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    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    7 Days To Die Should I start a world today or wait for Alpha 20?

    7 Days To Die Should I start a world today or wait for Alpha 20?

    Should I start a world today or wait for Alpha 20?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:31 PM PST

    Just took a half-year hiatus from this game, and now I came back with a fresh new perspective in mind. I just watched the dev's video on A20 Talk Series 2 and got really hyped to see all these new changes roll out when it goes live (even unstable version, I'll still play it).

    Question is, I'm not sure how long it would take until that day comes, and so whether I should not play to keep a fresh mind for A20, or play and warm up a little bit to prep for when the time comes?

    submitted by /u/VinhBlade
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    50 Day Sham Challenge - Horde Every Night Wasteland Warrior

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:02 PM PST

    Hi 7 days to die aficionados. I have been running the same challenge for the past half a year in a futile attempt at fulfillment.

    Horde every night

    64 Horde size

    Warrior Difficulty

    No loot reset

    No air drops


    Imposed rules; Ironman. I die, I start new run

    After burnt forest spawn, I must not conduct any activity until reach wasteland

    Once in wasteland, never leave biome

    Must base in sham factory

    Must hold hordes in sham factory

    Must Reach Day 50

    Some backstory posts if you are interested.

    1st Post -November 2020


    2nd Post - December 2020


    Im now at around 600 hours in this game, 400 of which is in this specific challenge. I have many reliable strategies but horde management is not yet one of them. My initial problems was always dying from the bears and dogs roaming the wasteland. I've gotten pretty good at dealing with that. The next main problem was food security, but ive gotten better at dealing with that too and even bad rng is overcome. My horde base has been refined over and over again but the problem is that my ideal horde base design is only really suitable to be placed inside the warehouse. The trouble is that it takes too long to prepare it to be horde ready and I stay at my foyer horde base for too long. My imposed rule is that I can't build the personal base or horde base outside the sham factory walls (with the minor caveat that I can farm on outside ledges). It literally takes 4 in game days to collapse the floors in the warehouse and clear out all the debris and rubbish. This is before I can even start to build the horde base.

    In this update I have 3 Attempts to describe.

    Day 16 – Died by Bear. This was such a stupid death, totally avoidable. I had a pretty rough start with 3 bears attacking my base floor on the first day. Slow going to kill them with the stone sledge which gave me no time to scavenge for glue and tape to land the forge. I had no luck with seeds either, only picking up pumpkin and then much later potato. I was limited in my farming coming out of the early game. I dealt with the first outside run to get water okay. I got hit with a wandering zombie dog horde of 8 on day 5 which almost killed me. All the usual activities went fine however, establishing the mine, workbench, chem station, and clearing out the areas of particular importance within the factory. The first trader run was a disaster and I still can't believe I survived. I aggro'd a dog without a safe perch and I had to just tank it down. Two birds swooped and I knocked them down too, while taking hits. Scraped through with a broken arm and an infection. This was before treatment on my way out. I managed to get to the trader and bought a level 4 AK. Which was amazing. This was around day 8. On the way back a bear spawned within the aggro radius and immediately ran for me. I ran. Hoping to use the bears terrible AI and pathfinding to my advantage for once, I ran off the road through jumping over obstacles whenever I could. I managed to outrun the bear purely by luck and it eventually stopped its aggro. That same horde night a Z bag dropped a level 3 AK. Things were going well, and I was establishing the permanent horde base in the warehouse when I decided to do another trader run day 16. Without having found corn seeds during the early game, my long-term food prospects were looking dismal. I tried for another trader run in the hopes that he was selling corn or other raw food items, and pick up whatever tech items I could. I had barely begun the trek when half way to gravestown a bear caught me. Bastard was on the ridge which put him out of my vision. Usually when I have poor visibility, I enter stealth to check by proxy if any enemies are about. I was getting cocky with my AK and was just running. My own damn fault.

    Day 13 – Died by Horde. I had a great start. No bears day one, just some easy kill dogs on my way to sham. I found corn seeds day 1, pumpkin day 1, potato day 3. Golden rod, Chrysanthemum and Coffee found enough for crafting seeds. So my farm prospects were great, except for aloe which is pretty rare. I ran through the early game and mid game super-fast. I had developed my strategies even further by this stage so I knew how to maximise my success. I planned to delay the trader run indefinitely if possible. To this end I decided that I wouldn't raid the main sham loot or the other gun bags in sham before gamestage would allow me to find guns. It didn't help. By day 11 I still hadn't found a gun. Due to my better game sense, I had also begun to farm horde night. By beelining strength 7, pummel pete 4, and miner 69er 4, I could super speed my xp gain. Most horde nights were very minor, ending sometimes by 1am. I'd pickup all the loot bags and then exit and reload. The horde would reset and I would be able to farm Z's until 4am. The extra food drops from Z bags, as well as duke drops for the vending-machine were critical also. By day 10 I was already level 42. Higher level than my previous day 16 run, or my older day 23 run. This put me at gamestage sufficient for mid-tier guns to drop. I put on some lucky looter goggles, some looting candy and went to the sham main loot. No guns. The next day I risked a trader run. It went fine. Although a dog sneaked up on me, I tanked with bat and finished him off with a blunderbuss shot. The kicker was 6 vultures that swooped down on me. This was a great moment for me as I missed not a single swing and all 6 died without getting a single hit in. The trader had no guns, but did have an SMG schematic and 2 pistol parts. I had gotten 3 pistol parts from a Z bag at base so I went home and crafted the SMG. I didn't help me at all that horde night as it was a next level crazy horde. I was paying for levelling so quickly because the gamestage was so advanced. So many dogs and spiders. My horde base, which was still in the lower level of the foyer had 3 hold points. Somehow at the second hold point the spiders found a point where they could jump up and wreck me. They slowly wore me down, and the lack of aloe meant that I couldn't keep healing myself, and food was still scarce so I couldn't eat to heal either. I died from the spiders due to an error in the horde base design.

    Day 21 Died by Horde - Couldn't bear the idea of doing the super conservative approach yet again so I went with a more yolo approach. I wanted to loot hard early game outside of sham to try and ensure that I had enough early game tech items, particularly seeds and acid. I also wanted to hold off looting sham until my gamestage was a bit more advanced. The day 1 went as you would imagine and after the horde was taken care of, I knew I had some of the horde night calm. There are no Z spawns during horde night after the horde is dealt with. I figured I'd go into gravestown and just loot all the trash on the ground and the cars, in the hopes of finding some seeds. I instead ran into a treasure map and it located deep into the wasteland. It was around 2am at that point and I was feeling cocky. I figured I could grab the dukes and then cross country to the trader and be back to sham before the night 2 horde. I ran to it, looting the road as I went. I had the lockpicks. I made it just before daybreak. I dug straight down and setup an underground hatch block. It was really quite a safe setup, I burrowed like a mole using the wasteland rock as a roof and just digging out all the soil. I killed multiple dogs and Z's underground while I searched. It took a lot longer than expected but I picked up 6k dukes and was on my way to the trader. There were no major incidences on my way and I spent all my coin on a double barrel, 10 corn (yay corn seeds), and a hunting knife. On my return route I ran into trouble. Two bears were on the road, I believe there was a glitch and the bears double spawned. I didn't see the two dogs that had also double spawned right off the road. Trying to sneak past the bears I aggroed both dogs. This would have killed me in earlier runs, but I had gotten gud. I had this technique of always running with flagstone blocks equipped so if I heard the telltale growl I could just throw down 500hp blocks instantly and get onto a perch where I could deal with the dogs. This kind of worked, but since I was on a slope the dogs were still able to jump up to me after a moment. I dropped off the perch and strafed back using the shotgun and preloaded blunderbuss to kill both dogs. Still I was down to 20hp and infected. Three birds swooped me and I batted them out of the sky. Close call. I healed up, worried about the infection and took a moment waiting for the bears to move on before slipping past. I made it back to sham and set to finding something to heal my infection. In a stupidly lucky RN Jesus, I found honey opening the first sham crate of the run. Night 2 horde was easily dealt with. Day 3 I decided to continue my yolo streak and return to gravestown for the apartment tower. I felt that if I was in front of the doors at 4am I could probably look the entire block before I had to return home. I setup some defences and a drop point at the front door and looted as much as I could. I made it home without too much fuss but the exercise was a bust. Each floor has 4 apartments, and there a 4 floors. Each apartment has a sink in the kitchen and the bathroom. This was 32 sinks in total. With an 11% drop rate for acid I could expect 3 sinks to drop acid, with an average 1.5 acid per drop. So I should get around 4-5 acid for my effort. Instead I got 2. I also found 4 seeds, but they were 3 of hops and one chrysanthemum. Both of which I already had at sham. I returned to sham before reaching main loot on the roof. It could wait for a more gun friendly gamestage and I would just nab it and the main loot at water treatment while with the looting candy. At sham I checked my stocks of seeds and acid. I had mushrooms, pumpkin, hops, chrysanthemum, and enough coffee and corn to make seeds for them too. No potato though and it is key.

    I spent the next couple of days setting up the mine and the base while looting all the trash heavy areas in Sham. No potatoes, and the lack of a beaker was also starting to press on me. This had not been a good RNG run. By day 7 I still had not found any potatoes which would affect my long term run viability. So I went on another trader run. It went through without issue, there or back. Nothing good to be bought except for another 10 corn. If I didn't find potato I could at least rely on pumpkin bread, but I would need so much of it. Not ideal. The very next day I was looting some overlooked trash in sham when I picked up potato seeds. Day 10 potato went down. Very delayed but still okay.

    The hordes were becoming more intense and I was keen not to progress my gamestage too quickly, remembering the error of the previous runs. I landed mixers and a workbench around day 13. I finished the work on my foyer base to a standard that I was happy with and could now upgrade it to concrete. It had 3 melee hold points, and an escape route to the second floor. A clever system of hatches allowed for the opening of fall points so that Z's would sometimes fall off and cause a run around, but would still be closed at the front hold point so that spiders couldn't jump me from behind on a lucky jump. This was working extremely well. I also abandoned bars for plates, as they were just more HP and easier to repair.

    I began the work on the warehouse horde base, which was to be my ultimate horde base to win me to day 50. There is a lot of clearing work. Around 60 concrete blocks needed picking out, as well as a lot of random steel and other debris. This would be the third time I had finished clearing out the warehouse for the base construction. I survived this boring process by setting up a second monitor to watch youtube while mindlessly picking out blocks. This took many days. I alternated with mining stone and iron for rebar frames, and mixing concrete. Three forges worked around the clock. The hordes were becoming pretty intense. Day 16 cops showed up. On the morning of day 17 I decided to do my third trader run. It worked out pretty good. I had a hunting rifle and an AK now from Z drops during horde nights so I was pretty easy going about it all. I could headshot dogs with the rifle and they would die. Bears I could just perch 3 high and deal with them with the AK. I got some nice perk books and the trader had 10 blueberries, and 25 potato. This was amazing, as with 5 potato seeds my food issues were over. I could make hobo stew almost endlessly. I wanted to get my new horde base perfect before moving because my foyer horde base was working out pretty well. I begun work on the new horde base on day 18 and on the horde night of 21 I thought that I might finish it in time to go to my new horde base, but I just ran out of time. Night 22 was going to be my maiden use for the new base. Alas, it was not to be. The horde was extreme that night. I could barely keep up with repairing the damage to the blocking plate. Dogs kept jumping through the gap and in one such instance, I didn't get back to the hold point quickly enough before the horde broke through. I fell back to my second hold point. I had only tried it out once sometime around day 8 for testing purposes. It was still cobblestone and had iron bars. I stuffed up timing the repairs and they broke through again. It was 330 at this point and I was sure I could make the last half hour at my last and final hold point. I wouldn't try and fight. I would just hold by repairs and defend dogs with the AK, no more bat. Barely ever switching from my hammer I kept the repairs up perfectly. It was 345 and I got hit from behind. Turning I saw heaps of dogs had gotten behind me with more pouring in from the second floor ladder. HOW? No time to consider, but my path of escape was blocked. I jumped off the base and intended to run for my new horde base. I kept taking hits from the dogs, slowed as I was in the heavy iron armour. I closed hatches as I ran, delaying the dogs but I succumbed from my wounds as I switched to blocks to pole up to the third floor safety.

    Returning to sham after spawing I wanted to determine how they had killed me. There were stairs leading up to the second floor but they were blocked by 10,000HP steel and I had covered them in more concrete blocks. It didn't matter. I determined that by dropping back to the other hold points changed the pathing of some of the horde, perhaps because so much of the horde was bottled up at that final hold point. Instead of going through the concrete blocks and the steel, they had gone around the back of the stairs and knocked through. They had run up the stairs to my personal base and then dropped through to me via what was supposed to be my escape route, but ended up as my undoing. I should have just knocked the damn stairs out. Such a rookie error for how much time ive spent on this runthrough.

    See you again in a few months for updates.

    submitted by /u/j150052
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    Helmet light

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:32 AM PST

    I have the mod attached and push F and it doesn't do anything. I hold F and still nothin shows? Any ideas

    submitted by /u/Jeremyg77
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    New to 7d2d on pc

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:11 PM PST

    Hi, I'm new to 7d2d on pc. I've played years ago, on xbox but took over my husband's computer to try to stream and learn how to replay the game. Lol. Everything is still new to me but I have the basics down, if your willing to help someone new and have a talkitive person join you to learn please send me a pm on here. He can help me set everything up, till I get to understand and do it on my own. I hope to join some new friends and hopefully not die to much.

    submitted by /u/This_Bitch1
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    Is 7 days to die going more RPG style way and float away from survival style, or is it just me?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:49 AM PST

    I've recently played some of version 16.4 and I found 7dtd being more focused on survival than go there, kill zombies, get loot, get reward. I really got impressed by gun assembling part by part and 600 levels, levels droping a bit when repairing tools/weapons, levelable skills (not using skill points), increasing health and stamina by increasing wellness etc. And I came to conclusion that it was better because that version provided more realistic and complicated mechanics which made it more survival style than now just collecting weapon parts. Here's the poll, do other people also have noticed that or not? And do you think that the way 7 Days to Die is Going is good or bad?

    I hope someone who can contact developers will se this poll and tell devs about it.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/IAmTheSenate_NotYet
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    ROLEPLAY server "Survival RP PVP"

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 02:01 AM PST

    We have a new dedicated RP-PVP server! Server launched 4th of January!

    • Active & friendly community
    • Great RP stories
    • Starter pack
    • Decoration kit
    • Reasonable rules (PVP requires RP beforehand, no random shooting)
    • Difficulty level 3 - to encourage people to team up
    • RandomGen map 6k
    • Players allowed to claim smaller POIs
    • Events
    • We have both EU and US players
    • Server is located in Germany

    Come join us! Discord: https://discord.gg/ffA4fgqGKe

    Connection info:

    Server IP:

    Port: 26930

    submitted by /u/CaterinaSu
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    Quick stack to nearby chests mod

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:19 AM PST

    Hey all,

    I'm looking for a mod that allows me to quick stack items from my inventory to nearby containers, similar to quick stack in Terraria. I know that you can quick stack to a single container and that's already in-game, but when you have 30+ containers, it gets pretty repetitive opening and closing each one of them. I've searched around, but most mods seem to be outdated ones for quick stacking to a single container.

    submitted by /u/Westwud
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    Setting horde night frequency

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:17 PM PST

    I tried setting my horde night frequency to every 3 days, but it happens every night. Is this a known bug or am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/MoreHybridMoments
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    Help!! Can't open chests

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:13 PM PST

    No, the chests aren't locked. I just can't open any chest. Ive restarted the server, restarted my game. Ate glass. Nothing. What do I do? Thanks!

    PS: I'm playing on my friends server

    submitted by /u/Hipoop69
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    World transfer

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:40 PM PST

    I built a new pc a few weeks ago and transferred all of my files from my old hard drive into my new ssd, but when I run the game my saved worlds are gone. I haven't been able to find any information on how to recover my old worlds online, is there anything I can do to get them back or is all my progress lost?

    submitted by /u/CleanSanchez101
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    Anyone else getting booted?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:33 PM PST

    Just updated our server to 19.3 (and obviously made sure in Steam my local game is updated). I have made sure that I'm logged into Steam before booting the game, but I keep getting kicked from our own server for unverified Steam login. I am not the server admin- that's my husband- and he has no idea why this is happening, either. It's infuriating. Is anyone else encountering this bug? Our server is heavily modded, that could be the issue, but I can't imagine which mod could be causing it.

    submitted by /u/AeyviDaro
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    Xp gain on my dedicated server

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:11 PM PST


    I'm in the process of setting up a small server via Nitrado and I'm wondering how to increase XP gain, without increasing the XP cap. Right now when I increase the multiplier in the Serverconfig.xml it seems to also increase the cap?

    Which file do I have to edit in order to increase leveling speeds?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/MaxusBE
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    Uncloseable console bug error when party member gets in my car

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:13 AM PST

    Hey guys, we seem to be hitting this really annoying issue and I haven't found any fixes for it so far.So, we play on PC, private save multiplayer and no mods.

    Some of us got this bug earlier where randomly, our consoles would open up on its own and spams a red error message. The console would be uncloseable from then and none of the keys or waiting would close it back and let us resume playing. Everything would be running normally in the background. The only solution is to Alt+F4 and restart.

    The real issue comes when I'm hosting and the game does this and all 2-5 of us need to quit to menu while I restart. Is there any way to fix or prevent this from occurring again?Any help is appreciated guys. Thanks

    P.S. I noticed it would pop up now when someone enters my 4x4 truck while I'm driving. Just happened twice in a row.

    submitted by /u/Casual_Cube
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    Darkness Falls Tool & Die drop location

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:18 PM PST

    This item for the big forge is loot only., cannot be crafted. We found one easy but can't find a second...any particular POI where this drops ?

    submitted by /u/futerminator
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    Looking for people to play with (eu)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:53 AM PST

    Hey, I'm new to the game and would like to team up with 1-3 people. I can play nearly every evening (CET), can speak English, French and German. DM me if interested.

    submitted by /u/yepiru_
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    Darkness Falls MOD: Traders bugged not able to sell/buy

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:23 AM PST

    Playing Darkness Falls MP with friends on a linux dedicated server. We have run into a weird bug with all traders in our game. Using the buy/sell option zooms in our POV and no list of items to buy appears. After exiting the trader menu our POV is super zoomed in to a point the game is unplayable. Relogging fixes the POV issue but not being able to use the DUKES we generate to buy things has us stopped in our tracks. Has anyone else experienced this bug?

    submitted by /u/Sv3den
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    Buying a new laptop, but need Mac for work...

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:03 PM PST

    Anyone run 7DTD on Mac? I need a new computer for work, but also want to get one that can run 7DTD and the upcoming Dead Matter, while also being dynamite for music recording.

    Not worried about price.

    submitted by /u/SGBK
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    Problems hosting dedicated server

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:13 PM PST

    Alright so I'm new to the game and new to running any dedicated servers. I'm using this page as my main guide.

    I've followed the guide to the letter thus far. I've installed SteamCMD and used it to install the 7DTD dedicated server, modified the config file just for a few in-game values, and setup both local and router-level port forwarding as specified in the tutorial.

    I can see and connect to the server within my LAN, but others cannot connect using my external IP from outside my LAN.

    If it helps at all, it's a verizon quantum gateway router.

    Any tips on anything I can try would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Att1cus
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    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:38 PM PST

    I accidental dropped my land claim block. Can I pick it up? Thanks y'all for your time

    submitted by /u/HuneyBabe
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    Map mod

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:44 PM PST

    I am trying to edit the existing maps that come with Darkness Fall mod but having problems. The changes I am trying to make are small things like adding lights and such but after I save and then load the map nothing I did is there. I am using the in game editor btw. What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/jj8o8
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    Trying to use mod POIs

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:35 PM PST

    I was on Pregen1 and I didn't get many of the great POIs, I wanted to try some of not-a-gamer POI mods from nexus mods and I can't find a lot of info on how to download mods but I unzipped the download folder and added a new folder titled mods into local files on steam. Started a randomgen map and spawned in a gyro to see if it worked and I'm not seeing any of the mod POIs so is that the correct place to place mods or will I have to go in and place them one by one myself?

    submitted by /u/jarmaneli
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    Looking for players that want to help a solo new player

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:24 AM PST

    As the title says im looking for people that would like to play with me.

    I just got it and started a New game, im on day 25 and i find pretty hard to farm, build and explore while been just 1 guy since i spend all nights at home.

    Would anybody like to play and help me out a bit? My psn id is menans

    submitted by /u/menansoner
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    How can I make my friends admins so they can join my world whenever they want?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 11:07 PM PST

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