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    Wednesday, September 1, 2021

    7 Days To Die Wildcard Wednesday

    7 Days To Die Wildcard Wednesday

    Wildcard Wednesday

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to post anything you might have missed from the schedule below:

    Day Topic
    Sunday Seedy Sunday
    Monday Modded Monday
    Tuesday Tips n Tricks Tuesday
    Thursday Base Tour/Showcase Thursday
    Friday Friend Finder Friday
    Saturday Stream/Let's Play Saturday
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Annnnndddddd..... check

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    Darkness Falls Beginners Guide

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    Darkness Falls as many of you know is a complete game overhaul mod. It is not the only one out there, but it is probably the most popular. It was created by the great KhaineGB for veteran players who have gotten a bit bored with the vanilla game and are looking for a significantly lengthened early/mid game and a solid challenge. The mod also features some robust end game POI's and "story," but I won't be getting into that here, you should experience that for yourself. This is long, so if this mod doesn't interest you then read no further. Since there are few resources online supporting the mod, I decided to make a basic guide for it here

    First things first, you MUST use one of the DF specific maps, no Navezgane, no random gen and no Nitrogen. The game loads fine but the custom DF wasteland biome won't, which means no Titanium/Plutonium/Uranium and no endgame DF POIs. Install instructions are here. I've had success with the 7D2D mod manager for installing DF, but the creator recommends against it. Do not use any other mods with DF unless you know they will work.

    I also don't recommend playing with permadeath or increasing the default difficulty. Too many cheap deaths at POIs and its hard enough as it is.

    The most up to date mod information can be found on the Discord Channel. You can find compatible modlets, FAQs, version compatibility and ask questions there.

    Skill Progression:

    The biggest change the mod makes is in the progression tree. There is a "general" tree as well as 8 different classes such as Farmer or Security. You start the game with two 'class books' in single player or just one in multiplayer depending on how your server is set up. The laborer class, for example, will let you make a forge and workbench much easier and sooner. It is worth noting that you can still get a forge/workbench without Laborer, or a bicycle/minibike without the Mechanic class, but you need to loot the skill books or unlock them in the "general" tree with skill points. If you are reading the skill book but the item you want is not unlocking, it is likely because you need to put skill points in the respective crafting section under the "general" skill tree. For example, you need points in Gun Crafting before you can craft an AK-47, even if you have read the skill book already. Same goes for the various armor types and Armor Crafting, or melee weapons and Weapon Crafting. Investing in these crafting skills also increases the level of the items you craft (and base repair level) as well as unlocking more advanced items if you have found the skillbooks for them. The crafting skills are very important to invest in.

    Finally, some items or skills can only be unlocked via the class tree. You can only get a motorcycle or 4x4 with the Mechanic class, and lucky looter is only found in the Scavenger class. Getting more class books to unlock additional classes is a challenge. It requires Ink, which is made from black dye, which is made from red, yellow and blue dye. You will also need LOTS of skill notes, which you get from scrapping skill books you have already read or otherwise unlocked. Do not sell them like you would in Vanilla! Building a Writing Desk will lower the cost of new class books considerably. Additionally, this makes book stores a priority target in DF

    Survival Skills:

    Most lootable food items including canned goods have a high chance of food poisoning, which sucks. Finding a pot and grill (by raiding kitchens) for your campfire is the very first thing you should do to start the game. From there you can cook canned goods with a clay bowl to make them edible. Wellness is a thing in DF and it will almost certainly challenge you early, which is where starting the Farmer class comes in clutch. Only higher end foods (Steak and Potatoes, Meat or Vegetable Stew) or drinks (Orange Tea, Tomato Juice) will improve wellness. As with most things, you can unlock these with skill books or skill points if you don't choose the Farmer class to start. The Health Nut skill improves maximum wellness and base wellness if you die a lot like me

    Your farms require irrigation to grow food. The 'rain catcher' is the easiest way to do that. Use a hoe to till some soil as per vanilla, but dig a hole 2 blocks deep and place a rain catcher at the bottom and it will irrigate your crops within about 4 blocks. It needs to be placed 2 blocks deep because the water is glitchy and will flood/destroy your plants if you don't. I recommend planting carrots, potatoes and corn as well as fruit trees at the very least.


    There are new crafting stations to build. In addition to the traditional forge, workbench and chemistry station, there are things like the Metal Workbench (metal armor, cement mixer, ammo) and Big Forge (same as regular forge, but you can install a crucible to make forged steel and a Bellows to craft faster) and Advanced Forge for smelting steel and other things cheaper/faster. There is also a Lathe (loot only) for crafting gun parts to build almost any gun in the game, and the writing desk to make class books cheaper that I mentioned earlier. Finally, there is a Laser Bench and Fusion Forge for end game goodness, but you will need to venture into radiation infested wasteland zone (with a radiation suit or power armor) to find out more about that.

    Mod crafting requires generic schematics. Mods are sweet and make your weapons better in every way, but you will need to invest skill points to unlock mod crafting in three tiers

    Horde Night:

    This is the most challenging part of DF, and they start hard on Day 7. Ferals, rads and zombie bears show up earlier and in numbers. The zombies do lots of block damage, so I wouldn't bother building a dedicated horde base until you can make lots of reinforced concrete. Retrofit a POI early and move to a new one when the zombies trash it. Traps and lots of firepower/ammo become a necessity or they will tear even your reinforced concrete base down. Explosives, Molotov's and a base design that lets you take advantage of them are highly recommended. Luckily, demolishers don't seem to show up until later, but the other zombies do enough damage on their own. Screamers don't seem to show up until later either.

    I strongly recommend keeping your horde base a loot/farm base separate.

    General Tips:

    - Do the class quests ASAP! They give you free skill points and stuff and are required to further unlock the class tree

    - Baked potatoes and grilled Yucca are great and very easy early sources of food. You just need a grill and potatoes/yucca are everywhere in the forest/desert biome respectively.

    - Craft larger backpacks to carry more stuff without getting encumbered.

    - Check your journal under Mining for which ores you can find in each biome and how.

    - The crowbar utterly destroys safes. Carry one rather than dealing with lockpicks.

    - You can unlock a class mastery perk with 10 skill points (very pricey) OR by making a skill book at the writing desk (also pricey, but with skill notes).

    - Imo, the Mechanic class isn't worth starting with. You can't make anything better than a minibike/bicycle until level 50 anyways and you can get those with skillbooks or points easily enough

    - You can build ovens with an invested skillpoint, which are like campfires but faster and don't attract screamers.

    - Traders and their guards can die. Be careful about building bases near or around them as tempting as it is

    - You can fill up empty jars with a Rain Catcher, just don't use the ones you built for farming

    - Demons have insane regen. Use high DPS weapons to kill them

    - The Blessed Metal mod does double damage to demons and 15% more damage to the undead. You should put one in a high DPS weapon for killing demons.

    - Planting fruit trees requires neither tilled soil or irrigation. Using them to improve your drink game is the easiest way to keep up your wellness and you won't need to carry a million boiled waters with you anymore.

    - Improving drinks early makes the desert biome the safest to build a base early. No Dire Wolves, no bears and fewer wandering zombies. Being hot all the time makes you drink a lot, which improves wellness and Yucca is everywhere for grilling a basic food. Win-win-win.

    - Those red skill notes you rarely get from zombie drops unlock The Future Is Now (end game) skill tree, which is made at the writing desk.

    - Eve is located in the snow biome. She gives you an important quest.

    - Trader Caitlin is only in the Wasteland biome. She carries some sweet goods

    - Trader Caitlin's base is a good and safe-ish spot to mine for Titanium. Dig down to near bedrock and bring lots of dynamite to search for it.

    Finally, read any comments below. I may have missed something or gotten some things wrong. Cheers, thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/HolyGig
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    Do you do horde night in your main base or a separate horde night base?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    Personally I fight the horde in my main base. I feel like that way it's a little more realistic, and you have more to lose if they break through your defenses. What's everyone else's reasoning?

    Edit: Wow this blew up with votes, and I got my first award! Thanks everyone who's participated so far! Interesting to read about everyone's play-style.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/dasjunkya
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    If possible, how do I get the top pole to be directly on top of the bottom pole?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    How to give other people DM mode?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    I play on PC and I want to be able to have my friends have god mode so we can build together

    submitted by /u/pastelprincessbaby
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    I am quite infuriated.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    I am quite infuriated.

    Decided to make my base in a church. Went to upgrade the outer walls only to find out that I CANT. Now, I can upgrade the blocks on the left but not the right which is just even worse imo. I've done too much work to back down now, guess I'll just have cobblestone walls forever.


    submitted by /u/GhxstX0
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    Rotting flesh without killing anything

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:55 PM PDT

    I need a lot of rotting flesh for farm plots but I'm doing a sort of "peaceful" run with entity spawning off. How do I get lots of rotting flesh quickly without being able to kill anything?

    submitted by /u/GhxstX0
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    Exclusive prefabs in Romero mod?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:41 PM PDT

    I know that in Darkness Falls, you have to play one of the pregens or else you lose out on some exclusive POIs to that overhaul mod. Is this also the case with Romero or can I do a random gen map?

    submitted by /u/buttcrispy
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    Is there a level/skill requirement for getting engines from cars?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    In my single player game where I'm much farther along I get engines all the time when I dismantle cars, but in my multiplayer game I went searching for an engine to power our base and didn't get one no matter how many cars I destroyed. Do you need to be a certain level, or have a certain number of points in grease monkey, before engines start to drop?

    submitted by /u/-rba-
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    How I got my mate to rejoin me on the game after he initially quit playing

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    Haven't found any guns..

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    I'm playing on Day 12 and the only guns I've found have been blunderbusses :/ any reason why?

    submitted by /u/pastelprincessbaby
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    How to raise maximum HP/Stamina?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    Is there a specific combination of certain food/drinks to reach the 250/250 cap? I seem to be having trouble getting past 140ish max health/stamina.

    submitted by /u/alaserus
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    [PVP]Lewd Rats | 08.29 | 2.5x Loot 5x EXP

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 07:54 PM PDT

    [Hardcore PVP Server Started 08.29.21] -Server Features ♡ Custom Mods Made FOR The Server (Weapons, Armors, Furniture & Custom Perk System in the works!) ♡ Growing Active Community ♡ Official & Admin Ran Events ♡ Starter Kit Crate ♡ Sethomes & Teleport to Friends! ♡ Longtime Player & Supporter Ranks w/Rewards ♡ Custom Perks For Enhanced Gameplay. ♡ Chat Channels in Discord for Group! ♡ In-Game Rewards, /gimme, Shops! ♡ Regular Backups & Reboots ♡ View Server Map ♡ All Rules in Infopanel IN GAME!

    -Server Settings ♡ 8k Custom Map ♡ Med Difficulty Zombies w/Custom Zombies Mod! ♡ Loot Respawn 3 Days ♡ 24hr Airdrops ♡ EXP 5x & Loot 2.5x

    -PVP Map : Wiped 08.29.21 ♡ SOONTM

    -Mods ♡ Custom Hardcore Zombies ♡ Bigger Backpack ♡ Sethomes & Teleport to Friends! ♡ Custom Perks ♡ Starter Crate ♡ Higher Max Lvl & 2Pts Per Lvl Up ♡ 12 Craft Queue ♡ 3 Slot Forge

    -ALL MODS ARE SERVER SIDE AND DO NOT NEED TO BE DOWNLOADED ♡ Questions, Suggestions and more Information can be accessed in Discord! ♡ DISCORD —> /dGw52qnsxc

    submitted by /u/JokerQueen
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    LPT: Carry a bedroll around with you. If you know your about to die, place it down.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    Tips for playing on a PvP server

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    I will now shortly start fresh on an already established pvp server .

    What would you recommend?

    What's different to solo and pve play ?

    Tips and tricks?

    submitted by /u/atarignis
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    Good server hosting website?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    I'm looking to start up a dedicated server for me and a few mates, anyone have any good experiences from particular dedicated server hosts?

    submitted by /u/OngoingFee
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    Full map looting

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 03:17 AM PDT

    Has anyone ever wanted to get together a crew of like-minded people and loot an entire map?

    I've been playing A LOT of 7 Days for the past couple weeks and I haven't even BEGUN to clear out the little town I'm based in, let alone all the other towns and cities I have been finding while doing trader jobs. I did spend several IRL hours going down the street Jen is on and I got to the end of the street and just started around the corner, but that was just half of one street in one medium-sized town (i.e. a size up from the 2x2 block town)! I can't even imagine the dedication of time it would take to clear out every town/POI on the map...nor the amount of loot you would bring back! Probably have to have dedicated bases in every town just to store everything! lol

    (I've been doing a lot of cross-country motorcycling lately so have a lot of time to think about things like this. lol)

    submitted by /u/dragonmom1
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    Clip: Mini Rekt, of the Lollipop Guild

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 10:13 AM PDT

    Which overhaul to try?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 10:49 PM PDT

    Hi there

    I apologize for asking a question that is asked often, but I am hoping for some up to date feedback from the community as to which overhaul is worth investing time into?

    I played the vanilla game during a17, got to the point where I felt like there wasn't much left to do other than fight endless horde nights and then took a break from the game.

    I am interested in playing an overhaul, so I tried playing ravenhearst via the Vortex launcher, only to realize a few hours in that ravenhearst didn't install properly so I was actually just playing vanilla again.

    I recently installed Undead Legacy and it seems really cool, I've played for 2 in game days only so I haven't even scratched the surface but I like what I see so far, although I feel like the attack strength has been nerfed a lot.

    But when reading through this sub, I see a lot of talk about darkness falls. It looks like most people are playing it, and I don't want to invest time in undead legacy when darkness falls would be more fun.

    I know that people can only give mostly subjective answers to this but if you had limited time and wanted to have the most fun which overhaul would you play?

    I'm not worried about difficulty, I prefer when things are difficult as long as it's not impossible to play solo.

    submitted by /u/Istolesnowy
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    This is a compilation of Funny 7D2D Moments

    Posted: 01 Sep 2021 10:53 AM PDT

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