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    Friday, January 29, 2021

    7 Days To Die WITNESS ME!!!

    7 Days To Die WITNESS ME!!!


    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:03 AM PST

    Can't turn screen after attacking Zombies 19.3 B6

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:26 PM PST

    I've seen screen bugs mentioned, but no real solutions outside restart game. Everything's fine until I attack with ANY weapon. Then the screen is stuck in that position and I can no longer turn/lookup or down with the mouse. Entering and exiting a vehicle fixes it until I attack again. It's gamebreaking

    submitted by /u/slyrouth
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    Any mods that alter the perk tree?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:50 PM PST

    Ever since 17 I just hate this fallout style special tree.

    Like , I have to be competing in Mr. Universe to cook a soup?

    Animal tracking perk is in perception but bow and the Actual weapon needed to gut it is in agility! Not to mention the shotgun guys and small game is not there.

    Just such a baffling choice on how to narrow down characters.

    So far I've only been playing 300% xp for the ability to just "waste" perks so I can cook or learn a grenade recipe.

    Wondering if anyone had tried to tackle this? Maybe make it like the crown jewel A16 leveling? It had some problems, but not throw the whole thing out and butcher RPGs set up.

    Ugh, had almost 1k hrs before A17 and I still dont have 1k since. Total of 60 hrs in last few years. Lots of great new stuff but this one thing makes me drop every play thru.

    submitted by /u/superbanana3000
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    Can you make metal floor/side plates in alpha 19?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:53 PM PST

    Just got back into the game after a few years and I'm not seeing metal siding or the metal floor plates anymore in the crafting menu. Are they still in the game? Thanks

    submitted by /u/460ci-of-Freedom
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    Anyone get server crashes on horde nights?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:07 PM PST

    We have a Gportal server (moved over from bisect) and it works fantasticly, no issues....until horde night.

    We get the waves of zombies and then the server lags out.... opening closing doors makes no sounds, opening chests shows no inventory, you cant "talk" in the text channels. Some times it recovers itself other times you have to restart the server.

    This only seems to be an issue on a horde night, other times we have had tons of zombies and no issue at all and we are wondering if its an alpha 19 dedicated server issue?

    Theres only 3 of us on most times

    submitted by /u/mrgreaper
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    Anyone Interested meeting and making new friends or trying out a new Server, Check out Shadow's Funhouse. All are Welcome :)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:14 PM PST

    Shadow's Funhouse is a PVE Server, we have modded zombies, Tree's that replant themselves, when harvested, Car's that respawn when wrenched down to a tire. reset zones , we have a lobby and horde base. have our own endgame gear to grind for also. you can message me on Discord @Shadowwave#6432

    submitted by /u/shadowwave1983
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    Looking for players

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:09 AM PST

    I'm not new to the game I'm just bad and don't like playing alone. I'm looking for some new friends to play with. 21 F. EST zone.

    submitted by /u/cherrymilkinhat
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    7 days to die sale when?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:30 PM PST

    Hi guys when is the next 7 days to die sale?

    submitted by /u/7daystoenjoy
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    Seeds and world info

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:24 PM PST

    Which are the best tips when creating a world? Like seeds, is there and amazing seed?

    submitted by /u/Dicovering
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    Bro...I'm right here. ( sorry for the poor quality)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:37 AM PST

    Coop PC

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:09 AM PST

    Anyone who wants to start a new world with me? I'm a beginner on PC version but I played on ps4 for a long time.

    submitted by /u/Howienator7
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    How to keep my laptop cool?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:23 PM PST

    Laptop gets super hot. I've got a Deepcool single fan USB cooler and I feel like it still gets way too hot. I can't run my fans overclocked for hours on end either as it drains my battery even when plugged in. For reference I have a predator helios 300.

    submitted by /u/Nimvob
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    What does "going gold" mean?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:01 PM PST

    So I really like 7dtd, but as a lot of others, I've also been slightly disappointed to see the game still in alpha. I've heard people talk about the game "going gold", but what does that actually mean? Beta release? Is there any info on when the game will leave alpha?

    Also, is the game still really resource intensive? Last time I played it, my computer couldn't handle it. I had a gaming laptop with a gtx 1060, 8gb of ram and a decent processor.

    submitted by /u/denthebro
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    Scared of Zombies (PTSD related) but want to play 7 days to die

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:58 AM PST

    So i used to play 7d2d a couple years ago and i loved the shit outta it, but coming back to it now I find myself getting almost paralytically scared of zombies due to my mental health and ptsd issues but i still wish to play the game. Is there a mod that can make the zombies something less scary as the roars, screams and moans scare the daylights out of me, especially in the dark or at night. And just want to play the game in a modded state, say changes audio or zombie character models. I know it sounds silly but its something I live with and hate myself for.

    Thank you in advance for the help :)

    submitted by /u/dapperracccoon
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    7 Days To Die #13 | All Roads Lead to the Same Place...| (Alpha 19.3)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:03 PM PST

    I wish the funpimps knew what they had

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:02 PM PST

    They could make a fortune from the console fan base if it was updated. There is no other survival game like this and that is this good(forest is ok but not as good imo) if they updated this game for next gen and last gen they would make more money off of console than pc for sure. But it seems like they only care about pc and wanting it to go big on pc when console is the real gold mine

    submitted by /u/YibbityFlibbity
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    7D2D Vs. SSD

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 11:00 AM PST

    So I have to share an experience with the game. Have to say I love it, I jumped in on the first day it was up on Steam and have never looked back. I have well over a thousand hours in at the point and ever update me and the boys reset the server to try the new stuff.

    But, I had an interesting issue recently. I have the game installed on an SSD. Makes it respond lightning fast got a good framrate, the works. However I had a real strange issue occur.

    During gaming one night it refused to shut down the game fully. No big deal right? I waited for about and hour, still stuck, can't alt tab out, nothing. So I just powered the PC off. No biggie yeah? Well I was wrong, very wrong. Boot the PC back up, BSOD moment I hit desktop. So I run the gamut of fixes, end up having to do an image recovery. Boots up fine and dandy. Unlearning, boot up 7D2D again, same issue.

    This has gone on for a few months now, until I guess I killed the SSD, I am changing it out today actually. I fully intend to reinstall it and still enjoy the game. So my question is, has anyone else had similar issues with SSDs and 7D2D?

    submitted by /u/Dexen-Agar
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    Ok quick questions about combo pack

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:17 AM PST

    1) if I'm hosting does anyone else need to have it 2) how do I actually get it/install it 3) are the worlds random gen?

    submitted by /u/DeadSences
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    Looking for people to roleplay a MILITARY unit for our event tonight

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 04:38 AM PST

    Looking for people to roleplay a MILITARY unit for our event tonight

    We have a PVP event tonight on our ROLEPLAY-PVP server (in 6 hours approx). We´d love to have some people roleplay a military unit/ people with army background. Admin would give you some gear and also army-themed decorations for a base.

    This is a "radio message" that was broadcasted:

    Caterina stood in the control room of the Red Mesa plant, her arms crossed over her chest, her hand loosely gripping the radio. The ominous red hue from the reactor room flooded her form through the protective glass as she stared at the nuclear reactor, a thoughtful expression on her face. The radio clicked on.

    "This is Caterina Sanches from St Quentin Area. pause We have a situation at a local nuclear plant at 710e 580s. I´m issuing a warning for the surrounding areas, just in case. If there are any survivors from the US armed forces... we could use your help here. Over"

    Server started on the 4th of January 2021 and we have a nice friendly community with a good mix of EU/US players.

    Discord link: https://discord.gg/XFdtQAEcaS

    Connection info:

    Survival RP-PVP IP

    Port: 26930

    Feel free to ask question about the RP if interested.


    submitted by /u/CaterinaSu
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    Grace in pregen1?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:26 AM PST

    Iv been looking all over for grace in the A19 pregen 1 world with no luck i was hoping someone might have some insight to help me along?:)

    submitted by /u/smiffo24
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    Who is looking for a challenge?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:03 AM PST

    Well if you find vanilla 7days hard then keep scrolling on, if you find it just too easy then the GMR won't just give you a challenge, it will kick your arse all around the map.. search for GMR in the server browser and you better bring your horde base skills because you will need them!!


    submitted by /u/GMRHadesPlayground
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    Do zombies scale even with inactive players?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 09:03 AM PST

    Hi all,

    May be a dumb question but do zombies scale even if people aren't active on server, I play mainly with one other person, but have had a few other friends play on my save, and it seems like we get way more zombies than we should for 2 people on horde nights, not really an issue since we have a good base and ammo is easy to make in A19, just curious.


    submitted by /u/Dusty_Boii
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    Did they make the zombies super strong in A19?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 08:53 AM PST

    The last time me and my bf played 7 days was in March. We managed zombies and horde night fine enough we got up to day 105 before taking a break. We recently started playing again on a new server and we have gotten wrecked the first two horde nights.

    When we played before, the numbers we were seeing on the first and second horde night were super low.

    The first horde night we had tons of zombies and they were funneling well though a ladder...until they overwhelmed us. And we only lasted an hour into horde night.

    The second horde night we finished outfitting our base with tons of wooden spikes, a moat area and full concrete exterior and interior, the front of the house had reinforced steel. The spikes did nothing, the zombies broke through our base like it was made out of wood. They ignored the door and went straight for the reinforced steel.

    We both raged quit after we died twice and so we haven't seen the full extent of the damage to our base but I imagine its significant.

    I watch Glock on YT and hes doing a nightmare series and he mentioned that theres more zombies than hes used to and he didn't touch the multiplier for horde night. He was fighting his 2nd horde until morning.

    So, just in this description, what have we done wrong and what do we need to know about the zombies/horde night on alpha 19?

    Also it seems like we are constantly hungry. I have a mini farm on the top of the house but its barely keeping up.

    submitted by /u/goldminevelvet
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    Update petition for console version

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:59 PM PST

    Piz I need to play the new version

    submitted by /u/jokagames421
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