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    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    7 Days To Die Base Tour/Showcase Thursday

    7 Days To Die Base Tour/Showcase Thursday

    Base Tour/Showcase Thursday


    Want to show off your base or a build you're particularly proud of? Want to show off what helped you make it through horde night?

    Take a video or some screenshots and post them here to share with your fellow survivors!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The jump from Adventure to Nomad is a struggle for me.


    I love this game. I play one death & restart. The farthest I've gotten on Adventure is 30+ days. However, once I make the jump to Nomad I can't get beyond 7 days. It's always a pack of dogs, random bear or wolf that gets me. If I'm unable to get a pistol in a few days I'm screwed. How do you guys survive those encounters? Do you just run or avoid? Anyone else struggle on Nomad vs Adventure like me? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/thismodernleper
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    Is it worth doing other traders missions?


    I'm new and still learning.

    I got a tier 2 mission on the trader by my base, which sent me to a trader relatively far away in pretty tough snow lands.

    I know it's useful visiting other traders for their inventory but is there a benefit to doing the other traders missions as well?


    Should I stick to the trader by my base for missions because it's easier?

    submitted by /u/SoulsbourneDiesTwice
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    having some weird POV glitches on a server


    Are lumberjack zombies alerted to you when clearing a POI in the snow biome?


    I built my base in a snow biome for the first time in my newest game.

    Through the first few days, almost every time I am exiting a POI after clearing it there is a lumberjack zombie that has broken through a wall and attacks me on the main floor, even though I don't notice any nearby when entering the POI.

    Is this just because lumberjack zombies have a higher spawn rate? A longer detection range? Something else?

    submitted by /u/makeitagain
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    the grind must go on


    Just had a save game get deleted


    I started a game that I've been playing for quite a while now. About 3 to 4 minutes in to starting the game, my computer shuts off and restarts for no reason. Then when I went back to my save files it was gone. Why would this happen?

    submitted by /u/ArdelLedbetter
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    Is there a simple mod that does so i can place unlimited junk turrets?


    Multyplayer with friend, Console is Spamming in red (MODDED)


    Multyplayer with friend, Console is Spamming in red (MODDED)

    [solved] Sadly me and my friend cant play together because every time one of us is joining the other person the console is spamming in red: Exception: No item/block/material with name 'resource BottlecapStar' existing 2021-04-01T16:11:43 64.599 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing "failed"
    We have both exactly the same mods installed but we cant play together.


    submitted by /u/Discombobulated_Back
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    any way to properly limit fps (not vsync)?


    So I tend to end up with pretty long game sessions and my room is heating up a lot when 7dtd is running. In other games I combat that by limiting the FPS (setting a max fps). I can't find that option in 7dtd. Vsync doesn't really help much, the gfx card still pumps out as much frames as possible and just tosses everything that is not within my monitors refresh rate, also vsync gives me crazy frame drops.

    Are there any launch parameters or settings files I can tweak to limit max fps to 75?

    submitted by /u/OPhasballz
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    how to stop zombie dday spawn?


    Hi, so im currently playing on my own dedicated server and after beating dday I closed the game and server but for some reason, after logging back on the dday zombies spawned again. This the 2nd time it happened already and now theres a hole in my fucking base where zombies can run though lol. i need help on how to get rid of the zombies because im currently playing on "hardcore" mode, so if i die i lose everything in my inventory including a fresh restart after death.

    submitted by /u/IlBarcodelI
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    Can ps5/ps4 players play with pc players


    My uncle's son what's to buy 7days to die and play with me but the problem is I play it on pc but he use ps4 and ps5 he doesn't have a pc he have a laptop for learning with a good gpu and cpu but they don't allow him to download any games on it just for learning

    submitted by /u/Mohammad22341
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