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    Saturday, March 27, 2021

    7 Days To Die Stream/Let's Play Saturday

    7 Days To Die Stream/Let's Play Saturday

    Stream/Let's Play Saturday

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Looking to share your 7 Days to Die gameplay videos with everyone or for an audience when you go live?

    Post here with a link to your Youtube/Twitch Channel or whichever video/playlist you're looking to share!

    You could also join the Official 7DTD Discord and post in #streams-and-videos!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I know it's not mod Monday but I got a combination of mods I've been experimenting with. After about 60 hrs out of 1345 total vanilla hrs, I have a recommendation to my fellow survivors...

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    First and foremost, I recommend "The Wasteland (A19)"


    It brings Fallout 4 assets to the game, including super mutants, raiders (confirm helps earn those kill player steam trophies for you solo players), and weapons from pipe pistol to laser shotgun to super sledge. Plus supposedly there is power armor but I haven't found it naturally yet.

    Second, I recommend "Firearms Expansion 4" cuz more weapons is awesome.


    Thirdly and optionally, "Noble's Food Plus."


    This just adds more food and recipes, which is nice. But again, this is optional.

    And that's it my friends. You will barely notice the difference until you start progressing. These mods don't change the core game play, they just add onto it a little bit. The only thing that really changes is the dynamic of roaming and exploring. Zombies aren't your real threat when you are out and about...it's the raiders and super mutants. They will sneak up on you and unless you are observant, they will put you down. Or worse yet, if you wake up a whole building filled with super mutants and all 8 of em come running after you at the same time.....well, I hope you found the gatling gun.

    Stay sharp, survivors.

    submitted by /u/Isaac_Space_Jesus
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    Paid for this game on console years ago....

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    Fuck me and my 30 bucks huh?

    Edit was for $30 not $15.

    submitted by /u/00mch
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    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    • Tier 6 trader quests, tons of exclusive monsters and weaponry/gear, and additional POIs found nowhere else including our wandering BANDIT hordes

      • Newly-added custom, balanced xml content every week intended to create a challenging and meaningful "WORK FOR IT" end game (settings allow you to kill fast if you are an accurate marksman but also die quickly!)
      • * No easy mode /teleport /home commands & no pay2win donor perks
      • * * A social, adult gaming-home that is very pro-first amendment

    Try BlewBarry Farms PvE!

    : Chicago-hosted : Adult-run : Welcoming, silly, & active Discord community

    Message me for more info or a Discord invite! https://imgur.com/a/5w2SFN4 https://imgur.com/a/HPIiFBW steam://connect/

    submitted by /u/JingMaoBing
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    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    Here comes the noob question: what is the best way to farm potassium? I am in desperate need of it.

    submitted by /u/Grecky_23
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    Is there a mini map?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    That would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/AsneakyKitten
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    Loot respawning problem

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    So me and some mates have set up a base opposite a hospital and the server settings are set so loot respawns every 2 days. We on pc running 19.3 .

    We waited 4 days and still no respawned loot...what did we do wrong?

    submitted by /u/Arkena_feral
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    Do my friends need to install Ravenhearst (overhaul mod) to play it with me?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:26 PM PDT

    Just wondering if it's possible for me to mod a server with Ravenhearst myself, so my friends don't have to do anything. We're all on PC.

    Appreciate any tips!

    submitted by /u/ProximaDust
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    Best way to get trader coin fast?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:04 PM PDT


    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    Anyone have any good seeds that they wouldn't mind sharing

    submitted by /u/Br0ke_H0e_25
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    Question for Modders

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 05:58 PM PDT

    Hey, I was wondering if it's possible to add an item to a player's inventory every time they level up. Currently I'm playing with the mod Undead Legacy and I was thinking it work better for me and my friends if I could add research points every time we level up, kind of like in Ark. Anyone have and ideas?

    submitted by /u/SirYogNog
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    When you panic and choose the wrong door XD Insane Minder Manor POI in 7 days to die modded with Darkness Falls Mod. (Link to my channel pinned on my profile)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    **�������������� ���� ���������� ������������**

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    **𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠**

    Masters of Chaos Gaming is a group of experienced gamers who host and run servers for some popular games. We currently have a variety of servers for 7 Days to Die. Whether you're a beginner just getting started with the game, or a long-time player looking for a serious challenge, we have the server for you!

    We're located in SE Michigan, and host on our own hardware that more than exceeds the dedicated server hardware requirements. We also keep regular backups on a separate system to ensure that your gameplay experience is unmarred.

    Offering a variety of servers with varying levels of difficulty for you to play on.

    Zed Rising

    Zed Rising is a relaxed, beginner PvE 7 Days to Die server running Alpha 19, with fun Quality of Life mods, 2 Land Claim Blocks and a friendly community of gamers on a 12k custom map. We welcome new players and strive to provide a fun environment for people just starting out in the game


    Dead Island

    Dead Island is a casual server for experienced players. Closer to a Vanilla experience with minimal mods. The server is set to Nomad difficulty with double the default horde sizes.


    Last Light

    This server is designed for hardcore survivalists. Everything is out to get you. There are no cheaty teleports. Bloodmoons are going to be a real experience with increased horde sizes, heftier gamestages, and a new AI. Test your mettle on this Survivalist level challenge server.



    Join us today!


    submitted by /u/Working-Tone-1453
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    Favorite Base Design

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Anybody have a favorite base design? If so, what is it? Mine is a combination of a pit fall trap and a spike trap. Basically a deep note with upside down spikes.

    submitted by /u/666LucifersLover666
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    Game crash advice (Specs below)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    Hello there, me and my friend just bought the game and have run into issues.
    His game constantly keeps crashing together with his PC, he get's the bluescreen all the time, we can barely make it over the 15 min mark.
    We were thinking it could be a RAM issue, his set up is quite powerful and that might be the reason for his problem with RAM.
    Could be possibly a version issue with the game.
    Fixes we attempted ourselves already include lowering the graphics, forced steam to start it in
    dx10 (force feature level 10 0) and trying older "stable versions"
    We tried the latest experimental patch, 19.4 and 19.3.
    It happens to him if either of us is hosting the game.

    His specs are the following:
    GPU: Nvidia Geforce RTX2080 Ti
    16gb ram
    SSD external
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
    Windows 10 Home 20H2

    Thanks for your time and help in advance : )

    submitted by /u/Santa_Raccoon
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    Is the new spawnrate adjustable?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 08:45 AM PDT


    You can call me noob it's ok. I am handicapped and usually i have no problem with this game. I play with a friend Coop on Navezgan and default options except friendly fire. We did lots of Tier 5 missions(Shotgun Messiah & Sham), they were challenging(Usually takes 60-90min for ONE) but doable. But since one update it , for US, IMPOSSIBLE. Even on Top of the PoI gigantic masses of Zombies spawn and run ALL the way from the entrance to us on the roof. No time to loot anything because it NEVER stops. At least 100-200 zombies.

    Can we switch it so it's like BEFORE A19(Only the spawning)?

    submitted by /u/Grospolina
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    7 Days to Die Tower Clear Horde Night - UnitedGamersAuthority on Twitch

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    Seeing through terrain mesh: Exploit/Glitch that must be discussed

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    I love 7 days and everything about the game. But the one game- breaking thing about it is this issue, which I have noticed is more prevalent in the Darkness Falls mod. If you are doing a buried treasure quest, for example, you can simply dig a hole downwards, then to the side, crouch into the hole, then stand up and your head will be inside the mesh. You can see though all the terrain this way, can locate your treasure instantly and can even open it through the mesh if you are close enough to it. I have noticed this issue more in darkness falls but I also know it exists in the base game. It can also be very annoying when mining because your head popping in and out of the mesh makes it hard to determine where you're actually digging. How can I fix this? Read a post about playerwalk and playercrouch in resources.assets but noticed that darkness falls does not have them modified any different from the base game. What causes your head to be able to go through the terrain, and is it possible to fix this? I would assume there would have to be some sort of way to prevent the player from standing up in places where they shouldn't be able to.

    submitted by /u/WorkingHyena
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    Missions and saves (A19.4)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    One thing that bugs the heck out of me is that if you have to exit the game while on a mission ( or need to reload because of a graphics glitch), you are forced to restart the mission. This hurts my soul when halfway through a tier 5 mission and you're already running low on ammo... <\rant>

    submitted by /u/hifumiyo1
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    Any mods which adds new zombies/weapons/POIs, without removing existing things.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    Would like to spice up the game a little, but keep the core experience the same. Especially interested in a more challenging end game. Does anyone have a mod to recommend for this?

    submitted by /u/ar7ic
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    is there a map with hardened chest locations?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:23 AM PDT

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