• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 7, 2021

    7 Days To Die This game is a gem for builders.

    7 Days To Die This game is a gem for builders.

    This game is a gem for builders.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 02:07 PM PST

    The level of details you can do with building on this game, i can arguably say surpasses minecraft in some aspect.

    • Gravity Physics
    • Round Blocks
    • The ability to paint blocks
    • Curved edges
    • Large Scaled building friendly

    I can keep going too, because some of my best building experiences was from this game, vs my thousands of hours on minecraft. This is one of my biggest driving factors of why i love this game so much.

    submitted by /u/Hellainia
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    Looting EVERYTHING

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 04:49 AM PST


    Does anyone else loot everything and never leave behind any loot? Watching 7DTD YT vids gives me a lil anxiety because people just leave brass, lead and all kinds of stuff laying around because they "cant carry it" or dont see value especially early game.

    I loot every last cabinet. Every trash bag. If i dont have space, I scrap stuff to make stacks of one common item.

    Anyone else play like this?

    [EDIT] [TLDR] So it seems like most people in this thread loot lightly for the first 2-3 days and work on base build, focus on raw mats. Then, players break off into two groups: those that loot compulsory, and those that only loot necessities and avoid anything that can be mined easily or not sold for profit. Also, looting habbits change as level gets higher and specific needs manifest themselves. Except brass. Always loot brass. There are those who scrap it and those who baby a forge.

    I had no idea this community was so active. Thanks for sharing!

    submitted by /u/EZClapsTTV
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    Who uses Steel Armor

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 11:49 AM PST

    I always use padded armor. I like to run fast and jump easily. Does anyone actually use steel armor? How does it work put for you?

    submitted by /u/Pale_Ad_853
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    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 08:59 AM PST

    I recently (two weeks ago) made the switch from Xbox to PC. I had countless hours of time on the Xbox version but it had become stale. After downloading it on my PC I was in shock.

    The amount of hard work the devs (♥️) have put into this game since the last console update is incredible and they continue to try and better the game. You can feel the passion they put into the game.

    While I feel bad for console players, I totally understand why it is how it is. Thank you TFP!

    submitted by /u/ExtremeDomeShot
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    In search of some good people to play 7d2d with

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 06:47 PM PST

    Hey guys, first off i apologise if im posting this in the wrong thread, Been playing this game for alittle while now and feel like it would be alot more fun with some friends, sadly i do not have any friends who play this game so im looking for some like minded individuals to play with, im 25 male who works construction, i smoke a ton of weed and drink the ocaisional beer. All request are welcome feel free to add me on steam my username is 'Half Man Half Bear Half Pig MBP' sorry i know its long i made it when i was 13. I also enjoy using a mic as opposed to typing

    submitted by /u/skybleedshope
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    Anyone else having trouble growing crops with War3zuk modpack?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 09:06 PM PST

    Im at a loss here, not sure if im doing something wrong or theres something wrong with the mod but i cant seem to harvest multiple items from crops. I have the living off the land skill maxed out, meaning i should be able to harvest 3 items from these corn plants im growing but it still just gives me 1 and only crafts into 1 seed as well.

    I believe this modpack runs the extended farming mod btw

    Anyone know what could be wrong?

    submitted by /u/spuhgeddy
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    Vanilla & Darkness falls at once?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 08:33 PM PST

    Ok well obviously not at the same time but is there a way to flip flop which I LAUNCH ? Or once I install darkness falls am I stuck with just that one till I remove the mod? Also is there a good guide on how to install DF since it's such a complex mod/overhaul?

    submitted by /u/DeadSences
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    Help needed for skills that I need

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 07:29 PM PST

    What are the skills that I need? I know Better barter, Lucky loiter, sexual trex, Master chef Is there anything else. Looking for any advice cos I'm a newb.

    submitted by /u/nikhol00
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    SKills that are good

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 07:26 PM PST

    What are the necessary skills that I should get in this game? I know Better Barter, Lucky Looter, Sexual Trex but is there any other skills I should get? Looking for any advice.

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Emu1137
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    Darkness Falls - Killed by Trader Guards

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 02:51 PM PST

    I just started this mod and I'm at the end of the second day. I decided to clear a building across the road from my local trader, and as I went to the front door the trader guards lit me up from across the road for no apparent reason. Is this a bug or something? Now I don't want to go near any traders in case this happens again.

    submitted by /u/BewitchingPetrichor
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    Any way to disable respawning zombies in POIs?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 05:42 PM PST

    Hey, like in the title. Is there any way or mod for 19.1 to disable respawning sleepers in previosly cleared POIs? For quests sure they can but it is annoying, 2-3 days and they are back in same position etc.

    submitted by /u/MlodyBananowy
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    7 days

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 04:25 PM PST

    None of my friends play looking for some people to play with steam name is Tacodroppings

    submitted by /u/SmokeyMcSkeet
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    7 Days To Die Roleplay server: "Das Expiriment" Proloque Chapter I: New beginnings (UPDATED) Full background, Timeline and complete CC of Chapter I.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 12:04 PM PST

    Das Expiriment


    In 2021, a Virus of unknown origins devasted the USA. After trying and failing to contain the virus, to prevent further spread the world bombed the USA in 2022. The remaining survivors are fighting for survival.
    In these wastelands the survivors soon learn that the monsters aren´t the only threat. The year is 2031 and things are brewing beneath the surface.


    The Alliance - a European formed Alliance. These are stranded soldiers and scientists still trying to find a way home after being in the wasteland for 10 Years. It´s a Diplomatic faction that relies on honour and trust and they are tired of fighting and conflict. There are many Alliance traders throughout the wasteland who have a decent supply chain and exchange brass for services and errand runs.

    The Survivors (aka The Savages) - American citizens who have lost everything and have survived until now. They do anything to survive and take what they want. As the world became more brutal so did their methods. They started out as any group of survivors until it became harder and harder to find supplies and keep their group safe. They slowly grew into a group full of bandits, murderers and worse. "Shoot first, loot first" has become their way.

    NAR (New American Republic) - A well-organized network of survivors, trying to recruit as many survivors as possible to their cause. Their leadership consist of American former high ranking military personnel and former government officials. They formed a few years after the war against the monsters. Their goal is to rebuild America and restore it to their former glory. Not everything is as "good" as it seems. Corruption, blackmailing and shady deals are common among their ranks.

    The Lost Wasteland survivors - not allied to any faction yet. Friend or foe, every lost one has a different tale to tell.

    Game Server Rules

    - Time will be slowed down to make proper building progress. 1 Day in game will be 4 hours IRL instead of the regular 1 hour.

    - It is important we always stay in character and don´t use in game chat. For every faction there will be a VC channel added and a comm for encounters.

    - Nobody can join the server before consulting in Discord.

    - Off broadcast it is not allowed to harm any opposing faction in anyway.

    - Chapters will be divided in weeks. Meaning we consult Thursday the plan for the upcoming Wednesday. I want to have it unscripted, but a few events must take place to keep the story moving.

    - You can broadcast, clip any type of content if BESTWOOD and DoctorBest85 is properly credited. It is not allowed to broadcast during DoctorBest85 Twitch Broadcast.

    - Rocket launchers are not allowed. Explosive for mining and fighting zombies only.

    - Equally dividing the number of players around the factions. Meaning we can´t have 5 Alliance players and only one Savage.


    DoctorBest85 as Dan (=main character)
    Dan - a former Savage who was with them since the beginning when they were still good. There are many smaller outposts and Dan heard rumours of the brutal attacks ordered by their ruthless leader Dave (Dan´s older Brother). After Dan confronting him, Dave didn´t hesitate to leave Dan for death in the middle of the wasteland. There he was saved by a scout from the NAR who gave his life to save Dan. Dan joined the NAR to honour the fallen scout and quickly worked his way up the ranks. He was given an assignment to start a new outpost in the brutal Navezgane. This area is rich in oil shale which the Republic needs to properly expand and travel across the wasteland. However, he kept his past a secret and never shared any details about the Savages. During the journey, the caravan got attacked by Savages during the night. Dan barely got away with a handful of supplies and that´s where his story starts.

    bigHoss45h as James
    James got tipped off by an NAR informant about the caravan traveling to Navezgane. James got a direct assignment from Dave to secure the Navezgane area and setup a mining outpost for Oil Shale. James failed a few important missions before by trusting on good faith and reasoning with the objective instead of the Savages' shoot first way. He was dedicated to get this job done. They attacked the caravan by night, but the NAR was far better equipped than the Savages anticipated. The heavy gunfight attracted a local monster horde. The whole mission went sour and both groups got scattered. James' story start the next morning wondering how to fulfil his duty when he stumbles across an NAR Survivor.

    TuxyFlow as Zach

    An NAR Builder part of the Navezgane expansion. His passion is crafting, mining and building things for the people around him. He doesn´t really care about politics and other moral talks. He is still young and can't remember a lot about the old world. He heard story about other factions and settlements but never really travelled the wasteland. He spent the past few years in a safe NAR settlement, and this is his first mission. After the caravan got raided, he was too scared to fight. He never used a weapon before. Pickaxes and shovels were the tools of his trade. He snuck away and hid in a nearby house. When his story starts, he knew a Savage (James) was on his trail.

    RemondMarox as Violet
    A Lost one

    SokeYoda as Bob

    Ex Alliance officer who gave up on his dream returning home. He settled down in a cabin in the hills. He is the last one alive of his regiment and there are many rumours about his past.

    Kali as Lieutenant Jozefien "Fien" Plantyn

    Jozefien "Fien" Plantyn finished a medical degree in the Belgian army and worked her way up to medical Lieutenant for the Special Ops Regiment. Soon after, she was assigned to Operation Black Trumpet to contain the virus to the American continent. Unlike some of her peers, she agreed with her commanding officers that 'nuking the place to oblivion' was the only way to make sure the virus would not spread to the other continents. Up until the first mushroom cloud did she believe in the just cause she had signed up for, but when she saw the devastation first hand that the nuclear missiles left in their wake, she became disillusioned. By the time the last missiles were fired and it was time to go home, she found that there was no extraction plan for her or her regiment. Cut off from the European mainland, her home and family, she organised the remaining members of her Regiment into a small but tight community and established a defendable base to tide over the blood moons until one of their engineers could re-establish radio connection and get them all back home. As the months became years, the small band of soldiers became a growing community, a mish mash of survivors found in houses and homesteads, soldiers from several countries and anyone who needed a home. The Alliance was born. Fien meanwhile had dedicated her time to learning how to farm and create herbal medicine with whatever she could find.
    She does not want to lead and is not very inclined to follow orders blindly either, preferring to keep to herself and her plants. She spends many of her days growing crops, researching herbal medicine and fiddling with some experimental cooking. Weary travellers are always welcome in her small home for shelter from the cold and a nice meal in exchange for news from the outside world. Every 10 days she opens a field hospital and people from the Alliance and wandering strangers alike are welcome to barter whatever they can spare in exchange for medical supplies.

    Sombrero as Samuel Freedom (Age 47)

    Personality: Brutal, cunning, sore to the pain, intolerant of opposition, prone to aggression and outbursts of anger, perceptive, intelligent, hypocritical.

    Description: A tall man with short hair and Newbies eyes, upturned, crooked nose, numerous scars, a slight limp on his left leg, athletic build with a keen penetrating gaze.

    History: General Freedom was an officer in the United States Army who commanded the United States Marine Corps, U.S. Army Rangers, Task Force 51 and his own elite army that was known as Freedom Company.

    General Freedom served as the supreme commander of the U.S. military forces during the epidemic after the President went MIA. After the initial outbreak of the virus, he started the `` War for Freedom '' campaign. Even after the European forces joined the fight it was a lost cause. He gathered the remaining broken troops, armed organizations and the rest of the politicians hiding in the bunkers. Every man who could hold a gun he recruited and send out to fight the hordes of monsters. He was confident and ruthless. Retreat is not an option. After the sky went black all hopes of winning were lost and left the forces scattered and confused. Freedom doesn´t believe the UN weren´t behind the first strike. Shortly after that rumours about Operation Black Trumpet spread and Freedom decided to occupy the capitol bunker. Here he met Dave and Dan two natural leaders with no military background but inspiring people. Freedom was a General, but the way Dave talked about hope and faith instant got his intention. They hold the capitol for a while then supplies run short and they start to organize scavenge runs and establish outposts. When supplies run scarce Dave and Freedom kept pressing hard and using more brutal methods to get the job done. Freedom used his skill to mould Dave in his own image as a leader. He made a rift between the brothers, keeping Dan in the dark. It was Freedom who made sure Dan knew about the brutal raids and it was Freedom who wanted to cut loose Dan. Three years have passed, and the Savages became a large group. Freedom got informed about a big NAR Oil operation and was eager to stop this plan and claim the minerals for the Savages.

    Occupation and Talent: Lieutenant General Freedom, Leader of Freedom, Leader of Savages.

    Elite military, tactical and military knowledge. Knowledge of many foreign languages. Huge knowledge of gunsmith and armaments. Master of command and management.

    2nd in Command of the Savages

    World Timeline (Work in progress)


    NOV 2020
    A man got attacked by a Bear in the NY Zoo
    DEC 2020

    Internet clips are starting to appear about a strange fever, causing epileptic seizures. People lose their minds and attacking others. So far the events seem unrelated, except for some underground conspiracy theorists, who get swiftly silenced by the US government.


    JAN 2021

    The US Government announces a state of emergency for the whole country and advice everyone to stay indoors and not travel anymore until further notice
    FEB 2021
    Numerous internet posts start to appear about hostile animals and 'monsters'. People take to the streets rioting in pillaging in protest to their governments lack of action.

    MAR 2021
    The President gets report MIA
    General Freedom takes over all military command.
    APR 2021
    Vice President is in talks with the UN about the epidemic and how to fight it.
    General Freedom doesn´t want to wait for the European reinforcements and starts the War for Freedom
    MAY 2021
    The UN sends out soldiers to help the US Military fight the epidemic
    JUNE 2021
    The night the sky turns black – i.e. origins of the Blood Moon
    US Soil is getting targeted by an unknow attacker and multiple strategic locations are targeted.
    (e.n. The unknown attacker is a coalition of Russia and China, who – unbeknownst to US and UN – developed an experimental drug that 'could save' the Americans but would leave the continent devastated. Further testing is required, but since the virus was only in America and they didn't want to risk importing the virus they decided to just launch the missiles and pray. The serum reacted badly to the brass husks of the missiles, however, and created an exponential chemical reaction that coloured the sky deep red, almost black hue, causing the monsters on the continent to go berserk. The effects dissipated after a while, but every once in a while, for reasons yet unknown the effects would activate again, causing another 'Blood Moon'. The UN found out about the failed experiment and its catastrophic results through a short apology note. They decided to keep this information under wraps to prevent turmoil on the Eurasian continent.)
    August 13 2021

    Having sustained heavy losses in America, the UN decides to launch Operation Black Trumpet, a nuclear initiative and last-ditch effort to keep the virus contained to the American soil. All connection with the American continent is severed, including the European soldiers still there fighting a losing battle.

    August 15 2021

    The first nuclear missiles are launched from the Protuguese surface warship Guardiã, targeting some of the major cities along the US east coast. The Americans never saw it coming. Millions of innocent citizens were vaporised before the US government could react.

    August 18 2021

    Belgian, Dutch, German and Suisse troops are landing in Mexico, preparing to fight their way inland and moving nuclear missiles in position to target the centre states of the USA that can not be bombarded from the safety of the sea.

    September 2021

    The entire Norther American continent is burning, with millions of casualties amongst civilians, European and American soldiers, animals and monsters alike. The UN warships move on to target Central- and South America. The troops sent inland to complete the ground support for the nuclear mission are considered KIA.
    October 2021
    General Freedom moves to the capitol and meets Dan & Dave.

    November 2021

    After the shooting stops, small groups of Americans, families and small communities, start to band together to salvage what they can and rebuild. Some groups establish small settlements and focus on salvaging and recycling what they can find, while others – frustrated with the injustice of the ruthless UN military action – choose a more aggressive path, looting and murdering, leaving a bloody trail in their wake and taking whatever they want.


    February 2022

    Several settlements get burned to the ground, and the remaining communities are forced to pay protection money to groups of bandits. People start migrating away from the east coast, where the most aggressive bandit groups have their turf, and move further inland to escape the extortion and random violence.

    March 2022

    A group of European soldiers, Lieutenant Fien Plantyn amongst them, has managed to survive by digging in. They settle in the Western region of Navezgane and establish a safe perimeter. A short-range broadcast is maintained to call on all surviving soldiers to join this new community of European ex-military. The Alliance is born.

    July 2022

    Word spreads fast of the steadily growing Alliance, and many people running away the from bandits in the east find refuge and protection behind the thick walls and military weaponry. The community is led by a small group of former Officers of the U.N. military, who rule over the Alliance with iron discipline. They preach peace and cooperation and maintain that peace with a firm hand and military precision. No one is allowed to leave the safety of the walled settlement after nightfall, and no one gets to openly carry weapons inside its walls during daytime, except for the armed guards patrolling the perimeter 24/7.


    April 2024

    Tension has been running high between the American and European settlers. Fights between American and European soldiers have become more and more common, despite harsh disciplinary actions towards those who disturb the peace of the community. Negotiations are attempted to maintain the peace, but on April 20 2024 a group of (mostly American) citizens, craftsmen and soldiers decide to leave the Alliance.

    They are given one month to find a new place to settle and the Alliance agreed to provide them with some basic materials to start their own community.

    May 10 2024

    A suitable location for settlement is found in the North of Navezgane and preparations start immediately for the group to relocate. Since coming to the decision to split off of the Alliance, relations between the two groups have significantly improved due to the ease in tension, and they agree to keep in touch and explore trading opportunities.

    May 17 2024

    The New American Republic is officially formed and recognized by the Alliance.

    September 2024

    After having looted and burned their way across the east coast, one group of bandits, calling themselves Savages, has grown strong in numbers. Since the coastal cities have been pecked clean, they decide to take their violent ways more inland, searching for new, rich and vulnerable communities to extort and plunder.


    October 2027

    Rumour reaches the New American Republic that smaller remote settlements at their eastern borders are being raided. Trade wagons never make it to their destinations, communities are not heard from again. Bandits are not unheard of, but the whispers of an organized crime faction make for unsettling news.


    January 2028

    After having tightened the security of their borders and moving some of the settlers to the bigger, more fortified settlements usually reserved for blood moons, the NAR citizen militia encounters a large group of wandering bandits. The bandits immediately open fire and the militia suffers heavy casualties, but due to their knowledge of the area they manage to fall back to a defendable position. They radio in to their base camp and the reinforcements outflank the bandits and annihilate all of them. Peace returns to the North, and the Alliance need never know.

    May 2028

    NAR scout Stephan Garcia finds Dan holed up in an attic in the wasteland, starving, dehydrated and surrounded by pack of zombie dogs waiting for him to come down. Vultures are circling over head, pecking away at the steel plates of the roof. It's only a matter of time before either animal gets to the weakened Dan. Garcia radios in for help from the NAR but decides not to wait for nightfall to help Dan, fearing the man won't last the night. He sneaks up to the zombie hounds and kills all 4 of them with his hunters' knife and picks the vultures out of the sky with his muffled sniper rifle. But when he closes in to get to Dan, a fifth zombie dog jumps out and bites him in the shoulder, ripping out a big chunk of tendril and muscle. He barely manager to pull himself up the ladder to the platform where Dan pulls him to safety and shoots the dog with Garcia's gun. Dan tries to stop the bleeding, but Garcia dies within minutes of blood loss, but not before making sure Dan swears to shoot him in the head once he passes. Once Stephan Garcia is no more and won't be coming back, Dan salvages the food and water rations from the scout's backpack. Come morning he is found by the NAR backup and is welcomed in their community.


    NOV 2030
    The NAR gives Dan the mission to set up a mining outpost for Oil Shale.

    DEC 2030

    Freedom gets information about a big NAR operation to gather Oil Shale in Navezgane. Dave gives the green light to stop their plans and find that Oil Shale source.


    JAN 2031

    Start of our Story

    Thank You for scrolling all the way down! You can be part of the roleplay.
    YouTube of Chapter I:


    submitted by /u/DoctorBest85
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    Console players and the future of the game

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:27 PM PST

    Hey y'all! for anyone Xbox or Ps4 7DTD players coming here to find answers to see if the game will be updated on console. The company that was updating the game on console went bankrupt, and the fun pimps no longer have rights, they are waiting for the game to go gold to update on consoles(what i've been told). I just thought I would come on here and tell everyone that doesn't know.

    have a goodnight zombie slayers!

    submitted by /u/ChefIswick
    [link] [comments]

    Help! Can't play the game at all. Details below

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 09:24 AM PST

    So I recently (About an hour ago) I bought this game on ps4, and for some reason it won't start at any way.

    First I tried playing it local. But when it comes to name the game, it all goes to shit. I try to enter letters, but all I get is chinese characters, and of course it won't let me into the game.

    Then I tried joining a game, but again, it says "network connection is lost" but it's actually working.

    So it doesn't matter what I do, it just won't let me play.

    submitted by /u/CoherentDiscoPanda
    [link] [comments]

    Backpack after death

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 02:41 AM PST

    If I die 2 times in a row without getting loot from my first backpack back, will it still be there after my second death? So will there be 2 backpacks or only the one from my last death? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Howienator7
    [link] [comments]

    Darkness Falls Tips (may contain DF spoilers)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 07:43 AM PST

    So I've recently installed Darkness Falls on Alpha 19.3 So far I'm doing okay, I've just completed day 14 hord night. This is pretty insane! I built a tower base near Trader Joel's outpost thinking that the extra firepower from the guard might help me.

    On the second horde night i've had zombie bears, cops, those weird guys with the gasmasks, some guy with a orange blob on his head,screamers and packs of fricken dire wolves! Is this normal and could any of you guys who have played before point me in the direction of some good tips.

    Also can you unlock other skill sets as this is my first playthrough of DF with no prior info I chose Labourer and Security as my specialities.

    I plan on playing until death then I'll go at it again I have 1800hrs on vanilla 7 days so most of the mechanics of the game aren't an issue.

    Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/DaddaMongo
    [link] [comments]

    Prison Base

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 09:14 AM PST

    I'm on a random gen world (day 17) and doing well for myself. I'm living in a prison POI and was wondering if anyone knew of any food ways to make it into a base? I had a badass compound on a friends world but he doesn't play anymore and I don't want to have to go through all that work to rebuild the same base. I know it's ultimately up to me and what I want to do but I just am asking if anyone has any recommendations. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/its_willis
    [link] [comments]

    I need help with moding

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 12:50 PM PST

    I have followed instructions to a T for downloading and adding mods to 7 days to die and they do not work at all. I made sure the mods were extracted, made sure they were put into a "Mods" folder in the local files, and made sure the mod was for the correct version and still to no avail none of them work. Can someone please help me because obviously I am doing something wrong here. oh and one more thing, when i load the game and press F1 on the title screen on 7 days to die it does say mods were loaded and does not indicate or say any type of loading error and i also have anti cheat off.

    submitted by /u/pedosRscum
    [link] [comments]

    Is it possible to extract the XML config files used by a server?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 06:55 AM PST

    The server I play on uses custom XML files. I would like to be able to look at/compare stats for items, perks, etc without relying on the sometimes clunky in-game interfaces. Not to mention the fact that the in-game text is sometimes missing information.

    I can tell these files are hitting my PC at some point due to lines in my log files such as "2021-02-05T16:18:42 37.787 INF Received config file 'items' from server. Len: 178680". I just don't know where they are going.

    submitted by /u/qyrfqhkrcbyivkfroa
    [link] [comments]

    Finally able to play A19 coming from console, I keep dying...

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 04:36 AM PST

    I've been playing this game on console for a while. Now that I've made the switch there are a lot of things im having issues with....thanks in advance

    Stamina regen/backpack space is a pain in the butt. What are some tips in early game to deal with this?

    I'm used to crafting my tools over and over to level them at night. However now that A19 doesn't have that system what should I be doing at night? Just craft the base?

    On my second day I usually head towards the quest I picked up from trader, but i keep Dying. During the first 7 days should I just focus on resources like iron, wood, stone, etc?

    I see that each house/poi has zombies in them. My game keeps setting me up near that information center that is elevated with the gate around it. Are there any other early game spots that are good to setup?

    In console I rarely used the trader. What is the best way to acquire in game money?

    Any other day 1-7 tips appreciated

    submitted by /u/thismodernleper
    [link] [comments]

    Fastest way to gain XP in my situation (Alpha 19)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 02:59 AM PST

    I want and kinda need to level up big time before the next horde to upgrade gatherer skills (strenght). I have maxed out agility with sneak perks, blade damage, (cross)bow and high jump, also high trader quests (IV) close to V. I am sort of mobile with a minibike and I got a Trader with tier 4 and t5 buildings close to each other (around 1km max). What is the fastest way to gain XP for me now? Maybe Traderquests or setting up campfires to attract screamers? Or speedrunning normal buildings and/or quests killing all sleeping zombies?

    Setting are 40 min days on Warrior with 100%Xp and everything else default.

    Edit: Zombie XP is shared with at least 2 other players.

    submitted by /u/Sperlian
    [link] [comments]

    Hud + mod

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 04:07 AM PST

    Hi, I'm installed hud + mod to the game, but when I'm loading into the game, I have infinity loading screen where is "loading UI", is that mean that the mod is installed wrong? Or it's because I have low PC?

    submitted by /u/8_DARK_BORK_8
    [link] [comments]

    WotW - Class Traders

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 08:26 AM PST

    Did they remove class traders in the latest WotW - running on A19.3?

    submitted by /u/Shadrac
    [link] [comments]

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