and followed all the step by step videos but I'm not sure they are still running.

    Are the any other mods which are good and allow for recruitment of NPCs?

    submitted by /u/ChuckySPWN
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    Please help asap, Motorcycle disappeared

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:01 PM PST

    I left the game on my motorcycle, I come back onto the game after an hour or so and I spawn on foot and the bike nowhere to be seen. Is there a way to fix this I had about 15k tokens in the storage

    submitted by /u/NB-KBV
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    Looking for PC casual playing

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 09:31 PM PST

    Looking for players who are down for relaxing, almost rpg style playing who will only play while others are online and vise versa

    submitted by /u/thedomo619
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    All Night Gamers - Jericho (PvE)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:30 AM PST

    Are you a night owl? Play games at night? Then come on over and check out our server All Night Gamers – Jericho! A PvE, vanilla-ish server. Come on over and have a chill, friendly day. Note: You don't even have to be a night owl to play either! Just play and have fun! We also have modded zombies too via Snufkin's Custom Server Side Zombies – PLUS.

    All Night Gamers - Jericho | PvE : 12571
    Direct Connect: steam://connect/

    Difficulty: Survivalist – 60 Minute Days – Daylight Length: 18

    Max Zombies: 64 – Max Animals: 50

    Loot Respawn Time: 30 Days – Blood Moon Count: 8

    Drop on Death: Everything - Drop on Quit: Nothing

    Claim Zone: 51 Blocks – Claim Duration: 7 Days


    • PVE Only

    • No active base raiding, don't claim a poi (in city or wilderness), build close to a trader, and don't build in or within 200 blocks of a city.

    • No floating bases – exploiting the game will get your base wiped.

    • No bases supported by steel doors, that is exploiting the game – remove or lose your base supports.

    • Store vehicles when done, do not leave outside – reboots are vehicle wipes.

    • English only in chat.

    • Respect other players and the admins.

    Full settings: https://imgur.com/xH52HZ2





    submitted by /u/Tailoxen
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    Is it even worth playing?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:43 PM PST

    Hello! My friends and I love 7DTD. We used to play it a ton and waste entire weekends on the game. It's been a few years since we played bc of an update (yes, those actually exist on console) that seemed to break the game. It's pretty well documented that your entire base and everything in it can randomly get erased. Has anyone discovered a way around this problem yet?

    submitted by /u/DipDipPtat0Chip
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    7th day horde not happening

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 02:37 PM PST

    So me and my bro we did the first 7th day horde with no problem but when the 14th day came we didn't have a blood moon. So I tried turning off horde interval but we are on the 21st day with no blood moon warning. Is there anything we can do to fix this?

    submitted by /u/jewboy6ix9ine
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    7 Days to Die | Entropic Legacy | EP 26 | Rogue Like | Alpha 19 .3

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:23 PM PST

    How to Mod 7DTD on Ubuntu Server

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:33 PM PST

    I am running 7dtd on ubuntu server (most recent version), and I am looking for help or a tutorial on how to install mods to the server. All the tutorials I am finding are for modding games on windows servers.

    I am looking for a tutorial or information for installing mods such as Server Side Zombies and Darkness Fall to an Ubuntu Server via the terminal (the server has no UI).

    submitted by /u/whoisedward
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    Looking for players

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:00 PM PST

    As the title says I'm Looking for people to play with if you're interested just message me

    submitted by /u/itsyaboymc
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    How do I get Darkness Falls multiplayer to work

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:00 PM PST

    So, since we can't use EAC, I don't have access to steam when I play. How would I be able to invite friends.

    There is a darkness falls server file, but what do I do with that file. Is that necessary to host a server?

    This is where I got them from.


    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ReformedG
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    Controls Being Super Wonky

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:27 PM PST

    So, curious if anyone knows anything about this...I've looked for it online, but have found nothing...that being said, I'm in the middle of an emergency move during COVID, so my searching might have been crap.

    I was on stream yesterday and go into a random house to loot while I wait for the trader to open and the game starts getting super weird. When I press w or s to move forward or backward, the camera tilts sideways as I move, at one point leaving me completely horizontal. Meanwhile, I can't move the crosshairs up or down, only left to right.

    I quit and reload and it's fine...for like three minutes, and then it starts happening again. This is sad as I've gotten a very nice horde base built and just hit level 80. The thought of scrapping the world is a bit sad for me, so I've come to the place I always turn to to solve my problems. Help me reddit.

    submitted by /u/VeruMamo
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    Game using loads of ram

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:19 PM PST

    Any noticed how much ram the game is using? Usually uses a few gig but it crashed today after it used 13gb and ram and maxed out my pc. Idk if it was a glitch or ive just not paid attention. Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/Jcaoklelins
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    Base Entrance.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:49 PM PST

    I have essentially a tower and I made a moat trench around the sides so that zombies fall in then they run up the sides to get back up. What would be a decent entrance to get into my base. Right now I just use spare wood frames to climb up.

    submitted by /u/Redleafatdawn
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    Vanilla no death Insanity run

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:48 AM PST

    Has anyone managed this in the long term and is there a record? I have tried a few times - always manage to set up camp at Sham factory 1st floor and start scouting, but it's usually bloody vultures that get me. Once I get the shotgun I'm good, but the days leading up to that...!!

    submitted by /u/welsh_dragon_roar
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