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    Friday, February 26, 2021

    7 Days To Die Hunger System update: Why would they do this...

    7 Days To Die Hunger System update: Why would they do this...

    Hunger System update: Why would they do this...

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:16 PM PST

    Is eating 96,000 calories a day normal?

    The entire game has turned into eating food and spending points on perks that increase how well you hold food/water and still I need to eat constantly. I mean literally constantly. I have every perk for food and cooking and had to eat 12 tacos in a 3 hour period yesterday.

    These updates are super unrealistic and terrible for the gameplay. Choice of where to spend level points is completely gone because of these hunger system changes and the new fatigue (which set in after 6 game minutes of mining even though I have several points into mining).

    All my friends have the same opinion on these changes and we all play A16. But are these changes widely liked by the community? I can't see in any way how these changes are positive. Are there any devs in here who can explain why you chose to make the hunger system so absurdly unrealistic and obnoxious to keep up with?

    I tried starting a new game in the newest update and you are now forced to spend your first 10ish points on food-related perks just to survive and if you don't get lucky with nearby quest and lots of food when you're scavenging then you can still end up constantly searching for food and hungry. It takes away from every single other aspect of the game and is a huge step in the wrong direction but yet I cannot find a single thing saying that the devs plan on reverting this change or anything.

    submitted by /u/Jblackdeegan
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    This question probably get asked a lot. I just started playing, not really planning on playing mutiplayer, where should I build my base?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:51 PM PST

    I've heard the farm is a good spot for online articles. It seems pretty far away from the trader though. Im just curious what you guys think?

    Also, id love to hear any of those "I wish I knew this when I started playing" tips.

    Im playing on whatever the default map is btw

    submitted by /u/OrickJagstone
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    How do you deal with the 7 days mechanic and persistent servers?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:50 PM PST


    So I always have a problem with 7d2d and playing with friends. Either they are on playing one day or off another when I am. Also varying time zones. I would love to get a server for us all. But how do you deal with the zombie hordes and game progression when everyone isn't online? You don't want to miss out on the game events. I'm guessing people have a method or way to cure this with mods maybe? I would love to know what others do. Thanks

    submitted by /u/FormerWrap1552
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    Day 2 PVP/PVE server with 32 player slots looking for survivors!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:45 AM PST


    Welcome to Fort Pastor, where those who arrive survive.

    This 7 days to die server will offer multiple server side mods only featuring 120 slot backpack,quality life,new vehicles, and more fun mods to help extend the game's longevity and quality of life in a fun balanced way!

    We are building a strong, friendly community where PVP and PVE is welcomed. This server is for those who are looking for a great PVP server along with an active friendly community.

    Search Fort Pastor to join the battle!


    submitted by /u/RaiderDawg
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    Skill tree glasses

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:27 AM PST

    Of you use the glasses that give you an extra skill point in a certain tree (say nerdy glasses for int) and buy a perk that is only unlocked at that higher level of the tree, do you lose the benefit of that perk when you take the glasses back off? So for example if I used glasses to boost my strength enough to buy Sex-Rex level 4, then took the glasses off, will I be back to only getting the effect of Sex-Rex level 3? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Firecat77
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    All Night Gamers - Undead Legacy | PvE

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:04 AM PST

    All Night Gamers - Undead Legacy | PvE

    All Night Gamers - Undead Legacy | PvE






    Come on down and have some all-night fun!


    • Server IP:
    • Game Port: 17470
    • Game Version: A 19.3 (b6)
    • Undead Legacy Version: 2.2.84
    • Difficulty: Survivalist


    • 24 Hour Cycle: 60 Minutes / Daylight Length: 18 - Default daytime: 4:00
    • Max Zombies: 100
    • Max Animals: 50
    • Advanced
    • Player/ AI Block Damage: 100%
    • Loot Abundance: 100% / Re-spawn Time: 30 Days
    • Drop on Death: Everything/ Drop on Quit: Nothing
    • Blood Moon Count: 8


    • PvE only - No Killing
    • Claim size: 51 Blocks/ Claim Duration: 7 Days


    • PvE only
    • No active base raiding, don't claim a POI, build close to a trader, and don't build or within 200 blocks of any city.
    • Respect other players and the admins.
    submitted by /u/Tailoxen
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    Maximizing trader quests?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:51 PM PST

    I dont have too many hours in this game, so I haven't got a lot of experience with a lot of the mechanics. I heard somewhere that in alpha 19 in the early game traders are the way to get a lot of good stuff, so I thought it would be fun to try and do a trader oriented run for my newest game (I used to do just a quest or two here and there in between looting things last time I played back when). I've been getting some decent stuff, but nothing like some of the claims in the forums... (there's always that one guy who says things like "I always get a vehicle by day 2 using trader quests" etc.) I'm not looking for insane rewards, but it got me thinking about what I could be doing differently. So I decided to ask some of you who have tried out a lot more playstyles than I have: what IS the most efficient way to utilize a trader when you are playing a trader oriented game? Obviously start putting points into better barter and daring adventurer, I've begun to do that, but is there a strategy to knocking out the quests, or selling certain loot to get lots of dukes? So far I've figured out that buried supplies with a stone shovel seems more time consuming than tier one other quests, so I've started choosing the others when I can. I also pick a quest that is closer usually, and try to get a quest that is in a direction I want to go anyway. I've been managing to do a few quests a day like this. What about if you have two traders close by? Is it better to bounce between them or to keep doing as many quests for just one of them as you can, until they dont offer one you want, at which point you go check the other?

    submitted by /u/Firecat77
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    7DaytoDie Entropic Legacy | Ep45 | RogueLike | Gameplay Series | Alpha 19.3 - A Build Play Explore Series. A crafting, zombie horde, survival game. Burnt Biome Only, Allowed to only Spend points in Fortitude. No Traders, No Air Drops, No Loot Respawn. #adventure #letsplay #survival

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:20 PM PST

    PC - Map editor : custom building disappears when I fast travel to POI

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:23 PM PST

    So I was working on a custom building and then I got stuck (like inside a block?) and so I teleported to a POI. When I went back it was gone fully?!? Why does this do that?

    I tested it again on a fresh map, click save before I teleported, and it still happened.
    Yes I marked the map to know precisely where it should be too. I just need some suggestions about this because I really want to make a custom building but I can't have that happen to me and lose hours of work.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Digital_Trek
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    Can’t load game

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:12 PM PST

    I'm trying to load into my private game on 7dtd on ps4 every time I go to start up the save it starts to load for about 10 seconds then cancels saying connection to PlayStation lost check ur connection and try again, I have very good internet so I know it's not a problem, any advise??

    submitted by /u/Dependent-Onion-465
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    Darkness falls mod

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:39 PM PST

    Even after reinstalling and pre syncing the mod I still get terrain rendering that isnt actually there and disappears when I get close. Plus, all the forges and work stations don't have an input slot. I tried starting a new game and its still the same thing. I opened normal 7dtd and everything was normal.

    submitted by /u/SnotRocketPro
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    New player mod questions

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:14 AM PST

    Hi! Me and a friend are going to start a coop game, we haven't played before. I would like to know if there are any "Must have" mods that make the game better and how easy is it to add mods to the game?

    submitted by /u/Earyx
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    Darkness Falls, new player questions

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:23 PM PST

    I am a new player to Darkness Falls, and steam says I have 62 hours in 7 days (but i don't remember actually playing the game). I am no stranger to hard games, so please don't tell me to pick something easier.

    What I am looking for, is some suggested settings for a first timer in the game. I am aware i should use one of the dfalls worlds, in order to make sure i have all the poi's needed to complete the mod. I have decided one of the medium ones is what i will be using.

    What are some of the other settings i should look at, and change, to make a first experience more enjoyable. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/thegamerdudeabides
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    Weekly Blood moon or Daily-in-game Videos?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:10 AM PST

    I have a question for you guys, right now I'm creating 7D2D videos a day-in-game per video to be exact, but I was wondering if it would be better if I just went for a blood moon to blood moon kinda thing.
    What do you think, thanks in advance


    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Enuma_Elis_EE
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    Play as same profile on different computers

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:01 AM PST

    Is there any way to play as the same player on my second computer? I have been playing on my PC, and now just got a gaming laptop. When I went to log in on my gaming laptop, it didn't remember my profile and was going to make me create a new character to hop in the server. I'm logged in to Steam on both accounts. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/pandadumdumdum
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    Want to make the jump from Xbox to Pc.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:32 PM PST

    Hello everyone! Anybody have an extra steam code? I want to make the jump from Xbox to PC! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/FortuneFavored
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